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Data Sources @Nyfsrwi$ThemesRevenue Watch Index 2010Revenue Watch Index 2012Data for RWI index 2012RWI index 2012 dataRWI Index and Tables Nov 20.xlsmTable of ContentsFull Data Raw -- ReceivedRaw Data for Download CalculationsIndexingEnabling EnvironmentSummary of Results MainWeighting ToolSummary of Results Components ScatterplotsState Owned CompaniesNatural Resource FundsSub-National TransfersRegions -- Color CodedRegions -- Not Color CodedRegional chartCountry TablesCountry ChartsStacked Charts (Full)Stacked Charts (Selection)Filtered Stacked ChartMineral v. Hysdrocarbon SOC TableYZ%Institutional & Legal SettingZ AfghanistanZReporting PracticesZAlgeriaZ#Safeguard & Quality ControlZAngolaZEnabling EnvironmentZ AustraliaZ AzerbaijanZBahrainZBoliviaZ BotswanaZ BrazilZ CambodiaZ CameroonZ CanadaZ ChileZ ChinaZColombiaZ-%Congo, The Democratic Republic of theZEcuadorZ EgyptZEquatorial GuineaZ GabonZ GhanaZGuineaZ IndiaZ IndonesiaZ"Iran (Islamic Republic of)Z IraqZ KazakhstanZKuwaitZLiberiaZ LibyaZ MalaysiaZ!MexicoZ"MongoliaZ#MoroccoZ$ MozambiqueZ%MyanmarZ&NigeriaZ'NorwayZ(Papua New GuineaZ )PeruZ* PhilippinesZ +QatarZ,Russian FederationZ- Saudi ArabiaZ. Sierra LeoneZ/ South AfricaZ 0SudanZ1TanzaniaZ2 Timor-LesteZ3Trinidad and TobagoZ4 TurkmenistanZ5United KingdomZ6 United StatesZ7 VenezuelaZ8VietnamZ 9YemenZ:ZambiaZ;ZimbabweZ<OverallZ=East Asia & PacificZ>Europe & Central AsiaZ!?Latin America & CaribbeanZ"@Middle East & North AfricaZ AOECDZB South AsiaZCSub-Saharan Africa@Nyfsrwi$ThemesRevenue Watch Index 2010Revenue Watch Index 2012Data for RWI index 2012RWI index 2012 dataRWI Index and Tables Jan 22 (Veronika)_original.xlsxTable of ContentsFull Data Raw -- ReceivedRaw Data for Download CalculationsIndexingEnabling EnvironmentSummary of Results MainWeighting ToolSummary of Results Components ScatterplotsState Owned CompaniesNatural Resource FundsSub-National TransfersRegions -- Color CodedRegions -- Not Color CodedCountry TablesCountry ChartsStacked Charts (Full)Stacked Charts (Selection)Filtered Stacked ChartSOC, NRF, transfers tablesYYYYY:Z  AfghanistanZ AlgeriaZ AngolaZ% Australia (Western Australia)Z  AzerbaijanZBahrainZBoliviaZBotswanaZBrazilZCambodiaZCameroonZCanada (Alberta)Z ChileZ ChinaZColombiaZ Congo (DRC)ZEcuadorZ EgyptZEquatorial GuineaZ GabonZ GhanaZGuineaZ IndiaZ  IndonesiaZ !IranZ "IraqZ# KazakhstanZ$KuwaitZ%LiberiaZ &LibyaZ'MalaysiaZ(MexicoZ)MongoliaZ*MoroccoZ+ MozambiqueZ,MyanmarZ-NigeriaZ.NorwayZ/Papua New GuineaZ 0PeruZ1 PhilippinesZ 2QatarZ3RussiaZ4 Saudi ArabiaZ5 Sierra LeoneZ6 South AfricaZ7 South SudanZ8TanzaniaZ9 Timor-LesteZ:Trinidad and TobagoZ; TurkmenistanZ<United KingdomZ&=United States (Gulf of Mexico)Z> VenezuelaZ?VietnamZ @YemenZAZambiaZBZimbabweYYYYY Y Y Y Y YYYYYYYk#T1. AmericasLive projectsHologicDeliverableDataEIU data (march 26)_update.xls Cover PageChart 1Chart 2datalistCGDPDGDPXRPDDCPIPOPNYPCAYPCPPDINHEAEOPORPDICN050Y050HEDNLEXPGPPTHBPTHSPEHSPRICGPIXGPReportDeathsSheet19Sheet2pubexprivexglobocanOECDotherYZ Cover pageZ Data to 2016Y1. AmericasLive projectsRio TintoModule I Labour supply indexModel draftsRioTinto_CLIENT_Draft_v0.1.9.8_23_December_2011.xlsuxbWorksiSummary tblIndicatorsWelcomeiMapRankContentsMapSummary iCountryMapsIndicator_RankingiGrouperIndicator_Ranking_verboseIndicator_ScoresGeography_ProfileGeography_DataData DataYearsScores tblCountries tblIndiSetsiRoundedScoresiRankiWeights CountryTextSourcesWeights iCountryPYYYYYYYYYY Y Y Y Y YYYYY4ZAlgeriaZAngolaZ ArgentinaZ AustraliaZAustralia: QueenslandZ"Australia: New South WalesZ%Australia: Northern TerritoryZ$ Australia: Western AustraliaZ  BangladeshZ BotswanaZ BrazilZ CameroonZCanadaZ%Canada: Northwest TerritoriesZCanada: QuebecZCanada: AlbertaZ ChileZ ChinaZColombiaZCongo, Dem. 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MadagascarZ"MalaysiaZ#MongoliaZ$ MozambiqueZ%NamibiaZ& New ZealandZ 'OmanZ(Papua New GuineaZ)ParaguayZ *PeruZ+ PhilippinesZ,Russian FederationZ-Russia: KamchatkaZ.SerbiaZ/ South AfricaZ0United KingdomZ1 United StatesZ2 UzbekistanZ3VietnamZ4ZambiaZ5ZimbabweYYYYYYYY'UsersTScurfield2AppDataLocalPackagesmicrosoft.windowscommunicationsapps_8wekyb3d8bbweLocalStateLiveComm655a2c93cdf49fe4120712-0049Att20001c43EITI data collection template v0 draft.xlsxCountry EITI report summary Country-level Project-levelSOE flowDropdown optionsYYYYY Z8 0Gov production entitlement (such as profit oil);Z# NOC production entitlement;Z- %Profits taxes including capital gainsZ  RoyaltiesZ  DividendsZD <Bonuses, such as signature, discovery and production bonusesZh `License fees, rental fees, entry fees and other considerations for licenses and/or concessions; Z Personal income taxZV NGeneral taxes on goods and services (value added tax, sales tax, turnover tax)Z6 .Customs and other import duties (import taxes)Z Excise taxes (on fuel)Z Other payments_UsersGiorgia CecchinatoAppDataRoamingMicrosoftExcelrgi_2013-compscores (version 1).xlsb3.Components scores tableY:Z'Norway Hydrocarbons4BrX@Z?United States (Gulf of Mexico) HydrocarbonsP`O!W@Z/United Kingdom Hydrocarbons}KU@Z;Australia (Western Australia) Minerals wOd!U@Z'Brazil HydrocarbonslݏS@Z'Mexico Hydrocarbons5#!S@Z1Canada (Alberta) Hydrocarbons%qS@Z"ChileMinerals"R@Z) Colombia HydrocarbonsCER@Z4 Trinidad and Tobago HydrocarbonsuCKsR@Z! 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Asia August 2012Mining;http://eiti.org/files/Afghanistan-2008-2009-EITI-Report.pdfxyesnoAfghanistan2009Afghanistan2010 October 2012;http://eiti.org/files/Afghanistan-2010-2011-EITI-Report.pdfAfghanistan2011September 2014Oil, Gas, Mining6http://eiti.org/files/Afghanistan_2011_EITI_Report.pdf Albania2009AlbaniaEurope and Central Asia March 2011 Oil, Mining2http://eiti.org/files/Albania-2009-EITI-Report.pdf Albania2010 December 20122http://eiti.org/files/Albania-2010-EITI-Report.pdf Albania2011 June 2014Chttp://eiti.org/files/20140701090023_eiti_report_2011_english_0.pdf Albania2012 December 2014<https://eiti.org/files/EITI%20Report%202012_English_SITE.pdfAzerbaijan2003 Azerbaijan February 2005Oil, Gas5http://eiti.org/files/Azerbaijan-2003-EITI-Report.pdfAzerbaijan2004 June 20055http://eiti.org/files/Azerbaijan-2004-EITI-Report.pdfAzerbaijan2005 June 20065http://eiti.org/files/Azerbaijan-2005-EITI-Report.pdfAzerbaijan2006 July 20075http://eiti.org/files/Azerbaijan-2006-EITI-Report.pdfAzerbaijan2007May 20085http://eiti.org/files/Azerbaijan-2007-EITI-Report.pdfAzerbaijan2008May 20095http://eiti.org/files/Azerbaijan-2008-EITI-Report.pdfAzerbaijan2009 April 2010;http://eiti.org/files/Azarbaijan%202009%20EITI%20Report.pdfAzerbaijan2010May 20117http://eiti.org/files/Azerbaijan-2010-EITI-Report_1.pdfAzerbaijan2011 June 20125http://eiti.org/files/Azerbaijan-2011-EITI-Report.pdfAzerbaijan2012 June 20135http://eiti.org/files/Azerbaijan-2012-EITI-Report.pdfBurkinaFaso2008 Burkina Faso Africa April 2011?https://eiti.org/files/Burkina-Faso-2008-2009-EITI-Report_0.pdfBurkinaFaso2009=https://eiti.org/files/Burkina-Faso-2008-2009-EITI-Report.pdfBurkinaFaso2010 July 20128https://eiti.org/files/Burkina-Faso-2010-EITI-Report.pdfBurkinaFaso2011 December 2013;https://eiti.org/files/Burkina-Faso-2011-EITI-Report_FR.pdfBurkinaFaso2012 Burkina FasoHhttps://eiti.org/files/2012%20Burkina%20Faso%20EITI%20Report%20Final.pdf Cameroon2001Cameroon October 2006OilJhttp://eiti.org/files/Cameroon%202001-2002-2003-2004%20EITI%20Report_0.pdf Cameroon2002 Cameroon2003 Cameroon2004 Cameroon2005 February 20073http://eiti.org/files/Cameroon-2005-EITI-Report.pdf Cameroon2006 June 2010?http://eiti.org/files/Cameroon-2006-2007-2008-EITI-Report_1.pdf Cameroon2007 Cameroon2008 Cameroon2009 April 2013;https://eiti.org/files/Cameroon-2009-EITI-Report-French.pdf Cameroon2010;https://eiti.org/files/Cameroon-2010-EITI-Report-French.pdf Cameroon2011 August 2013<https://eiti.org/files/Cameroon-2011-EITI-Report-English.pdf Cameroon2012Xhttps://eiti.org/files/Rapport%20-%20Conciliation%20ITIE%20Cameroon%202012%20Final_0.pdfCentralAfricanRepublic2006Central African Republic February 2009Nhttps://eiti.org/files/Central%20African%20Republic%202006%20EITI%20Report.pdfCentralAfricanRepublic2007 July 2010Uhttps://eiti.org/files/Central%20African%20Republic%202007-2009%20EITI%20Report_1.pdfCentralAfricanRepublic2008CentralAfricanRepublic2009CentralAfricanRepublic2010Dhttps://eiti.org/files/Central-African-Republic-2010-EITI-Report.pdfChad2007Chad/http://eiti.org/files/Chad-2007-EITI-Report.pdfChad2008/http://eiti.org/files/Chad-2008-EITI-Report.pdfChad2009/http://eiti.org/files/Chad-2009-EITI-Report.pdfChad2010May 2013/http://eiti.org/files/Chad-2010-EITI-Report.pdfChad2011/http://eiti.org/files/Chad-2011-EITI-Report.pdfChad2012 March 2014|http://eiti.org/files/Tchad%20EITI%20Report%202012%20RAPPORT%20DE%20RECONCILIATION%20VFIN%20DEFINITIVE%20%205%203%2014_0.pdfCoted'Ivoire2006 Cote d'Ivoire January 2010Dhttp://eiti.org/files/Cote%20dIvoire%202006-2007%20EITI%20Report.pdfCoted'Ivoire2007Fhttp://eiti.org/files/Cote%20dIvoire%202006-2007%20EITI%20Report_0.pdfCoted'Ivoire2008May 20127http://eiti.org/files/Cote-dIvoire-2008-EITI-Report.pdfCoted'Ivoire20097http://eiti.org/files/Cote-dIvoire-2009-EITI-Report.pdfCoted'Ivoire20107http://eiti.org/files/Cote-dIvoire-2010-EITI-Report.pdfCoted'Ivoire2011:http://eiti.org/files/Cote-dIvoire-2011-EITI-Report-FR.pdfCoted'Ivoire2012Bhttps://eiti.org/files/CDI%202012%20EITI%20Report%20Final%20MS.pdfDemocraticRepublicofCongo2007Democratic Republic of Congo November 20094http://eiti.org/files/DRC%202007%20EITI%20Report.pdfDemocraticRepublicofCongo2008 January 20129http://eiti.org/files/DRC%202008-2009%20EITI%20Report.pdfDemocraticRepublicofCongo2009;http://eiti.org/files/DRC%202008-2009%20EITI%20Report_0.pdfDemocraticRepublicofCongo2010 January 2013:http://eiti.org/files/Congo-DRC-2010-EITI-Report-ENG_0.pdfDemocraticRepublicofCongo2011http://www.itierdc.com/Publication_et_rapport/Rapport%20Complementaire%20ITIE-RDC%202011%20-%20version%20anglaise%20%28english%29.pdfDemocraticRepublicofCongo2012CongoJhttps://eiti.org/files/Rapport%20de%20Conciliation%20ITIE%20RDC%202012.pdfEquatorialGuinea2007Equatorial GuineaEquatorialGuinea2008 Gabon2004Gabon Gabon2005 Gabon2006 Ghana2004GhanaSeptember 2007=http://eiti.org/files/Ghana%202004-2008%20EITI%20Report_0.pdf Ghana2005 March 20086http://eiti.org/files/Ghana%202005%20EITI%20Report.pdf Ghana2006 August 20106http://eiti.org/files/Ghana%202006%20EITI%20Report.pdf Ghana20076http://eiti.org/files/Ghana%202007%20EITI%20Report.pdf Ghana20086http://eiti.org/files/Ghana%202008%20EITI%20Report.pdf Ghana2009 August 20116http://eiti.org/files/Ghana%202009%20EITI%20Report.pdf Ghana2010 February 2013vhttp://eiti.org/files/Ghana-2010-2011-EITI-Report.pdf; http://eiti.org/files/Ghana-2010-2011-Oil%26Gas-EITI-Report.pdf Ghana2011 Ghana2012Fhttps://eiti.org/files/2012-2013_Final_Oil_and_Gas_Sector_Report_0.pdf Ghana2013 Guatemala2010 GuatemalaLatin America and CaribbeanChttp://eiti.org/files/Guatemala-2010-2011-EITI-Report-Spanish_0.pdf Guatemala20119http://eiti.org/files/Guatemala-2010-2011-EITI-Report.pdf Guinea2005Guinea 7http://eiti.org/files/Guinea%202005%20EITI%20Report.pdf Guinea2006 March 20121http://eiti.org/files/Guinea-2006-EITI-Report.pdf Guinea20071http://eiti.org/files/Guinea-2007-EITI-Report.pdf Guinea20081http://eiti.org/files/Guinea-2008-EITI-Report.pdf Guinea20091http://eiti.org/files/Guinea-2009-EITI-Report.pdf Guinea20101http://eiti.org/files/Guinea-2010-EITI-Report.pdf Guinea20114http://eiti.org/files/Guinea-2011-EITI-Report-FR.pdf Guinea20124http://eiti.org/files/Guinea-2012-EITI-Report-FR.pdf Indonesia2009 IndonesiaEast Asia and Pacific4http://eiti.org/files/Indonesia_2009_EITI_Report.pdf Indonesia2010May 2014zhttp://eiti.org/files/EITI-2010-2011-oil-final.pdf; http://eiti.ekon.go.id/en/laporan-eiti-2010-2011-minerba/?aid=604&sa=1 Indonesia2011Iraq2009IraqMiddle East and North Africa November 20115http://eiti.org/files/Iraq%202009%20EITI%20Report.pdfIraq2010Yhttp://eiti.org/files/IEITI%202010%20English%20Final%20Report%20%2815%20May%202013%29.pdfIraq2011/http://eiti.org/files/Iraq-2011-EITI-Report.pdfIraq2012Ehttps://eiti.org/files/IEITI%20Final%20Report%202012%20%20English.pdfKazakhstan2005 November 2007<https://eiti.org/files/Kazakhstan%202005%20EITI%20Report.pdf not specifiedKazakhstan2006 November 2008<https://eiti.org/files/Kazakhstan%202006%20EITI%20Report.pdfKazakhstan2007<https://eiti.org/files/Kazakhstan%202007%20EITI%20Report.pdfKazakhstan2008<https://eiti.org/files/Kazakhstan%202008%20EITI%20Report.pdfKazakhstan2009<https://eiti.org/files/Kazakhstan%202009%20EITI%20Report.pdfKazakhstan20106https://eiti.org/files/Kazakhstan-2010-EITI-Report.pdf< Kazakhstan20116https://eiti.org/files/Kazakhstan-2011-EITI-Report.pdfKazakhstan2012 Kazakhstan>https://eiti.org/files/EITI-Report-2012-Kazakhstan%20ANNEX.pdfKazakhstan2013<https://eiti.org/files/EITI-2013-Report-Kazakhstan_Annex.pdfKyrgyzRepublic2004Kyrgyz RepublicDhttp://eiti.org/files/Kyrgyz%20Republic%202008%20EITI%20Report_0.pdfKyrgyzRepublic2005KyrgyzRepublic2006KyrgyzRepublic2007KyrgyzRepublic2008KyrgyzRepublic2009 July 2011Bhttp://eiti.org/files/Kyrgyz%20Republic%202009%20EITI%20Report.pdfKyrgyzRepublic2010KyrgyzRepublic20117http://eiti.org/files/Kyrgyzstan-2011-EITI-Report-2.pdfKyrgyzRepublic2012 April 20145http://eiti.org/files/Kyrgyzstan-2012-EITI-Report.pdf Liberia2008Liberia January 2009Oil, Mining, ForestryOhttp://eiti.org/files/Liberia%20Jul%202007%20-%20Jun%202008%20EITI%20Report.pdf Liberia2009"Oil, Mining, Forestry, AgricultureOhttp://eiti.org/files/Liberia%20Jul%202008%20-%20Jun%202009%20EITI%20Report.pdf Liberia2010 January 2011Ohttp://eiti.org/files/Liberia%20Jul%202009%20-%20Jun%202010%20EITI%20Report.pdf Liberia20112http://eiti.org/files/Liberia-2011-EITI-Report.pdf Liberia20125http://eiti.org/files/EITI_Report_Liberia_2011-12.pdfMadagascar2007 MadagascarXhttp://eiti.org/files/Madagascar%202007-2008-2009-%28Jan-June2010%29%20EITI%20Report.pdfMadagascar2008Zhttp://eiti.org/files/Madagascar%202007-2008-2009-%28Jan-June2010%29%20EITI%20Report_0.pdfMadagascar2009Zhttp://eiti.org/files/Madagascar%202007-2008-2009-%28Jan-June2010%29%20EITI%20Report_1.pdfMadagascar2010September 20125http://eiti.org/files/Madagascar-2010-EITI-Report.pdfMadagascar2011September 2013^http://eiti.org/files/Rapport%20FINAL%20EITI%20Madagascar%20-%20Exercice%202011%20-%20FR_0.pdfMali2006Mali5http://eiti.org/files/Mali%202006%20EITI%20Report.pdfMali2007:http://eiti.org/files/Mali%202007-2008%20EITI%20Report.pdfMali2008<http://eiti.org/files/Mali%202007-2008%20EITI%20Report_0.pdfMali2009 Mining, Oil5http://eiti.org/files/Mali%202009%20EITI%20Report.pdfMali2010/http://eiti.org/files/Mali-2010-EITI-Report.pdfMali20112http://eiti.org/files/Mali-2011-EITI-Report-FR.pdfMali2012Shttps://eiti.org/files/Rapport%20Final%20de%20Conciliation%20ITIE%20Mali%202012.pdfMauritania2005 Mauritania;http://eiti.org/files/Mauritania%202005%20EITI%20Report.pdfMauritania2006 June 2007;http://eiti.org/files/Mauritania%202006%20EITI%20Report.pdfMauritania2007 June 2011;http://eiti.org/files/Mauritania%202007%20EITI%20Report.pdfMauritania2008Mauritania2009September 2011;http://eiti.org/files/Mauritania%202009%20EITI%20Report.pdfMauritania20105http://eiti.org/files/Mauritania-2010-EITI-Report.pdfMauritania20115http://eiti.org/files/Mauritania-2011-EITI-Report.pdfMauritania2012Xhttps://eiti.org/files/Rapport%20final%20-%20Conciliation%20ITIE%20Mauritanie%202012.pdf Mongolia2006Mongolia December 20079http://eiti.org/files/Mongolia%202006%20EITI%20Report.pdf Mongolia2007 October 20099http://eiti.org/files/Mongolia%202007%20EITI%20Report.pdf Mongolia2008May 20109http://eiti.org/files/Mongolia%202008%20EITI%20Report.pdf Mongolia20099http://eiti.org/files/Mongolia%202009%20EITI%20Report.pdf Mongolia20108http://eiti.org/files/Mongolia-2010-EITI-Report-FULL.pdf Mongolia2011 November 20129http://eiti.org/files/Mongolia-2011-EITI-Report-PartI.pdf Mongolia20123http://eiti.org/files/Mongolia-2012-EITI-Report.pdf Mongolia2013Uhttps://eiti.org/files/Shorter%20PDF%20MEITI%20Report-English%20Master_final_2013.pdfMozambique2008 Mozambique Gas, Mining;http://eiti.org/files/Mozambique%202008%20EITI%20Report.pdfMozambique20095http://eiti.org/files/Mozambique-2009-EITI-Report.pdf5http://eiti.org/files/Mozambique-2011-EITI-Report.pdfMozambique20105http://eiti.org/files/Mozambique-2010-EITI-Report.pdf Niger2005NigerSeptember 2009;http://eiti.org/files/Niger%202005-2006%20EITI%20Report.pdf Niger2006=http://eiti.org/files/Niger%202005-2006%20EITI%20Report_0.pdf Niger2007 December 2010Bhttp://eiti.org/files/Niger%202007-2008-2009%20EITI%20Report_1.pdf Niger2008Bhttp://eiti.org/files/Niger%202007-2008-2009%20EITI%20Report_0.pdf Niger2009@http://eiti.org/files/Niger%202007-2008-2009%20EITI%20Report.pdf Niger20100http://eiti.org/files/Niger-2010-EITI-Report.pdf Niger20118http://eiti.org/files/4eme_rapport_itie_niger_2011_0.pdf Niger2012Dhttps://eiti.org/files/Rapport%20du00E9finitif%20collecte%202012.pdf Nigeria1999NigeriaChttps://eiti.org/files/Nigeria%201999-%202004%20EITI%20Report_4.pdf Nigeria2000 Nigeria2001 Nigeria2002 Nigeria2003 Nigeria2004 Nigeria2005September 20089https://eiti.org/files/Nigeria%202005%20EITI%20Report.pdf Nigeria2006Chttps://eiti.org/files/Nigeria%202006-2007-2008%20EITI%20Report.pdf Nigeria2007 Nigeria2008 Nigeria2009Vhttps://eiti.org/files/NEITI-EITI-Core-Audit-Report-Oil-Gas-2009-2011-310113-New_0.pdf Nigeria2010 Nigeria20119January 2013 (oil & gas report); May 2014 (mining report)https://eiti.org/files/NEITI-EITI-Core-Audit-Report-Oil-Gas-2009-2011-310113-New_0.pdf; http://eiti.org/files/2011%20SMA%20FINAL%20CORE%20EITI%20REPORT.pdf Nigeria20124https://eiti.org/files/Nigeria-SMA-Report-2012_0.pdf Norway2008Norway7http://eiti.org/files/Norway%202008%20EITI%20Report.pdf Norway2009 October 20101http://eiti.org/files/Norway-2009-EITI-Report.pdf Norway2010 April 2012;http://eiti.org/files/Norway-2010-EITI-Report-Norwegian.pdf Norway2011dhttp://www.regjeringen.no/upload/OED/pdf%20filer/EITI/1269981599_670670_EITIrapport_2012_engelsk.pdf Norway20121http://eiti.org/files/Norway-2012-EITI-report.pdfPeru2004Peru:http://eiti.org/files/Peru%202004-2007%20EITI%20Report.pdfPeru2005Peru2006Peru2007Peru2008 December 2011:http://eiti.org/files/Peru%202008-2010%20EITI%20Report.pdfPeru2009Peru2010Peru2011 February 20144http://eiti.org/files/Peru-2011-2012-EITI-Report.pdfPeru20126http://eiti.org/files/Peru-2011-2012-EITI-Report_0.pdfRepublicOfTheCongo2004Republic of the Congo August 2008>http://eiti.org/files/Congo-Rep-2004-2005-2006-EITI-Report.pdfRepublicOfTheCongo2005 August 2009@http://eiti.org/files/Congo-Rep-2004-2005-2006-EITI-Report_0.pdfRepublicOfTheCongo2006@http://eiti.org/files/Congo-Rep-2004-2005-2006-EITI-Report_1.pdfRepublicOfTheCongo2007Phttp://eiti.org/files/Republic%20of%20Congo%202007-2008-2009%20EITI%20Report.pdfRepublicOfTheCongo2008Rhttp://eiti.org/files/Republic%20of%20Congo%202007-2008-2009%20EITI%20Report_0.pdfRepublicOfTheCongo2009Rhttp://eiti.org/files/Republic%20of%20Congo%202007-2008-2009%20EITI%20Report_1.pdfRepublicOfTheCongo2010Fhttp://eiti.org/files/Republic%20of%20Congo%202010%20EITI%20Report.pdfRepublicOfTheCongo20116http://eiti.org/files/Congo-Rep-2011-EITI-Report-2.pdfRepublicOfTheCongo20129http://eiti.org/files/EITI%20REPORT%202012-CONGO%20B..pdfRepublicOfTheCongo2013ahttps://eiti.org/files/Fair%20Links%20-%20Congo%20-%20ITIE%202013%20-%20Rapport%20ITIE%202013.pdfSierra Leone2006 Sierra Leone February 2010Dhttp://eiti.org/files/Sierra%20Leone%202006-2007%20EITI%20Report.pdfSierra Leone2007Sierra Leone2008>http://eiti.org/files/Sierra-Leone-2008-2010-EITI-Report_1.pdfSierra Leone2009Sierra Leone2010Sierra Leone2011Mhttp://eiti.org/files/SLEITI%20Reconciliation%20Report%202011%20-%20Final.pdf Tanzania2009TanzaniaMhttp://eiti.org/files/Tanzania%20Jul%202008-%20Jun%202009%20EITI%20Report.pdf Tanzania20103http://eiti.org/files/Tanzania-2010-EITI-Report.pdf Tanzania20113http://eiti.org/files/Tanzania-2011-EITI-Report.pdf Tanzania20123http://eiti.org/files/Tanzania_2012_EITI_Report.pdfTimorLeste2008 Timor Leste>http://eiti.org/files/Timor-Leste%20EITI%202008%20report_0.pdfTimorLeste2009 February 2011<http://eiti.org/files/Timor-Leste%202009%20EITI%20Report.pdfTimorLeste2010TimorLeste20116http://eiti.org/files/Timor-Leste-2011-EITI-Report.pdf< Togo2010Togo February 2012Oil, Mining, Other/http://eiti.org/files/Togo-2010-EITI-Report.pdfTogo20112http://eiti.org/files/Togo-2011-EITI-Report-FR.pdfTogo2012Ihttps://eiti.org/files/2012%20Togo%20EITI%20Report%20Moore%20Stephens.pdfTrinidad&Tobago2011Trinidad & TobagoAhttp://eiti.org/files/FINAL-TTEITI-reconciliation-report-2011.pdf Yemen2005YemenSeptember 2010@http://eiti.org/files/Yemen%202005-2006-2007%20EITI%20Report.pdf Yemen2006 Yemen2007 Yemen2008http://eiti.org/files/Yemen-2008-2009-2010-EITI-Report_1.pdf; http://www.yemeneiti.org/english/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/APPENDICES_Final-Edition.pdf Yemen2009 Yemen2010 Yemen2011*http://eiti.org/files/YEM3_11_apr_2014.pdf Zambia2008Zambia7http://eiti.org/files/Zambia%202008%20EITI%20Report.pdf Zambia20091http://eiti.org/files/Zambia-2009-EITI-Report.pdf Zambia2010shttp://eiti.org/files/Zambia-2010-EITI-Report.pdf; http://eiti.org/files/zambia/Zambia-EITI-2010-Report-Annexes.pdf Zambia20111http://eiti.org/files/Zambia-2011-EITI-Report.pdf Zambia2012 November 2014Jhttps://eiti.org/files/zeiti_2012_reconciliation_final_report_18_12_14.pdf Zambia2013^https://eiti.org/files/zeiti_2013_reconciliation_final_report_18_12_14%20%281%29%20%282%29.pdf!On EITI website for each country:!http://eiti.org/countries/reports For example:http://eiti.org/Nigeria Country NameGas CommodityPricePer Unit(Payments Made by Covered Companies (US$)Commentshttp://aeiti.af/ Total MiningeProfits/Taxes, Royalties, Bonuses, Licenses and concessions, Other significant benefits to government-Afghanistan AfghaniAfghan Investment Company (AIC), Brotheran Khoshak (Khoshak Brothers), MJAM MCC-JCL Aynak Minerals Company Ltd, North Coal Enterprise (NCE), Wens LogisticsMoore StephensThe report covers the fiscal period 1387 (21 March 2008  20 March 2009). Materiality threshold: All mining companies, regardless of whether they are state owned or private or whether they pay non-tax or tax or both, whose annual payments to the Government equal or exceed 7.5 million Afghanis should be reconciled. Disaggregation by      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ commodity is only indirect through disaggregation by company, and therefore limited. Unilateral declarations are not included in the figures. Resolved discrepancies are not included in the final figures, but there is insufficent information to add these retrospectively. The North Coal Enterprise (NCE) is a SOC.CementtUS$/tVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2010, and is the average mill price for cement in the US, adjusted to account for the fiscal year.Afghan investment company (AIC)ChromiteVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2012, and is the price in the US for the gross mass of chromite ore, adjusted to account for the fiscal year.CoalVolume from EIA, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from BPSR 2014, and is an average of the American Central Appalachian, Asian and Northwest Europe marker/spot prices, adjusted to account for the fiscal year.bAfghan Investment Company (AIC), Brotheran Khoshak (Khoshak Brothers), North Coal Enterprise (NCE)CopperOVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, adjusted to account for the fiscal year'MJAM MCC-JCL Aynak Minerals Company LtdGypsumVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the average f.o.b. price for crude and calcined products, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Salt (rock)Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the average f.o.b. mine and plant price for bulk, pellets and packaged rock salt, adjusted to account for the fiscal year.Wens LogisticsTalcVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the price for the processed product in the US, adjusted to account for the fiscal year.Afghan Investment Company (AIC), Brotheran Khoshak (Khoshak Brothers), Mesaq Sharq, MJAM MCC-JCL Aynak Minerals Company Ltd, North Coal Enterprise (NCE), Wens LogisticsThe report covers the fiscal period 1388 (21 March 2009  20 March 2010). Materiality threshold: All mining companies, regardless of whether they are state owned or private or whether they pay non-tax or tax or both, whose annual payments to the Government equal or exceed 7.5 million Afghanis should be reconciled. Disaggregation by commodity is only indirect through disaggregation by company, and therefore limited. Unilateral declarations are not included in the figures. Resolved discerpancies are not included in the final figures, but there is insufficent information to add these retrospectively. The North Coal Enterprise (NCE) is a SOC.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2014, and is the average mill price for cement in the US, adjusted to account for the fiscal year.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the price in the US for the gross mass of chromite ore, adjusted to account for the fiscal year.\Profits/Taxes, Royalties, Licenses and concessions, Other significant benefits to governmentThe report covers the fiscal period 1389 (21 March 2010  20 March 2011). Materiality threshold: All mining companies, regardless of whether they are state owned or private or whether they pay non-tax or tax or both, whose annual payments to the Government equal or exceed 7.5 million Afghanis should be reconciled. Disaggregation by commodity is only indirect through disaggregation by company, and therefore limited. Unilateral declarations are not included in the figures. Resolved discerpancies are not included in the final figures, but there is insufficent information to add these retrospectively. The North Coal Enterprise (NCE) is a SO< C.oAfghan Investment Company (AIC), Brotheran Khoshak (Khoshak Brothers), Mesaq Sharq, North Coal Enterprise (NCE)Total Oil, Gas, Mining!Profits/Taxes, Royalties, BonusesiNorthern Coal Enterprise, Afghan Gas Enterprise, MCC-JCL Aynak Minerals Company, Afghan Investment Company, Technologist Company, Korea Road Construction Company, Hewadwal Road Construction Company, Khushak Brothers Company, Meesaq Sharq Company, West Land General Trading, Salim Karwan, Kod Barq, China National Petroleum Company CNPCI-W, Equity Capital GroupThe report covers the fiscal period 1390 (21 March 2011  20 March 2012). Materiality threshold: companies which have made payments of at least 2 million Afghanis should be reconciled. Disaggregation by commodity is only indirect through disaggregation by company, and therefore limited. The North Coal Enterprise (NCE) and two gas companies, Afghan Gas Enterprise and Kod-e-Barq, are SOCs.Total Oil & GasIAfghan Gas Enterprise, Kod Barq, China National Petroleum Company CNPCI-WmUS$/mVolume from EIA, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from BPSR 2014, and is an average of the UK, US and Canada Indices for natural gas, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Afghan Gas Enterprise, Kod Barq bbl8Volume from EIA, adjusted to account for the fiscal year(China National Petroleum Company CNPCI-WNorthern Coal Enterprise, Afghan Investment Company (AIC), Khushak Brothers Company, Meesaq Sharq Company, Technologist Company, Korea Road Construction Company, Hewadwal Road Construction Company, Salim Karwan, MCC-JCL Aynak Minerals Company, Equity Capital GroupAfghan Investment Company (AIC)kNorthern Coal Enterprise, Afghan Investment Company (AIC), Khushak Brothers Company, Meesaq Sharq Company, Construction stonegTechnologist Company, Korea Road Construction Company, Hewadwal Road Construction Company, Salim KarwanFThese commodities are not mentioned in the USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012.MCC-JCL Aynak Minerals CompanyMarbleVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, and is the price in the US for crushed marble, adjusted to account for the fiscal year.Equity Capital Grouphttp://www.albeiti.org/Total Oil, Mining3Host government's production entitlement, RoyaltiesNo%United States Dollar and Albanian LekBUnknown quantity of bbl of oil - only the value is given in reportHAlbpetrol, Bankers Petroleum, Capricorn Albania, IEC Visoka, Island International Exploration, Manas Adriatic, Sherwood Internationl, Sky Petroleum, Stream Oil and Gas, ACR/Albanian Chrome, Alb-Canaj, Alba-Co, Alfa Nikel, Ateani, Balkan Resources, Ber Alb, Bledi, Egi-K, Empire Mining Albania, Fabirka e Pasurimit te Kromit, Geri Trevi, Herbi, 11 Heronjte e Batres, Isaku, Jab Resources, K-12, Klosi, Koka, Krypi, L.B.M., Neli, Prodhime Karbonike, Ral, Rej, Shkalla, Mineral Tadri, Tirex Exploration, Xhireton, Ylberi, YZO, Zguri, Dollar Oil, Gentari, Geri's 2002, Klervibris, Shkembi Fair Links15-16The report uses US dollars for oil payments, and the local currency, the Albanian Lek, for mining payments.Materiality threshold: All active oil & gas companies should be reconciled; Mining companies should be reconciled depending on their level of production. The report doesn't distinguish between oil and gas companies. It is unclear whether unilateral declarations are included in the figures. Payments made to Albpetrol, a SOC, accounted for 44% of total revenues. The 2010 Report gives total mining sector revenues for 2009, but this figure is actually less than the revenues reconciled in the 2009 Report. It is therefore assumed that the reconciled revenues account for all mining revenues in 2009.US$/bblVolume from EITI Report. Price from BPSR 2014, and is an average of the spot prices for Brent, Dubai, Nigerian Forcados and West Texas Intermediate crude oil, adjusted to account for the price given in the 2011 EITI Report being 65.35% of this in 2011.Albpetrol, Bankers Petroleum, Capricorn Albania, IEC Visoka, Island International Exploration, Manas Adriatic, Sherwood Internationl, Sky Petroleum, Stream Oil and Gas4, 15ACR/Albanian Chrome, Alb-Canaj, Alba-Co, Alfa Nikel, Ateani, Balkan Resources, Ber Alb, Bledi, Egi-K, Empire Mining Albania, Fabirka e Pasurimit te Kromit,Geri Trevi, Herbi, 11 Heronjte e Batres, Isaku, Jab Resources, K-12, Klosi, Koka, Krypi, L.B.M., Neli, Prodhime Karbonike, Ral, Rej, Shkalla, Mineral Tadri, Tirex Exploration, Xhireton, Ylberi, YZO, Zguri, Dollar Oil, Gentari, Geri's 2002, Klervibris, ShkembiVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the price in the US for the gross mass of chromite ore.5ACR/Albanian Chrome, Alb-Canaj, Alba-Co, Ateani, Bledi, Egi-K, Empire Mining Albania, Fabirka e Pasurimit te Kromit, Geri Trevi, Herbi, 11 Heronjte e Batres, Isaku, Jab Resources, Klosi, Koka, Krypi, L.B.M., Neli, Ral, Shkalla, Mineral Tadri, Xhireton, Ylberi, Zguri, Gentari, Geri's 2002, Klervibris, ShkembiPrice from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is defined as: Copper (LME), grade A, minimum 99.9935% purity, cathodes and wire bar shapes, settlement price.+Ber Alb, Tirex Exploration, Balkan Resorceso/w Copper ore&Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012o/w Copper content of oreNickelPrice from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is defined as: Nickel (LME), cathodes, minimum 99.8% purity, settlement price beginning 2005; previously cash price.LAlfa Nikel, Dollar Oil, K-12, Prodhime Karbonike, Rej, YZO, Balkan Resources'o/w Iron-nickel and nickel-silicate oreo/w Nickel content of oresState-owned company production entitlement, Profits/Taxes, Royalties, Dividends, Bonuses, Other significant benefits to governmentBankers Petroleum, Stream Oil & Gas, IEC Visoka, Capricorn Albania (subsidiary of Cairn), Island International Exploration (subsidiary of San Leon Energy plc), Manas Adriatic (subsidiary of DWM then Petromanas Energy Inc.), Sherwood International Petroleum Ltd (subsidiary of Bankers Petroleum), Sky Petroleum, Albpetrol, Albanian Chrome shpk, BerAlba shpk, Empire Mining, Jab Resources, Balkan Resources, Cougar Mining, Tirex Exploration, Afrimi-k, Alb-Canaj, Algej shpk, Ateani shpk, Bytyci, Egi-K, Elidon - 06, Ernisi shpk, Fabrika e Pasurimit te Kromit, Florida shpk, Gentari, Gjoni shpk, Herbi, Info Metal Plast al shpk, Klervibris shpk, Klosi shpk, Koka shpk, Aren 2003, Alb Xhoi, Koxheri shpk, Krasta shpk, Kromex Import Export, Lahaze, Lamnica shpk, Leshnica, Marei shpk, Mineral - Invest shpk, Miniera e kromit katjel, Neli, Ral shpk, Runja, Shkalla shpk, Shkembi shpk, Tadri shpk, Tollja, Vellazeria shpk, Ylberi shpk, Selenice Bitumi sha, Alb Tiefbau, Antea cement, Babasi coo shpk, F. Kruja cement factory, Makaresh shpk, Salillari shpk, Shkodra intert, Stone Production, Vellezerit Llupo shpk, B & b Stone, Dks Group shpk, Albitoil shpk, Prodhime Karbonike sha, Arsi shpk, Klervibris shpk14-15The report uses US dollars for oil payments, and the local currency, the Albanian Lek, for mining payments. Materiality threshold: All active oil & gas companies should be reconciled; All large-scale mining companies, and all other mining companies with a turnover greater than 50 million Leks, should be reconciled. The report doesn't distinguish between oil and gas companies. It is unclear whether unilateral declarations are included in the figures. Payments made to Albpetrol, a SOC, accounted for 39% of total revenues. @Bankers Petroleum, Stream Oil & Gas, IEC Visoka, Capricorn Albania (subsidiary of Cairn), Island International Exploration (subsidiary of San Leon En< ergy plc), Manas Adriatic (subsidiary of DWM then Petromanas Energy Inc.), Sherwood International Petroleum Ltd (subsidiary of Bankers Petroleum), Sky Petroleum, Albpetrol7, 14oAlbanian Chrome shpk, BerAlba shpk, Empire Mining, Jab Resources, Balkan Resources, Cougar Mining, Tirex Exploration, Afrimi-k, Alb-Canaj, Algej shpk, Ateani shpk, Bytyci, Egi-K, Elidon - 06, Ernisi shpk, Fabrika e Pasurimit te Kromit, Florida shpk, Gentari, Gjoni shpk, Herbi, Info Metal Plast al shpk, Klervibris shpk, Klosi shpk, Koka shpk, Aren 2003, Alb Xhoi, Koxheri shpk, Krasta shpk, Kromex Import Export, Lahaze, Lamnica shpk, Leshnica, Marei shpk, Mineral - Invest shpk, Miniera e kromit katjel, Neli, Ral shpk, Runja, Shkalla shpk, Shkembi shpk, Tadri shpk, Tollja, Vellazeria shpk, Ylberi shpk, Selenice Bitumi sha, Alb Tiefbau, Antea cement, Babasi coo shpk, F. Kruja cement factory, Makaresh shpk, Salillari shpk, Shkodra intert, Stone Production, Vellezerit Llupo shpk, B & b Stone, Dks Group shpk, Albitoil shpk, Prodhime Karbonike sha, Arsi shpk, Klervibris shpkAlbanian Chrome shpk, Empire Mining, Jab Resources, Afrimi-k, Alb-Canaj, Algej shpk, Ateani shpk, Bytyci, Egi-K, Elidon - 06, Ernisi shpk, Fabrika e Pasurimit te Kromit, Florida shpk, Gentari, Gjoni shpk, Herbi, Info Metal Plast al shpk, Klervibris shpk, Klosi shpk, Koka shpk, Koxheri shpk, Krasta shpk, Kromex Import Export, Lahaze, Lamnica shpk, Leshnica, Marei shpk, Mineral - Invest shpk, Miniera e kromit katjel, Neli, Ral shpk, Runja, Shkalla shpk, Shkembi shpk, Tadri shpk, Tollja, Vellazeria shpk, Ylberi shpk@BerAlba shpk, Balkan Resources, Cougar Mining, Tirex Explorationo/w Copper content LimestoneVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2010, and is the price in the US for crushed limestone.Alb Tiefbau, Antea cement, Babasi coo shpk, Makaresh shpk, Salillari shpk, Shkodra intert, Stone Production, Vellezerit Llupo shpkHThe EITI report a production volume of 2.3 million m3 for the limestone.%Balkan Resources, Aren 2003, Alb xhoio/w Nickel contentTotal,Profits/Taxes, Royalties, Dividends, BonusesBankers Petroleum Albania Ltd, Dega Ne Shqiperi E Stream Oil & Gas Ltd, Petromanas Albania GmbH, San Leon Durressi B.V., Sky Petroleum - Albanian Branch, Albpetrol, Beralb Sh.A., Albchrome Sh.p.k., Salillari Sh.p.k., Egi-K Sh.p.k., Miniera E Kromit Katjel Sh.p.k., Shkalla Sh.p.k., Fabrika E Pasurmit Te Kromit Bulqize Sh.p.k., Ernisi Sh.p.k., Fushe Kruja Cement Factory Sh.p.k., Gentari Sh.p.k., Kromex Sh.p.k., Koka Sh.p.k., Herbi Sh.p.k., Heidorn & Binjaku Sh.p.k., Antea Cement Sh.A., Stone Production Sh.p.k., Alb-Canaj Sh.p.k., 11 Heronjte Bater Sh.p.k., Drini Bulqize Sh.p.k., Gjoni Sh.p.k., Shpresa - Al Sh.p.k., Isaku Sh.p.k., Favina Sh.p.k., Klosi Sh.p.k., Bytyci Sh.p.k., Rej Sh.A., Vellazeria Sh.p.k., Gerold Sh.p.k., Ral Sh.p.k., Rier Sh.p.k., Prodhme Karbonike Sh.a., United Quarries Sh.p.k., Alb-Xhoi Sh.p.k., Kuarci Blace Sh.p.k., Runja Sh.p.k., Babasi Coo Sh.p.k., Feni Korca Sh.A., Neli Sh.p.k., Ervin Sh.p.k., Aris Albania Sh.p.k., Leshnica Sh.p.k., Krasta Sh.p.k., Lubima Sh.p.k., Ra Krom - Tirana Sh.k.p., Koxheri Sh.p.k., Lamnia Sh.p.k., Latomia Tirana Sh.A., Elidon - 06 Sh.p.k., Jab Resoucres Sh.p.k., Bakan Resources Sh.p.k., Tirex Explorations Sh.p.., Knauf - Tirana Sh.p.k., Other entitiesDeloitte3, 4The report uses US dollars for oil payments, and the local currency, the Albanian Lek, for mining payments. Materiality threshold: All active oil & gas companies should be reconciled; All mining companies with a revenue of at least US$750,000, and all other mining companies that produce a mineral-specific volume, should be reconciled. The report notes that 67 companies were asked to report, but only 58 are named. The report doesn't distinguish between oil and gas companies, or between mining companies producing different commodities. Unilateral declarations are included in the figures. Oil and gas revenues reported account for 100% of the cashflows contributed by the sector for the selcted revenue streams. Mining revenues reported account for 50% of the cashflows contributed by the sector for the selected revenue streams, but the mining companies covered account for 71.4% of the production value of the sector in 2011, which is given in the report as US$217,469,880. Given the production value of the mining sector is given in the report, production information for individual mining commodities has not been collected. Payments made to Albpetrol, a SOC, accounted for 39% of total revenues. Volume and price from EITI Report. Price is based on the reported volume and value of production (and is 65.35% of the average of the spot prices for Brent, Dubai, Nigerian Forcados and West Texas Intermediate crude oil).Bankers Petroleum Albania Ltd, Dega Ne Shqiperi E Stream Oil & Gas Ltd, Petromanas Albania GmbH, San Leon Durressi B.V., Sky Petroleum - Albanian Branch, Albpetrol3, 4, 11BitumenChromium production value given in EITI report (p. 10). The report also includes the % contribution of each mineral to total production value. #Profits/Taxes, Royalties, Dividends Albanian Lek Bankers Petroleum Albania Ltd., Dega n Shqipri e Stream Oil & Gas Ltd., Sherwood International Petroleum Ltd., Transoil Group - Dega n Shqipri, Petromanas Albania GmbH, Capricorn Albania Limited, San Leon Durrsi B.V., Emanuelle Adriatic Energy Ltd., Fushe Kruja Cement Factory Sh.p.k., Antea Cement Sh.a., Babasi COO Sh.p.k., Beralb Sh.a., United Quarries, Sh.p.k., Gerold Sh.p.k., Miniera e Kromit Katjel Sh.p.k., Bytyi Sh.p.k., Ernisi Sh.p.k., Vllazria Sh.p.k., Cahani Sh.p.k., Leshnica Sh.p.k., Nika BL Sh.p.k., Lamnica Sh.p.k., Albchrome Sh.p.k., Koka Sh.p.k., Egi - K Sh.p.k., Zasha Sh.p.k., Runja Sh.p.k., Gjoni Sh.p.k., Gentari Sh.p.k., Fabrika e Pasurimit t Kromit Bulqiz Sh.p.k., Isaku Sh.p.k., Rier Sh.p.k., Alb - Canaj Sh.p.k., Herbi Sh.p.k., Klosi Sh.p.k., Krasta Sh.p.k., Koxheri Sh.p.k., Kuarci Blace Sh.p.k., Neli Sh.p.k., Lubima Sh.p.k., Favina Sh.p.k., Ral Sh.p.k. Shkalla Sh.p.k., Bledi Sh.p.k., Aliaj Group Sh.p.k. Romes Sh.p.k., Tili Inert Sh.p.k., Grenast Sh.p.k., Minex Sh.p.k., Brisel Sh.p.k., Albanisa - Krypi Sh.p.k., Ylberi, Sh.p.k., Ylberi Sh.p.k., Mineral Invest Sh.p.k., Kurti Sh.p.k. Arkev Sh.p.k., Lita Brothers Construction Sh.p.k., Geri's 2002 Sh.p.k., Info Metal Plast - Al Sh.p.k., Ateani Sh.p.k., Yzo Sh.p.k., Platinium ALB Sh.p.k. Vllezrit Llupo Sh.p.k., Heidorn & Binjaku Sh.p.k., Kromex Sh.p.k., Aris Albania Sh.p.k., Drini Bulqiz Sh.p.k., Prodhime Karbonike Sh.a., Salillari Sh.p.k., Stone Production Sh.p.k., 11 Heronjt Bater Sh.p.k., Rej Sh.a., KNAUF - Tirana Sh.p.k., Pula - X Sh.p.k. Total production value (and certain commodity production values) missing but calculated here adding the oil and mining values. Payment values differ from EITI website (Website may have double counted)Volume from EITI ReportChromiumIron-Nickel & Nickel-SilicateClayhttp://www.eiti.azHost government's production entitlement, State-owned company production entitlement, Royalties, Other significant benefits to government?United States Dollar and Azerbaijani Manat (converted from the <6,600,000 bbl of oil; 1,052,200 thousand cubic metres of gas BP Exploration (Caspian Sea) Limited, State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Total E&P Azerbaijan B.V., ITOCHU Oil Exploration (Azerbaijan) Inc., Statoil, Turkish Petroleum A.O., Commonwealth Oil and Gas, Exxon Azerbaijan Limited, ConocoPhillips, Amerada Hess (ACG) Limited, Devon Energy Caspian Corporation, Lukoil Overseas, Unocal Khazar, Shengli Oil, Salyan Oil Limited, Karasu Operating Company, Shell Azerbaijan Exploration and Production, Middle East Petroleum, Anshad Petrol JV, Shirvan Oil JV, Azgerneft JV2-3The report uses US dollars for payments by foreign companies, and the local currency, the Old Azerbaijani Manat (AZM), for payments by local companies. An exchange rate is not provided to convert the latter. The local currency has since changed to the New Old Azerbijani Manat (AZN) at the rate 5000AZM=1AZN. This is used to convert the local currency payments to AZN and then < the exchange rate for US$:AZN of the World Bank is used (http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/PA.NUS.FCRF). Materiality threshold: Not given. The report doesn't distinguish between oil and gas producers. The report gives the volumes but not values for the payments in kind. The values are calculated using the relevant commodity prices from the BPSR 2014 (detailed below). Resolved discerpancies are not included in the final figures, but these have been added retrospectively. Unilateral declarations are included in the figures. Five companies were not asked to report, but are reported on by government.fVolume and price from BPSR 2014. Price is an average of the UK, US and Canada Indices for natural gas.!1,052,200,000 cubic metres of gasVolume and price from BPSR 2014. Price is an average of the spot prices for Brent, Dubai, Nigerian Forcados and West Texas Intermediate crude oil. 6,600,000 bblHost government's production entitlement, State-owned company production entitlement, Profits/Taxes, Royalties, Dividends, Other significant benefits to government*United States Dollar and Azerbaijani Manat<6,700,000 bbl of oil; 1,050,000 thousand cubic metres of gas2-4The report uses US dollars for payments by foreign companies, and the local currency, the Old Azerbaijani Manat (AZM), for payments by local companies. An exchange rate is not provided to convert the latter. The local currency has since changed to the New Old Azerbijani Manat (AZN) at the rate 5000AZM=1AZN. This is used to convert the local currency payments to AZN and then the exchange rate for US$:AZN of the World Bank is used (http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/PA.NUS.FCRF). Materiality threshold: Not given. The report doesn't distinguish between oil and gas producers. The report gives the volumes but not values for the payments in kind. The values are calculated using the relevant commodity prices from the BPSR 2014 (detailed below). Resolved discerpancies (mainly caused by accrual v cash reporting) are not included in the final figures, but these have been added retrospectively. Unilateral declarations are included in the figures. Five companies were not asked to report, but are reported on by government.*1,050,000,000 thousand cubic metres of gas6,700,000 bbl of oilHost government's production entitlement, State-owned company production entitlement, Profits/Taxes, Bonuses, Other significant benefits to government814,300,000 bbl of oil; 1,919,709,000 cubic metres of gas3BP Exploration (Caspian Sea) Limited, State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Total E&P Azerbaijan B.V., ITOCHU Oil Exploration (Azerbaijan) Inc., Statoil, Turkish Petroleum A.O., Commonwealth Oil and Gas, Exxon Azerbaijan Limited, ConocoPhillips, Amerada Hess (ACG) Limited, Devon Energy Caspian Corporation, Lukoil Overseas, Shengli Oil, Salyan Oil Limited, Karasu Operating Company, Shell Azerbaijan Exploration and Production, Middle East Petroleum, Anshad Petrol JV, Shirvan Oil JV, Azgerneft JV, Inpex, Chevron Overseas Petroleum Azerbaijan LimitedThe report uses US dollars for payments by foreign companies, and the local currency, the Old Azerbaijani Manat (AZM), for payments by local companies. An exchange rate is not provided to convert the latter as the local currency has since changed to the New Old Azerbijani Manat (AZN) at the rate 5000AZM=1AZN. This is used to convert the local currency payments to AZN and then the exchange rate provided in the report for US$:AZN is used. Materiality threshold: Not given. The report doesn't distinguish between oil and gas producers. The report gives the volumes but not values for the payments in kind. The values are calculated using the relevant commodity prices from the BPSR 2014 (detailed below). Resolved discerpancies (mainly caused by accrual v cash reporting) are not included in the final figures, but these have been added retrospectively. Unilateral declarations are included in the figures. Three companies were not asked to report, but are reported on by government.!1,919,709,000 cubic metres of gas14,300,000 bbl of oilHost government's production entitlement, State-owned company production entitlement, Profits/Taxes, Royalties, Bonuses, Other significant benefits to governmentA19,000,000 bbl of oil; 2,395,468,900 thousand cubic metres of gasBP Exploration (Caspian Sea) Limited, State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Total E&P Azerbaijan B..,V ITOCHU Oil Exploration (Azerbaijan) Inc., Statoil, Turkish Petroleum A.O., Commonwealth Oil and Gas, Exxon Azerbaijan Limited, ConocoPhillips, Amerada Hess (ACG) Limited, Devon Energy Caspian Corporation, Lukoil Overseas, Shengli Oil, Salyan Oil Limited, Karasu Operating Company, Shell Azerbaijan Exploration and Production, Middle East Petroleum, Anshad Petrol JV, Shirvan Oil JV, Azgerneft JV, Inpex, Chevron Overseas Petroleum Azerbaijan Limited, Binegedi Oil Operating Company, Royal Association of Finance Investors, Naftiran Intergrade Co Ltd, The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline Company, Azerbaijan International Operating Company5-10The report uses US dollars for payments by foreign companies, and the local currency, the Azerbaijani Manat, for payments by local companies. An exchange rate is not provided to convert the latter. Materiality threshold: Not given. The report doesn't distinguish between oil and gas producers. The report gives the volumes but not values for the payments in kind. The values are calculated using the relevant commodity prices from the BPSR 2014 (detailed below). Resolved discerpancies (mainly caused by accrual v cash reporting) are not included in the final figures, but these have been added retrospectively. Unilateral declarations are included in the figures. Two companies were not asked to report, but are reported on by government.!2,395,468,900 cubic metres of gas19,000,000 bbl of oil830,300,000 bbl of oil; 2,423,507,200 cubic metres of gasBP Exploration (Caspian Sea) Limited, State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Total E&P Azerbaijan B.V., ITOCHU Oil Exploration (Azerbaijan) Inc., Statoil, Turkish Petroleum A.O., Commonwealth Oil and Gas, Exxon Azerbaijan Limited, Amerada Hess (ACG) Limited, Devon Energy Caspian Corporation, Lukoil Overseas, Shengli Oil, Salyan Oil Limited, Karasu Operating Company, Shell Azerbaijan Exploration and Production, Middle East Petroleum, Anshad Petrol JV, Shirvan Oil JV, Azgerneft JV, Inpex, Chevron Overseas Petroleum Azerbaijan Limited, Binagadi Oil Operating Company Rafi Oil F.Z.E., Naftiran Intertrade Co. (NICO) Limited, Absheron Investments Ltd4-9The report uses US dollars for payments by foreign companies, and the local currency, the Azerbaijani Manat, for payments by local companies. An exchange rate is not provided to convert the latter. Materiality threshold: Not given. The report doesn't distinguish between oil and gas producers. The report gives the volumes but not values for the payments in kind. The values are calculated using the relevant commodity prices from the BPSR 2014 (detailed below). Resolved discerpancies (mainly caused by accrual v cash reporting and mistaken omissions by companies) are not included in the final figures, but these have been added retrospectively. Unilateral declarations are not included in the figures.!2,423,507,200 cubic metres of gas30,300,000 bbl of oil9150,200,000 bbl of oil; 2,139,058,000 cubic metres of gasBP Exploration (Caspian Sea) Limited, State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Total E&P Azerbaijan B.V., ITOCHU Oil Exploration (Azerbaijan) Inc., Statoil, Turkish Petroleum A.O., Commonwealth Oil and Gas, Exxon Azerbaijan Limited, ConocoPhilips, Amerada Hess (ACG) Limited, Devon Energy Caspian Corporation, Lukoil Overseas, Chevron, Petro-Hongkong-Piesaat Oil Ltd, Salyan Oil, Karasu Operating Company, Shell Azerbaijan Exploration and Production, Middle East Petroleum, Anshad Petrol JV, Shirvan Oil JV, Azgerneft JV, Inpex, Binagadi Oil Operating Company, Rafi Oil F.Z.E., Naftiran Intertrade Co. (NICO) Limited, Absheron Investments Ltd2-7The report uses US dollars for payments by foreign companies, and the local currency, the Azerba< ijani Manat, for payments by local companies. An exchange rate is not provided to convert the latter. Materiality threshold: Not given. The report doesn't distinguish between oil and gas producers. The report gives the volumes but not values for the payments in kind. The values are calculated using the relevant commodity prices from the BPSR 2014 (detailed below). Resolved discerpancies (mainly caused by accrual v cash reporting and mistaken omissions by companies) are not included in the final figures, but these have been added retrospectively. Unilateral declarations are included in the figures.!2,139,058,000 cubic metres of gas150,200,000 bbl of oilEurope and Cenmtral AsiaHost government's production entitlement, State-owned company production entitlement, Profits/Taxes, Royalties, Dividends, Bonuses, Other significant benefits to governmente192,600,000 bbl of oil; 3,938,027,100 cubic metres of gas; 1,400 ounces of gold; 500 ounces of silverBP Exploration (Caspian Sea) Limited, State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Total E&P Azerbaijan B.V., ITOCHU Oil Exploration (Azerbaijan) Inc., Statoil, Turkish Petroleum A.O., Commonwealth Oil and Gas, Exxon Azerbaijan Limited, ConocoPhilips, Hess (ACG) Limited, Devon Energy Caspian Corporation, Lukoil Overseas, Chevron Khazar, Shell Azerbaijan Exploration and Production, GDF Suez Exploration Caspian B.V., Middle East Petroleum, Arshad Petrol J.V., Shirvan Oil J.V., Azgemeft J.V., Binagadi Oil Operating Company, Rafi Oil F.Z.E., Naftiran Intertrade Co. (NICO) Limited, Absheron Investments Ltd, Shirvan Operating Company Limited, Netchala Operating Company Limited, Azerbaijan International Mining Company Azerbaijan (AIMC), Azerbaijan International Operating Company5-13The report uses US dollars for payments by foreign companies, and the local currency, the Azerbaijani Manat, for payments by local companies. An exchange rate is not provided to convert the latter. Materiality threshold: Not given. The report doesn't distinguish between oil, gas and mining companies. The report gives the volumes but not values for the payments in kind. The values are calculated using the relevant commodity prices from the BPSR 2014 and World Bank (detailed below). Resolved discerpancies (mainly caused by accrual v cash reporting and mistaken omissions by companies) are not included in the final figures, but these have been added retrospectively. Unilateral declarations are included in the figures.9192,600,000 bbl of oil; 3,938,027,100 cubic metres of gas!3,938,027,100 cubic metres of gas192,600,000 bbl of oil*1,400 ounces of gold; 500 ounces of silverGoldtozUS$/tozVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is defined as: Gold (UK), 99.5% fine, London afternoon fixing, average of daily rates.1,400 ounces (1,276 toz)Silverg215,400,000 bbl of oil; 3,484,870,400 cubic metres of gas; 8,400 ounces of gold; 5,400 ounces of silverMBP Exploration (Caspian Sea) Limited, State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Total E&P Azerbaijan B.V., ITOCHU Oil Exploration (Azerbaijan) Inc., Statoil, Turkish Petroleum A.O., Commonwealth Oil and Gas, Exxon Azerbaijan Limited, ConocoPhilips, Hess (ACG) Limited, Devon Energy Caspian Corporation, Lukoil Overseas, Chevron Khazar, Petro-HongKong-Pirsaat Oil Limited, Salyan Oil Limited, Karasu Operating Company, Shell Azerbaijan Exploration and Production, GDF Suez Exploration Caspian B.V., Middle East Petroleum, Arshad Petrol J.V., Shirvan Oil J.V., Azgemeft J.V., Inpex, Binagadi Oil Operating Company, Rafi Oil F.Z.E., Naftiran Intertrade Co. (NICO) Limited, Apsheron Investments Ltd, Shirvan Operating Company Limited, Netchala Operating Company Limited, Azerbaijan International Mining Company Azerbaijan (AIMC), Bahar Energy5-129215,400,000 bbl of oil; 3,484,870,400 cubic metres of gas!3,484,870,400 cubic metres of gas215,400,000 bbl of oil,8,400 ounces of gold; 5,400 ounces of silver8,400 ounces (7,656 toz)Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is defined as: Silver (Handy & Harman), 99.9% grade refined, New York.5,400 ounces (4,921 toz)Host government's production entitlement, State-owned company production entitlement, Profits/Taxes, Royalties, Bonuses, Licenses and concessions, Other significant benefits to governmentg181,100,000 bbl of oil; 3,413,226,300 cubic metres of gas; 7,000 ounces of gold; 5,000 ounces of silverNBP Exploration (Caspian Sea) Limited, State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Total E&P Azerbaijan B.V., ITOCHU Oil Exploration (Azerbaijan) Inc., Statoil, Turkish Petroleum A.O., Commonwealth Oil and Gas, Exxon Azerbaijan Limited, ConocoPhilips, Hess (ACG) Limited, Devon Energy Caspian Corporation, Lukoil Overseas, Chevron Khazar, Petro-HongKong-Pirsaat Oil Limited, Salyan Oil Limited, Karasu Operating Company, Shell Azerbaijan Exploration and Production, GDF Suez Exploration Caspian B.V., Middle East Petroleum, Arshad Petrol J.V., Shirvan Oil J.V., Azgemeft J.V., Inpex, Binagadi Oil Operating Company, Rafi Oil F.Z.E., Naftiran Intertrade Co. (NICO) Limited, Apsheron Investments Ltd, Shirvan Operating Company Limited, Neftchala Operating Company Limited, Azerbaijan International Mining Company Azerbaijan (AIMC), Bahar Energy40-41The report uses US dollars for payments by foreign companies, and the local currency, the Azerbaijani Manat, for payments by local companies. Materiality threshold: All companies that made a payment for one or more of the covered revenue streams should be reconciled. The covered revenue streams make up 99.99% of total government revenues from the extractive industries. The report doesn't distinguish between oil, gas and mining companies. Values for payments in kind are not given in the report, but the International Secretariat calculate these for oil and gas separately (though the sum of these appear incorrect) (http://eiti.org/news-events/azerbaijan-kind-payments-larger-cash). These were based on the following assumptions: associated and natural gas is equivalent to 22,185,917 bbl of oil (1,000,000 cubic meters equals 6,500 bbl of oil equivalent); a referential oil price of $111.20; and gas prices are 25% of the oil price. 9181,100,000 bbl of oil; 3,413,226,300 cubic metres of gasVolume from BPSR 2014. Price from EITI International Secretariat (http://eiti.org/news-events/azerbaijan-kind-payments-larger-cash).!3,413,226,300 cubic metres of gas181,100,000 bbl'74,000 ounces gold; 5,000 ounces silver74,000 ounces (67,448 toz)5,000 ounces (4,557 toz)h160,800,000 bbl of oil; 3,519,627,000 cubic metres of gas; 6,100 ounces of golds; 6,400 ounces of silverBP Exploration (Caspian Sea) Limited, State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Total E&P Azerbaijan B.V., ITOCHU Oil Exploration (Azerbaijan) Inc., Statoil, Turkish Petroleum A.O., Commonwealth Gobustan, Exxon Azerbaijan Limited, Hess (ACG) Limited, Lukoil Overseas, Chevron Khazar, Petro-HongKong-Pirsaat Oil Limited, Salyan Oil Limited, Karasu Operating Company, GDF Suez Exploration Caspian B.V., Azgemeft J.V., Inpex, Binagadi Oil Operating Company, Rafi Oil F.Z.E., Naftiran Intertrade Co. (NICO) Limited, Apsheron Investments Ltd, Shirvan Operating Company Limited, Neftchala Operating Company Limited, Azerbaijan International Mining Company Azerbaijan (AIMC), Bahar Energy, Uge-Lancer PTE. Ltd21<The report uses US dollars for payments by foreign companies, and the local currency, the Azerbaijani Manat, for payments by local companies. Materiality threshold: All companies that made a payment for one or more of the covered revenue streams should be reconciled. The covered revenue streams make up 99.99% of total government revenues from the extractive industries. The report doesn't distinguish between oil, gas and mining companies. Values for payments in kind are not given in the report, but the International Secretariat calculate these for oil and gas separately. These were based on the following assumptions: associated and natural gas i< s equivalent to 22,877,576 bbl of oil (1,000,000 cubic meters equals 6,500 bbl of oil equivalent); a referential oil price of $112.21; and gas prices are 25% of the oil price. 9160,800,000 bbl of oil; 3,519,627,000 cubic metres of gaskVolume from BPSR 2014. Price from EITI International Secretariat (https://eiti.org/report/azerbaijan/2012).3,519,627,000 cubic metres160,800,000 bbl&6,100 ounces gold; 6,400 ounces silver6,100 ounces (5,560 toz)6,400 ounces (5833 toz)"http://www.itie-bf.gov.bf/spip.php&Volume and price from EITI 2008 reportBProfits/Taxes, Royalties, Other significant benefits to governmentSOMITAKPMG`Only production of gold was included in the EITI report, and only one company, SOMITA, reported.&Volume and price from EITI 2009 reportSOMITA, BMC, Kalsaka, SEMAFOMProfits/Taxes, Royalties, Dividends, Other significant benefits to governmentWest African CFA FrancBurkina Mining Company (BMC), Kalsaka Mining SA, Socit des Mines de Taparko (SOMITA), Socit d Exploitation Minire d Afrique de l Ouest (SEMAFO), Essakane SA, Socit des Mines de Belahouro (SMB), Burkina Manganse SA, Nantou Mining, StremcoMoore Stephens LLPeEach company appears to produce just one mineral, allowing revenues to be disaggregated by commodity.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is defined as: Gold (UK), 99.5% fine, London afternoon fixing, average of daily rates.`The gold volume reported in the EITI report is 21082kg, which was converted to Troy ounces here. ManganesePrice from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the c.i.f. price at US ports for metallurgical ore with 46-48% manganese content. CThe EITI Report covers one manganese company (Burkia Manganese SA).o/w Manganese ore (processed)&Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011o/w Manganese contentZincZThe EITI Report covers one zinc company (Nantou Mining) that has not yet begun production.TNot given (in-kind social payments made in the form of infrastructure projects, etc)IAM Gold Essakane SA, Semafo Burkina Faso, Socit des Mines de Taparko (SOMITA), Socit des Mines de Belahouro (SMB), Kalsaka Mining, Burkina Mining Company (BMC), Socit Ampella Mining Gold, BISSA Gold, Nantou Mining SA, Orezone Inc. SARL, AMPELLA Mining, Gryphon Minerals Burkina Faso, Goldbelt Resources, Mana Minerals, High River Gold Mines (WA), Kiaka Gold, GEP Mines, Jilbey Burkina SARL  Moore Stephens LLP 36, 50, 51Each company appears to produce just one mineral, allowing total revenues to be disaggregated by commodity. Payment/revenue totals from eiti.org do not include social payments (made in both cash and kind, with cash values for the latter reported unilaterally by company (p.50)) or subnational transfers (made in cash to local governments, reported unilaterally by the Government (p.51)). The value of social payments has been added to Total Payments by Companies; subnational transfers has been added to Total Received by Government.HTotal Company Payments includes social payments reported unilaterally by gold companies; Total Government Revenues does not include subnational transfers reported unilaterally by the Government because these revenues were not disaggregated by company/commodity. Gold production volumes converted from kg (31210.34 kg) to ounces.[The EITI Report covers one zinc company (Nantou Mining) that has not yet begun production. !Volume and Price from EITI Report*IAM Gold Essakane SA, Orezone Inc. SARL., Semafo Burkina Faso, AMPELLA Mining, Socit des Mines de Belahouro (SMB), Gryphon Minerals Burkina Faso, Socit des Mines de Taparko (SOMITA), Goldbelt Resources Kalsaka Mining, Mana Minerals, Burkina Mining Company (BMC), High River Gold Mines (WA), Socit ampella Mining Gold, Kiaka Gold, BISSA Gold, Jilbey Burkina SARL, Nantou Mining SA, Riverstone Resources, Riverstone Resources, Roxgold Burkina Faso, Stremco SA, Pinsapo Gold, Essakane Exploration SARL, Pan African Burkina Ltd (PAB), GEP Mines, SAV OR*http://www.eiticameroon.org/index.php/homeUnited States Dollar24,965,343 bbl of oilvTotal Exploration & Production (E&P) Cameroon, Pecten Cameroon, Perenco Cameroon, ExxonMobil Cameroon, NHC FunctioningHart Group/Mazars CameroonThe report covers the fiscal period of 1 July 2001  30 June 2002. Materiality threshold: All oil companies involved in production and exploration should be reconciled. Unilateral declarations do not appear to be included in the figures. The actual volumes allocated to NHC Functioning, a SOC, as payment in-kind are not provided by the report, but it notes that NHC Functioning received around 65% of production. The value of this payment in kind is not given in the report, but has been calculated using the official sales price given in the report, which is determined by a commission comprising of the NHC and the oil companies. This was $23.39 over the fiscal year.Volume from EIA, adjusted to acount for the fiscal year. Price from BPSR 2014, and is an average of the UK, US and Canada Indices for natural gas, adjusted to account for the fiscal year.JVolume and price from EITI Report, adjusted to account for the fiscal year14, 2624,310,000 bbl of oilThe report covers the fiscal period of 1 July 2002  31 December 2002. Materiality threshold: All oil companies involved in production and exploration should be reconciled. Unilateral declarations do not appear to be included in the figures. The production volume has been adjusted to account for the fiscal year. The actual volumes allocated to NHC Functioning, a SOC, as payment in-kind are not provided by the report, but it notes that NHC Functioning received around 65% of production. The value of this payment in kind is not given in the report, but has been calculated using the official sales price given in the report, which is determined by a commission comprising of the NHC and the oil companies. This w< as $23.74 in 2002.23,140,000 bbl of oilHart group/Mazars CameroonNMateriality threshold: All oil companies involved in production and exploration should be reconciled. Unilateral declarations do not appear to be included in the figures. The actual volumes allocated to NHC Functioning, a SOC, as payment in-kind are not provided by the report, but it notes that NHC Functioning received around 65% of production. The value of this payment in kind is not given in the report, but has been calculated using the official sales price given in the report, which is determined by a commission comprising of the NHC and the oil companies. This was $27.12 in 2003.jVolume from EIA. Price from BPSR 2014, and is an average of the UK, US and Canada Indices for natural gas.!Volume and price from EITI Report21,190,000 bbl of oilNMateriality threshold: All oil companies involved in production and exploration should be reconciled. Unilateral declarations do not appear to be included in the figures. The actual volumes allocated to NHC Functioning, a SOC, as payment in-kind are not provided by the report, but it notes that NHC Functioning received around 65% of production. The value of this payment in kind is not given in the report, but has been calculated using the official sales price given in the report, which is determined by a commission comprising of the NHC and the oil companies. This was $37.29 in 2004.VHost government's production entitlement, Profits/Taxes, Royalties, Dividends, Bonuses19,553,950 bbl of oilTotal Exploration & Production (E&P) Cameroon, Pecten Cameroon, Perenco Cameroon, ExxonMobil Cameroon, NHC Functioning, Euroil Ltd, Addax Petroleum Cameroon Ltd, Noble, Turnberry Resource Inc, Tullow Cameroon Ltd, Sterling Cameroon Ltd, RSM Production Corporation, SonaraNMateriality threshold: All oil companies involved in production and exploration should be reconciled. Unilateral declarations do not appear to be included in the figures. The actual volumes allocated to NHC Functioning, a SOC, as payment in-kind are not provided by the report, but it notes that NHC Functioning received around 63% of production. The value of this payment in kind is not given in the report, but has been calculated using the official sales price given in the report, which is determined by a commission comprising of the NHC and the oil companies. This was $50.35 in 2005. 13, 25, 50VProfits/Taxes, Royalties, Dividends, Bonuses, Other significant benefits to government2United States Dollar and Central African CFA Franc20,996,780 bbl of oilTotal Exploration & Production (E&P) Cameroon, Pecten Cameroon, Perenco Cameroon, Mobil Producing Cameroon Inc., Euroil Ltd, Addax Petroleum Cameroon Ltd, Noble Energy Cameroon Ltd, Sterling Energy, Rodeo Development Ltd, Kosmos Energy, Glencore Exploration Cameroon, Societe Nationale de Raffinage (SONARA), African Aura Resources, Sinosteel CAM SA, Cam Iron SA, Mega Urnaium Corporation Cameroon Plc, Hydrmine Inc., Free Mining Company, Ets Rocaglia, Cimencam, Geovic 15,16, 194The report uses US dollars for payments by oil companies, and the local currency, the Central African Franc, for payments by mining companies. Materiality threshold: Not given. Unilateral declarations do not appear to be included in the figures. The report does not specify what minerals are mined. The actual volumes allocated to NHC Functioning, a SOC, as payment in-kind are not provided by the report, but it notes that NHC Functioning received around 65.8% of production. The value of this payment in kind is not given in the report, but has been calculated using the relevant commodity prices from the BPSR 2014 (detailed below). The revenue stream 'proportional mining royalty' is the amount that permits every partner in the process of oil production to benefit from a guaranteed percentage on the annual rent according to the terms of the contract, and can be a positive or negative payment to Government. When it is negative, it represents the amount due by the Government to the oil companies. In 2006 it was negative and has therefore been classified as a subsidy.3Total Exploration & Production (E&P) Cameroon, Pecten Cameroon, Perenco Cameroon, Mobil Producing Cameroon Inc., Euroil Ltd, Addax Petroleum Cameroon Ltd, Noble Energy Cameroon Ltd, Sterling Energy, Rodeo Development Ltd, Kosmos Energy, Glencore Exploration Cameroon, Societe Nationale de Raffinage (SONARA)Volume from EITI Report. Price from BPSR 2014, and is an average of the spot prices for Brent, Dubai, Nigerian Forcados and West Texas Intermediate crude oil, adjusted to account for the prices given in the 2001-2005 EITI Reports being an average 94.97% of this in 2001-2005.African Aura Resources, Sinosteel CAM SA, Cam Iron SA, Mega Urnaium Corporation Cameroon Plc, Hydrmine Inc., Free Mining Company, Ets Rocaglia, Cimencam, Geovic16Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2008. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2009, and is the price for common clay in the US, adjusted to account for the price given in the 2011 EITI Report being 14.17% of this in 2011.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2008. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is defined as: Gold (UK), 99.5% fine, London afternoon fixing, average of daily rates.Years after report production volumes of gold dust that are minimal compared to the production volume listed by the USGS. Better to not consider the gold value in the total productio value.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2008. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2007, and is the price in the US for crushed limestone, adjusted to account for the price given in the 2011 EITI Report being 184.33% of this in 2011. PozzolanaVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2008. Price from 2011 EITI Report, and is based on the reported volume and value of exports in 2011 (the price for this year is not given in the EITI Report or by USGS).Sand and gravelVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2008. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2007, and is the price in the US for construction sand and gravel, adjusted to account for the price given in the 2011 EITI Report being 19.49% of this in 2011.20,743,360 bbl of oil4The report uses US dollars for payments by oil companies, and the local currency, the Central African Franc, for payments by mining companies. Materiality threshold: Not given. Unilateral declarations do not appear to be included in the figures. The report does not specify what minerals are mined. The actual volumes allocated to NHC Functioning, a SOC, as payment in-kind are not provided by the report, but it notes that NHC Functioning received around 66.4% of production. The value of this payment in kind is not given in the report, but has been calculated using the relevant commodity prices from the BPSR 2014 (detailed below). The revenue stream 'proportional mining royalty' is the amount that permits every partner in the process of oil production to benefit from a guaranteed percentage on the annual rent according to the terms of the contract, and can be a positive or negative payment to Government. When it is negative, it represents the amount due by the Government to the oil companies. In 2007 it was negative and has therefore been classified as a subsidy.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2008. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2007, and is the price crushed limestone in the US, adjusted to account for the price given in the 2011 EITI Report being 184.33% of this in 2011.20,507,600 bbl of oil4The report uses US dollars for payments by oil companies, and the local currency, the Central African Franc, for payments by mining companies. Materiality threshold: Not given. Unilateral declarations do not appear to be included in the figures. The report does not specify what minerals are mined. The actual volumes allocated to NHC Functioning, a SOC, as payment in-kind are not provided by the report, but it notes that NHC Functioning received around 66.8% of production. The value of this payment in kind is not given in the report, but has been calculated using the relevant commodity prices from the BPSR 2014 (detailed below). The < revenue stream 'proportional mining royalty' is the amount that permits every partner in the process of oil production to benefit from a guaranteed percentage on the annual rent according to the terms of the contract, and can be a positive or negative payment to Government. When it is negative, it represents the amount due by the Government to the oil companies. In 2008 it was negative and has therefore been classified as a subsidy.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2009, and is the price for common clay in the US, adjusted to account for the price given in the 2011 EITI Report being 14.17% of this in 2011.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2009, and is the price crushed limestone in the US, adjusted to account for the price given in the 2011 EITI Report being 184.33% of this in 2011.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from 2011 EITI Report, and is based on the reported volume and value of exports in 2011 (the price for this year is not given in the EITI Report or by USGS).Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2009, and is the price in the US for construction sand and gravel, adjusted to account for the price given in the 2011 EITI Report being 19.49% of this in 2011.Host government's production entitlement, State-owned company production entitlement, Profits/Taxes, Royalties, Dividends, Bonuses, Licenses and concessions, Other significant benefits to governmentCentral African CFA FrancP36,124,483 bbl of oil (govt reported ); 36,124,478 bbl of oil (company reported)Petroleum: SNH-Fonctionnement, Total Exploration & Production Cameroun (actuellement Perenco Rio Del Rey), Perenco Cameroun, Perenco Oil & Gas Cameroun, Pecten Cameroon Company (actuellement Addax Petroleum Cameroon Company), Mobil Producing Cameroon Inc, Addax Petroleum Cam LTD, Euroil Ltd, Noble Energy Cameroon LTD, Murphy (pour Sterling Energy), Rodeo Development LTD, Kosmos Energy, Glencore Exploration Cameroon, Yang Chang Logone, RSM, AFEX, Petronas. Mining: Geovic, Razel, Cimencam, C&K Mining.28-29 Volume from EIA. Price from BPSR 2014, and is an average of the spot prices for Brent, Dubai, Nigerian Forcados and West Texas Intermediate crude oil, adjusted to account for the prices given in the 2001-2005 EITI Reports being an average 94.97% of this in 2001-2005.SNH-Fonctionnement, Total Exploration & Production Cameroun (actuellement Perenco Rio Del Rey), Perenco Cameroun, Perenco Oil & Gas Cameroun, Pecten Cameroon Company (actuellement Addax Petroleum Cameroon Company), Mobil Producing Cameroon Inc, Addax Petroleum Cam LTD, Euroil Ltd, Noble Energy Cameroon LTD, Murphy (pour Sterling Energy), Rodeo Development LTD, Kosmos Energy, Glencore Exploration Cameroon, Yang Chang Logone, RSM, AFEX, Petronas-EITI production volume is from p.5; no discrepancy between company and govt reported production volumes. Revenue totals include oil transport revenues and transfers from SNH-Mandat; revenue totals do not include in-kind payments or unilaterally declared payments. In-kind value is govt-reported total.$Geovic, Razel, Cimencam, C&K Mining.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2014, and is the price for common clay in the US, adjusted to account for the price given in the 2011 EITI Report being 14.17% of this in 2011./Only gold dust is included in the EITI Report. Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2010, and is the price crushed limestone in the US, adjusted to account for the price given in the 2011 EITI Report being 184.33% of this in 2011.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2010, and is the price in the US for construction sand and gravel, adjusted to account for the price given in the 2011 EITI Report being 19.49% of this in 2011.O32,659,731 bbl of oil (govt reported), 32,659,731 bbl of oil (company reported)29-30EITI production volume is from p.5; no discrepancy between company and govt reported production volumes. Revenue totals include oil transport revenues and transfers from SNH-Mandat; revenue totals do not include unilaterally declared payments.#Geovic, Razel, Cimencam, C&K Mining=Revenue totals do not include unilaterally declared payments.14,615,395 bbl of oil Not given National Hydrocarbons Company (NHC), Total Exploration & Production Cameroon (Perenco Rio Del Rey), Perenco Cameroon, Perenco Oil & Gas Cameroon, Pecten Cameroon Company (Currently Addax Petroleum Cameroon Company), Mobil Producing Cameroon Inc, Addax Petroleum Cam LTD, Euroil Ltd, Noble Energy Cameroon LTD, Murphy (Sterling Energy), Rodeo Development LTD, Kosmos Energy, Glencore Exploration Cameroon, Yang Chang Logone, RSM, AFEX, Petronas, Cameroon Oil Transportation Company (COTCO), Geovic, Razel, Cimencam, C&K Mining 32-33, 39-45[Materiality threshold: all companies that made a payment of at least FCFA 55,000,000 in 2011 should be reconciled. This means all oil & gas producers are reconciled. Disaggregation by commodity is only indirect through disaggregation by company, and therefore limited. Unilateral declarations are included in the figures: US$497,487 of payments outside the reconciliation scope and US$118,687 of social contributions reported by companies, and US$894,430 of payments from companies below the materiality threshold reported by government. The value of the payments made in-kind included in the figures for 2011 is not consistent with the volume of payments made-in kind in 2011 given the time lapse between the oil being transferred and commercialised. The value of the latter is not clear, but the volume has been indicated in the appropriate column. Total payments given on pg.8 do not appear to be consistent with the reconciliation results on pg 32-33 and unilateral declarations on pg 39-45. NHC has two functions. NHC-Operation operates as a company, involved in a number of oil concessions both directly and indirectly as a shareholder of other companies. NHC-Mandate is a state agency, managing the commercialisation of Government's share in the oil extracted. COTCO is a oil transport company, which the Government has a shareholding, indirectly through NHC, of 5.17%. The revenue stream 'proportional mining royalty' is the amount that permits every partner in the process of oil production to benefit from a guaranteed percentage on the annual rent according to the terms of the contract, and can be a positive or negative payment to Government. When it is negative, it represents the amount due by the Government to the oil companies. In 2011 it was negative and has therefore been classified as a subsidy. The report also includes: licensing information for both sectors.National Hydrocarbons Company (NHC), Total Exploration & Production Cameroon (Perenco Rio Del Rey), Perenco Cameroon, Perenco Oil & Gas Cameroon, Pecten Cameroon Company (Currently Addax Petroleum Cameroon Company), Mobil Producing Cameroon Inc, Addax Petroleum Cam LTD, Euroil Ltd, Noble Energy Cameroon LTD, Murphy (Sterling Energy), Rodeo Development LTD, Kosmos Energy, Glencore Exploration Cameroon, Yang Chang Logone, RSM, AFEX, Petronas, CAmeroon Oil Transportation Company (COTCO) 33, 39-40 32, 40-45Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from EITI Report, and is based on the reported volume and value of exports (and is 14.17% of the price for common clay in the US).Cimencam11, 80 C&K MiningGraniteVolume from EITI Report, but is only that of the covered companies. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, and is the price in the US for crushed granite.iThe USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012 indicates that there was insufficent data to estimate production volumes. Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from EITI Report, and is based on the reported volume and value of exports (and is 184.33% of the price for crushed limestone in the US).}Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, and is the price in the US for crushed marble.yVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price< from EITI Report, and is based on the reported volume and value of exports.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from EITI Report, and is based on the reported volume and value of exports (and is 19.49% of the price for construction sand and gravel in the US).Cimencam, RazelVolume from EITI reportHost government's production entitlement, State-owned company production entitlement, Profits/Taxes, Royalties, Dividends, Licenses and concessionsRSNH-Mandat, SNH, Perenco Rio Del Rey, Perenco Cameroun, Perenco Oil & Gas Cameroun, Euroil LTD, Noble Energy Cameroon LTD, Addax Petroleum Cameroon LTD, Murphy, Rodeo Development LTD, Kosmos Energy, Glencore Exploration Cameroon, Yang Chang Logone, Dana Petroleum, COTCO, Geovic, C&K Mining, ROCAGLIA, CAPAM, Cimencam, Razel, CAM IRON ***ftkgSapphireQuartzSandDistheneArgile Aggregateshttp://www.itierca.org/KBonuses, Licenses and concessions, Other significant benefits to governmentValentin NZAPAOKODiamondcarats US$/caratYVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2010. Price from kimberley Process Annual Summary 2006.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2010. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is defined as: Gold (UK), 99.5% fine, London afternoon fixing, average of daily rates.!Bonuses, Licenses and concessionsYVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2010. Price from kimberley Process Annual Summary 2007.YVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2010. Price from kimberley Process Annual Summary 2008.YVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from kimberley Process Annual Summary 2009.Industrial mining companies: Areva, Aurafrique (Axmin), Gem Diamond, Minesca, Tala Mining. Import/Export offices: Adamas-Swiss, ADR, Badica, Comigem, Inala, Sodiam. In addition to the reconciled figures, the government reported to have received US$34,304 from the mining cooperatives and US$701,248 from small-scale miners.YVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from kimberley Process Annual Summary 2010.http://www.itie-tchad.org/gProfits/Taxes, Royalties, Dividends, Licenses and concessions, Other significant benefits to governmentpPetroleum: SHT (National Oil Company), Esso, Petronas, Chevron, CNPCI, OPIC. Petroleum transport: TOTCO, COTCO. 4,5,14,15Mining revenues were reported unilaterally by govt for one company (SOTEC). Total revenues/payments include petroleum transport revenues, do not include subsidies paid to the national oil company.Volume and price from BPRS 2014. Price is an average of the spot prices for Brent, Dubai, Nigerian Forcados and West Texas Intermediate crude oil.NSHT (National Oil Company), Esso, Petronas, Chevron, CNPCI, OPIC, TOTCO, COTCO0Revenue/payment totals include transport sector.Aggregate, sand and stoneVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2007, and is the price in the US for crushed misecellaneous stone..Mining payments reported unilaterally by govt. 4,5, 14, 15Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2009, and is the price in the US for crushed misecellaneous stone.Q SHT (National Oil Company), Esso, Petronas, Chevron, CNPCI, OPIC, TOTCO, COTCO. ~Petroleum: SHT (National Oil Company), Esso, Petronas, Chevron, CNPCI, OPIC. Petroleum transport: TOTCO, COTCO. Mining: SOTEC. Mining revenues were reported unilaterally by one company (SOTEC) (in previous reports SOTEC payments had been reported unilaterally by the govt). Total revenues/payments include petroleum transport revenues, do not include subsidies paid to the national oil company.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2010, and is the price in the US for crushed misecellaneous stone.Petroleum: SHT (National Oil Company), Esso, Petronas, Chevron, CNPCI, OPIC, ERHC Energy, Global Petroleum, Griffiths Energy International. Petroleum transport: TOTCO, COTCO. Mining: SOTEC.19-21%Mining revenues were reported unilaterally by one company (SOTEC). Total petroleum revenues/payments include petroleum transport revenues and payments made by the national oil company to the state. Total revenues/payments do not include subsidies paid by the state to the national oil company.SHT (National Oil Company), Esso, Petronas, Chevron, CNPCI, OPIC, ERHC Energy, Global Petroleum, Griffiths Energy International, TOTCO, COTCOVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, and is the price in the US for crushed misecellaneous stone.G3,676,000 bbl oil (govt reported); 3,679,000 bbl oil (company reported) See commentsPetroleum: SHT (National Oil Company), Esso, Petronas, Chevron, CNPCI, OPIC, ERHC Energy, Global Petroleum, Caracal Energy (ex Griffiths Energy International), Petral BV, SAS Petroleum, Simba Energy, TCA International (GTI), United Hydrocarbon Chad, Viking Exploration, Oil Trek. Petroleum transport: TOTCO, COTCO. Petroleum refinery: SRN. Mining exploration: Chad Mining Services (CMS), GPB Chad Minerals, SP Mining. Mining production: SOTEC, SCHL. FairLinks45-521Mining revenues were reported unilaterally by mining companies. Total petroleum revenues/payments include petroleum transport and refining revenues. The national oil company (SHT) is considered both a paying and collecting entity; its payments to the state are included in total company payments, while the revenues it receives from companies are included in government revenues. However, total revenues/payments do not include subsidies paid by the state to SHT (see subsidies column). A portion of the state's in-kind receipts are commercialized by SHT; SHT reported commercializing 2,807,000 bbl, resulting in $287,888,000, from which fees were deducted (see p.51). These revenues are included in revenue totals. Note on difference between eiti.org revenue totals and those calculated from the EITI Report (in purple): eiti.org totals seem based on summary table on p.51 of the report, which doesn't appear to include SHT payments/receipts; however, even with SHT flows added in, the summary table on p.51 doesn't seem to reflect the upstream petroleum totals from p.46.SHT (National Oil Company), Esso, Petronas, Chevron, CNPCI, OPIC, ERHC Energy, Global Petroleum, Caracal Energy (ex Griffiths Energy International), Petral BV, SAS Petroleum, Simba Energy, TCA International (GTI), United Hydrocarbon Chad, Viking Exploration, Oil Trek, TOTCO, COTCO, SRNhttp://www.cnitie.ci/ Hart GroupVolume from EIA. Price from BPSR 2014, and is an average of the spot prices for Brent, Dubai, Nigerian Forcados and West Texas Intermediate crude oil.State-owned company production entitlement, Profits/Taxes, Royalties, Dividends, Bonuses, Licenses and concessions, Other significant benefits to governmentIPetroleum: Petroci Holding (National oil company), Afren, Canadian National Resources (CRN), Foxtrot International, Anadarko, C&L Natural Resources, Edison, Lukoil, Oranto, Tullow Oil, Vanco, Yam's Petroleum. Mining: Sodemi (state mining company), LGL-Equigold, Societe des Mines D'Ity (SMI), Yaoure mining, BIPTFOP, Cominor, Etruscan Resources, Golden Oriole, Golden Star Exloration, Jofema Mineral Resources, Mayana SARL, New African Business Corporation, Newmont Overseas Exploration, Occidental Gold, Rockstone GOld, Randgold Resources, SOMICI, Tata Steel, Taurian, TD Continental. 4, 5, 9-11PETROCI, the national petroleum company, is included both as a recipient of certain revenues (in-kind profit oil and gas) and a paying entity (it pays the proceeds of commercialized profit oil/gas and dividends to the state). Total state revenues include companies' financial payments and the value of profit oil/gas commercialized by PETROCI on behalf of the state. The value of profit oil/gas retained by PETROCI is not included in government totals. Sodemi, the state mining company, collects dividends from companies on behalf of the state; these revenues are included in govt totals. 5 companies did not report, and were not included in reconciliation.In-kind receipts include gas received by state and PETROCI. Value of in-kind payments has no< t been calculated because part of in-kind oil/gas is commercialized by PETROCI on behalf of the state and already included in revenue totals.In-kind receipts include oil received by state and PETROCI. Value of in-kind payments has not been calculated because part of in-kind oil/gas is commercialized by PETROCI on behalf of the state and already included in revenue totals.[Revenue totals include dividends collected from companies by Sodemi, a state-owned company.o/w Manganese orePETROCI, the national petroleum company, is included both as a recipient of certain revenues (in-kind profit oil and gas) and a paying entity (it pays the proceeds of commercialized profit oil/gas and dividends to the state). Total state revenues include companies' financial payments and the value of profit oil/gas commercialized by PETROCI on behalf of the state. The value of profit oil/gas retained by PETROCI is not included in government totals. Sodemi, the state mining company, collects dividends from companies on behalf of the state; these revenues are included in govt totals. Note that eiti.org totals appear to include dividends paid to Sodemi by private companies as company payments, rather than govt receipts. Here, "Total received by govt" includes FCFA 1,552,320,000 in dividends paid to Sodemi by other mining companies. (There is still a small difference (less than 1%) between totals calculated here and those from eiti.org.) 5 companies did not report, and were not included in reconciliation.In-kind receipts include gas received by state and PETROCI. Value of in-kind payments has not been calculated because part of in-kind oil/gas is commercialized by PETROCI on behalf of the state and already included in revenue totals.In-kind receipts include oil received by state and PETROCI. Value of in-kind payments has not been calculated because part of in-kind oil/gas is commercialized by PETROCI on behalf of the state and already included in revenue totals. PETROCI, the national petroleum company, is included both as a recipient of certain revenues (in-kind profit oil and gas) and a paying entity (it pays the proceeds of commercialized profit oil/gas and dividends to the state). Total state revenues include companies' financial payments and the value of profit oil/gas commercialized by PETROCI on behalf of the state. The value of profit oil/gas retained by PETROCI is not included in government totals. Sodemi, the state mining company, collects dividends from companies on behalf of the state; these revenues are included in govt totals. Note that eiti.org totals appear to include dividends paid to Sodemi by private companies as company payments, rather than govt receipts. Here, "Total received by govt" includes FCFA 2,382,480,000 in dividends paid to Sodemi by other mining companies. Five companies did not report, and were not included in reconciliation.KPETROCI's payments to the state are included in Total Payments by Companies8Sodemi's receipts are included in Total Received by GovtHost government's production entitlement, State-owned company production entitlement, Royalties, Dividends, Licenses and concessions, Other significant benefits to governmentPetroleum: Petroci Holding (National oil company), Afren, Canadian National Resources (CRN), Foxtrot International, African Petroleum, Anadarko, Edison, Lukoil, Oranto, Rialto Energy (ex C&L Natural Resources), Taleveras, Total, Tullow Oil, Vanco, Yam's Petroleum. Mining: Sodemi (state mining company), LGL-Equigold, Societe des Mines D'Ity (SMI), Yaoure mining, Tongon, Boundoukou Manganese (ex Taurian), Carem (ex BIPTFOP), Cominor, Etruscan Resources, Golden Oriole, Golden Star Exloration, Jofema Mineral Resources, New African Business Corporation, Newmont Overseas Exploration, Occidental Gold, Randgold Resources, Rockstone Gold, SOMICI, Tata Steel, TD Continental. 8, 9, 16-18PETROCI, the national petroleum company, is included both as a recipient of certain revenues (in-kind profit oil and gas, Besoins nationaux) and a paying entity (it pays dividends and the proceeds of commercialized profit oil/gas and dividends to the state). Total state revenues include companies' financial payments, Petroci's dividends, and the value of profit oil/gas commercialized by PETROCI on behalf of the state. The value of profit oil/gas retained by PETROCI is not included in government totals and has not been added. Sodemi, the state mining company, collects dividends from companies on behalf of the state; these revenues are included in govt totals. Sodemi also makes payments (royalties, BIC tax) to the government. eiti.org totals do not appear to include PETROCI and SODEMI flows; however, even when these flows are added there are small (less than 1%) differences between the totals here and those given by eiti.org. One mining company (Rockstone Gold) did not report, and were not included in reconciliation.Total Received by Govt includes Profit-Oil et Cost-Oil Etat-Associ (numraire) and Besoins nationaux received by PETROCI on behalf of the state. Total Payments by Companies includes PETROCI's payment of Profit-Oil Etat-Puissance Publique (numraire) to the state.pIn-kind receipts include gas received by PETROCI on behalf of the state and by PETROCI for its own account. Note that in-kind volumes are as reported by Petroci; unlike past EITI Reports, the 2011 report also gives company reported in-kind payments. Company payments match PETROCI's reported receipts except for the state's share of entitlement gas: companies reported paying 670 MMBTU (24 million cubic meters) more than Petroci reported receiving. Value of in-kind payments has not been calculated because part of in-kind oil/gas is commercialized by PETROCI on behalf of the state and already included in revenue totals.In-kind receipts include oil received by state and PETROCI. Note that in-kind volumes are as reported by Petroci; unlike past EITI Reports, the 2011 report also gives company reported in-kind payments. Company oil payments match PETROCI's reported receipts. Value of in-kind payments has not been calculated because part of in-kind oil/gas is commercialized by PETROCI on behalf of the state and already included in revenue totals.Total Received by Govt includes Sodemi receipts of Dividendes issus des participations de SODEMI. Total Payments by Companies includes Sodemi's payments to the state of Redevances superficiaires and Impot BIC.GGold exports are given in the report (12 tons) but not the production. Host government's production entitlement, State-owned company production entitlement, Profits/Taxes, Royalties, Dividends, Bonuses, Licenses and concessionsOTullow Oil, African Petroleum, Vitol Cte d'Ivoire, Vioco Petroleum (Rialto Petroleum), Anadarko, CNR International, Lukoil, Foxtrot International, Taleveras, Agbaou Gold Operations, Equigold CI, CMMK, Bondoukou Manganese SA, Etruscan Resources CI, Geb & Nut Ressources, CML, Golden Oriole, Geoservice, Niquelafrica, Jofema Mineral Resources, New Mining, Planet Mineral, NABC SA, Mayana SARL, Newmont Overseas Exploration LTD, B.I.P.T.F.O.P., Rockstone Gold SA, Resolute, Caystar CI, Somici, Sani Resources, Golden Star Exploration, Tata Steel CI SA, Sermis, Cominor, TD Continental, IBG ***fCompanies requested to report / reporting section unclear (and discrepancy with the website). Production volumes unclear. Only export volumes provided for some commodities. The prodcution value figures are the ones reported by the government. The EITI report also inlcudes companies production figures : USD1125024847.54 of oil and USD 587465312.84 of gold. btuhttp://www.itierdc.comPricewaterhouseCoopers DRCCobaltPrice from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2008, and is the average U.S. spot price for minimum 99.8% cobalt cathode reported by Platts Metals Week!o/w Cobalt content of mine outputo/w Cobalt (metal)Columbite-tantalite concentrateo/w Gross weighto/w Columbium contentVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2009, and is the price for ferroniobium with 65% columbium content in the US.o/w Tantalum contentVolume from USGS Mineral < Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2009, and is the price for the Ta2O5 content of tantalite in the US.xPrice from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database) - defined as: Copper (LME), grade A, minimum 99.9935% purity, cathodes and wire bar shapes, settlement price - adjusted to account for the prices given in the Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. Annual Report 2011 for output from the Tenke Fungurume mine being an average 102.89% of this in 2009-2011.!o/w Copper content of mine outputo/w Copper (refined)YVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from kimberley Process Annual Summary 2007.Tin concentratePrice from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is defined as: Tin (LME), refined, 99.85% purity, settlement price.o/w Tin contentTungsten concentratePrice from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2009, and is the average price on the US and European spot markets for a metric ton unit of tungsten trioxide, which contains 7.93kg of tungsten.o/w Tungsten contentZinc (content of mine output)Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is defined as: Zinc (LME), high grade, minimum 99.95% purity, settlement price beginning April 1990; previously special high grade, minimum 99.995%, cash prices.FProfits/Taxes, Royalties, Dividends, Bonuses, Licenses and concessions(United States Dollar and Congolese FrancPETROLEUM: Perenco, Chevron ODS, Muanda International Oil Company, Lirex, Surestream, Teikoku Oil. MINING PRODUCTION: Anvil Mining Company Katanga, Anvil Mining Congo, Bazano, Boss Mining SPRL, Chemical of Africa, Compagnie Miniere de Sakania, Compagnie Miniere du Sud Katanga, DRC Cooper et Cobalt Project, Frontier, Generale des Carrieres et des Mines, Kamoto Copper Company, La Miniere de Bakwanga, Ciming Company Katanga (MCK), Mutanda Mining, New Dathy Corp, Ruashi Mining, Societe de Tratement du Terril de Lubumbashi, Societe d'Exploitation de Kipoi, Societe de Developpement Industriel et Minier du Congo, Tanke Fungurume Mining, Volcano Mining. MINING EXPLORATION: African Minerals (Barbados) Ltd SPRL, Anglogold, Bolfast Company, Cluff Mining, Congo Cobalt Corp, Congo Dongfang Intl Mining, Congo Loyal Will Mining, De Beers DRC Exploration, Jindal Mineral Metals Africa Congo, Kasonto Lupoto Mines SPRL, Kibali Goldmine, Kingamiambo Musonoi Tailing, Miniere de Musoshi & Kinsenda SARL, Roan Prospecting & Mining. ARTISENAL/MINERAL TRADERS: North Kivu: AMUR, Afromet, CLEPAD, Donson Intl., Ebir, FRADEBU, GMC Global Mining Company, Hillside, Huaying Trading Co, Kivu Metal, METACHEM, Mining and Processing Congo, MUNSAD, Mutombo, Namukaya, Pan African Business Group, Sodexmines, Tin Tantalite Tungestene, Tengen Metals Congo. South Kivu: Bakulikira, Panju, WMC. Diamond traders Kinshasa: ACD, ADEX, Congo Diam, Gama, k.w.b, Margaux, Primo-Gem.UnclearPetroleum: 7, Mining: 8-10DRC produced separate EITI Reports for petroleum and minerals; the reports include data for 2008 and 2009. Totals include SOC receipts (counted as govt revenues) and SOC payments (counted as company payments).OState-owned companies (ie, Gecamines) act as both paying and receiving entities. Here, revenues collected by SOCs are included under Total Received by Govt, and revenues paid to the central govt by SOCs are included under Total Payments by Companies. Total mining revenues/payments covers production, exploration, and artisinal mining.Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, and is the average U.S. spot price for minimum 99.8% cobalt cathode reported by Platts Metals WeekVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the price for ferroniobium with 65% columbium content in the US.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the price for the Ta2O5 content of tantalite in the US.YVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from kimberley Process Annual Summary 2008.The EITI Report notes that one company, MIBA, produced at least 1 million carats before operations were suspended in Nov 2008 (see p.4 of mining report).Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the average price on the US and European spot markets for a metric ton unit of tungsten trioxide, which contains 7.93kg of tungsten.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is defined as: Zinc (LME), high grade, minimum 99.95% purity, settlement price beginning April 1990; previously special high grade, minimum 99.995%, cash prices.vPrice from the Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. Annual Report 2011 and is for output from the Tenke Fungurume mine.Host government's production entitlement, Profits/Taxes, Royalties, Dividends, Bonuses, Licenses and concessions, Other significant benefits to governmentMining: AMC, AMCK, BAZANO, BOLFAST, BOSS MINING, CDM, CHEMAF, CMSK, COMISA, CONGO LOYAL, FEZA MINING, FRONTIER, GECAMINES, GOLDEN AFRICA, KCC, MUMI, MIBA, SEK, CHABARA, COMIDE, KANSUKI, KISANFU, LUGUSHWA, NAMOYA, SECAKAT, SICOMINES, SMKK, SODIFOR, SODIMIKA, SWANMINES, TWANGIZA, SAKIMA, SCMK-Mn, SOKIMO. Petroleum: CHEVRON, LIREX, MIOC, PERENCO, TEIKOKU, DIVINE, ENRGULF, NESSERGY, OIL OF DRC, SOCO, SURESTREAM.33-35The 2010 report has'positive' discrepancies of US$ 13,360, 092, i.e., company declarations superior to government declarations. It has 'negative' discrepancies of US$ 38,043,591, i.e., government declarations superior to company declarations. In addition, there is a negative discrepancy of US$ 77,633,233 from the 'unilateral' government declaration of the payments from the companies Frontier and Comisa which were sold in 2010 and legally not obliged to report.On 25 January 2013, EITI DRC published the 2010 report which was adopted on 15 January 2013 in new design. The content remains unaltered.Two companies (Frontier and Comisa) did not report; their payments ($ 77 633 233) were reported unilaterally by the state and included in Total Received by Govt. Three SOCs (GECAMINES, SODIMICO and SOKIMO) receive signing bonus and royalty payments from private companies; these receipts are included as govt revenues.,Cohydro, Mioc, Perencorep, Energulf, Eni Rd Congo, Nessergy, Oil of DR Congo, Soco DRC, Surestream, Total, Caprikate Congo, Chevron ODS, Divine Inspiration Group, Foxwhelp Congo, Glencore, Japeco, Kinrex, Socorep, Soreplico, Solico, Inpex, Ibos, Lirex, Semliki, Teikoku Oil, Cobit, Comico, African Minerals (Barbados), Anvil Mining Company of Katanga (AMCK), Anvil Mining Congo, Ashanti Goldfiels Kilo Sarl, Bazano, Boss Mining Sprl, Chemical of Africa Sprl, Compagnie Miniere du Sud-Katanga Sprl, Congo Dong Fang Minerals, Congo Loyal Will Mining (CLWM), Congolaise des Mines et de Development (COMIDE), Entreprise Generale Mala Forest (EGMF), Gecamines, Sodifor, Kamituga Mining, Kamoto Copper Company, Kansuki Mining Sprl, Kasontolupoto Mines, KGL - Somituri (Societe Miniere de L'Ituri), Kibali Gold Mines, Kimin/Kisanfu Mining, Kinsenda Copper Company, Kipushi Corporation (Kico), Loncor Resources Congo Sprl, Mining Mineral Resources (MMR), Mutanda Mining, Orama, Ruashi Mining, Rubamin, Shituru Mining Corporation, SMKK, S. d'Exploitation de Gisements de Kalukundi (Swan Mines), Societe d'Exploitation de Kipoi (SEK), Societe d'Exploitation Miniere de Chabara Sprl, Societe d'Exploitation Miniere du Haut-Katanga, Societe Miniere du Katange (SOMIKA), SODIMICO, SOKIMO, STL, Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM), Twangiaz Mining, Bolfast, Congo International Mining Corporation, Cota Mining, Exploitation Artisanale du Congo (EXACO), Feza Mining, Huachin Sprl, JMT, Magma Minerals, Metals Mines, Volcano, La COmminiere, SAKIMA, SCMK - Mn, Societe Congolaise d'Investissement (SCIM), Societe Miniere de Bakwanga (MIBA), Societe Immobiliere du Congo (SIMCO), CLuff Mining, Comagniermusonoi (COMMOS), Compagnie Miniere du Luisha (COMILU) Cooompagnie Miniere Kambove (COMIKA), GTL, La Miniere de Kalumbwemyunga (MKM), La Miniere de Kasombo (MIKAS), Long Fei Mi< ning, Lugushwa Mining, Manono Minerals, Mwana Africa COngo Gold (MIZAKO), Namoya Mining Salr, SECAKAT, SEGMAL, SICOMINES, Societe de Beers DRC Exploration Sprl, Societe Minierede Kolwezi, Societe Miniere de Moku-Beverendi (SMB), Soceite Miniere de Ziwaecaille (SOMIDEC), SODIMIKA (Kimpermabaya), SOMIMI, Wanga Mining, Compagnie Miniere Sakania (COMISA), Frontier, Golden Africa Resources, Metalkol sThis information has been taken from a complementary report as the report on the oil sector has not been translated in to English. Materiality threshold: all oil companies should be reconciled; mining companies that have made payment of more than $500,000 in 2011, state-owned mining companies, mining companies that are in a joint venture with mining companies, and mining companies that have participated in previous EITI Reports, should be reconciled. The report doesn't specify what minerals are mined. Unilateral declarations are included in the figures. The report contains extensive information on the Sicomines project. Cohydro, Mioc, Perencorep, Energulf, Eni Rd Congo, Nessergy, Oil of DR Congo, Soco DRC, Surestream, Total, Caprikate Congo, Chevron ODS, Divine Inspiration Group, Foxwhelp Congo, Glencore, Japeco, Kinrex, Socorep, Soreplico, Solico, Inpex, Ibos, Lirex, Semliki, Teikoku Oil, Cobit, ComicoAfrican Minerals (Barbados), Anvil Mining Company of Katanga (AMCK), Anvil Mining Congo, Ashanti Goldfiels Kilo Sarl, Bazano, Boss Mining Sprl, Chemical of Africa Sprl, Compagnie Miniere du Sud-Katanga Sprl, Congo Dong Fang Minerals, Congo Loyal Will Mining (CLWM), Congolaise des Mines et de Development (COMIDE), Entreprise Generale Mala Forest (EGMF), Gecamines, Sodifor, Kamituga Mining, Kamoto Copper Company, Kansuki Mining Sprl, Kasontolupoto Mines, KGL - Somituri (Societe Miniere de L'Ituri), Kibali Gold Mines, Kimin/Kisanfu Mining, Kinsenda Copper Company, Kipushi Corporation (Kico), Loncor Resources Congo Sprl, Mining Mineral Resources (MMR), Mutanda Mining, Orama, Ruashi Mining, Rubamin, Shituru Mining Corporation, SMKK, S. d'Exploitation de Gisements de Kalukundi (Swan Mines), Societe d'Exploitation de Kipoi (SEK), Societe d'Exploitation Miniere de Chabara Sprl, Societe d'Exploitation Miniere du Haut-Katanga, Societe Miniere du Katange (SOMIKA), SODIMICO, SOKIMO, STL, Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM), Twangiaz Mining, Bolfast, Congo International Mining Corporation, Cota Mining, Exploitation Artisanale du Congo (EXACO), Feza Mining, Huachin Sprl, JMT, Magma Minerals, Metals Mines, Volcano, La COmminiere, SAKIMA, SCMK - Mn, Societe Congolaise d'Investissement (SCIM), Societe Miniere de Bakwanga (MIBA), Societe Immobiliere du Congo (SIMCO), CLuff Mining, Comagniermusonoi (COMMOS), Compagnie Miniere du Luisha (COMILU) Cooompagnie Miniere Kambove (COMIKA), GTL, La Miniere de Kalumbwemyunga (MKM), La Miniere de Kasombo (MIKAS), Long Fei Mining, Lugushwa Mining, Manono Minerals, Mwana Africa COngo Gold (MIZAKO), Namoya Mining Salr, SECAKAT, SEGMAL, SICOMINES, Societe de Beers DRC Exploration Sprl, Societe Minierede Kolwezi, Societe Miniere de Moku-Beverendi (SMB), Soceite Miniere de Ziwaecaille (SOMIDEC), SODIMIKA (Kimpermabaya), SOMIMI, Wanga Mining, Compagnie Miniere Sakania (COMISA), Frontier, Golden Africa Resources, Metalkol Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from BPSR 2014, and is an average of the American Central Appalachian, Asian and Northwest Europe marker/spot prices.YVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from kimberley Process Annual Summary 2011.>Production volume information from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, price information from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database). Price is defined as: Zinc (LME), high grade, minimum 99.95% purity, settlement price beginning April 1990; previously special high grade, minimum 99.995%, cash prices.pProfits/Taxes, Royalties, Dividends, Bonuses, Licenses and concessions, Other significant benefits to governmentCongolese Franc Caprikat, Chevron ODS, Cohydro, Divine, Energulf, Eni, Foxwelp, Glencore, IBOS, INPEX, Japeco, Kinrex, Lirex, MIOC, Nessergy, Oil of DRC, Perencorep, Semliki, Soco, Socorep, Solico, Soreplico, Surestream, Teikoku, Total, African Minerals, Alsesy Trading SPRL, Anvil Mining Compagny Kinsevere (AMCK), Anvil Mining Congo, Ashanti Goldfields Kilo SARL, Bolfast, Bon Geni K. Mining, Boss Mining, Chabara SPRL, Chemical Of Africa, Compagnie De Musonoie Global SPRL, Compagnie Minere De Tondo, Compagnie Miniere De Kambove, Compagnie Miniere De Luisha, Compagnie Miniere Du Sud Katanga, Compagnie Miniere Sakania, Company Miniere De Dilala SPRL, Congo Dongfang International Mining, Congo International Mining Corporation SPRL, Congo Jinjun Cheng Mining Compagny, Entreprise Generale Malta Forest, Exploitations Artisanales Du Congo, Feza Mining, Frontier, Giro Gold, Groupe Bazano, Groupement Du Terril De Lubumbashi, Huachin Metal Leach SPRL, Huachin Mining SPRL, JMT, Kamoto Copper Company, Kansuki Mining SPRL, Kasonto Lupoto Mines, KGL-Somituri (Socitete Miniere De Ituri), Kibali Gold Mines, Kinsenda Copper Company (KICC), Kipushi Corporation, Kisanfu Mining SPRL, La Congolaise D exploitation Miniere, La Congolaise Des Mines Et De Developpement SPRL, La Generale Des Carrieres Et Des Mines, La Miniere De Kalumbwe Myunga, La Miniere De Kasombo, La Sino Congolaise Des Mines, Loncor Resources Congo SPRL, Long Fei Mining, Magma Minerals, Metal Mines, Mineral Invest International Congo, Mines D Or De Kisenge SPRL (Cluff Mining), Miniere De Bakwanga, Mining Mineral Resources, Mutanda Mining, Namoya Mining SARL, Orama, Phelps Dodge Congo, Rio Tinto Congo, Ruashi Mining, Rubamin, Shituru Mining Company, Societe Aurifere Du Kivu Et Du Maniema, Societe, Commerciale Miniere De Kisenge Manganese, Societe Congolaise D investissement Minier, Societe D Exploitation De La Cassiterite Au Katanga SPRL, Societe D Exploitation Des Gisements De Malemba Nkulu SPRL, Societe D exploitation Des Rejets De Kingamyambo Societe D Exploitation Kipoi, Societe D exploration Miniere Du Haut Katanga, Societe D exploitation Des<  Gisements De Kalunkundi, Societe De Beers Drc Exploration SPRL, Societe De Developpement Et D investissement Minier Du Congo, Societe De Developpement Industriel Et Minier De Katanga, Societe De Traitement De Terril De Lubumbashi, Societe Golden Africa Ressources SPRL, Societe Immobiliere Du Congo, Societe Kamituga Mining S.A.R.L, Societe Lugushwa Mining S.A.R.L, Societe Miniere De Kabolela Et Kipese, Societe Miniere De Kilo Moto, Societe Miniere De Kolwezi, Societe Miniere De Moku Beverend, Societe Miniere Deziwa Ecaille, Societe Miniere Du Katanga, Sodifor SPRL,Tenke Fungurume Mining, Twangiza Mining, Wana Africa Congo Gold *** :Companies requested to report / reporting section unclear. Cassiterite WolframiteColumbite Tantalite-This report is not mentioned on www.eiti.org.Host government's production entitlement, State-owned company production entitlement, Profits/Taxes, Royalties, Dividends, Bonuses.This report is not mentioned on www.eiti.org. Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2007. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2009, and is the average mill price for cement in the US.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2007. Price from Kimberley Process Annual Summary 2005, and is the average price for countries participating in the Kimberley Process.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2007. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is defined as: Gold (UK), 99.5% fine, London afternoon fixing, average of daily rates.Price from NRGI dataseto/w Manganese ore (50-53% Mn)&Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2007#o/w Manganese pellets (82-85% MnO2)Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2007. Price from Kimberley Process Annual Summary 2006, and is the average price for countries participating in the Kimberley Process.http://www.gheiti.gov.gh/URoyalty, mineral right license, ground rent, property rates, corporate tax, dividends Ghana CediAnglogold Ashanti-Obuasi, Anglogold Ashanti-Bibiani, Anglogold Ashanti-Iduaprim, GSR-Prestea/Bogosu, Gold Fields (Ghana) Ltd-Tarkwa, Abosso Goldfields Ltd, Ghana Manganese Ltd, Ghana Bauxite Co. LtdBoas & Associates33-34BauxiteVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2008. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2005, and is the average f.a.s. price of US imports of crude and dried bauxite.Ghana Bauxite Co. LtdYVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2008. Price from kimberley Process Annual Summary 2004.zVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2008. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database) - defined as: Gold (UK), 99.5% fine, London afternoon fixing, average of daily rates - adjusted to account for the prices given in the Golden Star Annual Report 2011 for output from the Bogoso/Prestea and Wassa mines being an average 109.29% of this in 2010-2011.Anglogold Ashanti-Obuasi, Anglogold Ashanti-Bibiani, Anglogold Ashanti-Iduaprim, GSR-Prestea/Bogosu, Gold Fields (Ghana) Ltd-Tarkwa, Abosso Goldfields LtdPrice from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2009, and is the c.i.f. price at US ports for metallurgical ore with 46-48% manganese content. Ghana Manganese Ltd&Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2008SaltVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2008. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2009, and is the average f.o.b. mine and plant price for bulk, pellets and packaged vacuum and open pan salt, solar salt, rock salt and salt in brine.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2008. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is defined as: Silver (Handy & Harman), 99.9% grade refined, New York.=Profits/Taxes, Royalties, Dividends, Licenses and concessionsAnglogold Ashanti-Obuasi, Anglogold Ashanti-Bibiani, Anglogold Ashanti-Iduaprim, Bogosu Gikd Ktd (GSR), Gold Fields (Ghana) Ltd-Tarkwa, Abosso Goldfields Ltd, Wexford Goldfield (GSR-Ayempim), Ghana Manganese Ltd, Ghana Bauxite Co. Ltd12-13YVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2008. Price from kimberley Process Annual Summary 2005.Anglogold Ashanti-Obuasi, Anglogold Ashanti-Bibiani, Anglogold Ashanti-Iduaprim, Bogosu Gikd Ktd (GSR), Gold Fields (Ghana) Ltd-Tarkwa, Abosso Goldfields Ltd, Wexford Goldfield (GSR-Ayempim)Anglogold Ashanti-Obuasi, Anglogold Ashanti-Iduaprim, GSR (Prestea/Bogosu), Gold Fields (Ghana) Ltd-Tarkwa, Abosso Goldfields Ltd, GSR(Wassa) Ltd, Central African Gold, Chirano Goldmines, Newmont (Ghana) Ltd, Ghana Manganese Ltd, Ghana Bauxite Co. LtdVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2008. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2007, and is the average f.a.s. price of US imports of crude and dried bauxite.18-19YVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2008. Price from kimberley Process Annual Summary 2006.Anglogold Ashanti-Obuasi, Anglogold Ashanti-Iduaprim, GSR (Prestea/Bogosu), Gold Fields (Ghana) Ltd-Tarkwa, Abosso Goldfields Ltd, GSR(Wassa) Ltd, Central African Gold, Chirano Goldmines, Newmont (Ghana) LtdVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2007, and is the average f.a.s. price of US imports of crude and dried bauxite.zVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database) - defined as: Gold (UK), 99.5% fine, London afternoon fixing, average of daily rates - adjusted to account for the prices given in the Golden Star Annual Report 2011 for output from the Bogoso/Prestea and Wassa mines being an average 109.29% of this in 2010-2011.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2009, and is the average f.o.b. mine and plant price for bulk, pellets and packaged vacuum and open pan salt, solar salt, rock salt and salt in brine.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is defined as: Silver (Handy & Harman), 99.9% grade refined, New York.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2008, and is the average f.a.s. price of US imports of crude and dried bauxite.17-18YVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from kimberley Process Annual Summary 2008.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the average f.o.b. mine and plant price for bulk, pellets and packaged vacuum and open pan salt, solar salt, rock salt and salt in brine.Anglogold Ashanti-Obuasi, Anglogold Ashanti-Iduaprim, GSR (Prestea/Bogosu), Gold Fields (Ghana) Ltd-Tarkwa, Abosso Goldfields Ltd, GSR(Wassa) Ltd, Chirano Goldmines, Newmont (Ghana) Ltd, Ghana Manganese Ltd, Ghana Bauxite Co. LtdMateriality threshold: The largest companies which paid 99% of mineral royalties in 2009 should be reconciled. Resolved discerpancies are not included in the final figures, but these have been added retrospectively. Unilateral declarations do not appear to be included in the figures. Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2010, and is the average f.a.s. price of US imports of crude and dried bauxite.15YVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from kimberley Process Annual Summary 2009.Anglogold Ashanti-Obuasi, Anglogold Ashanti-Iduaprim, GSR (Prestea/Bogosu), Gold Fields (Ghana) Ltd-Tarkwa, Abosso Goldfields Ltd, GSR(Wassa) Ltd, Chirano Goldmines, Newmont (Ghana) LtdState-owned company production entitlement, Profits/Taxes, Royalties, Dividends, Licenses and concessions, Other significant benefits to government#United States Dollar and Ghana CediAnglogold Ashanti-Obu< asi, Anglogold Ashanti-Iduaprim, Adamus Resources Ltd, GSR (Prestea/Bogosu), Gold Fields (Ghana) Ltd-Tarkwa, Abosso Goldfields Ltd, GSR(Wassa) Ltd, Chirano Goldmines, Newmont (Ghana) Ltd, Ghana Manganese Ltd, Ghana Bauxite Co. Ltd, Tullow (Ghana) Limited, Kosmos Energy Ghana HC, Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC), Saltpond Oil Fields, Anadarko (Ghana) Limited, Sabre Oil and Gas Holdings Ltd, E.O. Group Ltd/31 (of oil & gas report), 19 (of mining report)The report uses US dollars for payments by oil companies, and the local currency, the Ghana Cedi, for payments by mining companies. Materiality threshold: All oil & gas comapnies operating in the Jubilee and Saltpond field should be reconciled; the largest mining companies which paid 99% of mineral royalties in 2010 should be reconciled. The report doesn't distinguish between oil and gas producers. Oil and gas payments are only comprehensively disaggregated by revenue stream. Resolved discrepancies are not included in the final figures for mining payments, but there is insufficent information to add these retrospectively. Unilateral declarations do not appear to be included in the figures. The Ghana National Petroleum Corporation is a SOC engaged in the in exploration, production and disposal of petroleum products. The report also includes: company and project costs; the pricing mechanism for oil; the expenditure of extractive industry revenues.Tullow (Ghana) Limited, Kosmos Energy Ghana HC, Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC), Saltpond Oil Fields, Anadarko (Ghana) Limited, Sabre Oil and Gas Holdings Ltd, E.O. Group Ltd31 (of oil & gas report)Anglogold Ashanti-Obuasi, Anglogold Ashanti-Iduaprim, Adamus Resources Ltd, GSR (Prestea/Bogosu), Gold Fields (Ghana) Ltd-Tarkwa, Abosso Goldfields Ltd, GSR(Wassa) Ltd, Chirano Goldmines, Newmont (Ghana) Ltd, Ghana Manganese Ltd, Ghana Bauxite Co. Ltd19 (of mining report)YVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from kimberley Process Annual Summary 2010.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from the Golden Star Annual Report 2011 and is for output from the Bogoso/Prestea and Wassa mines.Anglogold Ashanti-Obuasi, Anglogold Ashanti-Iduaprim, Adamus Resources Ltd, GSR (Prestea/Bogosu), Gold Fields (Ghana) Ltd-Tarkwa, Abosso Goldfields Ltd, GSR(Wassa) Ltd, Chirano Goldmines, Newmont (Ghana) Ltd14, 19 (of mining report)QThe production volume by the covered companies does not include Adamus Resources.3,930,189 bbl of oil325, 31 (of oil & gas report), 29 (of mining report)#The report uses US dollars for payments by oil companies, and the local currency, the Ghana Cedi, for payments by mining companies. Materiality threshold: All oil & gas comapnies operating in the Jubilee and Saltpond field should be reconciled; the largest mining companies which paid 99% of mineral royalties in 2011 should be reconciled. The report doesn't distinguish between oil and gas producers. Oil and gas payments are only comprehensively disaggregated by revenue stream. Resolved discrepancies are not included in the final figures for mining payments, but there is insufficent information to add these retrospectively. Unilateral declarations do not appear to be included in the figures. Almost 100% of oil payments were made in kind, with the average barrel of oil being valued at $113. The Ghana National Petroleum Corporation is a SOC engaged in the in exploration, production and disposal of petroleum products. The report also includes: company and project costs; the pricing mechanism for oil; the expenditure of extractive industry revenues.25, 31 (of oil & gas report)21 (of oil & gas report)29 (of mining report)Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, and is the average f.a.s. price of US imports of crude and dried bauxite.YVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from kimberley Process Annual Summary 2011.14, 29 (of mining report) Ghanaian Cedi\GNPC, Tullow, Kosmos, Saltpond, Anglogold-Obuasi, Anglogold  Iduaprim, *** (indicated as such in the report), Adamus Resources Ltd, GSR-Prestea/Bogosu, Ghana Bauxite Co., Ghana Manganese Co., Goldfields Tarkwa, Abosso Goldfields Ltd., GSR (Wassa) Ltd., Chirano Gold Mines Ltd., Newmont Ghana Gold, Perseus Mining Co Ltd., West African Quarries Ltd.Two reports, each covering both 2012 and 2013, but split between oil and gas, and mining. Unclear report. Production volume reflects exports, not production. Mining payments originally in Cedi, recalculated to USD.ozDiamondseGNPC, Tullow, Kosmos, Saltpond, Anglogold-Obuasi, Anglogold Iduaprim, Adamus Resources Ltd, GSR-Prestea/Bogosu, Ghana Bauxite Co., Ghana Manganese Co., Goldfields Tarkwa, Abosso Goldfields Ltd., GSR (Wassa) Ltd., Chirano Gold Mines Ltd., Newmont Ghana Gold, Perseus Mining Co Ltd., Newmont Golden Ridge, West African Quarries Ltd. Prestea Sankofa Gold Ltd. Two reports, each covering both 2012 and 2013, but split between oil and gas, and mining. Unclear report. Production volume reflects exports, not production. Minng payments originally in Cedi, recalculated to USD. Payments differ from EITI website.http://eitiguatemala.org.gt/Host government's production entitlement, Profits/Taxes, Royalties, Licenses and concessions, Other significant benefits to governmentErnst & Young, S.A.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from BPSR 2014, and is an average of the UK, US and Canada Indices for natural gas.BasaltBentonite clayVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2014, and is the price for bentonite clay in the US.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2014, and is the average mill price for cement in the US.DolomiteVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2010, and is the price in the US for crushed dolomite.FeldsparVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2014, and is the price for marketable production in the US.Ferruginous clayVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2014, and is the price for common clay in the US.Flagstone (phyllite)~Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011, and is the price in the US for crushed granite.Gypsum (crude)Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the average f.o.b. price for crude and calcined products.Iron oreJadeite Kaolin clayVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2014, and is the price for kaolin clay in the US.Limestone (crude)Marble (block)}Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2010, and is the price in the US for crushed marble.Marl{Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011, and is the price in the US for crushed marl.PumiceVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the f.o.b. mine or mill price for pumice and pumicite.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the average f.o.b. mine and plant price for bulk, pellets and packaged vacuum and open pan salt, solar salt, rock salt and salt in brine.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mine< ral Yearbook 2010, and is the price in the US for construction sand and gravel.Slate|Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011, and is the price in the US for crushed slate. Steel (crude)Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is an average of the prices for steel coilsheets, wirerods and rebars.Talc and steatiteVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the price for processed talc in the US.TuffErnst & Young S.A.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, and is the price in the US for crushed dolomite.Magnesium compounds (magnesite)Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price is from the USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the average price in the US and China markets.}Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, and is the price in the US for crushed marble.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, and is the price in the US for construction sand and gravel.http://www.itie-guinee.org/&United States Dollar and Guinean FrancAlumina Company of Guinea (ACG), Compagnie des Bauxites de Guine (CBG), Compagnie des Bauxites de Kindia (CBK), Societ Anglo Gold Ashanti de Guine (SAG), Socit Minire de DINGUIRAYE (SMD), SEMAFO51The report uses US dollars for payments to central government, and the local currency, the Guinean Franc, for payments to local government and import/export taxes. Materiality threshold: not given. Unilateral declarations are included in the figures. The report does not specify what minerals are mined. wVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2009 (though, based on volume information in subsequent EITI Reports, it is assumed to be millions, rather than thousands, of tonnes). Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2005, and is the average f.a.s. price of US imports of crude and dried bauxite, adjusted to account for the price given in the 2011 EITI Report being 86.09% of this in 2011.YVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2009. Price from kimberley Process Annual Summary 2005.?Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2009. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database) - defined as: Gold (UK), 99.5% fine, London afternoon fixing, average of daily rates - adjusted to account for the prices given in the 2011-2012 EITI Reports being an average 105.95% of this in 2011-2012. Guinean Franc4, 5, 6Company total payments include community development payments made by companies to local communities (reported unilaterally by companies for a total of GNF 8 632 000 000 (see p.6)).oVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2009 (though, based on volume information in the EITI Report, it is assumed to be millions, rather than thousands, of tonnes). Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2007, and is the average f.a.s. price of US imports of crude and dried bauxite, adjusted to account for the price given in the 2011 EITI Report being 86.09% of this in 2011.&Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2009\Profits/Taxes, Dividends, Licenses and concessions, Other significant benefits to governmentCompagnie des Bauxites de Guine (CBG), Compagnie des Bauxites de Kindia (CBK), Rusal Friguia, Socit Ashanti Goldfields (SAG), Socit Minire de Dinguiraye (SMD), Socit d Exploitation Minire d Afrique de l Ouest (SEMAFO) 24, 43, 44-53iThe government disclosed its income from artisanal mining collected by the entities: "La Banque Centrale de la Rpublique de Guine", and "Le Bureau Nationale d'Expertise". The report also covers the following revenue streams: "Mining tax forbauxite and alumina", and "Exportation tax for gold and diamonds". Company total payments include voluntary social payments made by companies to local communities (reported unilaterally by companies for a total of GNF 12 904 151 410 (see p.7)). Two national trading companies (comptoirs), BNE and BCRG, did not report; their payments were reported unilaterally by govt. oVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011 (though, based on volume information in the EITI Report, it is assumed to be millions, rather than thousands, of tonnes). Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2007, and is the average f.a.s. price of US imports of crude and dried bauxite, adjusted to account for the price given in the 2011 EITI Report being 86.09% of this in 2011.~Govt revenues by commodity on p.35. Company payments for bauxite is for payments by CBG, CBK, and Rusal Friguia (See p.44-53).Govt revenues by commodity on p.35. No company payments were reported because the government received payments from only one diamond company (BNE), which did not report (see p.44-53).?Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database) - defined as: Gold (UK), 99.5% fine, London afternoon fixing, average of daily rates - adjusted to account for the prices given in the 2011-2012 EITI Reports being an average 105.95% of this in 2011-2012.Govt revenues by commodity on p.35; gold revenues include industrial and artisanal. Company payments for gold is for payments by SAG, SMD, and SEMAFO (See p.44-53).iThe government disclosed its income from artisanal mining collected by the entities: "La Banque Centrale de la Rpublique de Guine", and "Le Bureau Nationale d'Expertise". The report also covers the following revenue streams: "Mining tax forbauxite and alumina", and "Exportation tax for gold and diamonds". Company total payments include voluntary social payments made by companies to local communities (reported unilaterally by companies for a total of 17 868 691 856 GNF (see p.7)). Two national trading companies (comptoirs), BNE and BCRG, did not report; their payments were reported unilaterally by govt. oVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011 (though, based on volume information in the EITI Report, it is assumed to be millions, rather than thousands, of tonnes). Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2008, and is the average f.a.s. price of US imports of crude and dried bauxite, adjusted to account for the price given in the 2011 EITI Report being 86.09% of this in 2011.QProfits/Taxes, Licenses and concessions, Other significant benefits to governmentCompagnie des Bauxites de Guine (CBG), Compagnie des Bauxites de Kindia (CBK), Rusal Friguia, Socit Ashanti Goldfields (SAG), Socit Minire de Dinguiraye (SMD), Socit d Exploitation Minire d Afrique de l Ouest (SEMAFO)iThe governemnt disclosed its income from artisanal mining collected by the entities: "La Banque Centrale de la Rpublique de Guine", and "Le Bureau Nationale d'Expertise". The report also covers the following revenue streams: "Mining tax forbauxite and alumina", and "Exportation tax for gold and diamonds". Company total payments include voluntary social payments made by companies to local communities (reported unilaterally by companies for a total of 14 010 928 359 GNF (see p.7)). Two national trading companies (comptoirs), BNE and BCRG, did not report; their payments were reported unilaterally by govt. oVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011 (though, based on volume information in the EITI Report, it is assumed to be millions, rather than thousands, of tonnes). Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2010, and is the average f.a.s. price of US imports of crude and dried bauxite, adjusted to account for the price given in the 2011 EITI Report being 86.09% of this in 2011.~Govt revenues by commodity on p.34. Company payments for bauxite is for payments by CBG, CBK, and Rusal Friguia (See p.44-53).Govt revenues by com< modity on p.34. No company payments were reported because the government received payments from only one diamond company (BNE), which did not report (see p.44-53).Govt revenues by commodity on p.34; gold revenues include industrial and artisanal. Company payments for gold is for payments by SAG, SMD, and SEMAFO (See p.44-53).Compagnie des Bauxites de Guine (CBG), Compagnie des Bauxites de Kindia (CBK), Rusal Friguia, Socit Ashanti Goldfields (SAG), Socit Minire de Dinguiraye (SMD), Socit d Exploitation Minire d Afrique de l Ouest (SEMAFO), Rio Tinto 24, 42, 43-53dThe governemnt disclosed its income from artisanal mining collected by the entities: "La Banque Centrale de la Rpublique de Guine", and "Le Bureau Nationale d'Expertise". The report also covers the following revenue streams: "Mining tax forbauxite and alumina", and "Exportation tax for gold and diamonds". Company total payments include voluntary social payments made by companies to local communities (reported unilaterally by companies for a total of 12 804 665 961 (see p.7)). Two national trading companies (comptoirs), BNE and BCRG, did not report; their payments were reported unilaterally by govt. ~Govt revenues by commodity on p.33. Company payments for bauxite is for payments by CBG, CBK, and Rusal Friguia (See p.44-53).Govt revenues by commodity on p.33. No company payments were reported because the government received payments from only one diamond company (BNE), which did not report (see p.44-53).Govt revenues by commodity on p.33; gold revenues include industrial and artisanal. Company payments for gold is for payments by SAG, SMD, and SEMAFO (See p.44-53).Iron OreThis commodity was not mentioned in the USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. One iron ore company (Rio Tinto) was included in the EITI Report. It is in the development phase and reported no production.Mining companies: COMPAGNIE DES BAUXITES DE GUINEE CBG, ANGLOGOLD ASHANTI DE GUINEE SAG SA., St. MINIERE DE DINGUIRAYE (SMD), SIMFER S.A / RIO TINTO, St. SEMAFO-GUINEE SA, ALLIANCE MINING COMMODITIES AMC, RUSAL FRIGUIA, St HENAN-CHINE, St GUITER MINING SA, COMPAGNIE DES BAUXITES DE KINDIA (CBK), St DES MINES DE FER DE GUINEE (SMFG), SOCIETE BSGR GUINEE LIMITED / VALEE, St WEGA MINING GUINEE SA., St BELLZONE HOLDING PTY.LTD., St. ALUFER - PITA -LABE, St. CASSIDY GOLD GUINEE-SARL, St DELTA LOG, St GDC MINING AND OIL & GAS SA. Diamond trading companies (Comptoirs): FELLA SANDANFARA, IDC, RUFEX SARL. Gold trading companies (Comptoirs): SOFICOM, ETS DANTA, L.B, BOROKO MINING, M BUSINESS.34-37, 44-47, 54heiti.org figures only included the reconciled revenue flows detailed on p.35-37. Here, Total Payments by Companies includes unilaterally reported payments: "other" payments, payments to local governments, and voluntary social payments. Total Received by Govt includes unilateral receipts from small traders (comptoirs) and quarries (le secteur d exploitation des carrires). Also included in both govt revenue and company payment totals is an "exceptional" payment from Rio Tinto of $700,000,000. The government unilaterally reported transfers it made to local governments of 3 898 491 262 GNF and transfers it made to the Fonds d'Investissement Minier totalling 42 500 585 333 GNF (see p.47-48); these transfers are not included in revenue/payment totals. Subtotals by commodity cannot be calculated based on company-by-company data in Annex 6 because some companies produce more than one commodity, or did not report which commodity they produce. State revenues by commodity presented on p.44 cannot be used here because they include payments reported unilaterally by companies as well as those reported unilaterally by govt.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011 (though, based on volume information in the EITI Report, it is assumed to be millions, rather than thousands, of tonnes). Price from EITI Report, and is based on the reported value and volume of exports.yVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from EITI Report, and is based on the reported value and volume of exports.DThis commodity was not mentioned in the USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Mining companies: COMPAGNIE DES BAUXITES DE GUINEE CBG, ANGLOGOLD ASHANTI DE GUINEE SAG SA., St. MINIERE DE DINGUIRAYE (SMD), SIMFER S.A / RIO TINTO, St. SEMAFO-GUINEE SA, ALLIANCE MINING COMMODITIES AMC, RUSAL FRIGUIA, St HENAN-CHINE, St GUITER MINING SA, COMPAGNIE DES BAUXITES DE KINDIA (CBK), St DES MINES DE FER DE GUINEE (SMFG), SOCIETE BSGR GUINEE LIMITED / VALEE, St WEGA MINING GUINEE SA., St BELLZONE HOLDING PTY.LTD., St. ALUFER - PITA -LABE, St. CASSIDY GOLD GUINEE-SARL, St DELTA LOG, St GDC MINING AND OIL & GAS SA. Diamond trading companies (Comptoirs): FELLA SANDANFARA, IDC, RUFEX SARL. Gold trading companies (Comptoirs): SOFICOM, ETS DANTA, L.B, BOROKO MINING, M BUSINESS. 34-36, 46-49, 56XThe USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012 is not yet available. Note that eiti.org figures only included the reconciled revenue flows detailed on p.34-36. Here, Total Payments by Companies includes unilaterally reported payments: "other" payments, payments to local governments, and voluntary social payments. Total Received by Govt includes unilateral receipts from small traders (comptoirs) and quarries (le secteur d exploitation des carrires), and "other" unilaterally reported revenues. The government unilaterally reported transfers it made to local governments of 3,844,321,277 GNF and transfers it made to the Fonds d'Investissement Minier totalling 24,645,489,166 GNF (see p.46-49); these transfers are not included in revenue/payment totals. Subtotals by commodity cannot be calculated based on company-by-company data in Annex 6 because some companies produce more than one commodity, or did not report which commodity they produce. State revenues by commodity presented o< n p.45 cannot be used here because they include payments reported unilaterally by companies as well as those reported unilaterally by govt.Volume from EITI Report. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, and is the average f.a.s. price of US imports of crude and dried bauxite, adjusted to account for the price given in the 2011 EITI Report being 86.09% of this in 2011.JVolume from EITI Report. Price from kimberley Process Annual Summary 2012.^Volume and price from EITI Report. Price is based on the reported value and volume of exports.http://eiti.ekon.go.idHost government's production entitlement, Profits/Taxes, Royalties, Dividends, Bonuses, Other significant benefits to governmentI179,240,272 bbl of oil; 25,004,903 bbl of DMO oil; 588,873,273MSCF of gas PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia, Chevron Indonesia Company, Chevron Makassar Ltd, Chevron Siak Inc., Chevron Mountain Front Kuantan Inc., Total E&P Indonesie, Inpex Corporation, ConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd., ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd., ConocoPhillips (South Jambi) Ltd., PT Pertamina EP, Virginia Indonesia Co., Mobil Expl. Indo (NSO) Inc., ExxonMobil Oil Indonesia Inc., Mobil Cepu Ltd., Mobil Pase Inc., CNOOC SES Ltd., PT Bumi Siak Pusako, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi West Madura, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi East Java, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Ogan Komering, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Salawati, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Tomori Sulawesi, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Raja Tempirai, PetroChina International Jabung Ltd., PetroChina East Java, PetroChina International Salawati Ltd., PetroChina International (Bermuda) Ltd., PetroChina International Bangko Ltd., Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ Ltd., BP Berau Ltd., BP Muturi Ltd., BP Wiriagar Ltd., PT Medco E&P Rimau, PT Medco E&P Indonesia, PT Medco E&P Tarakan, PT Medco E&P Tomori Sulawesi, PT Medco E&P Lematang, Premier Oil Natuna SEA BV, Kondur Petroleum S.A, Kangean Energy Indonesia Ltd., Kalila (Korinci) Ltd., Lapi      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdeghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ndo Brantas Inc., Kodeco Energy Co. Ltd., Star Energy Kakap Ltd., Talisman (Ogan Komering) Ltd., Hess (Indonesia-Pangkah) Ltd., Santos (Sampang) Pty. Ltd., Santos (Madura Offshore) Pty. Ltd., Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang) Pty. Ltd., Golden Spike Ltd., CITIC Seram Energy Ltd., Kalrez Petroleum (Seram) Ltd., Pearl Oil (Tungkal) Ltd., Petroselat Ltd, Perusda Benuo Taka, Costa International Group Ltd., PT Harita Prima Abadi Mineral, PT Gunung Sion, Arutmin Indonesia, PT Kaltim Prima Coal, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, PT Indominco Mandiri, PT Jorong Barutama Greston, PT Trubaindo Coal Mining, PT Multi Tambangjaya Utama, PT Adaro Indonesia, PT Interex Sacra Raya, PT Kideco Jaya Agung, PT Berau Coal, PT Multi Harapan Utama, PT Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk, PT Batubara Bukit Kendi, PT Gunung Bayan Pratama Coal, PT Perkasa Inakakerta, PT Teguh Sinar Abadi, PT Wahana Baratama Mining, PT Firman Ketaun Perkasa, PT Mahakam Sumber Jaya, PT Tanito Harum, PT Riau Baraharum, PT Baramarta, PT Bahari Cakrawala Sebuku, PT Mandiri Inti Perkasa, PT Marunda Grahamineral, PT Tanjung Alam Jaya, PT Sumber Kurnia Buana, PT Antang Gunung Meratus, PT Baradinamika Muda Sukses, PT Lanna Harita Indonesia, PT Borneo Indobara, PT Multi Sarana Avindo, PT Bukit Baiduri Energi, PT Santan Batubara, PT Insani Baraperkasa, PT Kayan Putra Utama Coal, PT Singlurus Pratama, PT Gema Rahmi Persada, PT Bara Jaya Utama, PT Nusantara Termal Coal, PT Binamitra Sumberarta, PT Adimitra Baratama Nusantara, PT Kadya Caraka Mulia, PT Kaltim Batumanunggal, PT Transisi Energi Satunama, PT Batubara Lahat, PT Lamindo Intermultikon, PT Bangun Benua Persada Kalimantan, PT Harifa Taruna Mandiri, PT Kartika Selabumi Mining, PT Kalimantan Energi Lestari, PT Dharma Puspita Mining, PT Senamas Energindo Mulia, PT Freeport Indonesia, PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara, PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals, Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk, PT Indo Muro Kencana, PT Avocet Bolaang Mongondow, PT Billy Indonesia, PT INCO, PT Timah (Persero) Tbk, PT Koba Tin, PT DS Jaya Abadi, PT Bukit Timah, PT Belitung Industri Sejahtera, CV Donna Kebara Jaya, CV Makmur JayaKAP Gideon Ikhwan Sofwan14,16,17MMateriality threshold: All operators of oil & gas production sharing contract (PSC) areas in 2009 from which the Government of Indonesia obtained a share of production in one form or another should be reconciled; mining companies that made royalty payments of at least US$500,000 should be reconciled. These mining companies accounted for 81% of royalty payments in 2009. Unilateral declarations are included. The report doesn't indicate how the value of payments in-kind are calculated. Under Indonesian tax law, disclosure of amounts of taxes paid by taxpayers is prohibited, unless taxpayers provide consent. A number of companies did not provide this consent for some or all of their tax payments and therefore these have not been reported on by Government, even though the company has reported on them. Domestic Market Obligation fees, classified here as subsidies, are paid by Government to oil & gas PSC Contractors to supply a portion of their oil and gas liftings to the domestic market. The report doesn't distinguish between oil and gas producers. Disaggregation by commodity is only indirect through disaggregation by company, and therefore limited. PT Pertamina (Persero) is a SOC involved in upstream oil and gas activities, as well as midstream and downstream activities. PT Pertamina EP is a subsidiary which manages the upstream activities of previous (onshore) working areas throughout Indonesia, while PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) is involved in new working areas. PT Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk, PT Timah (Persero) Tbk, and PT Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk are SOCs involved in mining activities. PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia, Chevron Indonesia Company, Chevron Makassar Ltd, Chevron Siak Inc., Chevron Mountain Front Kuantan Inc., Total E&P Indonesie, Inpex Corporation, ConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd., ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd., ConocoPhillips (South Jambi) Ltd., PT Pertamina EP, Virginia Indonesia Co., Mobil Expl. Indo (NSO) Inc., ExxonMobil Oil Indonesia Inc., Mobil Cepu Ltd., Mobil Pase Inc., CNOOC SES Ltd., PT Bumi Siak Pusako, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi West Madura, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi East Java, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Ogan Komering, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Salawati, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Tomori Sulawesi, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Raja Tempirai, PetroChina International Jabung Ltd., PetroChina East Java, PetroChina International Salawati Ltd., PetroChina International (Bermuda) Ltd., PetroChina International Bangko Ltd., Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ Ltd., BP Berau Ltd., BP Muturi Ltd., BP Wiriagar Ltd., PT Medco E&P Rimau, PT Medco E&P Indonesia, PT Medco E&P Tarakan, PT Medco E&P Tomori Sulawesi, PT Medco E&P Lematang, Premier Oil Natuna SEA BV, Kondur Petroleum S.A, Kangean Energy Indonesia Ltd., Kalila (Korinci) Ltd., Lapindo Brantas Inc., Kodeco Energy Co. Ltd., Star Energy Kakap Ltd., Talisman (Ogan Komering) Ltd., Hess (Indonesia-Pangkah) Ltd., Santos (Sampang) Pty. Ltd., Santos (Madura Offshore) Pty. Ltd., Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang) Pty. Ltd., Golden Spike Ltd., CITIC Seram Energy Ltd., Kalrez Petroleum (Seram) Ltd., Pearl Oil (Tungkal) Ltd., Petroselat Ltd, Perusda Benuo Taka, Costa International Group Ltd. Volume from EITI Report. Price from BPSR 2014, and is an average of the spot prices for Brent, Dubai, Nigerian Forcados and West Texas Intermediate crude oil, adjusted to account for the prices given in the 2010-2011 EITI Reports being an average 102.62% of this in 2010-2011.PT Harita Prima Abadi Mineral, PT Gunung Sion, Arutmin Indonesia, PT Kaltim Prima Coal, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, PT Indominco Mandiri, PT Jorong Barutama Greston, PT Trubaindo Coal Mining, PT Multi Tambangjaya Utama, PT Adaro Indonesia, PT Interex Sacra Raya, PT Kideco Jaya Agung, PT Berau Coal, PT Multi Harapan Utama, PT Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk, PT Batubara Bukit Kendi, PT Gunung Bayan Pratama Coal, PT Perkasa Inakakerta, PT Teguh Sinar Abadi, PT Wahana Baratama Mining, PT Firman Ketaun Perkasa, PT Mahakam Sumber Jaya, PT Tanito Harum, PT Riau Baraharum, PT Baramarta, PT Bahari Cakrawala Sebuku, PT Mandiri Inti Perkasa, PT Marunda Grahamineral, PT Tanjung Alam Jaya, P< T Sumber Kurnia Buana, PT Antang Gunung Meratus, PT Baradinamika Muda Sukses, PT Lanna Harita Indonesia, PT Borneo Indobara, PT Multi Sarana Avindo, PT Bukit Baiduri Energi, PT Santan Batubara, PT Insani Baraperkasa, PT Kayan Putra Utama Coal, PT Singlurus Pratama, PT Gema Rahmi Persada, PT Bara Jaya Utama, PT Nusantara Termal Coal, PT Binamitra Sumberarta, PT Adimitra Baratama Nusantara, PT Kadya Caraka Mulia, PT Kaltim Batumanunggal, PT Transisi Energi Satunama, PT Batubara Lahat, PT Lamindo Intermultikon, PT Bangun Benua Persada Kalimantan, PT Harifa Taruna Mandiri, PT Kartika Selabumi Mining, PT Kalimantan Energi Lestari, PT Dharma Puspita Mining, PT Senamas Energindo Mulia, PT Freeport Indonesia, PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara, PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals, Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk, PT Indo Muro Kencana, PT Avocet Bolaang Mongondow, PT Billy Indonesia, PT INCO, PT Timah (Persero) Tbk, PT Koba Tin, PT DS Jaya Abadi, PT Bukit Timah, PT Belitung Industri Sejahtera, CV Donna Kebara Jaya, CV Makmur Jaya16-17Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2010, and is the average f.a.s. price of US imports of crude and dried bauxite.-PT Harita Prima Abadi Mineral, PT Gunung SionVolume and price from BPSR 2014. Price is an average of the American Central Appalachian, Asian and Northwest Europe marker/spot prices.%Arutmin Indonesia, PT Kaltim Prima Coal, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, PT Indominco Mandiri, PT Jorong Barutama Greston, PT Trubaindo Coal Mining, PT Multi Tambangjaya Utama, PT Adaro Indonesia, PT Interex Sacra Raya, PT Kideco Jaya Agung, PT Berau Coal, PT Multi Harapan Utama, PT Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk, PT Batubara Bukit Kendi, PT Gunung Bayan Pratama Coal, PT Perkasa Inakakerta, PT Teguh Sinar Abadi, PT Wahana Baratama Mining, PT Firman Ketaun Perkasa, PT Mahakam Sumber Jaya, PT Tanito Harum, PT Riau Baraharum, PT Baramarta, PT Bahari Cakrawala Sebuku, PT Mandiri Inti Perkasa, PT Marunda Grahamineral, PT Tanjung Alam Jaya, PT Sumber Kurnia Buana, PT Antang Gunung Meratus, PT Baradinamika Muda Sukses, PT Lanna Harita Indonesia, PT Borneo Indobara, PT Multi Sarana Avindo, PT Bukit Baiduri Energi, PT Santan Batubara, PT Insani Baraperkasa, PT Kayan Putra Utama Coal, PT Singlurus Pratama, PT Gema Rahmi Persada, PT Bara Jaya Utama, PT Nusantara Termal Coal, PT Binamitra Sumberarta, PT Adimitra Baratama Nusantara, PT Kadya Caraka Mulia, PT Kaltim Batumanunggal, PT Transisi Energi Satunama, PT Batubara Lahat, PT Lamindo Intermultikon, PT Bangun Benua Persada Kalimantan, PT Harifa Taruna Mandiri, PT Kartika Selabumi Mining, PT Kalimantan Energi Lestari, PT Dharma Puspita Mining, PT Senamas Energindo MuliaPT Freeport Indonesia, PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara, PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals, Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk, PT Indo Muro Kencana, PT Avocet Bolaang Mongondow!o/w Copper content in mine outputo/w Metal (smelter, primary)o/w Metal (refinery, primary)Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is defined as: Nickel (LME), cathodes, minimum 99.8% purity, settlement price beginning 2005; previously cash price8Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk, PT Billy Indonesia, PT INCO!o/w Nickel content in mine outputo/w Nickel content in matte!o/w Nickel content in ferronickelTinPrice from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is defined as: Tin (LME), refined, 99.85% purity, settlement pricePT Timah (Persero) Tbk, PT Koba Tin, PT DS Jaya Abadi, PT Bukit Timah, PT Belitung Industri Sejahtera, CV Donna Kebara Jaya, CV Makmur Jayao/w Tin content in mine output o/w MetalHost government's production entitlement, State-owned production entitlement, Profits/Taxes, Royalties, Dividends, Bonuses, Licenses and concessions, Other significant benefits to government*United States Dollar and Indonesian RupiahI188,720,891 bbl of oil; 26,790,161 bbl of DMO oil; 661,224,716MSCF of gas<See project-level data for list of oil and gas companies; PT Harita Prima Abadi Mineral, PT Gunung Sion, Kaltim Prima Coal, PT Adaro Indonesia, PT Indominco Mandiri, PT Trubaindo Coal Mining, PT Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk, PT Kideco Jaya Agung, PT Berau Coal, PT Gunung Bayan Pratama Coal, Arutmin Indonesia, PT Marunda Grahamineral, PT Bahari Cakrawala Sebuku, PT Mahakam Sumber Jaya, PT Baramarta, PT Tanito Harum, PT Multi Harapan Utama, PT Lanna Harita Indonesia, PT Wahana Baratama Mining, PT Jorong Barutama Greston, PT Tanjung Alam Jaya, PT Multi Sarana Avindo, PT Perkasa Inakakerta, PT Borneo Indobara, PT Sumber Kurnia Buana, PT Bukit Baiduri Energi, PT Santan Batubara, PT Insani Baraperkasa, PT Kayan Putra Utama Coal, PT Kartika Selabumi Mining, PT Teguh Sinar Abadi, Harita Prima Abadi Mineral, PT Bara Jaya Utama, PT Nusantara Thermal Coal, PT Kaltim Batumanunggal, PT Riau Baraharum, PT Bangun Benua Persada Kalimantan, PT Adimitra Baratama Nusantara, Jembayan Muara Bara, Asmin Koalindo Tuhup, Mega Prima Persada, Kemila Rindang Abedi, Kitadin, PT Singlurus Pratama, PT Gema Rahmi Persada, Arzara Baraindo Energitama, PT Freeport Indonesia, PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara, PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals, Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk, Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk, INCO/Vale Indonesia, PT Timah (Persero) Tbk, PT Koba Tin, Tambang Timah243-47 (of oil & gas report), 37 (of mining report)The report uses US dollars for payments by oil & gas companies, and the local currency, the Indonesian Rupiah, for payments by mining companies. Materiality threshold: All oil and gas operators and non-operators of Production Sharing Contract (PSC) areas in 2010 from which the Government of Indonesia obtained a share of production in one form or another should be reconciled; mining companies that made royalty payments of at least IDR25bn should be reconciled. These mining companies accounted for 83% of royalty payments in 2010. The report doesn't indicate how the government liftings of oil and gas are calculated, but notes that the price for DMO crude for up to 60 months of production is 10-25% of the Indonesia Crude Price. Unilateral declarations are included. Under Indonesian tax law, disclosure of amounts of taxes paid by taxpayers is prohibited, unless taxpayers provide consent. A number of companies did not provide this consent for some or all of their tax payments and therefore these have not been reported on by Government, even though the company has reported on them. Domestic Market Obligation fees, classified here as subsidies, are paid by Government to oil & gas PSC Contractors to supply a portion of their oil and gas liftings to the domestic market. The report doesn't distinguish between oil and gas producers. Disaggregation by commodity is only indirect through disaggregation by company, and therefore limited. PT Pertamina (Persero) is a SOC involved in upstream oil and gas activities, as well as midstream and downstream activities. PT Pertamina EP is a subsidiary which manages the upstream activities of previous (onshore) working areas throughout Indonesia, while PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) is involved in new working areas. PT Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk, PT Timah (Persero) Tbk, and PT Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk are SOCs involved in mining activities. The report also covers: the ownership of mining companies; the distribution and use of extractive industry revenues.See project-level data43-47 (of oil & gas report)IVolume and price from EITI Report. Price is that for government liftings.16 (of oil & gas report) PT Harita Prima Abadi Mineral, PT Gunung Sion, Kaltim Prima Coal, PT Adaro Indonesia, PT Indominco Mandiri, PT Trubaindo Coal Mining, PT Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk, PT Kideco Jaya Agung, PT Berau Coal, PT Gunung Bayan Pratama Coal, Arutmin Indonesia, PT Marunda Grahamineral, PT Bahari Cakrawala Sebuku, PT Mahakam Sumber Jaya, PT Baramarta, PT Tanito Harum, PT Multi Harapan Utama, PT Lanna Harita Indonesia, PT Wahana Baratama Mining, PT Jorong Barutama Greston, PT Tanjung Alam Jaya, PT Multi Sarana Avindo, PT Perkasa Inakakerta, PT Borneo Indobara, PT Sumber Kurnia Buana, PT Bukit Baiduri Energi, PT Santan Batubara, PT Insani Baraperkasa, PT Kayan Putra Utama Coal, PT Kar< tika Selabumi Mining, PT Teguh Sinar Abadi, Harita Prima Abadi Mineral, PT Bara Jaya Utama, PT Nusantara Thermal Coal, PT Kaltim Batumanunggal, PT Riau Baraharum, PT Bangun Benua Persada Kalimantan, PT Adimitra Baratama Nusantara, Jembayan Muara Bara, Asmin Koalindo Tuhup, Mega Prima Persada, Kemila Rindang Abedi, Kitadin, PT Singlurus Pratama, PT Gema Rahmi Persada, Arzara Baraindo Energitama, PT Freeport Indonesia, PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara, PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals, Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk, Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk, INCO/Vale Indonesia, PT Timah (Persero) Tbk, PT Koba Tin, Tambang Timah37 (of mining report) Bauxite (wet)Kaltim Prima Coal, PT Adaro Indonesia, PT Indominco Mandiri, PT Trubaindo Coal Mining, PT Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk, PT Kideco Jaya Agung, PT Berau Coal, PT Gunung Bayan Pratama Coal, Arutmin Indonesia, PT Marunda Grahamineral, PT Bahari Cakrawala Sebuku, PT Mahakam Sumber Jaya, PT Baramarta, PT Tanito Harum, PT Multi Harapan Utama, PT Lanna Harita Indonesia, PT Wahana Baratama Mining, PT Jorong Barutama Greston, PT Tanjung Alam Jaya, PT Multi Sarana Avindo, PT Perkasa Inakakerta, PT Borneo Indobara, PT Sumber Kurnia Buana, PT Bukit Baiduri Energi, PT Santan Batubara, PT Insani Baraperkasa, PT Kayan Putra Utama Coal, PT Kartika Selabumi Mining, PT Teguh Sinar Abadi, Harita Prima Abadi Mineral, PT Bara Jaya Utama, PT Nusantara Thermal Coal, PT Kaltim Batumanunggal, PT Riau Baraharum, PT Bangun Benua Persada Kalimantan, PT Adimitra Baratama Nusantara, Jembayan Muara Bara, Asmin Koalindo Tuhup, Mega Prima Persada, Kemila Rindang Abedi, Kitadin, PT Singlurus Pratama, PT Gema Rahmi Persada, Arzara Baraindo EnergitamahPT Freeport Indonesia, PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara, PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals, Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk0Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk, INCO/Vale Indonesia2PT Timah (Persero) Tbk, PT Koba Tin, Tambang TimahI187,299,271 bbl of oil; 26,350,022 bbl of DMO oil; 609,520,962MSCF of gasSee project-level data for list of oil and gas companies; PT Harita Prima Abadi Mineral, PT Gunung Sion, Karya Utama Tambang Jaya, PT Harita Prima Abadi Mineral, PT Gunung Sion, Karya Utama Tambang Jaya, Kaltim Prima Coal, PT Adaro Indonesia, PT Indominco Mandiri, PT Trubaindo Coal Mining, PT Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk, PT Kideco Jaya Agung, PT Berau Coal, PT Gunung Bayan Pratama Coal, Arutmin Indonesia, PT Marunda Grahamineral, PT Bahari Cakrawala Sebuku, PT Mahakam Sumber Jaya, PT Baramarta, PT Tanito Harum, PT Multi Harapan Utama, PT Lanna Harita Indonesia, PT Wahana Baratama Mining, PT Jorong Barutama Greston, PT Tanjung Alam Jaya, PT Multi Sarana Avindo, PT Perkasa Inakakerta, PT Borneo Indobara, PT Sumber Kurnia Buana, PT Bukit Baiduri Energi, PT Santan Batubara, PT Insani Baraperkasa, PT Kayan Putra Utama Coal, PT Kartika Selabumi Mining, PT Teguh Sinar Abadi, Harita Prima Abadi Mineral, PT Bara Jaya Utama, PT Nusantara Thermal Coal, PT Kaltim Batumanunggal, PT Riau Baraharum, PT Bangun Benua Persada Kalimantan, PT Adimitra Baratama Nusantara, Jembayan Muara Bara, Asmin Koalindo Tuhup, Mega Prima Persada, Kemila Rindang Abedi, Kitadin, PT Singlurus Pratama, PT Gema Rahmi Persada, Arzara Baraindo Energitama, Welarco Subur Jaya, PT Firman Ketaun Perkasa, PT Multi Tambangjaya Utama, Indomining, Lembuswana Perkasa, Telen Orbit Prima, PT Baradinamika Muda Sukses, PT Transisi Energi Satunama, Bhumi Rantau Energy, Tunas Intl Abadi, Bara Kumala Sakti, PT Binamitra Sumberarta, Bukit Menjangan Lestari, Kimco Amindo, Golden Great Borneo, Sinar Kumala Naga, Berau Bara Energi, Energi Batu Bara Lestari, Cahay Energi Mandri, Pipit Mutiara Jaya, PT Freeport Indonesia, PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara, PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals, Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk, Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk, INCO/Vale Indonesia, Billy Indonesia, Bintang Delapan Mineral, PT Timah (Persero) Tbk, PT Koba Tin, Tambang Timah, Bukit Timah, Tinido Internusa, Venus Intl Perkasa, Refined Bangka, Bangka Timah Utama Sejahtera, United Smelting249-52 (of oil & gas report), 41 (of mining report)The report uses US dollars for payments by oil & gas companies, and the local currency, the Indonesian Rupiah, for payments by mining companies. Materiality threshold: All oil and gas operators and non-operators of Production Sharing Contract (PSC) areas in 2011 from which the Government of Indonesia obtained a share of production in one form or another should be reconciled; mining companies that made royalty payments of at least IDR25bn should be reconciled. These mining companies accounted for 81% of royalty payments in 2011. The report doesn't indicate how the government liftings of oil and gas are calculated, but notes that the price for DMO crude for up to 60 months of production is 10-25% of the Indonesia Crude Price. Unilateral declarations are included. Under Indonesian tax law, disclosure of amounts of taxes paid by taxpayers is prohibited, unless taxpayers provide consent. A number of companies did not provide this consent for some or all of their tax payments and therefore these have not been reported on by Government, even though the company has reported on them. Domestic Market Obligation fees, classified here as subsidies, are paid by Government to oil & gas PSC Contractors to supply a portion of their oil and gas liftings to the domestic market. The report doesn't distinguish between oil and gas producers. Disaggregation by commodity is only indirect through disaggregation by company, and therefore limited. PT Pertamina (Persero) is a SOC involved in upstream oil and gas activities, as well as midstream and downstream activities. PT Pertamina EP is a subsidiary which manages the upstream activities of previous (onshore) working areas throughout Indonesia, while PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) is involved in new working areas. PT Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk, PT Timah (Persero) Tbk, and PT Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk are SOCs involved in mining activities. The report also covers: the ownership of mining companies; the distribution and use of extractive industry revenues.49-52 (of oil & gas report)PT Harita Prima Abadi Mineral, PT Gunung Sion, Karya Utama Tambang Jaya, PT Harita Prima Abadi Mineral, PT Gunung Sion, Karya Utama Tambang Jaya, Kaltim Prima Coal, PT Adaro Indonesia, PT Indominco Mandiri, PT Trubaindo Coal Mining, PT Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk, PT Kideco Jaya Agung, PT Berau Coal, PT Gunung Bayan Pratama Coal, Arutmin Indonesia, PT Marunda Grahamineral, PT Bahari Cakrawala Sebuku, PT Mahakam Sumber Jaya, PT Baramarta, PT Tanito Harum, PT Multi Harapan Utama, PT Lanna Harita Indonesia, PT Wahana Baratama Mining, PT Jorong Barutama Greston, PT Tanjung Alam Jaya, PT Multi Sarana Avindo, PT Perkasa Inakakerta, PT Borneo Indobara, PT Sumber Kurnia Buana, PT Bukit Baiduri Energi, PT Santan Batubara, PT Insani Baraperkasa, PT Kayan Putra Utama Coal, PT Kartika Selabumi Mining, PT Teguh Sinar Abadi, Harita Prima Abadi Mineral, PT Bara Jaya Utama, PT Nusantara Thermal Coal, PT Kaltim Batumanunggal, PT Riau Baraharum, PT Bangun Benua Persada Kalimantan, PT Adimitra Baratama Nusantara, Jembayan Muara Bara, Asmin Koalindo Tuhup, Mega Prima Persada, Kemila Rindang Abedi, Kitadin, PT Singlurus Pratama, PT Gema Rahmi Persada, Arzara Baraindo Energitama, Welarco Subur Jaya, PT Firman Ketaun Perkasa, PT Multi Tambangjaya Utama, Indomining, Lembuswana Perkasa, Telen Orbit Prima, PT Baradinamika Muda Sukses, PT Transisi Energi Satunama, Bhumi Rantau Energy, Tunas Intl Abadi, Bara Kumala Sakti, PT Binamitra Sumberarta, Bukit Menjangan Lestari, Kimco Amindo, Golden Great Borneo, Sinar Kumala Naga, Berau Bara Energi, Energi Batu Bara Lestari, Cahay Energi Mandri, Pipit Mutiara Jaya, PT Freeport Indonesia, PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara, PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals, Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk, Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk, INCO/Vale Indonesia, Billy Indonesia, Bintang Delapan Mineral, PT Timah (Persero) Tbk, PT Koba Tin, Tambang Timah, Bukit Timah, Tinido Internusa, Venus Intl Perkasa, Refined Bangka, Bangka Timah Utama Sejahtera, United Smelting41 (of mining report)Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, and is the average f.a.s. price of US impor< ts of crude and dried bauxite.GPT Harita Prima Abadi Mineral, PT Gunung Sion, Karya Utama Tambang JayaKaltim Prima Coal, PT Adaro Indonesia, PT Indominco Mandiri, PT Trubaindo Coal Mining, PT Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk, PT Kideco Jaya Agung, PT Berau Coal, PT Gunung Bayan Pratama Coal, Arutmin Indonesia, PT Marunda Grahamineral, PT Bahari Cakrawala Sebuku, PT Mahakam Sumber Jaya, PT Baramarta, PT Tanito Harum, PT Multi Harapan Utama, PT Lanna Harita Indonesia, PT Wahana Baratama Mining, PT Jorong Barutama Greston, PT Tanjung Alam Jaya, PT Multi Sarana Avindo, PT Perkasa Inakakerta, PT Borneo Indobara, PT Sumber Kurnia Buana, PT Bukit Baiduri Energi, PT Santan Batubara, PT Insani Baraperkasa, PT Kayan Putra Utama Coal, PT Kartika Selabumi Mining, PT Teguh Sinar Abadi, Harita Prima Abadi Mineral, PT Bara Jaya Utama, PT Nusantara Thermal Coal, PT Kaltim Batumanunggal, PT Riau Baraharum, PT Bangun Benua Persada Kalimantan, PT Adimitra Baratama Nusantara, Jembayan Muara Bara, Asmin Koalindo Tuhup, Mega Prima Persada, Kemila Rindang Abedi, Kitadin, PT Singlurus Pratama, PT Gema Rahmi Persada, Arzara Baraindo Energitama, Welarco Subur Jaya, PT Firman Ketaun Perkasa, PT Multi Tambangjaya Utama, Indomining, Lembuswana Perkasa, Telen Orbit Prima, PT Baradinamika Muda Sukses, PT Transisi Energi Satunama, Bhumi Rantau Energy, Tunas Intl Abadi, Bara Kumala Sakti, PT Binamitra Sumberarta, Bukit Menjangan Lestari, Kimco Amindo, Golden Great Borneo, Sinar Kumala Naga, Berau Bara Energi, Energi Batu Bara Lestari, Cahay Energi Mandri, Pipit Mutiara Jaya ZAneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk, INCO/Vale Indonesia, Billy Indonesia, Bintang Delapan MineralPT Timah (Persero) Tbk, PT Koba Tin, Tambang Timah, Bukit Timah, Tinido Internusa, Venus Intl Perkasa, Refined Bangka, Bangka Timah Utama Sejahtera, United Smeltinghttp://ieiti.org.iq[Volume and price from EITI Report. Price is based on reported value and quantity of export.(Host government's production entitlementN.A. for buyers28-30,35,37, 39, 42N.A. for buyers; IOCs - BP, Petrochina, ENI, Occidental, Kogas, Exxon Mobil, Shell,CNOOC, TPAO, Lukoil, Statoil, Petronas, Gazprom, Sonangol, JapexPWC43,47,52,54,56oN.A. for buyers; IOCs - BP, Petrochina, ENI, Occidental, Kogas, Exxon Mobil, Shell, Al Waha Petroleum Co. Ltd. Ernst & Young 49,61-62,90Production entitlement, BonusesAl Waha Petroleum, API, Bharat Petroleum, BP Oil, Cepsa, Chevron, China International, China National, China Offshore Oil, CNOOC, ENI, Erg Spa, Exxonmobil Sales And Supply Corporatio Gallows, Gazprom, GS Caltex Singapore Pte. Ltd., Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, Indian, Iplom, Jordan (Jordan Petroleum Refinery), JX Nippon Oil, Koch Supply & Trading, Kogas Iraq B.V., Korea National Oil, Litasco, Motor Oil, North Petroleum, Occidental Energy Iraq LLC., Petrochina, Petro Diamond, Petrogal, Petroleo Brasileiro, Petronas Halfaya, Phillips 66, Repsol, Samir, Saras Spa  Milano, Shell, Sinochem, SK Energy, Socar, Totsa Total, Toyota, TPAO, Turkish Petroleum Iternational, Valero Marketing & Supply Company, VitolThe total government revenues figure includes all the disclosed payments in the report, although the methodology used to produce them was unclear.Kazakhstan2005 http://geology.gov.kz/en/eiti*United States Dollar and Kazakhastan tengeJSC Karazhanbasmunai, Nelson Petroleum Buzachi B.V., Kazakhoil Aktobe LLP, Karakudukmunai LLP, JV Arman LLP, Branch of Maersk oil Kazakhstan Gmbh, ChevronTexaco International Petroleum Co., BN Munai LLP, BG Karachaganak Limited, JSC Lancaster Petroleum, Aral Petroleum Capital. LLP, Ravninnoe oil Ltd, JSC Petro Kazakhstan Kumkol Resources, JSC CNPC-Aktobemunaigas/CNPC-International (Buzachi) Inc., Agip Karachaganak B. V., Lukoil Overseas Karachaganak B.V., KhazarMunai LLP, Kazakturkmunai LLP, Kazneftehim-Kopa LLP, South-oil LLP, Gural LLP, Zhaikmunai LLP, MONTAZHMALIKMUNAI LLP, JSC Kaspiyneft, Embavedoil LLP, Affiliate of Buzachi Operating Ltd, JV KazGerMunai LLP, JSC Mangistaumunaygas, Tobearal-oil LLP, Adai Petroleum LLP, Altius Petroleum International B.V., Zhalgiztobemunay LLP, Korporatsiya Modulnaya Technologiya, LLP, Svetland-Oil LLP, ANAKO LLP, Tasbulat Oil Corporation LLP, Shinzhir LLP, Affiliate of JSC Kaspiyneft TME, JSC Exploration and Production KazMunaiGas9-11`Materiality threshold: not given. It is not clear whether unilateral declarations are included. W Adai Petroleum Company LLP, AITI,  Lukoil Overseas Karachaganak B.V. Kazakhstan Branch,  BG Karachaganak Limited (Aksai),  Chevron International Petroleum Company ,  Agip Karachaganak B.V. ,  Agip Caspian Sea B.V. , Branch of the company  Inpex North Caspian Sea.Ltd in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Branch of the Company  ConocoPhillips North Caspian. Ltd. in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Branch  TOTAL E&P Kazakhstan , Branch of the company  Shell Kazakhstan Development B.V. in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Branch of the Corporation  ExxonMobil Kazakhstan Inc. in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Branch of the company  Alties Petroleum International B.V. in Aktobe, Branch of the company  Alties Petroleum International B.V. in Atyrau,  Altyn Ken , LLP,  Aluminum of Kazakhstan (PAZ) JSC, Krasnooktyabr bauxite ore management - Branch of  Aluminum of Kazakhstan JSC,  Kergetas (KIR) mine - Branch of  Aluminum of Kazakhstan JSC, Representative office of  Aluminum of Kazakhstan JSC in Almaty, Representative office of  Aluminum of Kazakhstan JSC in Astana, Torgai bauxite ore management - Branch of  Aluminum of Kazakhstan JSC,  NACO LLP,  Aral Petroleum Capital LLP,  Arnaoil LLP, Joint venture  Arman LLP,  Arman 100 LLP,  Alga CaspiGas LLP,  Artel Staratelei Gornyak LLP,  SNPS - Aktobemunaigas JSC,  FIK Alel JSC,  Betonit &Co LLP,  Betbastau-Nedra LLP,  Bogatyr Akses Komir LLP,  Belogorskyi GOK LLP, Branch of the company "Buzachi Operating Ltd",  Bast LLP,  Vasilkovskyi GOK JSC, Joint ven< ture  Vasilkovskoe zoloto JSC,  Voshod Oriel , LLP,  Gural LLP,  Degelen LLP,  Eurasian Energy Corporation JSC,  Zhaikmunai LLP,  Zhairemskyi gorno-obogotitelnyi kombinat JSC,  Zhaikhydrogeology LLP,  Zhalair LLP,  Zherek LLP,  Zhalgiztobemunai DTOO, Joint venture  Inkai , Joint venture  KATCO LLP, NSC  Kazatomprom JSC, New Projects Management  Branch of SC of NSC  Kazatomprom ,  Kazakhmys Corporation LLP,  Kazakhoil Aktobe LLP,  KazakhTurkMunai LLP, Joint venture  Kazgermunai LLP,  KazMunaiGas JS of National Company,  Kazneftehim Kopa LLP,  Kazpolmunay LLP, Transnational company  Kazchrom JSC,  Kazzink JSC,  Karazhanbasmunai JSC,  Karakudukmunai LLP,  Caspi oil TME JSC,  Caspi oil JSC,  Kor-Tazh LLP,  Kumkol Trans service LLP,  GRK Kazakhstanskyi Nikel LLP,  Lains Jump LLP,  Lancaster Petroleum JSC, Kazakhstan branch of  Maersk Oil Kazakhstan GmbX company,  Mangistaumunaigas JSC, Joint venture  Matin LLP, Metal Still Temirtau,  Montazhmalikmunai LLP,  GRK Narymaltyn LLP, Branch of  CNPC International (Buzachi) Inc. company, Branch of the company  Nelson Petroleum Buzachi B.V. in the Republic of Kazakhstan,  PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources JSC,  Ravninnoe Oil LLP, Razvedka-dobycha  KazMunaiGas LLP, Branch of  Repsol Exploracion Kazahtsan C.A. ,  Samek International LLP,  Samek Development Enterprises LLP,  Satpayevsk Titanium Mines LTD LLP,  Svetland oil LLP,  Sauts oil LLP,  Sokolov-Sarybay mountain-concentrating association JSC, Alekseevskyi Dolgomatovyi Mine - Branch of  Sokolov-Sarybay mountain-concentrating association JSC, Branch of  Statoil North Caspian AC Company,  Syarymbet JSC, Joint venture  Tenge LLP,  Tabynai LLP,  Tasbulat oil Corporation LLP,  Tengizchevroil LLP,  Tetis Aral Gas LLP,  Tobearal Oil LLP,  Tolkynneftegaz LLP, GOK  Tory Kuduk ,  Electrometallurgical combine of Temirtau LLP, Akmolinskyi branch of  Electrometallurgical combine of Temirtau LLP,  Metal factory of Ulbinsk JSC,  Ural oil and Gas LLP,  FML Kazakhstan LLP,  KhazarMunai LLP,  Cvetmet engineering LLP,  Shalkiya Zink LTD. LLP,  Shinzhir LLP,  Embavedoil LLP Inaudit LLP8Materiality threshold: not given. The report doesn't distinguish between oil and gas producers. It is not clear whether unilateral declarations are included. d Aday Petreoleum Company LLP, Agip Karachaganak BV Kazakhstan branch, Alties Petroleum International BV Aktobe branch, Alties Petroleum International BV Atyrau branch, NACO LLP, Aral Petroleum Capital LLP, Arnaoil LLP, JV Arman LLP, BG Karachaganak Limited (Aksai), Tetis Aral Gas LLP, Buzachi Operating Ltd, Kazakhstan branch of Nelson Petroleum Buzachi BV, CNPC International (Buzachi) Inc., Gural LLP, Caspi neft TME JSC, Subsidiary of Zhalgiztobemunay LLP, Zhaikmunay LLP, Kazakhoil Aktobe LLP, JV Kazgermunay LLP, Kazneftechim-Kopa LLP, Kazpolmunay LLP, JSC Karazhanbasmunay, Karakudukmunay LLP, JSC Caspi neft, Kor-Tazh LLP, Lions Jump LLP, Lancaster Petrokeum JSC, Affiliate of Lukoil Overseas Karachaganak BV Aksai, JV MATIN LLP, Kazakhstan branch of Maersk oil Kazakhstan GmbH, JSC Mangistaumunaygas, Affiliate North Caspian Petroleum Limited, JSC PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources, KazMunayGas Exploration and Production JSC, Souts Oil LLP, Svetland oil LLP, CNPC-Aktobemunaygas JSC, Tasbolat Oil corporation LLP, JV Tenge LLP, Tobearal Oil LLP, Tolkynneftegas LLP, Tengizchevroil LLP, Khazarmunay LLP, Affiliate of Chevron International Petroleum Company, Shinzhir LLP, Embavedoil LLP, Affiliate Agip Caspian Sea BV Alga Caspian Gas LLP, SC NC KazMunayGas, Kumkol Trans Service LLP, Ravninnoye Oil LLP, Kazakhstan branch of Repsol Exploration Kazakhstan, S.., Samek Development Enterprises LLP, Samek International LLP, Affiliate of Statoil North Caspian S, Tabynay LLP, Tetis AralGas LLP, Affiliation of Total E&P Kazakhstan, Ural oil and gas LLP, Affiliate of Shell Kazakhstan Development BV, ExxonMobil Kazakhstan Inc, JSC FIC Alel, Altyn Ken LLP, Mining company Altyn Kulager LLP, JSC Altyn Almas, JSC Kazakhstan Aluminum, Balausa firm LLP, Bast LLP, Mining company Belogorsky mining and processing complex LLP, Bentonit & K LLP, Betbastau Nedra LLP, Bogat< yr Komir LLP, Vasikovski mining and processing complex JSC, Voskhod-Oriel LLP, Artel Starateley Gornyak LLP, Dzhentek International Kazakhstan LLP, Degelen LLP, Diana-Aliya LLP, JSC Eurasian energy corporation, JSC Zhairem mining and processing complex, Zherek LLP, JV Inkay LLP, JSC National atomic company Kazatomprom, Kazakhmys corporation LLP, Mining company Kazakhstanski nikel LLP, JSC Transnational company KazChrome, Kazzinc LLP, Karaoba-2005 LLP, Karazhyra Ltd LLP, JV Katko LLP, JSC ArselorMittal Temirtau, Mining company Narymaltyn LLP, Satpayevsk Titanium Mines LTD LLP, Mining company Severnyi katpar LLP, Semizbay-U LLP, JSC Sokolovsko-Sarbayskoye industrial association, JSC Syrymbet, Temirtau electric metallurgic complex LLP, Mining and processing complex Tort Kuduk LLP, JSC Ulbinski metallurgic plant, FML Kazakhstan LLP, Tsvetmet Engineering LLP, JSC JV Vasilkovskoye zoloto, Shalkiya Zinc LLP, Munayly Kazakhstan LLP, Affiliation Inpex North Caspian Sea Ltd, ConocoPhillips North Caspian Ltd in Kazakhstan, JSC KazTransGasUHY Sapa-Consulting12s Aday Petreoleum Company LLP, Agip Karachaganak BV Kazakhstan branch, Alties Petroleum International BV Aktobe branch, Alties Petroleum International BV Atyrau branch, NACO LLP, Aral Petroleum Capital LLP, Arnaoil LLP, JV Arman LLP, BG Karachaganak Limited (Aksai), Tetis Aral Gas LLP, Buzachi Operating Ltd, Kazakhstan branch of Nelson Petroleum Buzachi BV, CNPC International (Buzachi) Inc., Gural LLP, Caspi neft TME JSC, Subsidiary of Zhalgiztobemunay LLP, Zhaikmunay LLP, Kazakhoil Aktobe LLP, JV Kazgermunay LLP, Kazneftechim-Kopa LLP, Kazpolmunay LLP, JSC Karazhanbasmunay, Karakudukmunay LLP, JSC Caspi neft, Kor-Tazh LLP, Lions Jump LLP, Lancaster Petrokeum JSC, Affiliate of Lukoil Overseas Karachaganak BV Aksai, JV MATIN LLP, Kazakhstan branch of Maersk oil Kazakhstan GmbH, JSC Mangistaumunaygas, Affiliate North Caspian Petroleum Limited, JSC PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources, KazMunayGas Exploration and Production JSC, Souts Oil LLP, Svetland oil LLP, CNPC-Aktobemunaygas JSC, Tasbolat Oil corporation LLP, JV Tenge LLP, Tobearal Oil LLP, Tolkynneftegas LLP, Tengizchevroil LLP, Khazarmunay LLP, Affiliate of Chevron International Petroleum Company, Shinzhir LLP, Embavedoil LLP, Affiliate Agip Caspian Sea BV Alga Caspian Gas LLP, SC NC KazMunayGas, Kumkol Trans Service LLP, Ravninnoye Oil LLP, Kazakhstan branch of Repsol Exploration Kazakhstan, S.., Samek Development Enterprises LLP, Samek International LLP, Affiliate of Statoil North Caspian S, Tabynay LLP, Tetis AralGas LLP, Affiliation of Total E&P Kazakhstan, Ural oil and gas LLP, Affiliate of Shell Kazakhstan Development BV, ExxonMobil Kazakhstan Inc, JSC FIC Alel, Altyn Ken LLP, Mining company Altyn Kulager LLP, JSC Altyn Almas, JSC Kazakhstan Aluminum, Balausa firm LLP, Bast LLP, Mining company Belogorsky mining and processing complex LLP, Bentonit & K LLP, Betbastau Nedra LLP, Bogatyr Komir LLP, Vasikovski mining and processing complex JSC, Voskhod-Oriel LLP, Artel Starateley Gornyak LLP, Dzhentek International Kazakhstan LLP, Degelen LLP, Diana-Aliya LLP, JSC Eurasian energy corporation, JSC Zhairem mining and processing complex, Zherek LLP, JV Inkay LLP, JSC National atomic company Kazatomprom, Kazakhmys corporation LLP, Mining company Kazakhstanski nikel LLP, JSC Transnational company KazChrome, Kazzinc LLP, Karaoba-2005 LLP, Karazhyra Ltd LLP, JV Katko LLP, JSC ArselorMittal Temirtau, Mining company Narymaltyn LLP, Satpayevsk Titanium Mines LTD LLP, Mining company Severnyi katpar LLP, Semizbay-U LLP, JSC Sokolovsko-Sarbayskoye industrial association, JSC Syrymbet, Temirtau electric metallurgic complex LLP, Mining and processing complex Tort Kuduk LLP, JSC Ulbinski metallurgic plant, FML Kazakhstan LLP, Tsvetmet Engineering LLP, JSC JV Vasilkovskoye zoloto, Shalkiya Zinc LLP, Munayly Kazakhstan LLP, Affiliation Inpex North Caspian Sea Ltd, ConocoPhillips North Caspian Ltd in Kazakhstan, JSC KazTransGas, Altyn KDT LLP Alties Petroleum International B.V., Aktobe branch, Altyn KTD LLP, Agip Caspian Sea B.V., NC Kazmunaygaz JSC, Ravninnoe Oil LLP, SvetlandOil LLP, KhazarMunai LLP, Zherek LLP, EmbavedOil LLP, Shell Kazakhstan Development B.V., Branch, Tasbulat Oil Corp. LLP, Kor  Tazh LLP, JV MATIN LLP, Tabynai LLP, Lions  Jump LLP, Integracia Oil LLP, Satpayevsk Titanium Mines LTD, Zhaikmunai LLP, Karakudukmunai LLP, Karazhanbasmunai JSC, KazZink LLP, Degelen LLP, Eurasian energy corporation JSC, KMK unay JSC, ANACO LLP, Karazhyra LTD LLP, Temirtau Electrometallurgical Combine LLP, KazakhOil Aktobe LLP, BNG Ltd LLP, KDO Production LLP, Lukoil Overse< as Karachaganak B.V., Aksai Chevron International Company, Repsol Exploration Kazakhstan, Branch, KazTransGas JSC, Ural Oil and Gas LLP, Arnaoil LLP, TNG Company LLP, North Caspian Petroleum Ltd Affiliate in RK, TENIR LOGISTIC LLP, Kumkol Trans Service LLP, Mangyshlak - Munay LLP, Samek International LLP, AlgaCaspiGaz LLP, FIC Alel JSC, JV KazGerMunai LLP, Aral Petroleum Capital LLP, JV Arman LLP, unay-Service LLP, JV Inkai LLP, Branch Total & P Kazakhstan, TNK Kazkhrom LLP, Caspi Neft JSC, Kostanayiskiye minerali LLP, Kazakhmys Corporation LLP, Ecogeoneftegaz LLP, Alties Petroleum International B.V., Amir Ltd LLP, Mangistaumunaygas JSC, Tengizchevroil LLP, Tau-Ken Samruk JSC, Impex North Caspian Sea, Branch, Zhairem Mining and Concentration Plant, Vasilkovsky Mining and Concentration Plant JSC, KNOOK Caspian (Kazakhstan) Ltd, Adai Petroleum Company LLP, Zhalgiztobemunay LLP, Saryarka - Energy JSC, JV Katco LLP, BG Karachaganak Limited, Branch, JV Tenge LLP, JSC Caspi Neft TME, Metalterminalservice LLP, KF Agip Karachaganak, Voskhod  Oriel LLP, CNPC-International (Buzachi), JSC PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources, ExxonMobil Kazakhstan Inc., Branch, GRK Altyn  Kulager LLP, Statoil North Caspian AS LLP, Tobearal-Oil LLP, Affiliate of Nelson Petroleum Buzachi, Altyn Almas JSC, GRK Kazakhstansky Nikel LLP, Alluminium of Kazakhstan JSC, Exploration and Production KazMunaiGas JSC , Kazatamprom JSC, FML Kazakhstan LLP, South Oil LLP, Samek Development Enterprise LLP, Affiliate of Buzachi Operating Ltd, Cvetmet Engineering LLP, JV Arman 100 LLP, Balausa Firm LLP, Sokolovsko  Sarbayskoe Mining and Concentration Complex JSC, GRK Narymaltyn LLP, Betonit &C LLP, MGK LLP, Semizbay LLP, Arselor Mitall Temirtau LLP, AS Gorniyak LLP, Bast LLP, Tetis Aral Gas LLP, Gentech International Kazakhstan LLP, GRK Tokhtar LLP, Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd LLP, Sary Kazna LLP, Bogatyr Komir LLP, Sarymbet LLP, Nurmunay Petrogaz LLP, Affiliate of ConocoPhilips North Caspian Ltd. in Kazakhstan, Diana Aliya LLP, Altyn Ken LLP, Betbastau - Nedra LLP, CNPC Ai Dan Munay JSC, Karaoba 2005 LLP, Severniy Katpar LLP, Kazneftehim - Kopa LLP, Zhinzhir LLP91Materiality threshold: not given. The report doesn't distinguish between oil, gas and mining companies. The report does not specify what minerals are mined. It is not clear whether unilateral declarations are included. AsbestossVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2014, and is the price in the US.xThis commodity is not mentioned in the EITI Report, but its production is reported on in the USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011.BariteaPrice from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2014, and is the estimated f.o.b. mine price in the US.o/w Ore and concentrateo/w MarketableBoronVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the average f.a.s. price of US imports.Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is defined as: Copper (LME), grade A, minimum 99.9935% purity, cathodes and wire bar shapes, settlement priceyThis commodity is not mentioned in the EITI Report, but its production is reported on in the USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. o/w Metal (smelter)o/w Metal (refined, primary) FerrochromiumVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2009, and is the average price for chromium content in ferrochromium with chromium content of 49-51% and 60-65% in the US. Ferrosilicochromium FerrosiliconVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2014, and is the average price for ferrosilicon with 50% and 75% silicon content in the US. FluoursparIlmenite & leucoxeneVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the f.o.b. price in Australia for a bulk product with a minimum TiO2 content of 54%.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is defined as: Iron ore (any origin) fines, spot price, c.f.r. China, 62% Fe.o/w Mn content'Nickel (nickel content of laterite ore)Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is defined as: Nickel (LME), cathodes, minimum 99.8% purity, settlement price beginning 2005; previously cash price.Phoshpate rock (beneficated)Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is defined as: Phosphate rock (Morocco), 70% BPL, contract, f.a.s. Casablanca.Pig ironTitanium sponge|Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the year-end price in the US.Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is defined as: Zinc (LME), high grade, minimum 99.95% purity, settlement price beginning April 1990; previously special high grade, minimum 99.995%, cash prices.o/w Zinc content of concentrate o/w Smelter (primary, secondary)Tengizchevroil LLP, CNPC-AktobeMunaiGas JSC, MangistauMunaiGas JSC, KPO (Karachganak Petroleum Operating BV) Lukoil Overseas Branch, KPO (Karachganak Petroleum Operating BV) $ AgipKarachaganak, KPO (Karachganak Petroleum Operating BV) Branch B.G.Karachfanak limited, KPO (Karachganak Petroleum Operating BV), Kazgermunai LLP, PF Uzenmunaigas PF Embamunaigas JSC EP KazMunayGas, PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resourses JSC JSC, Turgai-petroleum JSC, Karazhambasmunai JSC, < Nelson Petroleum Buzachi BV CK/CNPC International (Buzachi) Inc FC/ Buzachi Operating Ltd FC, North Caspian Operating Company, KazakhOil Aktobe LLP, Kuatamlonmunai JV LLP, Alties Petroleum International .., CNPC Ai-Dan Munai JSC, ArnaOil LLP, Sauts Oil LLP, ROC Oil company JSC, JV Zhaikmunai LLP, Kom-munai LLP, Maersk Oil Kazakhstan, JV Matin LLP, ANACO JSC, Tasbulat Oil Corporation LLP, JV Arman LLP, Sazankurak LLP, JV Kazakhturkmunai LLP, Potential Oil LLP, Kolzhan LLP, >0 LLP, Caspi Meruert Operating Company BV, Zhalgiztobemunai LLP, Hazarmunai LLP, CaspiOil TME JSC, Company PhysTech LLP, CaspiOil JSC, KazTransGas JSC, AstanaOil Company LLP, Svetland Oil LLP, KMK Munai JSC, Tandai Petroleum LLP, Buzachi Oil LLP, Gural LLP, Tabinay LLP, Embavedoil LLP,  Munai LLP, Caspi OilGas LLP, JV Tenge LLP, AtyrauMunai LLP, SagizPetroleum Company LLP, Pricaspian Petroleum Company LLP, Tobearal Oil LLP, TetisAralGas LLP, EmbaMunai LLP, Ravninnoe Oil LLP, KazGPZ LLP JSC EP KazMunayGas, UrihtauOperating LLP, ... LLP, Jupiter Energy B4, Kor-Tazh LLP, N operating company LLP (JSC "NC KazMunayGas"), Abi Petroleum Company LLP, NBK LLP, Kolzhan Oil LLP, SEP Assets Group LLP (LLP "Korned"), MGK LLP, Altyn KDT LLP, NurMunai Petrogaz LLP, Ecogeoneftegas LLP, TNG Company LLP, Kazneftehim-Kopa LLP, Samek Development Enterprise LLP, SHALKIYA CINK LTD LLP, Ushger GHK JSC Ontustik JV NK JSC, ArsellorMittalTemirtau UD JSC, GRK Zhety Kazyna LLP, Firm Rapid LLP, Firm Madina LLP, TPK Bas LLP, Tioline LLP, JV Saga Krik Gold Company LLP, Semyzbai - U MTD/Mining Company LLP/KazAtomProm NAK JSC, Orken LLP, Metal Trading LLP, Razrez Priozerniy KRK LLP, Zhanalyk GOLD LLP, Anues  Altyn GRK LLP, Sat Komir GRK LLP, Gold land LLP, Yubileinoye LLP, Shahta Zapadnaya LLP, Forpost DP/Global Business LLP, FML Kazakhstan LLP, Ulba - Ftorkomplex LLP, Temirtauskyi electrometalurgicheskiy kombinat JSC, Transkomir LLP, Taskara LLP, Semgeo LLP, SGHK LLP, Satbor LLP, Saryarka-ENERGY LLP, Sarah Treasury LLP, On-Olzha LLP, Jade-2030 LLP, Maikuben West LLP, Kazakhmys LLP, Copper Technology LLP, Kazcink LLP, Zherek LLP, GRK Vizol LLP, Gamma LLP, Voskhod-Oriel LLP, Bogatyr komir LLP, Batir LLP, Bakyrchikskoye GDP LLP, AS Gorniyak LLP, Arman-100 LLP, Angrensor LLP, Aktobe - Temir-! LLP, Satpayevsk Titanium Mines LTD LLP, Nova-Zinc LLP, Inter Gold Capital LLP, Dala Mining LLP, Bapy Mining LLP, Karazhyra Ltd LLP, Yes=: LLP, Teriskey LLP, Stroyservice LLP, YES LLP/!-Balkhash JSC, JV Batys , Marum Zhar Gold LLP, Kyzylkum LLP, KazAtomProm  JSC, Kulan TB LLP, KATKO JV LLP, Karatau LLP, KazAtomProm  JSC, Inkai JV LLP, Zarechnoye JSC KRK JV/KazAtomProm  JSC, ER - TAI LLP/NOVA CINK LLP, GDP Sekisovskaya LLP, Mining Company, LLP, KazAtomProm NAK JSC, Vostochnoye RU LLP/KATEP JSSOT, Betpak Yesla JV LLP/KazAtomProm NAK JSC, BAIKEN-U LLP/KazAtomProm NAK JSC, PPAK LLP/KazAtomProm NAK JSC, Shaimerden JSC, FIK ALEL JSC, SSGPO JSC, NK JV Tobol JSC, Kostanay minerals JSC, Varvarinskoye JSC, Aluminiy JSC Branch TBRU, AK AltynAlmas JSC (Akbokaisky GOK), Shubarkol komir JSC, TNK Kazkhrom JSC, Maikaingold JSC, Corporation Duniye JSC, Zhairemskiy GOK JSC, Evroaziatskaya energeticheskaya corporation JSC, GOK Tort - Kuduk JSC, Akbastau JV JSC/KazAtomProm NAK JSC, AVENUE LLP, ZDP Kvarc, Cvetmet Engineering LLP, GRK Tokhtar LLP, GRK Kazakhstanskiy nikel LLP, Severnyi katpar LLP, Metalterminalservice LLP, Karaoba-2005 LLP, Diana - Aliya LLP, Bast LLP, Balausa firma LLP, Syrymbet JSC, Altyn Ken LLP/ktas NP JSCMateriality threshold: oil & gas companies that have made an annual payment of at least 30,000,000KZT should be reconciled; mining companies that have made an annual payments of at least 15,000,000KZT should be reconciled. It does not appear that unilateral declarations are included. Tengizchevroil LLP accounted for 34% of government revenues. The appendix is not available in its entirety, and therefore though the report also covers social payments made by companies, these figures are not provided.Tengizchevroil LLP, CNPC-AktobeMunaiGas JSC, MangistauMunaiGas JSC, KPO (Karachganak Petroleum Operating BV) Lukoil Overseas Branch, KPO (Karachganak Petroleum Operating BV) $ AgipKarachaganak, KPO (Karachganak Petroleum Operating BV) Branch B.G.Karachfanak limited, KPO (Karachganak Petroleum Operating BV), Kazgermunai LLP, PF Uz< enmunaigas PF Embamunaigas JSC EP KazMunayGas, PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resourses JSC JSC, Turgai-petroleum JSC, Karazhambasmunai JSC, Nelson Petroleum Buzachi BV CK/CNPC International (Buzachi) Inc FC/ Buzachi Operating Ltd FC, North Caspian Operating Company, KazakhOil Aktobe LLP, Kuatamlonmunai JV LLP, Alties Petroleum International .., CNPC Ai-Dan Munai JSC, ArnaOil LLP, Sauts Oil LLP, ROC Oil company JSC, JV Zhaikmunai LLP, Kom-munai LLP, Maersk Oil Kazakhstan, JV Matin LLP, ANACO JSC, Tasbulat Oil Corporation LLP, JV Arman LLP, Sazankurak LLP, JV Kazakhturkmunai LLP, Potential Oil LLP, Kolzhan LLP, >0 LLP, Caspi Meruert Operating Company BV, Zhalgiztobemunai LLP, Hazarmunai LLP, CaspiOil TME JSC, Company PhysTech LLP, CaspiOil JSC, KazTransGas JSC, AstanaOil Company LLP, Svetland Oil LLP, KMK Munai JSC, Tandai Petroleum LLP, Buzachi Oil LLP, Gural LLP, Tabinay LLP, Embavedoil LLP,  Munai LLP, Caspi OilGas LLP, JV Tenge LLP, AtyrauMunai LLP, SagizPetroleum Company LLP, Pricaspian Petroleum Company LLP, Tobearal Oil LLP, TetisAralGas LLP, EmbaMunai LLP, Ravninnoe Oil LLP, KazGPZ LLP JSC EP KazMunayGas, UrihtauOperating LLP, ... LLP, Jupiter Energy B4, Kor-Tazh LLP, N operating company LLP (JSC "NC KazMunayGas"), Abi Petroleum Company LLP, NBK LLP, Kolzhan Oil LLP, SEP Assets Group LLP (LLP "Korned"), MGK LLP, Altyn KDT LLP, NurMunai Petrogaz LLP, Ecogeoneftegas LLP, TNG Company LLP, Kazneftehim-Kopa LLP, Samek Development Enterprise LLP25SHALKIYA CINK LTD LLP, Ushger GHK JSC Ontustik JV NK JSC, ArsellorMittalTemirtau UD JSC, GRK Zhety Kazyna LLP, Firm Rapid LLP, Firm Madina LLP, TPK Bas LLP, Tioline LLP, JV Saga Krik Gold Company LLP, Semyzbai - U MTD/Mining Company LLP/KazAtomProm NAK JSC, Orken LLP, Metal Trading LLP, Razrez Priozerniy KRK LLP, Zhanalyk GOLD LLP, Anues  Altyn GRK LLP, Sat Komir GRK LLP, Gold land LLP, Yubileinoye LLP, Shahta Zapadnaya LLP, Forpost DP/Global Business LLP, FML Kazakhstan LLP, Ulba - Ftorkomplex LLP, Temirtauskyi electrometalurgicheskiy kombinat JSC, Transkomir LLP, Taskara LLP, Semgeo LLP, SGHK LLP, Satbor LLP, Saryarka-ENERGY LLP, Sarah Treasury LLP, On-Olzha LLP, Jade-2030 LLP, Maikuben West LLP, Kazakhmys LLP, Copper Technology LLP, Kazcink LLP, Zherek LLP, GRK Vizol LLP, Gamma LLP, Voskhod-Oriel LLP, Bogatyr komir LLP, Batir LLP, Bakyrchikskoye GDP LLP, AS Gorniyak LLP, Arman-100 LLP, Angrensor LLP, Aktobe - Temir-! LLP, Satpayevsk Titanium Mines LTD LLP, Nova-Zinc LLP, Inter Gold Capital LLP, Dala Mining LLP, Bapy Mining LLP, Karazhyra Ltd LLP, Yes=: LLP, Teriskey LLP, Stroyservice LLP, YES LLP/!-Balkhash JSC, JV Batys , Marum Zhar Gold LLP, Kyzylkum LLP, KazAtomProm  JSC, Kulan TB LLP, KATKO JV LLP, Karatau LLP, KazAtomProm  JSC, Inkai JV LLP, Zarechnoye JSC KRK JV/KazAtomProm  JSC, ER - TAI LLP/NOVA CINK LLP, GDP Sekisovskaya LLP, Mining Company, LLP, KazAtomProm NAK JSC, Vostochnoye RU LLP/KATEP JSSOT, Betpak Yesla JV LLP/KazAtomProm NAK JSC, BAIKEN-U LLP/KazAtomProm NAK JSC, PPAK LLP/KazAtomProm NAK JSC, Shaimerden JSC, FIK ALEL JSC, SSGPO JSC, NK JV Tobol JSC, Kostanay minerals JSC, Varvarinskoye JSC, Aluminiy JSC Branch TBRU, AK AltynAlmas JSC (Akbokaisky GOK), Shubarkol komir JSC, TNK Kazkhrom JSC, Maikaingold JSC, Corporation Duniye JSC, Zhairemskiy GOK JSC, Evroaziatskaya energeticheskaya corporation JSC, GOK Tort - Kuduk JSC, Akbastau JV JSC/KazAtomProm NAK JSC, AVENUE LLP, ZDP Kvarc, Cvetmet Engineering LLP, GRK Tokhtar LLP, GRK Kazakhstanskiy nikel LLP, Severnyi katpar LLP, Metalterminalservice LLP, Karaoba-2005 LLP, Diana - Aliya LLP, Bast LLP, Balausa firma LLP, Syrymbet JSC, Altyn Ken LLP/ktas NP JSCChromite (marketable ore)Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the price in the US for the gross mass of chromite ore.o/w Metal (refined, primaryVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2010, and is the average price for chromium content in ferrochromium with chromium content of 49-51% and 60-65% in the US. Silicon (metal)Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2014, and is the price for the metallurgical-grade metal in the US. o/w U contento/w U3O8 contentqHost government's production entitlement, Royalties, Dividends, Bonuses, Other significant benefits to governmentN"Tengizchevroil" LLP, JSC SNPC-Aktobemunaigas, JSC Mangistaumunaigas, $ "Uzenmunai< gas" PF "Embamunaigas" JSC EP "KazMunaiGas", (karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V.) Branch "Lukoil overseas", KPO(Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V.) KF Ajip Karachaganak, KPO(Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V.) Branch "B G Karachaganak Limited", KPO(Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V.), JSC PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resourses, Karazhanbasmunai LLP, Karakudukmunai LLP, KFK Nelson Petroleum Buzachi BV, FK SNPC International (Buzachi) Inc., FK BuzachiOperating Ltd., North Caspian Operating Company, Kazakhoil-Aktobe LLP, SP KuatAmlonMunai LLP, Maten Petroleum LLP, Sauts Oil LLP, JSC SNPC-Ai-Dan_Munai, JSC KOR Oil Company, FK Maersk Oil Kazakhstan Gmbh, Kom-Munai LLP, JSC Caspi Oil, ZhaikMunai LLP, Tasbulat Oil Corporation LLP, Sazankurak LLP, ANACO LLP, Potential Oil LLP, SP Arman LLP, Alties Petroelum International B.V. Company (Atyrau Branch), Samek International LLP, KoZhaN LLP, Kolzhan LLP, SP KazakhTurkMunai LLP, Zhalgiztobemunai LLP, Sagiz Petroleum Company LLP, JSC Amangeldi Gas, Hazar Munai LLP, Gural LLP, JSC Caspi Oil TME, Svetland Oil LLP, Abi Petroleum Capital LLP, Branch Caspi Meruert Operating Company B.V., Lines-Jump LLP, JSC KMK Munai, Pricaspian petroleum LLP, Tandai Petroleum LLP, SP Tenge LLP, Aral Petroleum Capital LLP, Embavedoil LLP, N Operating Company LLP, Buzachi Oil LLP, Tobe aral Oil LLP, CaspiOilGas LLP, Embamunaigas LLP, Kolzhan Oil LLP, Urihtau operating LLP, Tettis Aral Gas LLP, Kaz GPZ LLP, Astana Oil Company LLP, >@-"06 LLP, .. LLP, KAZPETROL GROUP LLP, NBK LLP, Kaz Oil-Chem copa LLP, SP Matin LLP, ZDP "Quartz", Akbastau JV JSC, KazAtomProm NAK JSC, AltynAlmas AK (Akbokay GOK), JSC "GMK Kazakhaltyn", JSC "GOK Tort-Kuduk", JSC "Eurasian energy corporation", JSC "Zhayrem GOK", JSC "Maykaingold", JSC "Temirtau electrometallurgical plant", JSC "TNK Kazchrome", JSC "Shubarkol Komir", JSC Aluminium of Kazakhstan branch KBRU, JSC Aluminium of Kazakhstan branch TBRU, JSC Varvarinskoe, JSC Kostanai minerals, JSC FIK "Alel", JSC Shaimerden, APPAK LLP/KazAtomProm NAK JSC, BAYKEN-U LLP/KazAtomProm NAK JSC, Firm Balausa LLP, Betpak Dala JV LLP/KazAtomProm NAK JSC, Eastern RU LLP, Mining company LLP/KazAtomProm NAK JSC/Kendala z JSC, ER-TAY LLP/NOVA ZINC LLP, Zarechnoe JSC KRK JV/KazAtomProm NAK JSC, Inkay JV LLP, Kazphosphate branch LLP/Chulaktau GPK, Karatau LLP/KazAtomProm NAK JSC, KATKO JV LLP, Koksu/GRK/Shungite LLP."- ./Mining company "Koksu", Kulan Komir LLP, Kyzylkum LLP/KazAtomProm NAK JSC, Marum Zhar G LLP, Semizbay - U MTD/Mining company LLP/KazAtomProm NAK JSC, Stroyservice LLP, Taza-Su LLP/RisTas JSC, Teriskey LLP, Dank LLP, "Karazhira LLP, BaKaF engineering LTD, Bapy Mining LLP, BAR NE LLP, LLP "Dala Mining" (LLP "Altyn Dala Mining"), LLP "Fonet Er-Tai AK Mining", LLP "Nova-Zinc", LLP "Satpayevsk Titanium Mines LTD", LLP "Silicon mining", LLP "Akmola Gold", LLP "Ak0Tas", LLP "Aktobe Temir VS", LLP "Angrensor", LLP "Arman-100", LLP "AS "Gornyak", LLP "Bakirchikskoe GDP", LLP "Bast", LLP "Batyr", LLP "Batis Potassium", LLP "Bogatir Komir", LLP "Voshod-Oriel", LLP "Gamma", LLP "GRK Vizol", LLP "GRK Kambar", LLP "GRK Koytas", LLP "GRK MLD", LLP "GRK MLD", LLP "KazVtorProm", LLP "Copper Technology", LLP "Kazakhmys corporation", LLP "Maykuben-west", LLP "NPP Manganese", LLP "On-Olzha", LLP "Orken", LLP "Saki Kazyna", LLP "Sariarka-ENERGY", LLP "Satbor", LLP "SGHK", LLP "Semgeo", LLP "Taskara", LLP "Temir-Service", LLP "Transkomir", LLP "Ulbavtor complex", LLP "FML Kazakhstan", LLP "Forpost" DP ";>10; 87=5A", LLP "Mine West", LLP "Yubileynoe", LLP GMK "Hurdaulet", LLP Gold Lend, LLP GRK "Sat Komir", LLP GRK "Andas Altyn", LLP Zhanalyk GOLD, LLP KazZinc, LLP   razrez Priozerniy, LLP Metal Trading, LLP JV Saga Krik Gold Company, LLP Tioline, LLP " "BAS", LLP Firm "Madina", LLP Firm "Rapid", UD JSC "Arselor Metal Temirtau", Ushger GHK JSC (Ontustik JV NK JSC), ShalkiyaZinc LTD/Tau-Ken LLP GMK, AltynKenLLP Aktas NP JSC, LLP "Diana-Aliya", LLP "Karaoba-2005", LLP "Metlaterminalservice", LLP "North Katpar", LLP GRK Kazakhstani Nickel, LLP GRK Tokhtar, CvetMetengineering LLP23Materiality threshold: oil & gas < companies that have made an annual payment of at least 30,000,000KZT should be reconciled; mining companies that have made an annual payments of at least 15,000,000KZT should be reconciled. It does not appear that unilateral declarations are included. Tengizchevroil LLP accounted for 38% of government revenues. The appendix is not available in its entirety, and therefore though the report also covers social payments made by companies, these figures are not provided.u"Tengizchevroil" LLP, JSC SNPC-Aktobemunaigas, JSC Mangistaumunaigas, $ "Uzenmunaigas" PF "Embamunaigas" JSC EP "KazMunaiGas", (karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V.) Branch "Lukoil overseas", KPO(Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V.) KF Ajip Karachaganak, KPO(Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V.) Branch "B G Karachaganak Limited", KPO(Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V.), JSC PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resourses, Karazhanbasmunai LLP, Karakudukmunai LLP, KFK Nelson Petroleum Buzachi BV, FK SNPC International (Buzachi) Inc., FK BuzachiOperating Ltd., North Caspian Operating Company, Kazakhoil-Aktobe LLP, SP KuatAmlonMunai LLP, Maten Petroleum LLP, Sauts Oil LLP, JSC SNPC-Ai-Dan_Munai, JSC KOR Oil Company, FK Maersk Oil Kazakhstan Gmbh, Kom-Munai LLP, JSC Caspi Oil, ZhaikMunai LLP, Tasbulat Oil Corporation LLP, Sazankurak LLP, ANACO LLP, Potential Oil LLP, SP Arman LLP, Alties Petroelum International B.V. Company (Atyrau Branch), Samek International LLP, KoZhaN LLP, Kolzhan LLP, SP KazakhTurkMunai LLP, Zhalgiztobemunai LLP, Sagiz Petroleum Company LLP, JSC Amangeldi Gas, Hazar Munai LLP, Gural LLP, JSC Caspi Oil TME, Svetland Oil LLP, Abi Petroleum Capital LLP, Branch Caspi Meruert Operating Company B.V., Lines-Jump LLP, JSC KMK Munai, Pricaspian petroleum LLP, Tandai Petroleum LLP, SP Tenge LLP, Aral Petroleum Capital LLP, Embavedoil LLP, N Operating Company LLP, Buzachi Oil LLP, Tobe aral Oil LLP, CaspiOilGas LLP, Embamunaigas LLP, Kolzhan Oil LLP, Urihtau operating LLP, Tettis Aral Gas LLP, Kaz GPZ LLP, Astana Oil Company LLP, >@-"06 LLP, .. LLP, KAZPETROL GROUP LLP, NBK LLP, Kaz Oil-Chem copa LLP, SP Matin LLP26 ZDP "Quartz", Akbastau JV JSC, KazAtomProm NAK JSC, AltynAlmas AK (Akbokay GOK), JSC "GMK Kazakhaltyn", JSC "GOK Tort-Kuduk", JSC "Eurasian energy corporation", JSC "Zhayrem GOK", JSC "Maykaingold", JSC "Temirtau electrometallurgical plant", JSC "TNK Kazchrome", JSC "Shubarkol Komir", JSC Aluminium of Kazakhstan branch KBRU, JSC Aluminium of Kazakhstan branch TBRU, JSC Varvarinskoe, JSC Kostanai minerals, JSC FIK "Alel", JSC Shaimerden, APPAK LLP/KazAtomProm NAK JSC, BAYKEN-U LLP/KazAtomProm NAK JSC, Firm Balausa LLP, Betpak Dala JV LLP/KazAtomProm NAK JSC, Eastern RU LLP, Mining company LLP/KazAtomProm NAK JSC/Kendala z JSC, ER-TAY LLP/NOVA ZINC LLP, Zarechnoe JSC KRK JV/KazAtomProm NAK JSC, Inkay JV LLP, Kazphosphate branch LLP/Chulaktau GPK, Karatau LLP/KazAtomProm NAK JSC, KATKO JV LLP, Koksu/GRK/Shungite LLP."- ./Mining company "Koksu", Kulan Komir LLP, Kyzylkum LLP/KazAtomProm NAK JSC, Marum Zhar G LLP, Semizbay - U MTD/Mining company LLP/KazAtomProm NAK JSC, Stroyservice LLP, Taza-Su LLP/RisTas JSC, Teriskey LLP, Dank LLP, "Karazhira LLP, BaKaF engineering LTD, Bapy Mining LLP, BAR NE LLP, LLP "Dala Mining" (LLP "Altyn Dala Mining"), LLP "Fonet Er-Tai AK Mining", LLP "Nova-Zinc", LLP "Satpayevsk Titanium Mines LTD", LLP "Silicon mining", LLP "Akmola Gold", LLP "Ak0Tas", LLP "Aktobe Temir VS", LLP "Angrensor", LLP "Arman-100", LLP "AS "Gornyak", LLP "Bakirchikskoe GDP", LLP "Bast", LLP "Batyr", LLP "Batis Potassium", LLP "Bogatir Komir", LLP "Voshod-Oriel", LLP "Gamma", LLP "GRK Vizol", LLP "GRK Kambar", LLP "GRK Koytas", LLP "GRK MLD", LLP "GRK MLD", LLP "KazVtorProm", LLP "Copper Technology", LLP "Kazakhmys corporation", LLP "Maykuben-west", LLP "NPP Manganese", LLP "On-Olzha", LLP "Orken", LLP "Saki Kazyna", LLP "Sariarka-ENERGY", LLP "Satbor", LLP "SGHK", LLP "Semgeo", LLP "Taskara", LLP "Temir-Service", LLP "Transkomir", LLP "Ulbavtor complex", LLP "FML Kazakhstan", LLP "Forpost" DP ";>10; 87=5A", LLP "Mine West", LLP "Yubileynoe", LLP GMK "Hurdaulet", LLP Gold Lend, LLP GRK "Sat Komir", LLP GRK "Andas Altyn", LLP Zhanalyk GOLD, LLP KazZinc, LLP   razrez Priozerniy, LLP Metal Trading, LLP JV Saga Krik Gold Company, LLP Tioline, LLP " "BAS", LLP Firm "Madina", < LLP Firm "Rapid", UD JSC "Arselor Metal Temirtau", Ushger GHK JSC (Ontustik JV NK JSC), ShalkiyaZinc LTD/Tau-Ken LLP GMK, AltynKenLLP Aktas NP JSC, LLP "Diana-Aliya", LLP "Karaoba-2005", LLP "Metlaterminalservice", LLP "North Katpar", LLP GRK Kazakhstani Nickel, LLP GRK Tokhtar, CvetMetengineering LLPP +Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011, and is the average price for chromium content in ferrochromium with chromium content of 49-51% and 60-65% in the US. Uraniumhttp://eiti.org.kg/Profits/Taxes, RoyaltiesKazakhstani TengeUhy Sapa ConsultingCompanies requested to report / reporting section unclear. Missing information. Payments by company / government differ from EITI website. Some production volumes are the same in 2012 and 2013. Lead & ZincLead Iron OresManganese OresBauxites ChromitesCompanies requested to report / reporting section unclear. Missing information. Payments by company / government differ from EITI website Kyrgyzstan SomW Jacbos Audit CJSCAnnex 3The 2008 EITI Report contains the figures for 2004 (though the figures given for 2004 in the 2009, 2010 and 2011 reports are significantly different). No other information is given however. The 2011 Report indicates that mining exports were worth US$230m in 2004.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2007. Price from BPSR 2014, and is an average of the American Central Appalachian, Asian and Northwest Europe marker/spot prices.xThis commodity is not mentioned in the EITI Report, but its production is reported on in the USGS Mineral Yearbook 2007.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2007. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2009, and is the average f.o.b. price for crude and calcined products.{Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2007. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity 2009, and is the price for kaolin clay in the US.Lime (dead-burned)Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2007. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2009, and is the average plant price for quicklime and hydrate products in the US.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2007. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2005, and is the price in the US for crushed limestone.MercurysVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2007. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2009, and is the price in the US. MolybdenumSand-gravel aggregateVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2007. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2005, and is the price in the US for construction sand and gravel.SandsThe 2008 EITI Report contains the figures for 2005 (though the figures given for 2005 in the 2009, 2010 and 2011 reports are significantly different). No other information is given however. The 2011 Report indicates that mining exports were worth US$239m in 2005.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2009. Price from BPSR 2014, and is an average of the American Central Appalachian, Asian and Northwest Europe marker/spot prices.xThis commodity is not mentioned in the EITI Report, but its production is reported on in the USGS Mineral Yearbook 2009.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2009. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is defined as: Gold (UK), 99.5% fine, London afternoon fixing, average of daily rates.{Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2009. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity 2009, and is the price for kaolin clay in the US.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2009. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2009, and is the average plant price for quicklime and hydrate products in the US.sVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2009. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2009, and is the price in the US.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2009. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2005, and is the price in the US for construction sand and gravel.The 2008 EITI Report contains the figures for 2006 (though the figures given for 2006 in the 2009, 2010 and 2011 reports are significantly different). No other information is given however. The 2011 Report indicates that mining exports were worth US$215m in 2006.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2009. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2007, and is the price in the US for construction sand and gravel. The 2008 EITI Report contains the figures for 2007 (though the figures given for 2007 in the 2009, 2010 and 2011 reports are significantly different). No other information is given however. The 2011 Report indicates that mining exports were worth US$250m in 2007.This commodity is not mentioned in the EITI Report, but its production is reported on in the USGS Mineral Yearbook 2009 (though there was insufficent data to estimate production volumes).Kumtor Gold Company Closed Joint-Stock Company, Kyrgyzaltyn Open Joint-Stock Company, Jerooyaltyn Closed Joint-Stock Company, Altynken LLC, Andash Mining Company LLC, Khaidarkan Mercury Joint-Stock Company Open Joint-Stock, Kadamjay Antimony Plant Open Joint-Stock Company, Kara-Balta Mining Plant Open Joint-Stock Company, Saryjaz Mineral Mining Company, Bozymchak Mining Company, Full Gold Mining LLC, Kichi-Chaarat Closed Joint-Stock Company, Kyrgyzneftegaz Open Joint-Stock Company, Besh-Sary-K LLC, Ak-Jol-Komur LLC, Razrez Ak-Ulak State Joint-Stock Company, Sharbon Closed Joint-Stock Company, Razrez Buzurmankul-T LLC, Shakhta Jyrgalan Open Joint- Stock Company, Kok-Bel-Komur LLC, Kyzyl-Kyia komur Open Joint-Stock Company, Sulyukta-komur Joint-Stock Company, Bishkekstroymaterialy Open Joint-Stock Company, Kum-Shagyl Open Joint-Stock Company, Tokmok Plant KSM Open Joint-Stock Company, Silikat Open Joint-Stock Company, Iygilik Open Joint-Stock Company CompanyAnnex 2hMateriality threshold: Not given. Unilateral declarations are included in the figures, mainly unreconciled voluntary social payments US$1,931,346 that companies were asked to voluntarily report on. The report notes that production by these companies in 2008 was worth US$1,029,314,168 according to the government, and US$556,922,648 according to the companies, at current prices. The 2011 Report indicates that total exports were worth US$480m in 2008. One of the revenue streams is dividends from state shares, but the report does not specify whether the state is the majority shareholder in any of the companies. 'Kyrgyzneftegaz Open Joint-Stock CompanyVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from BPSR 2014, and is an average of the UK, US and Canada Indices for natural gas. Oil Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from BPSR 2014, and is an average of the spot prices for Brent, Dubai, Nigerian Forcados and West Texas Intermediate crude oil.Kumtor Gold Company Closed Joint-Stock Company, Kyrgyzaltyn Open Joint-Stock Company, Jerooyaltyn Closed Joint-Stock Company, Altynken LLC, Andash Mining Company LLC, Khaidarkan Mercury Joint-Stock Company Open Joint-Stock, Kadamjay Antimony Plant Open Joint-Stock Company, Kara-Balta Mining Plant Open Joint-Stock Company, Saryjaz Mineral Mining Company, Bozymchak Mining Company, Full Gold Mining LLC, Kichi-Chaarat Closed Joint-Stock Company, Besh-Sary-K LLC, Ak-Jol-Komur LLC, Razrez Ak-Ulak State Joint-Stock Company, Sharbon Closed Joint-Stock Company, Razrez Buzurmankul-T LLC, Shakhta Jyrgalan Open Joint-Stock Company, Kok-Bel-Komur LLC, Kyzyl-Kyia komur Open Joint-Stock Company, Sulyukta-komur Joint-Stock Company, Bishkekstroymaterialy Open Joint-Stock Company, Kum-Shagyl Open Joint-Stock Company, Tokmok Plant KSM Open Joint-Stock Company, Silikat Open Joint-Stock Company, Iygilik Open Joint-Stock Company CompanyBesh-Sary-K LLC, Ak-Jol-Komur LLC, Razrez Ak-Ulak State Joint-Stock Company, Sharbon Closed Joint-Stock Company, Kyzyl-Kyia komur Open Joint-Stock Company, Sulyukta-komur Joint-Stock Company, Razrez Buzurmankul-T LLC, Shakhta Jyrgalan Open Joint-Stock Company, Kok-Bel-Komur LLCConstruction Materials Bishkekstroymaterialy Open Joint-Stock Company, Kum-Shagyl Open Joint-Stock Company, Tokmok Plant KSM Open Joint-Stock Company, Silikat Open Joint-Stock Company, Iygilik Open Joint-Stock Company Company o/w CementVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 200< 9, and is the average mill price for cement in the US.o/w Clay o/w Gypsumo/w Kaolin clayo/w LimeVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2009, and is the average plant price for quicklime and hydrate products in the US. o/w Limestoneo/w Sand-gravel aggregate o/w SandsVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2009, and is the price in the US for construction sand and gravel..Kumtor Gold Company Closed Joint-Stock CompanyNon-ferrous and rare metalsKadamjay Antimony Plant Open Joint-Stock Company, Saryjaz Mineral Mining Company, Bozymchak Mining Company, Khaidarkan Mercury Joint-Stock Company Open Joint-Stock, Kara-Balta Mining Plant Open Joint-Stock Company o/w Antimony Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012 - defined as: New York dealer price for 99.5% to 99.6% metal, cost, insurance, freight U.S. ports - adjusted to account for the price given in the US Mining Industry Overview of Kyrgyzstan being an average 0.26% of this in 2004.0Kadamjay Antimony Plant Open Joint-Stock Company o/w Metal and compounds o/w Antimony content o/w Uranium content o/w U3O8 content4Materiality threshold: Not given. Unilateral declarations are included in the figures, mainly unreconciled voluntary social payments of US$3,206,788 that companies were asked to voluntarily report on. The 2011 Report indicates that exports were worth US$540m in 2009. One of the revenue streams is dividends from state shares, but the report does not specify whether the state is the majority shareholder in any of the companies. Disaggregation by commodity is based on the percentage breakdown in the report. The report does not provide actual figures for this. Razrez Buzurmankul-T LLC, Shakhta Jyrgalan Open Joint-Stock Company, Kok-Bel-Komur LLC, Besh-Sary-K LLC, Ak-Jol-Komur LLC, Razrez Ak-Ulak State Joint-Stock Company, Sharbon Closed Joint-Stock Company, Kyzyl-Kyia komur Open Joint-Stock Company, Sulyukta-komur Joint-Stock CompanyVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2014, and is the average plant price for quicklime and hydrate products in the US.Kadamjay Antimony Plant Open Joint-Stock Company, Saryjaz Mineral Mining Company, Bozymchak Mining Company, Khaidarkan Mercury Joint-Stock Company Open Joint-Stock o/w MercurysVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2014, and is the price in the US.o/w Uranium processed)Kyrgyzneftegaz Open Joint-Stock Company, Ak-Jol Komur LLC, Tash Komur LLC, Sharbon JSC, Busurmankul T LLC, Shakhta Jyrgalan JSC, Kok-Bel Komur LLC, Kyzyl-Kiya Komur JSC, Sulyukta Komur JSC, Kara-Keche State Enterprise, Parity Coal LLC, Bishkekstroymaterialy JSC, Kum-Shagyl JSC, Tokmok plant KSM JSC, Silikat JSC, Iygilik JSC, South Plant of Construction Materials LLC, Kyrgyz Too-Tash JSC, ZhBI Plant JSC, Nur KM JSC, Dary-Bulak-Abshir LLC, South Kyrgyz Cement JSC, Dannur Yug LLC, Khaidarkan Mercury JSC, Kadamzhay Antimony Enterprise JSC, Saryjaz Mineral Mining Company LLC, Central Asian Tin Company LLC, Kutesay Mining LLC, Mineral Trade LLC, Polimetal Investstroi LLC, Kumtor Gold Company CJSC, Kyrgyzaltyn JSC, Vertex Gold Company LLC, Altynken LLC, Andash Mining Company LLC, Kazakhmys LLC, Full Gold Mining LLC, Kichi-Chaarat JSC, Fonta LLC, Eventys LLC, Dolina Kasana LLC, ELKO-service LLC, Interbusiness LLC, Kaidi Mining Investment Company LLC, Kumbel-Resource LLCKPMG Bishkek LLC Materiality threshold: Not given. Unilateral declarations are included in the figures. Voluntary social payments are not included in the figures as they are not disaggregated by company. Government reported voluntary social payments of US$6,458,023 while companies reported payments of US$2,691,182 (though the wording suggests these payment totals are the wrong idea). Some of these were payments in-kind, but the report does not specify the type or value of these. The 2011 Report indicates that exports were worth US$739m in 2010. One of the revenue streams is dividends from state shares, but the report does not specify whether the state is the majority shareholder in any of the companies. Ak-Jol Komur LLC, Tash Komur LLC, Sharbon JSC, Busurmankul T LLC, Shakhta Jyrgalan JSC, Kok-Bel Komur LLC, Kyzyl-Kiya Komur JSC, Sulyukta Komur JSC, Kara-Keche State Enterprise, Parity Coal LLC, Bishkekstroymaterialy JSC, Kum-Shagyl JSC, Tokmok plant KSM JSC, Silikat JSC, Iygilik JSC, South Plant of Construction Materials LLC, Kyrgyz Too-Tash JSC, ZhBI Plant JSC, Nur KM JSC, Dary-Bulak-Abshir LLC, South Kyrgyz Cement JSC, Dannur Yug LLC, Khaidarkan Mercury JSC, Kadamzhay Antimony Enterprise JSC, Saryjaz Mineral Mining Company LLC, Central Asian Tin Company LLC, Kutesay Mining LLC, Mineral Trade LLC, Polimetal Investstroi LLC, Kumtor Gold Company CJSC, Kyrgyzaltyn JSC, Vertex Gold Company LLC, Altynken LLC, Andash Mining Company LLC, Kazakhmys LLC, Full Gold Mining LLC, Kichi-Chaarat JSC, Fonta LLC, Eventys LLC, Dolina Kasana LLC, ELKO-service LLC, Interbusiness LLC, Kaidi Mining Investment Company LLC, Kumbel-Resource LLC13-15Ak-Jol Komur LLC, Tash Komur LLC,, Sharbon JSC, Busurmankul T LLC, Shakhta Jyrgalan JSC, Kok-Bel Komur LLC, Kyzyl-Kiya Komur JSC, Sulyukta Komur JSC, Kara-Keche State Enterprise, Parity Coal LLCBishkekstroymaterialy JSC, Kum-Shagyl JSC, Tokmok plant KSM JSC, Silikat JSC, Iygilik JSC, South Plant of Construction Materials LLC, Kyrgyz Too-Tash JSC, ZhBI Plant JSC, Nur KM JSC, Dary-Bulak-Abshir LLC, South Kyrgyz Cement JSC, Dannur Yug LLCKhaidarkan Mercury JSC, Kadamzhay Antimony Enterprise JSC, Saryjaz Mineral Mining Company LLC, Central Asian Tin Company LLC, Kutesay Mining LLC, Mineral Trade LLC, Polimetal Investstroi LLC13-14Kyrgyzneftegaz Open Joint-Stock Company, Ak-Jol Komur LLC, Tash Komur LLC, Sharbon JSC, Busurmankul T LLC, Shakhta Jyrgalan JSC, Kyzyl-Kiya Komur JSC, Sulyukta Komur JSC, Kara-Keche State Enterprise, Parity Coal LLC, Bereket JSC, Sulyukta Shakhakurulush LLC, AGK-Too Invest LLC, Pand-Sher LLC, Nur LLC, Ibraimov LLC, Maripov LLC, Kyzyl Bulak LLC, Ak Bulak LLC, Jumgal Suu Kurulush LLC, Tegene LLC, A Masaliev Shakhta Besh Burkhan LLC, Suliukta-Karabulak LLC, Bishkekstroymaterialy JSC, Kum-Shagyl JSC, Silikat JSC, Iygilik JSC, South Plant of Construction Materials LLC, Kyrgyz Too-Tash JSC, ZhBI Plant JSC, Nur KM JSC, Dary-Bulak-Abshir LLC, South Kyrgyz Cement JSC, Dannur Yug LLC, Kyrgyz Tash JSC, Onion Mining Company LLC, Khaidarkan Mercury JSC, Kadamzhay Antimony Enterprise JSC, Saryjaz Mineral Mining Company LLC, Central Asian Tin Company LLC, Kutesay Mining LLC, Mineral Trade LLC, Kumtor Gold Company CJSC, Kyrgyzaltyn JSC, Altynken LLC, Andash Mining Company LLC, Kazakhmys LLC, Full Gold Mining LLC, Kichi-Chaarat JSC, Fonta LLC, Eventys LLC, Dolina Kasana LLC, ELKO-service LLC, Interbusiness LLC, Kaidi Mining Investment Company LLC, Vertex Gold Company LLC11mAk-Jol Komur LLC, Tash Komur LLC, Sharbon JSC, Busurmankul T LLC, Shakhta Jyrgalan JSC, Kyzyl-Kiya Komur JSC, Sulyukta Komur JSC, Kara-Keche State Enterprise, Parity Coal LLC, Bereket JSC, Sulyukta Shakhakurulush LLC, AGK-Too Invest LLC, Pand-Sher LLC, Nur LLC, Ibraimov LLC, Maripov LLC, Kyzyl Bulak LLC, Ak Bulak LLC, Jumgal Suu Kurulush LLC, Tegene LLC, A Masaliev Shakhta Besh Burkhan LLC, Suliukta-Karabulak LLC, Bishkekstroymaterialy JSC, Kum-Shagyl JSC, Silikat JSC, Iygilik JSC, South Plant of Construction Materials LLC, Kyrgyz Too-Tash JSC, ZhBI Plant JSC, Nur KM JSC, Dary-Bulak-Abshir LLC, South Kyrgyz Cement JSC, Dannur Yug LLC, Kyrgyz Tash JSC, Onion Mining Company LLC, Khaidarkan Mercury JSC, Kadamzhay Antimony Enterprise JSC, Saryjaz Mineral Mining Company LLC, Central Asian Tin Company LLC, Kutesay Mining LLC, Mineral Trade LLC, Kumtor Gold Company CJSC, Kyrgyzaltyn JSC, Altynken LLC, Andash Mining Company LLC, Kazakhmys LLC, Full Gold Mining LLC, Kichi-Chaarat JSC, Fonta LLC, Eventys LLC, Dolina Kasana LLC, ELKO-service LLC, Interbusiness LLC, Kaidi Mining Investment Company LLC, Vertex Gold Company LLCAk-Jol Komur LLC, Tash Komur LLC, Sharbon JSC, Busurmankul T LLC, Shak< hta Jyrgalan JSC, Kyzyl-Kiya Komur JSC, Sulyukta Komur JSC, Kara-Keche State Enterprise, Parity Coal LLC, Bereket JSC, Sulyukta Shakhakurulush LLC, AGK-Too Invest LLC, Pand-Sher LLC, Nur LLC, Ibraimov LLC, Maripov LLC, Kyzyl Bulak LLC, Ak Bulak LLC, Jumgal Suu Kurulush LLC, Tegene LLC, A Masaliev Shakhta Besh Burkhan LLC, Suliukta-Karabulak LLC3, 14-15 Bishkekstroymaterialy JSC, Kum-Shagyl JSC, Silikat JSC, Iygilik JSC, South Plant of Construction Materials LLC, Kyrgyz Too-Tash JSC, ZhBI Plant JSC, Nur KM JSC, Dary-Bulak-Abshir LLC, South Kyrgyz Cement JSC, Dannur Yug LLC, Kyrgyz Tash JSC, Onion Mining Company LLCKumtor Gold Company CJSC, Kyrgyzaltyn JSC, Altynken LLC, Andash Mining Company LLC, Kazakhmys LLC, Full Gold Mining LLC, Kichi-Chaarat JSC, Fonta LLC, Eventys LLC, Dolina Kasana LLC, ELKO-service LLC, Interbusiness LLC, Kaidi Mining Investment Company LLC, Vertex Gold Company LLCKhaidarkan Mercury JSC, Kadamzhay Antimony Enterprise JSC, Saryjaz Mineral Mining Company LLC, Central Asian Tin Company LLC, Kutesay Mining LLC, Mineral Trade LLC o/w UraniumKyrgyzneftegaz Open Joint-Stock Company, Batkenneftegaz OJSC, South Derrik LLC, Textonic CJSC, GlavNefteGaz CJSC, Ak-Jol Komur LLC, Sharbon JSC, Busurmankul T LLC, Shakhta Jyrgalan JSC, Kyzyl-Kiya Komur JSC, Sulyukta Komur JSC, Kara-Keche State Enterprise, Parity Coal LLC, Bereket JSC, Sulyukta Shakhakurulush LLC, AGK-Too Invest LLC, Pand-Sher LLC, Nur LLC, Ibraimov LLC, Maripov LLC, Kyzyl Bulak LLC, Ak Bulak LLC, Jumgal Suu Kurulush LLC, Tegene LLC, A Masaliev Shakhta Besh Burkhan LLC, Suliukta-Karabulak LLC, Shakhta Tulek LLC, Nark-Too LLC, UzgenEnergoUgol LLC, Bishkekstroymaterialy JSC, Kum-Shagyl JSC, Silikat JSC, Iygilik JSC, South Plant of Construction Materials LLC, Kyrgyz Too-Tash JSC, ZhBI Plant JSC, Nur KM JSC, Dary-Bulak-Abshir LLC, South Kyrgyz Cement JSC, Dannur Yug LLC, Kyrgyz Tash JSC, Onion Mining Company LLC, ESK LTD LLC, Khaidarkan Mercury JSC, Kadamzhay Antimony Enterprise JSC, Saryjaz Mineral Mining Company LLC, Central Asian Tin Company LLC, Kutesay Mining LLC, Mineral Trade LLC, Merit More Investments Ltd, Sparkler Mining Inc, Kumtor Gold Company CJSC, Kyrgyzaltyn JSC, Altynken LLC, Andash Mining Company LLC, Kazakhmys LLC, Full Gold Mining LLC, Kichi-Chaarat JSC, Fonta LLC, Eventys LLC, Dolina Kasana LLC, ELKO-service LLC, Interbusiness LLC, Kaidi Mining Investment Company LLC, Vertex Gold Company LLC, Chaarat Zaav CJSC, Highland Exploration LLC, Kalton LLC, Kasansai-Ata LLC, Chatkal-17 LLC, GMK Alliance LLC, JENNAZTEM LLC, Kai Enterprise LLC10HMateriality threshold: Companies that had an income of US$1,000,000 in 2012 should be reconciled. Unilateral declarations do not appear to be included in the figures. One of the revenue streams is dividends from state shares, but the report does not specify whether the state is the majority shareholder in any of the companies.pKyrgyzneftegaz Open Joint-Stock Company, Batkenneftegaz OJSC, South Derrik LLC, Textonic CJSC, GlavNefteGaz CJSCProduction volume information from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012 and price information from BPSR 2014. Price is an average of the UK, US and Canada Indices for natural gas. Production volume information from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012 and price information from BPSR 2014. price is an average of the spot prices for Brent, Dubai, Nigerian Forcados and West Texas Intermediate crude oil.aAk-Jol Komur LLC, Sharbon JSC, Busurmankul T LLC, Shakhta Jyrgalan JSC, Kyzyl-Kiya Komur JSC, Sulyukta Komur JSC, Kara-Keche State Enterprise, Parity Coal LLC, Bereket JSC, Sulyukta Shakhakurulush LLC, AGK-Too Invest LLC, Pand-Sher LLC, Nur LLC, Ibraimov LLC, Maripov LLC, Kyzyl Bulak LLC, Ak Bulak LLC, Jumgal Suu Kurulush LLC, Tegene LLC, A Masaliev Shakhta Besh Burkhan LLC, Suliukta-Karabulak LLC, Shakhta Tulek LLC, Nark-Too LLC, UzgenEnergoUgol LLC, Bishkekstroymaterialy JSC, Kum-Shagyl JSC, Silikat JSC, Iygilik JSC, South Plant of Construction Materials LLC, Kyrgyz Too-Tash JSC, ZhBI Plant JSC, Nur KM JSC, Dary-Bulak-Abshir LLC, South Kyrgyz Cement JSC, Dannur Yug LLC, Kyrgyz Tash JSC, Onion Mining Company LLC, ESK LTD LLC, Khaidarkan Mercury JSC, Kadamzhay Antimony Enterprise JSC, Saryjaz Mineral Mining Company LLC, Central Asian Tin Company LLC, Kutesay Mining LLC, Mineral Trade LLC, Merit More Investments Ltd, Sparkler Mining Inc, Kumtor Gold Company CJSC, Kyrgyzaltyn JSC, Altynken LLC, Andash Mining Company LLC, Kazakhmys LLC, Full Gold Mining LLC, Kichi-Chaarat JSC, Fonta LLC, Eventys LLC, Dolina Kasana LLC, ELKO-service LLC, Interbusiness LLC, Kaidi Mining Investment Company LLC, Vertex Gold Company LLC, Chaarat Zaav CJSC, Highland Exploration LLC, Kalton LLC, Kasansai-Ata LLC, Chatkal-17 LLC, GMK Alliance LLC, JENNAZTEM LLC, Kai Enterprise LLC18-20Ak-Jol Komur LLC, Sharbon JSC, Busurmankul T LLC, Shakhta Jyrgalan JSC, Kyzyl-Kiya Komur JSC, Sulyukta Komur JSC, Kara-Keche State Enterprise, Parity Coal LLC, Bereket JSC, Sulyukta Shakhakurulush LLC, AGK-Too Invest LLC, Pand-Sher LLC, Nur LLC, Ibraimov LLC, Maripov LLC, Kyzyl Bulak LLC, Ak Bulak LLC, Jumgal Suu Kurulush LLC, Tegene LLC, A Masaliev Shakhta Besh Burkhan LLC, Suliukta-Karabulak LLC, Shakhta Tulek LLC, Nark-Too LLC, UzgenEnergoUgol LLCProduction volume information from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012 and price information from BPSR 2014. Price is an average of the American Central Appalachian, Asian and Northwest Europe marker/spot prices.Bishkekstroymaterialy JSC, Kum-Shagyl JSC, Silikat JSC, Iygilik JSC, South Plant of Construction Materials LLC, Kyrgyz Too-Tash JSC, ZhBI Plant JSC, Nur KM JSC, Dary-Bulak-Abshir LLC, South Kyrgyz Cement JSC, Dannur Yug LLC, Kyrgyz Tash JSC, Onion Mining Company LLC, ESK LTD LLCKumtor Gold Company CJSC, Kyrgyzaltyn JSC, Altynken LLC, Andash Mining Company LLC, Kazakhmys LLC, Full Gold Mining LLC, Kichi-Chaarat JSC, Fonta LLC, Eventys LLC, Dolina Kasana LLC, ELKO-service LLC, Interbusiness LLC, Kaidi Mining Investment Company LLC, Vertex Gold Company LLC, Chaarat Zaav CJSC, Highland Exploration LLC, Kalton LLC, Kasansai-Ata LLC, Chatkal-17 LLC, GMK Alliance LLC, JENNAZTEM LLC, Kai Enterprise LLCKhaidarkan Mercury JSC, Kadamzhay Antimony Enterprise JSC, Saryjaz Mineral Mining Company LLC, Central Asian Tin Company LLC, Kutesay Mining LLC, Mineral Trade LLC, Merit More Investments Ltd, Sparkler Mining Inco/w Lead>Production volume information from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012.http://www.leiti.org.lr/(United States Dollar and Liberian DollarBroadway Consolidated Plc, NOCAL, Oranto Petroleum Limited, Unitimber, UFC Regnais, African Aura Resources, Afro Minerals, Amlib United Minerals, ArcelorMittal Liberia, BEA Mountain Mining Corporation, BHP Billiton World Exploration, Broadway Consolidated Plc, Bukon Jedeh Resources, Crafton Development INC, Ducor Minerals Incorporated, G-10 Resources Inc, Golden Ventures Inc, Hummingbird Resources, Iron Resources Limited, KPO Resources Corporation, Liberia Gold Corporation, Liberty Gold & Diamond Mining Inc, Magma Mineral Resources Inc., Mano River Resources Incorporated, Ousomar Mines & Minerals, Precious Minerals & Mining CO, Target Resources Inc., T-Rex Resources Inc, Universal Mining Corporation, Western Mineral Resources CorporationCrane White and Associates ]The report covers the financial year of 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008. The report uses US dollars and the local currency, the Liberian Dollar. An exchange rate is not provided to convert the latter, so that of the World Bank, adjusted to account for the fiscal year, is used (http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/PA.NUS.FCRF). Materiality threshold: All known companies were requested to participate. Only the 30 companies that did are named in the report. The report doesn't specify what minerals are mined. Unilateral declarations do not appear to be included in the report. The National Oil COmpany of Liberia (NOCAL) was establised by Liberia's National Legislature to undertake and/or facilitate the exploration and establishment of the country's liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons deposits. Its actual role is not apparent is not clear from the report however.:Broadway Consolidated Plc, N< OCAL, Oranto Petroleum LimitedPProduction volume information from EIA, adjusted to account for the fiscal year.African Aura Resources, Afro Minerals, Amlib United Minerals, ArcelorMittal Liberia, BEA Mountain Mining Corporation, BHP Billiton World Exploration, Broadway Consolidated Plc, Bukon Jedeh Resources, Crafton Development INC, Ducor Minerals Incorporated, G-10 Resources Inc, Golden Ventures Inc, Hummingbird Resources, Iron Resources Limited, KPO Resources Corporation, Liberia Gold Corporation, Liberty Gold & Diamond Mining Inc, Magma Mineral Resources Inc., Mano River Resources Incorporated, Ousomar Mines & Minerals, Precious Minerals & Mining CO, Target Resources Inc., T-Rex Resources Inc, Universal Mining Corporation, Western Mineral Resources CorporationVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2009, and is the average mill price for cement in the US, adjusted to account for the fiscal year.gProduction volume information from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011, adjusted to account for the fiscal year.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from kimberley Process Annual Summary 2007 and 2008, adjusted to account for the fiscal year.~Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database) - defined as: Gold (UK), 99.5% fine, London afternoon fixing, average of daily rates - adjusted to account for the fiscal year and for the price given in the 2012 EITI Report being 86.63% of this in the fiscal year of 2011-12.Production volume information from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011 and price information from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price is defined as: Gold (UK), 99.5% fine, London afternoon fixing, average of daily rates.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2009, and is the price in the US for construction sand and gravel, adjusted to account for the fiscal year.Stone (crushed)Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2009, and is the price in the US for crushed misecellaneous stone, adjusted to account for the fiscal year.OtherForestryUnitimber, UFC RegnaisBroadway Consolidated Plc, NOCAL, Oranto Petroleum Limited, Anadarko Group, International Resources Strategic Liberia Energy, AmLib United Minerals, Bea Mountain Mining Corp, Putu Iron Ore Mining Inc, Liberia Gold Corporation, Western Mineral Resources Corp, KPO Resources, Alex Stewart Assayers Ltd., Bokun Jedeh Resources Inc, ArcelorMittal Liberia, African Aura Resources, B H P Billiton World Exploration, Broadway Consolidated PLC, Ducor Minerals, Inc. (Diamond Fields, Inc), Hummingbird Resources, Afro Minerals, Deveton Mining Company, Sinoe Exploration, Precious Minerals Mining Company, SubSea Resources DMCC, Italgems & Malavasi Mining Company, Black Sand Mining Company, Kwakmas Inc. Texas International Group, Pride Land, KBL Mining Company, Mancnemo Incorporated, China Union Investment (Liberia) Bong Mines Company Ltd, China Union (Hong Kong) Gold Investment, Ocean Bottom Resource West Africa Inc., Fundy Minerals Ltd, Shine Star Business Corporation, Vision Inc, Golden Vision Trading, Royal Company, Nimba Diamond Enterprises, A D M T Company, Gemmacom Liberia Limited, Yuly Diam Company Inc, Tarpeh Timber Co., B&V Timber Company, Bargor & Bargor Enterprise Inc., Alpha Logging & Wood Processing Inc., E J & J Investment Corporation, Liberia Tree and Trading Company, Euro Logging, D. C. Wilson Incorporated, Geblo Logging, BOPOLU, UNITIMBER Corporation, UNIVERSAL Forestry Corporation, Malavasi Logging Company, Atlantic Resources LTA, Global Wood Industries Inc, Olam Liberia Ltd, International Consultant Capital, Omiejoe Group of Companies Inc., S & Z Corporation Liberia Inc, Buchanan Renewable Energy, Salala Rubber Corp, Liberia Agricultural Company, Cavalla Rubber Corporation, Firestone Liberia, Cocopa, Sime Darby, LIBINC Oil Palm Inc., NOVEL Liberia Inc, Equatorial Bio-Fuels Liberia|Broadway Consolidated Plc, NOCAL, Oranto Petroleum Limited, Anadarko Group, International Resources Strategic Liberia EnergyAmLib United Minerals, Bea Mountain Mining Corp, Putu Iron Ore Mining Inc, Liberia Gold Corporation, Western Mineral Resources Corp, KPO Resources, Alex Stewart Assayers Ltd., Bokun Jedeh Resources Inc, ArcelorMittal Liberia, African Aura Resources, B H P Billiton World Exploration, Broadway Consolidated PLC, Ducor Minerals, Inc. (Diamond Fields, Inc), Hummingbird Resources, Afro Minerals, Deveton Mining Company, Sinoe Exploration, Precious Minerals Mining Company, SubSea Resources DMCC, Italgems & Malavasi Mining Company, Black Sand Mining Company, Kwakmas Inc. Texas International Group, Pride Land, KBL Mining Company, Mancnemo Incorporated, China Union Investment (Liberia) Bong Mines Company Ltd, China Union (Hong Kong) Gold Investment, Ocean Bottom Resource West Africa Inc., Fundy Minerals Ltd, Shine Star Business Corporation, Vision Inc, Golden Vision Trading, Royal Company, Nimba Diamond Enterprises, A D M T Company, Gemmacom Liberia Limited, Yuly Diam Company IncVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from kimberley Process Annual Summary 2008 and 2009, adjusted to account for the fiscal year.Tarpeh Timber Co., B&V Timber Company, Bargor & Bargor Enterprise Inc., Alpha Logging & Wood Processing Inc., E J & J Investment Corporation, Liberia Tree and Trading Company, Euro Logging, D. C. Wilson Incorporated, Geblo Logging, BOPOLU, UNITIMBER Corporation, UNIVERSAL Forestry Corporation, Malavasi Logging Company, Atlantic Resources LTA, Global Wood Industries Inc, Olam Liberia Ltd, International Consultant Capital, Omiejoe Group of Companies Inc., S & Z Corporation Liberia Inc, Buchanan Renewable Energy AgricultureSalala Rubber Corp, Liberia Agricultural Company, Cavalla Rubber Corporation, Firestone Liberia, Cocopa, Sime Darby, LIBINC Oil Palm Inc., NOVEL Liberia Inc, Equatorial Bio-Fuels Liberia Broadway Consolidated Plc, NOCAL, Oranto Petroleum Limited, Anadarko Group, International Resources Strategic Liberia Energy, Regal Liberia Limited/European Hydrocarbons Limited - African Petroleum Corporation, AmLib United Minerals, Bea Mountain Mining Corp, Putu Iron Ore Mining Inc, KPO Resources, Alex Stewart Assayers Ltd., Bokun Jedeh Resources Inc, ArcelorMittal Liberia, B H P Billiton World Exploration, Ducor Minerals, Inc. (Diamond Fields, Inc), Hummingbird Resources, Afro Minerals, Deveton Mining Company, Sinoe Exploration, Precious Minerals Mining Company, SubSea Resources DMCC, Texas International Group, KBL Liberia Mining Company, China Union Mining Corporation Limited, Ocean Bottom Resource West Africa Inc., Shine Star Business Corporation, Vision Inc, Golden Vision Trading, Royal Company, A D M T Company, Yuly Diam Company Inc, Konblo Bumi Incorporated, Golden Mass Trading, Treco Mining company, West Africa Gold and Diamond Incorporated, Pedra Corporation, H10 International Incorporated, Star Diamond Company, Jamu Resources Incorporated, Ascension Resources Corporation, Global Mining Incorporated, N.E.S. Incorporated, Massa Investment Coporation, Larwuo-Wolu Incorporated, Thackett Mining Incorporated, Australian Exploration, G-10 Exploration Incorporated, Liberty Gold and Diamond Mning, Global Minerals Investment, YOussef Diamond Mining Company, African Aura Resources Liberia Limited, Horizon Investment Incorporated, Diasoma Mineral Incorporated, M & G Infinity Incorporated, Noya Mining Company Limited, S.A.J. Minerals, Libera Tailing Incorporated, J.D.C. Diamond, Estmor Gold Mining Company, Five Talents Incorporated, Explorex Overseas Limited, Weajue Hill Mining Corporation, Fairview Mineral Incorporated, Hualee International Corporation, Sinlib Mining Company Liberia Limited, CIT Incorporated, Contact Internatonal Clearing Agency, RAFF Resouces Incorporated, GBF< Investments Incorporated, Louise T Steele, BSG Resources Liberia Limited, Silla Enteprises Incorporated, Fine Minerals Inter Limited, Balaji Gems Export-Import Incorporated, Kights Group Incorporated, Liberia Mining Company, Explorex Liberia Company, KPO Resources Incorporated, Comptoire de Diamant du Liberia, International Mining Assciate Incorporated, Belle Resources Limited, Liberia Gold Refinery Corporation, Small Scale Miners (consolidated), Tarpeh Timber Co., B&V Timber Company, Bargor & Bargor Enterprise Inc., Alpha Logging & Wood Processing Inc., E J & J Investment Corporation, Liberia Tree and Trading Company, Euro Liberia Logging Company, Geblo Logging, Bopolu Development, Universal Forestry Corporation, Malavasi Logging Company, Atlantic Resources LTA, International Consultant Capital, Ecowood Incorporated/Texas International Incorporated, Mandra LTTC Incorporated, Mandra Forestry Liberia Limited, Bassa Timber and Logging Company, Eco Timber, Akewa Group of Companies, Pit Sawyers (consolidated), Salala Rubber Company, Liberian Agricultural Company, Cavalla Rubber Corporation, Firestone Liberia, The Liberia Company (LIBCO-COCOPA), Sime Darby, LIBINC Oil Palm Inc., NOVEL Liberia Inc, Equatorial Palm Oil, Buchanan Renewables Fuel Incorporated, Morris American Rubber Company, Liberia Forest Products Incorporated, The Lee Group of Companies, ADA/LAPBroadway Consolidated Plc, NOCAL, Oranto Petroleum Limited, Anadarko Group, International Resources Strategic Liberia Energy, Regal Liberia Limited/European Hydrocarbons Limited - African Petroleum CorporationdAmLib United Minerals, Bea Mountain Mining Corp, Putu Iron Ore Mining Inc, KPO Resources, Alex Stewart Assayers Ltd., Bokun Jedeh Resources Inc, ArcelorMittal Liberia, B H P Billiton World Exploration, Ducor Minerals, Inc. (Diamond Fields, Inc), Hummingbird Resources, Afro Minerals, Deveton Mining Company, Sinoe Exploration, Precious Minerals Mining Company, SubSea Resources DMCC, Texas International Group, KBL Liberia Mining Company, China Union Mining Corporation Limited, Ocean Bottom Resource West Africa Inc., Shine Star Business Corporation, Vision Inc, Golden Vision Trading, Royal Company, A D M T Company, Yuly Diam Company Inc, Konblo Bumi Incorporated, Golden Mass Trading, Treco Mining company, West Africa Gold and Diamond Incorporated, Pedra Corporation, H10 International Incorporated, Star Diamond Company, Jamu Resources Incorporated, Ascension Resources Corporation, Global Mining Incorporated, N.E.S. Incorporated, Massa Investment Coporation, Larwuo-Wolu Incorporated, Thackett Mining Incorporated, Australian Exploration, G-10 Exploration Incorporated, Liberty Gold and Diamond Mning, Global Minerals Investment, YOussef Diamond Mining Company, African Aura Resources Liberia Limited, Horizon Investment Incorporated, Diasoma Mineral Incorporated, M & G Infinity Incorporated, Noya Mining Company Limited, S.A.J. Minerals, Libera Tailing Incorporated, J.D.C. Diamond, Estmor Gold Mining Company, Five Talents Incorporated, Explorex Overseas Limited, Weajue Hill Mining Corporation, Fairview Mineral Incorporated, Hualee International Corporation, Sinlib Mining Company Liberia Limited, CIT Incorporated, Contact Internatonal Clearing Agency, RAFF Resouces Incorporated, GBF Investments Incorporated, Louise T Steele, BSG Resources Liberia Limited, Silla Enteprises Incorporated, Fine Minerals Inter Limited, Balaji Gems Export-Import Incorporated, Kights Group Incorporated, Liberia Mining Company, Explorex Liberia Company, KPO Resources Incorporated, Comptoire de Diamant du Liberia, International Mining Assciate Incorporated, Belle Resources Limited, Liberia Gold Refinery Corporation, Small Scale Miners (consolidated)6-7Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2014, and is the average mill price for cement in the US, adjusted to account for the fiscal year.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from kimberley Process Annual Summary 2009 and 2010, adjusted to account for the fiscal year.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2010, and is the price in the US for construction sand and gravel, adjusted to account for the fiscal year.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2010, and is the price in the US for crushed misecellaneous stone, adjusted to account for the fiscal year.9Tarpeh Timber Co., B&V Timber Company, Bargor & Bargor Enterprise Inc., Alpha Logging & Wood Processing Inc., E J & J Investment Corporation, Liberia Tree and Trading Company, Euro Liberia Logging Company, Geblo Logging, Bopolu Development, Universal Forestry Corporation, Malavasi Logging Company, Atlantic Resources LTA, International Consultant Capital, Ecowood Incorporated/Texas International Incorporated, Mandra LTTC Incorporated, Mandra Forestry Liberia Limited, Bassa Timber and Logging Company, Eco Timber, Akewa Group of Companies, Pit Sawyers (consolidated)7-8cSalala Rubber Company, Liberian Agricultural Company, Cavalla Rubber Corporation, Firestone Liberia, The Liberia Company (LIBCO-COCOPA), Sime Darby, LIBINC Oil Palm Inc., NOVEL Liberia Inc, Equatorial Palm Oil, Buchanan Renewables Fuel Incorporated, Morris American Rubber Company, Liberia Forest Products Incorporated, The Lee Group of Companies, ADA/LAP See below African Petroleum, Anardarko, Chevron, National Oil Company, Oranto Petroleum, Peppercoast, AmLib United Minerals, Afric DIam Company Ltd, Bea Mountain Mining Corp, Putu Iron Ore Mining Inc, Bokun Jedeh Resources Inc, ArcelorMittal Liberia, B H P Billiton World Exploration, Hummingbird Resources, Afro Minerals, Sinoe Exploration, KBL Liberia Mining Company, China Union Mining Corporation Limited, Ocean Bottom Resource West Africa Inc., Golden Vision Trading, Royal Company, A D M T Liberia, Konblo Bumi Incorporated, Golden Mass, Treco Mining company, West Africa Gold and Diamond Incorporated, Pedra Mining, Star Diamond Company, Ascension Resources Corporation, Global Mining Incorporated, Massa Investment Coporation, Thackett Mining Incorporated, Global Mineral Investment, Youssef Diamond Mining Company, Diasoma Mineral Incorporated, Fine Minerals International Limited, Belle Resources Limited, African Gold Mining, Brown Stone Inc, Charis Mineral Inc, Gryphon Minerals, Hamana International, International Business Exchanges, Investment Developemtn Corporation, Iron Resources Limited, MIddle Island Resources, Pedra Mining, Planet Minerals Limited, Southern Cross, Spri Group Africa Ltd, Star Diamond Company, Superior Mineral Resources Ltd, Task Investment Ltd, The Diamond Star Plus, Trade Right, VbgVale bsgr Liberia Ltd, Voila International Inc, West African Resources Co. Ltd, West peak Iron Ltd, Winestock Development Ltd, Hard Rock Crusher, Deveton Mining Company, Planet Minerals Mining, South East, Iron Bird Resources Inc., Jungle Water Group Of Investment, Comptoir De Diamant, Alpha B. Diallo, Bentley Business Center Mining, Dykov Dumar Mining, Good Brother Trading Mining, Millinarie Gold Mining, Taiti Trading Mining, Gemrocks Mining Inc, Across Africa Incorporated, Consolidated Brokers' License, Consolidated Class B Licenses, Consolidated Class C licenses, Consolidated Gold Dealers' Licenses, Consolidated Prospecting Licenses, Tarpeh Timber Co., B&V Timber Company, Bargor & Bargor Enterprise Inc., Alpha Logging & Wood Processing Inc., E J & J Investment Corporation, Liberia Tree and Trading Company, Euro Liberia Logging Company, Geblo Logging, Atlantic Resources LTA, International Consultant Capital, Ecowood Incorporated, Mandra Forestry Liberia Limited, Bassa Logging & Timber, Ecotimbers Liberia Limited, Akewa Group of Companies, K-Mark Indo Liberia Ltd, Mandra LTTC Incorporated, Thunder Bird International Limited, Sun Yeun Corporation, Pit Sawyers (consolidated), Salala Rubber Company, Liberian Agricultural Company, Cavalla Rubber Corporation, Firestone Liberia, The Liberia Company (LIBCO-COCOPA), Sime Darby, LIBINC Oil< Palm Inc., Buchanan Renewables Fuel Incorporated, Morris American Rubber Company, Liberia Forest Products Incorporated, Golden Veroleum!Ernst & Young - MGI Monbo and Co.29, 50jUniversity of Liberia furniture, low cost housing, resettlement, youth support services (no volumes given)ZAfrican Petroleum, Anardarko, Chevron, National Oil Company, Oranto Petroleum, Peppercoast29, 54f<50km road renovation, construction of a clinic/hospital, water and sanitation, youth support servicesKAmLib United Minerals, Afric DIam Company Ltd, Bea Mountain Mining Corp, Putu Iron Ore Mining Inc, Bokun Jedeh Resources Inc, ArcelorMittal Liberia, B H P Billiton World Exploration, Hummingbird Resources, Afro Minerals, Sinoe Exploration, KBL Liberia Mining Company, China Union Mining Corporation Limited, Ocean Bottom Resource West Africa Inc., Golden Vision Trading, Royal Company, A D M T Liberia, Konblo Bumi Incorporated, Golden Mass, Treco Mining company, West Africa Gold and Diamond Incorporated, Pedra Mining, Star Diamond Company, Ascension Resources Corporation, Global Mining Incorporated, Massa Investment Coporation, Thackett Mining Incorporated, Global Mineral Investment, Youssef Diamond Mining Company, Diasoma Mineral Incorporated, Fine Minerals International Limited, Belle Resources Limited, African Gold Mining, Brown Stone Inc, Charis Mineral Inc, Gryp      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefgijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~hon Minerals, Hamana International, International Business Exchanges, Investment Developemtn Corporation, Iron Resources Limited, MIddle Island Resources, Pedra Mining, Planet Minerals Limited, Southern Cross, Spri Group Africa Ltd, Star Diamond Company, Superior Mineral Resources Ltd, Task Investment Ltd, The Diamond Star Plus, Trade Right, VbgVale bsgr Liberia Ltd, Voila International Inc, West African Resources Co. Ltd, West peak Iron Ltd, Winestock Development Ltd, Hard Rock Crusher, Deveton Mining Company, Planet Minerals Mining, South East, Iron Bird Resources Inc., Jungle Water Group Of Investment, Comptoir De Diamant, Alpha B. Diallo, Bentley Business Center Mining, Dykov Dumar Mining, Good Brother Trading Mining, Millinarie Gold Mining, Taiti Trading Mining, Gemrocks Mining Inc, Across Africa Incorporated, Consolidated Brokers' License, Consolidated Class B Licenses, Consolidated Class C licenses, Consolidated Gold Dealers' Licenses, Consolidated Prospecting Licenses 29, 51-53Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from kimberley Process Annual Summary 2010 and 2011, adjusted to account for the fiscal year.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database) - defined as: Iron ore (any origin) fines, spot price, c.f.r. China, 62% Fe - adjusted to account for the fiscal year.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, and is the price in the US for construction sand and gravel, adjusted to account for the fiscal year.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, and is the price in the US for crushed misecellaneous stone, adjusted to account for the fiscal year.Various including 200 miles road rehabilitation, 88 education scholarships, 52 teacher salaries, an adult education programme for 250 students, clinic/hospital supplies, water and sanitation#Tarpeh Timber Co., B&V Timber Company, Bargor & Bargor Enterprise Inc., Alpha Logging & Wood Processing Inc., E J & J Investment Corporation, Liberia Tree and Trading Company, Euro Liberia Logging Company, Geblo Logging, Atlantic Resources LTA, International Consultant Capital, Ecowood Incorporated, Mandra Forestry Liberia Limited, Bassa Logging & Timber, Ecotimbers Liberia Limited, Akewa Group of Companies, K-Mark Indo Liberia Ltd, Mandra LTTC Incorporated, Thunder Bird International Limited, Sun Yeun Corporation, Pit Sawyers (consolidated)29, 57Road construction, market building construction, education scholarships, water and sanitation, youth support services (no volumes given)'Salala Rubber Company, Liberian Agricultural Company, Cavalla Rubber Corporation, Firestone Liberia, The Liberia Company (LIBCO-COCOPA), Sime Darby, LIBINC Oil Palm Inc., Buchanan Renewables Fuel Incorporated, Morris American Rubber Company, Liberia Forest Products Incorporated, Golden Veroleum 29, 55-56Various including road rehabilitation, education scholarships, clinic/hospital supplies, water and sanitation, youth support services (volumes generally not given)African Petroleum, Anardarko, Chevron, National Oil Company, Oranto Petroleum, Broadway Peppercoast, Western Cluster Limited, Arcelor Mittal Liberia, China Union Investment (Liberia) Bong Mines Company Limited, BHP Biliton (Liberia) Incorporated, Putu Iron Mining Company, Amlib United Minerals Incorporated, Bea Mountain Mining Coporation, Hummingbird Resources Incorporated, Bukon Jedeh Resources Incorporated, Pedsam Mining Limited, Knights Group Incorporated, Souterhn Cross Investment Limited, Tietto Minerals (Liberia) Limited, Jonah Capital (BVI) Limited, Konblo Bumi Incorporated, Investment Development Corporation, BG Minerals (Liberia) Limited, West Peak Iron Limited, Birimian Gold Limited, BCM INternational, Iron Resources Limited, Deveton Mining Company, Sinoe Exploration Limited, Middle Island Resources Liberia Limited, Noya Mining Company, Tiawana Resources Liberia, Planet Mines and Mienrals Limited, Treco Mining Company, Global Minerals Investment LLC, Acquarian Commercial Holdings Inc., Youssef Diamond Mining Company, Bopulu Commercial Ltd, WInestock Development Liberia Corporation, West African Resources (Lib) Corp. Limtied, Archaen Gold, Superior Mineral Resources Incorporated, African Gold Mining Liberia Limited, Mount Belle Resources (Liberia) Limited, Aforo Resources/Indo Gold Ltd, Afro Minerals Incorporated (Kana Hills), Ironbird Resources Incorporated, BAO CHICO Resources Liberia Limited, Ascension Resources Corporation, Jamu Resources Incorporated, Salmec Resources Limited (Belle Resources Limited), THackett Mining Incorporated, Voila International Inc., Liberia Development corporation, Shankil Resources (Liberia) Inc., Royal COmpany, VBG Valle BSGR Liberia, The Diamond Star Plus Inc., Steinbock Mineral (lib) Ltd, Damaka Mining Inc., Sarama Mining Liberia Ltd, Sinoe Mining and Exploration Inc., Consor International (Liberia) ltd, Earthcons Inc., Weajue Hill Mining, Fine Mineral International Ltd, Alex Stewart (Assayers) Ltd, Mining and Geotechnical (Lib) Ltd, Elephant Fall Mining Company, Lofa Mineral Minerals Corporation, Nimba Mining Company, H-10 International Inc., Kidoon Enterprises Inc., Pedra Mining, Comptoire de Diamant, Xin Yuan Transnational Corporation Inc., Handin Resources Investment Corp. Lib. Ltd, Han-Uman Company, White Rock (lib) General Trading Inc., Kbl Liberia Mining Company, Liberia - Mineral Reosurces, Madansu's Incorporated, WDL Corporation, BSD Incorporated, Gryphon Minerals, South East Resources Inc., Golden Mass Trading, Golden Vision Trading, Afric Diam COmpany Inc., Trasn-Atlantic Petroleum and Oil Reosurces, West Africa Gold and Diamond Inc., Diamco Inc., Monnet Global (Liberia) Ltd, Castle Gem (Liberia) Ltd, Massa Investment Corp., Africa Diamond Resources, Gemrock Mining Inc., Nyan Bartee Corporation, Star Diamond Company, Rusalka Group, Abundant Resources Liberia Ltd, Estmor Gold Mining Company, Madas Corporaton, Task International Ltd, SRPI Group African Ltd, Charis Minerals Inc., Fortress (Liberia) Ltd, B-2 (Bereket D. Tesfamariam), Small scale miners (consolidated), Tarpeh Timber Co., B&V Timber Company, Bargor & Bargor Enterprise Inc., Alpha Logging & Wood Processing Inc., E J & J Investment Corporation/Mandra Forestry, Liberia Tree and Trading Company/Mandra LTTC Incorporated, Euro Logging Company, Geblo Logging, Atlantic Resources LTA, International Consultant Capital, Ecowood Incorporated, Bassa Logging & Timber, Eco-Timber Liberia Limited, Akewa Group of Companies, K-Mark Indo Liberia Ltd, Thunder Bird International Limited, Sun Yeun Corporation< , Liberia Hard Wood Corporation, Forest Venture, Global Logging, Tropical Timber Inc., Universal Forestry Corp, TImber Liberia, Nature Orientated, Cavalla Logging, Frank Brooks Ltd, Quantum Resource, Buchanan Renewable Energy, Pit Sawyers (consolidated), Salala Rubber Company, Liberia Agricultural Company, Cavalla Rubber Corporation, Firestone Liberia, The Liberia Company (LIBCO-COCOPA), Sime Darby, LIBINC Oil Palm Inc., Morris American Rubber Company, Liberia Forest Products Incorporated, Golden Veroleum, Lee Group of Enterprises, Equitorial Palm Oil cAfrican Petroleum, Anardarko, Chevron, National Oil Company, Oranto Petroleum, Broadway Peppercoast Western Cluster Limited, Arcelor Mittal Liberia, China Union Investment (Liberia) Bong Mines Company Limited, BHP Biliton (Liberia) Incorporated, Putu Iron Mining Company, Amlib United Minerals Incorporated, Bea Mountain Mining Coporation, Hummingbird Resources Incorporated, Bukon Jedeh Resources Incorporated, Pedsam Mining Limited, Knights Group Incorporated, Souterhn Cross Investment Limited, Tietto Minerals (Liberia) Limited, Jonah Capital (BVI) Limited, Konblo Bumi Incorporated, Investment Development Corporation, BG Minerals (Liberia) Limited, West Peak Iron Limited, Birimian Gold Limited, BCM INternational, Iron Resources Limited, Deveton Mining Company, Sinoe Exploration Limited, Middle Island Resources Liberia Limited, Noya Mining Company, Tiawana Resources Liberia, Planet Mines and Mienrals Limited, Treco Mining Company, Global Minerals Investment LLC, Acquarian Commercial Holdings Inc., Youssef Diamond Mining Company, Bopulu Commercial Ltd, WInestock Development Liberia Corporation, West African Resources (Lib) Corp. Limtied, Archaen Gold, Superior Mineral Resources Incorporated, African Gold Mining Liberia Limited, Mount Belle Resources (Liberia) Limited, Aforo Resources/Indo Gold Ltd, Afro Minerals Incorporated (Kana Hills), Ironbird Resources Incorporated, BAO CHICO Resources Liberia Limited, Ascension Resources Corporation, Jamu Resources Incorporated, Salmec Resources Limited (Belle Resources Limited), THackett Mining Incorporated, Voila International Inc., Liberia Development corporation, Shankil Resources (Liberia) Inc., Royal COmpany, VBG Valle BSGR Liberia, The Diamond Star Plus Inc., Steinbock Mineral (lib) Ltd, Damaka Mining Inc., Sarama Mining Liberia Ltd, Sinoe Mining and Exploration Inc., Consor International (Liberia) ltd, Earthcons Inc., Weajue Hill Mining, Fine Mineral International Ltd, Alex Stewart (Assayers) Ltd, Mining and Geotechnical (Lib) Ltd, Elephant Fall Mining Company, Lofa Mineral Minerals Corporation, Nimba Mining Company, H-10 International Inc., Kidoon Enterprises Inc., Pedra Mining, Comptoire de Diamant, Xin Yuan Transnational Corporation Inc., Handin Resources Investment Corp. Lib. Ltd, Han-Uman Company, White Rock (lib) General Trading Inc., Kbl Liberia Mining Company, Liberia - Mineral Reosurces, Madansu's Incorporated, WDL Corporation, BSD Incorporated, Gryphon Minerals, South East Resources Inc., Golden Mass Trading, Golden Vision Trading, Afric Diam COmpany Inc., Trasn-Atlantic Petroleum and Oil Reosurces, West Africa Gold and Diamond Inc., Diamco Inc., Monnet Global (Liberia) Ltd, Castle Gem (Liberia) Ltd, Massa Investment Corp., Africa Diamond Resources, Gemrock Mining Inc., Nyan Bartee Corporation, Star Diamond Company, Rusalka Group, Abundant Resources Liberia Ltd, Estmor Gold Mining Company, Madas Corporaton, Task International Ltd, SRPI Group African Ltd, Charis Minerals Inc., Fortress (Liberia) Ltd, B-2 (Bereket D. Tesfamariam), small scale miners Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from EITI Report, and is based on the reported value and quantity of exports.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012 (adjusted to account for the fiscal year). Price from EITI Report, and is based on the reported value and quantity of exports (and is 86.63% of the price for gold reported by the World Bank).Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database) - defined as: Iron ore (any origin) fines, spot price, c.f.r. China, 62% Fe - adjusted to account for the fiscal year.Total ForestryTarpeh Timber Co., B&V Timber Company, Bargor & Bargor Enterprise Inc., Alpha Logging & Wood Processing Inc., E J & J Investment Corporation/Mandra Forestry, Liberia Tree and Trading Company/Mandra LTTC Incorporated, Euro Logging Company, Geblo Logging, Atlantic Resources LTA, International Consultant Capital, Ecowood Incorporated, Bassa Logging & Timber, Eco-Timber Liberia Limited, Akewa Group of Companies, K-Mark Indo Liberia Ltd, Thunder Bird International Limited, Sun Yeun Corporation, Liberia Hard Wood Corporation, Forest Venture, Global Logging, Tropical Timber Inc., Universal Forestry Corp, TImber Liberia, Nature Orientated, Cavalla Logging, Frank Brooks Ltd, Quantum Resource, Buchanan Renewable Energy, Pit Sawyers (consolidated) Round Logs Sawn Timberpes.Total Agriculture.Salala Rubber Company, Liberia Agricultural Company, Cavalla Rubber Corporation, Firestone Liberia, The Liberia Company (LIBCO-COCOPA), Sime Darby, LIBINC Oil Palm Inc., Morris American Rubber Company, Liberia Forest Products Incorporated, Golden Veroleum, Lee Group of Enterprises, Equitorial Palm OilCocoaCoffeeRubberhttp://www.eiti-madagascar.org/The 2007-2009 EITI Report does not disaggregate revenues by year - it's not clear where the payment totals on eiti.org come from.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2012, and is the price for chromium metal in the US.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the price for chromium metal in the US.Ilmenite concentrateVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the f.o.b. price in Australia for a bulk product with a minimum TiO2 content of 54%.Malagasy Ariary>Voluntary social payments (but specific volumes are not given)Projet Ambatovy (Ambatovy Minerals S.A et Dynatec Minerals S.A)/ Holcim S.A/ Qit Madagascar Minerals / Wisco Madagascar / Groupe Pan African Mining (PAM Madagascar, PAM Sakoa, PAM Atomique) /HOLCIM SA/ Mainland Mining Limited/ Gold Sand / Madagascar Oil.6, 29-30, 39-40The report includes a US$ 100 million payment made by the Chinese company Wisco for the iron ore exploration permit in the Soalala region. Also included in EITI Report totals are payments made by companies to subnational governments and voluntary social payments (including the value of voluntary payments made in kind). In addition to the 9 companies required to report, 3 companies voluntarily submitted payment figures. Total Received by Govt includes receipts that fell below the materiality threshold (17.6 billion MGA, see p.29-30). The eiti.org payment/revenue totals were taken from Annex 6.1, where totals were given in USD; however, these totals don't appear to match the totals given in MGA elsewhere in the report. The figures given here are MGA converted to USD.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, and is the average U.S. spot price for minimum 99.8% cobalt cathode reported by Platts Metals Week&Nickel (nickel content of mine output)Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is defined as: Nickel (LME), cathodes, minimum 99.8% purity, settlement price beginning 2005; previously cash price.Zirconium concentrateVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the price of unwrought zirconium imports in the US.PROJET AMBATOVY, HOLCIM MADAGASCAR S.A., QIT MADAGASCAR MINERALS S.A., GROUPE PAM, KRAOMA S.A., TANTALUM RARE EARTH (MALAGASY) S.A.R.L.U, MADAGASCAR OIL, MADAGASCAR CONSOLIDATED MINING S.A., MAINLAND MINING LTD S.A.R.L.U, GOLD SAND S.A.R.L., ZISY DAVID MICHAEL, MPUMALANGA MINING RESOURCES S.A.U, MADAGASCAR CHROMIUM COMPANY LTD S.A.R.L.U, TOTAL EP1, NIC< OH-ENERMAD, MADA-AUST S.A.R.L., GALLOIS ETABLISSEMENT, MADAGASCAR WISCO GUANGXIN KAM WAH RESSOURCES S.A.U., CALIBRA RESOURCES & ENGINEERS MADAGASCAR S.A.R.L.U, CALIBRA RESOURCES & ENGINEERS MADAGASCAR S.A.R.L.U, TULLOW, MADAGASCAR INTERNATIONAL TAK MINING S.A.R.L., MADAGASCAR MINING RESOURCES LTD S.A.R.L., NOVA RESOURCES S.A.R.L.U, STERLING, LABRADOR MADAGASCAR, WILTON PETROLEUM, URAMAD S.A, AMICOH, COAL MINING MADAGASCAR S.A.R.L., ACCES MADAGASCAR S.A.R.L., ACCRINGTON MINERALS S.A., ROC OIL / SAPETRO, MINVEST MADAGASCAR S.A.U., MINERAL PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL GROUP S.A.R.L., TOLIARA SANDS S.A.R.L., RAKOTOMALALA Herindrainy Olivier, GROUPE EXXON MOBIL. 3-4, 43, 63 Exchange rate is World Bank average. Eiti.org totals include only reconciled flows ("Group A") and use the USD value given in the report. Totals here are converted from MGA amounts. Total Received by Govt includes revenues from smaller companies reported unilaterally by govt (see figures for Groups B and C on p.4). Government and company totals in EITI Report include payments made by companies to local governments and voluntary social payments ("dons") made in cash and kind. Total In-Kind Payment Value is the value of in-kind donations, which are already included in revenue totals. The report also details subnational transfers made by central govt (BCMM) to communes/regions totalling 2 404 744 992 MGA, and payments owed to communes by BCMM totalling 573 503 006.69 MGA (p.5-6); these transfers are not included in revenue/payment figures. 3 companies did not report (ACCRINGTON MINERALS SA, ACCESS Madagascar, and GROUPE EXXON MOBIL); their payments were reported unilaterally by govt and included in Total Received by Govt.EITI Report gives export volumes only; Chrome exports reported by Kraoma and include both "chrome concentr" and "chrome rocheux" (p.63).GraphiteVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2012, and is the average f.o.b. price for flake, lump and chip, and amorphous products.cEITI Report gives export volumes only; Graphite exports reported by Etablissment Gallois SA (p.63).\EITI Report gives export volumes only; Ilmenite exports reported by Mainland and QMM (p.63). Labradoritef EITI Report gives export volumes only; Labradorite exports reported by Labrador and Mada Aust (p.63).MEITI Report gives export volumes only; Zircon exports reported by QMM (p.63).(Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2010. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database) - defined as: Gold (UK), 99.5% fine, London afternoon fixing, average of daily rates - adjusted to account for the price given in the 2010 EITI Report being 113.50% of this in 2010.MazarsAccording to the EITI report, the total gold production of gold in Mali in 2006 was 58 tons, of which 3 were produced by artisanal miners. I subtracted 3 tons and converted 55 tons to toz to get thee EITI production figure. (Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database) - defined as: Gold (UK), 99.5% fine, London afternoon fixing, average of daily rates - adjusted to account for the price given in the 2010 EITI Report being 113.50% of this in 2010.wMINING - PRODUCTION PHASE: Socit d'Exploitation des Mines d'Or de YATELA (YATELA), Socit des Mines d'Or de LOULOU (SOMILO), Socit des Mines de MORILA (MORILA), Socit des Mines d'Or de Kalana (SOMIKA), Socit des Mines d'Or de SYAMA (SOMISY), Socit d'Exploitation des Mines d'Or de SADIOLA (SEMOS), Tamboura Mining CO SA (TAMICO), Wassoul or, SegalaMiningCompany (SEMICO). MINING - EXPLORATION PHASE: SegalaMiningCompany (SEMICO), Etruscan Ressources Mali SARL, Etruscan Ressources Bermuda Ltd, Page Management, New Gold Mali, Axmin Mali (Ex Africa Gold), GlencarMining, Songho Ressources, Great QuestMetals, Tichitt Sa, Touba Mining JvMerrex Gold Inc, Mali Gold Mining, Golden Spear, Robex, Mali MineralResources. PETROLEUM - EXPLORATION PHASE: Socit HeritageOil Block 7, Socit HeritageOil Block 11, Mali Petroleum SA, Sipex, Petroma, Afex Global, MOH Oil PVT Ltd, JV Falcon Martagon, ENI Mali, SelierEnergy. SUBCONTRACTORS: MoolmanMiningYatela, AfricanMining Services, BCM - Bay Xater Construction And Mining, MARS - Mining And Rechandling Service, SFTP - Socit de Forage et Travaux Publics, PW Mining International Limited.5, 9-10, 20-23j"Compensation" (reimboursement of tax payments) was included in tax totals by EITI reconcilers (see p.16).}Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from EITI Report, and is 113.50% of the price for gold given by the World Bank.IMORILA, SEMOS, YATELA, SOMILO, SOMISY, SOMIKA, TAMICO, SEMICO, WASSOUL OR5, 6, 7, 16-17Compensation (reimboursement of tax payments) was included in tax totals by EITI reconcilers (see p.16). Voluntary social payments were reported unilaterally by companies (759,744,000 FCFA) and have been added to Company Total Payments.XSemos, Morila, Somilo, Yatela, Somisy, Tamico, Semico, Somika, Wassoul'or, Sahara mining7, 9, 10, 31-33, 39, 53@Ten companies were required to report; 8 other companies' payments were reported unilaterally by govt--these revenues (170,210,465 FCFA, see p.29, 39) were included in government totals.Voluntary social payments were reported unilaterally by companies (1,198,782,000 FCFA) and have been added to Company Total Payments. http://www.itie.mines.gouv.ml/Morila SA, Semos, Somilo, St des Mines d'Or de Gounkoto, Resolute (SOMISY-SA), Segala Mining Company SA, Yatela SA, SOMIKA (Avnel), Toguna, Randgold Resources Mali SARL., Glencar Mali SARL., Wassoul or, Goldfields Exploration Mali SARL., Mali Mineral ResourcesNo exchange rate providedhttp://www.CNITIE.mrGHost government's production entitlement, Royalties, Dividends, BonusesVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2009. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database) - defined as: Iron ore (any origin) fines, spot price, c.f.r. China, 62% Fe - adjusted to account for the price given in the 2010 EITI Report being 59.64% of this in 2010.Volume from EIA. Price from BPSR 2014, and is an average of the spot prices for Brent, Dubai, Nigerian Forcados and West Texas Intermediate crude oil, adjusted to account for the prices given in the 2010-11 EITI Reports being an average 101.64% of this in 2010-11.Copper (in concentrate)@Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2009. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database) - defined as: Copper (LME), grade A, minimum 99.9935% purity, cathodes and wire bar shapes, settlement price - adjusted to account for the price given in the 2010 EITI Report being 68.15%< of this in 2010.'Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2009. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database) - defined as: Gold (UK), 99.5% fine, London afternoon fixing, average of daily rates - adjusted to account for the price given in the 2010 EITI Report being 98.42% of this in 2010.@Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database) - defined as: Copper (LME), grade A, minimum 99.9935% purity, cathodes and wire bar shapes, settlement price - adjusted to account for the price given in the 2010 EITI Report being 68.15% of this in 2010.'Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database) - defined as: Gold (UK), 99.5% fine, London afternoon fixing, average of daily rates - adjusted to account for the price given in the 2010 EITI Report being 98.42% of this in 2010.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database) - defined as: Iron ore (any origin) fines, spot price, c.f.r. China, 62% Fe - adjusted to account for the price given in the 2010 EITI Report being 59.64% of this in 2010.,United States Dollar and Mauritanian OuguiyaPETROLEUM PRODUCTION: Petronas, Tullow Oil, Roc Oil, Premier Oil, Kufpec. PETROLEUM EXPLORATION: 4M Energy, Baraka Petroleum, Blue Chip, Brimax, CNPCI, Dana Petroleum, Groupe ASB, Groupe Hi-Tech Mauritanie, IPG, Repsol YPF, Total E&P Mauritanie, Wintershall, Zaver Petroleum Gulf. NATIONAL OIL COMPANY: Societe Mauritanienne des Hydrocarbures (SMH). MINING PRODUCTION: SNIM (Societe Nationale Industrielle et Miniere), MCM (Mauritanian Copper Mines), Tasiast Mauritanie. MINING EXPLORATION: Agrineq, Alco Materials, Atlantic Metals, Aura Energy, BSA, Bumi Mauritanie, Bumi Ressources, Caracal Gold, CIFC, El Aouj Mining Company, ID Geoservices, Macoba-TP, Maghreb Mining (2M), Managem, Maurigold, Mauritania Mining, Mauritania Holding, Mining Resources, Murchison United, Peak Metals, Resource Investment International, Roxwell Mining, Segma, Shield Metal, Shield Saboussiri, Somaso, Sonko Lowenthal, Sphere Mauritania, THL Mauritania Gold, Uranimetrics, Wadi al Rawda.Profit-oil ("Etat-Puissance Publique") is received in-kind (see description of commercialization on p.10); the value of this oil is included in govt receipts. The value of cost-oil and profit-oil ("Etat Associ") received by the national oil company (SMH) from private companies is also included as government receipts. No volume or price information is given for in-kind receipts. Total In-kind Payment Value includes profit oil received by govt, profit oil received by SMH, and cost oil received by SMH. Note that SMH paid US$17,443,000 to Sterling Energy to finance state parternship in the Chinguetti field (see footnote on p.16) -- this payment is not reflected in payment/revenue totals. SMH also pays dividends to the state (none reported).Host government's production entitlement, Profits/Taxes, Dividends, Bonuses, Licenses and concessions, Other significant benefits to government726,859 bbl of oilNATIONAL OIL COMPANY: Societe Maurtanienne des Hydrocarbures (SMH). PETROLEUM PRODUCTION: Petronas. PETROLEUM EXPLORATION: Dana Petroleum, International Petroleum Grouping (IPG), Repsol, Sonatrach, Total, Tullow Oil, Wintershall. STATE-OWNED MINING COMPANY: Societe Nationale Indtrielle et Minere (SNIM). MINING PRODUCTION: Mauritanian Copper Mines (MCM), Tasiast. MINING EXPLORATION: AGRINEQ, Alco Materials, Alecto Holdings International, Atlantic Metals, Aura Energy, Bofal Indo Mining Company, BSA, Bumi Mauritanie, Caracal Gold, CIFC, Curve Capital Ventures, Drake Resources, Durman International Group, Al Aouj Mining Company, ELite Earth Minerals and Metals, Forte Energy, Ghana Ressources, Ghazal Minerals, Gulf Western Mining, ID Geoservices, Lusitania Iron, Lusitania Metals, Lusitania Uranium, Macoba-TP, Maghreb Oil and Mining, Managem, Massadir, Mauriplat, Mauritania for Mining and Services, Mauritania Mining Resources, Mayritanian Minerals Company (MMC), Mauritania Ventures, Mauritanian Holding, Mineralis, Mining Resources, Mining Ventures, Murchison, Negoce International Mining, Peak Metals, Piedras Ornementales Hergha SL, Resource Investment International, Roxwell Mining, Shield Mining, Shield Mining Saboussiri, Silvrex, SMCRP, Somaso SA, Somaso 1, Sonko Lowenthal, Sphere Mauritania, Tafoli Minerals, Tayssir Resources, TransAfrika, THL Mauritania Gold, NMIN Limited, Uranimetrics, Wadi Al Rawda, Wafa Mining, Wirama Entiti Mauritania.8, 10, 12, 18-21eiti.org totals do not include "indirect payments" or the value of in-kind receipts recieved by SMH for its own account. Total In-kind Payment Volumes include oil received by SMH for its own account (Cost Oil/Profit Oil-Etat Associ = 280,025 bbl) and the volume received by SMH and commercialized on behalf of the state (Profit Oil-Puissance Publique = 446,834 bbl). Note that Total In-kind Payment Value includes the value of "Etat-Associe" in-kind receipts priced at $80.20/bbl (the state received $34,705,000, or $77.67/bbl for the "Puissance-Publique" portion). Note also that SMH is considered both a receiving entity (for Cost Oil/Profit Oil-Etat Associ) and a paying company (for the commercialized value of Profit Oil-Puissance Publique and Dividends). The value of Profit Oil-Puissance Publique is included in the EITI Report's revenue totals, but the value of in-kind Cost Oil/Profit Oil-Etat Associ received by SMH from private companies is not; it has been added to totals here based on the average oil price given in the report ($80.20/bbl, see p.10). Of the 280,025 bbl received by SMH as Cost Oil/Profit Oil-Etat Associ, 173,983 bbl was "paid" to Sterling Energy to finance the state's interest in the Chinguetti field (see footnote p.18); the value of this payment is not reflected in Government receipts or company payments. "Indirect payments" were reported unilaterally by govt and have been included in Total Received by Govt.Volume from EIA. Price from EITI Report, and is an average of the spot prices for Brent, Dubai, Nigerian Forcados and West Texas Intermediate crude oil.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2014, and is the average mill price for cement in the US.2Copper exports were valued at $190,000,000 (p.12).0Gold exports were valued at $310,000,000 (p.12).6Iron ore exports were valued at $1,000,000,000 (p.12).767,817 bbl of oilNATIONAL OIL COMPANY: Societe Maurtanienne des Hydrocarbures (SMH). PETROLEUM PRODUCTION: Petronas. PETROLEUM EXPLORATION: Dana Petroleum, International Petroleum Grouping (IPG), Repsol, Sonatrach, Total, Tullow Oil, Wintershall. STATE-OWNED MINING COMPANY: Societe Nationale Indtrielle et Minere (SNIM). MINING PRODUCTION: Mauritanian Copper Mines (MCM), Tasiast. MINING EXPLORATION: AGRINEQ, Amssega Exploration, ARVG Specialty Mines (PVT), Atlantic Metals, Aura Energy, Bofal Indo Mining Company, BSA, Bumi Mauritanie, Caracal Gold, CIFC, Curve Capital Ventures, Drake Resources, Durman International Group, Earthstone RM, El Aouj Mining Company, Elite Earth Minerals and Metals, Energie Atlantique, Es Minerals, Forte Energy, Generale Miniere Mauritanienne, Ghazal Minerals, Global Mauritania Mining, ID Geoservices, Karfahane Co., Lusitania Iron, Lusitania Metals, Lusitania Uranium, Macoba-TP, Mauritania Energy Minerals, Mauritanian Minerals Company (MMC), Mauritania Mining Resources, Mauritania Ventures, Mauritanian Ressources, Mineralis, Negoce International Mining, Orecorp Mauritania, Pacific Andes Resources Development, Peak Metals, Sahara Minerals, Shield Mining, Shield Mining Saboussiri, Silvrex, Societe MAS, Somaso SA, Somaso 1, Sonko Lowenthal, Sphere Mauritania, Tafoli, Minerals, TAJ-Africa, Tamagot Bumi, Tayssir Resources, Tazadit Underground Mine, THL Mauritania Gold, TransAfrika, Wada Al Rawda, Wafa Mining, Wirama Entiti Mauritania.eiti.org totals do not include "indirect payments" or the value of in-kind receipts recieved by SMH for its own account. Total In-kind Payment Volumes include oil received by SMH< for its own account (Cost Oil/Profit Oil-Etat Associ = 297,764 bbl) and the volume received by SMH and commercialized on behalf of the state (Profit Oil-Puissance Publique = 470,053 bbl). Note that Total In-kind Payment Value includes the value of "Etat Associ" in-kind receipts priced at $108.90/bbl (the state received $48,062,000, or $102.25/bbl, for the Puissance-Publique portion). Note also that SMH is considered both a receiving entity (for Cost Oil/Profit Oil-Etat Associ) and a paying company (for the commercialized value of Profit Oil-Puissance Publique and Dividends). The value of Profit Oil-Puissance Publique is included in the EITI Report's revenue totals, but the value of in-kind Cost Oil/Profit Oil-Etat Associ received by SMH from private companies is not; it has been added to totals here based on the average oil price given in the report ($108.90/bbl, see p.10). Of the 297,764 bbl received by SMH as Cost Oil/Profit Oil-Etat Associ, 235,710 bbl was "paid" to Sterling Energy to finance the state's interest in the Chinguetti field (see footnote p.18); the value of this payment is not reflected in Government receipts or company payments. "Indirect payments" were reported unilaterally by govt and have been included in Total Received by Govt.Mauritanian Ouguiya'SNIM, MCM, Tasiast Mauritanie, El Aouj Mining Company SA, Sphere Mauritania SA, Socit Mauritanienne des Hydrocarbures et du Patrimoine Minier, Petronas, Dana Petroleum, International Petroleum Grouping (IPG), Repsol, Sonatrach (SIPEX), Total, Tullow Oil, Chariot Oil Gas Limited, Kosmos EnergyTotal payments by stream/company differ. Production value is export value and are figures reported by companies (not the government).Iron Mongolia2006 http://eitimongolia.mn/Host government's production entitlement, Profits/Taxes, Royalties, Dividends, Licenses and concessions, Other significant benefits to governmentMongolian TugrikAltanDornot Mongol, Aduunchuluun, Baganuur, Boroo Gold, Chinhua MAK Nariin Sukhait, Cold Gold, Datsan Trade, ErdesHolding, Erdenet Mining Corporation, Gatsuurt, Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia Inc, Jump LLC, MAK, MGH, Mongol Gazar, Mongolrostsvetment JV, Petro China Daqing Tamsag (Mongol) LLC, Sharyn Gol, Shim Technology LLC, Shin Shin LLC, Shivee Ovoo SC, Shizhir Alt LLC, Tavantolgoi, Tsairt Minerals LLC, Ulz Gol CooperativeCrane White and AssociatesMateriality threshold: Companies that made a payment of at least MNT200,000,000 in 2006 should be reconciled. The report does not provide post-adjustment figures by company. Unilateral declarations are included in the figures, including donations made to government entities that only companies reported on. Some of these donations were in-kind payments, and have been given a monetary value by companies, but the amount these account for is unclear. The report provides production volumes for some companies, but this is not comprehensive. The 2008 Report provides historical productions volumes however. Baganuur and Shivee Ovoo SC are 75% and 90% state-owned respectively. Erdenet Mining Corporation (EMC) and Mongolrostsvetment JV are both 51% owned by the Government of Mongolia and 49% owned by the Government of Russia. EMC accounted for 90% of (pre-adjustment) revenues reported by Government.Volume from 2008 EITI Report&Petro China Daqing Tamsag (Mongol) LLC|AltanDornot Mongol, Aduunchuluun, Baganuur, Boroo Gold, Chinhua MAK Nariin Sukhait, Cold Gold, Datsan Trade, ErdesHolding, Erdenet Mining Corporation, Gatsuurt, Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia Inc, Jump LLC, MAK, MGH, Mongol Gazar, Mongolrostsvetment JV, Sharyn Gol, Shim Technology LLC, Shin Shin LLC, Shivee Ovoo SC, Shizhir Alt LLC, Tavantolgoi, Tsairt Minerals LLC, Ulz Gol CooperativeVolume from 2008 EITI Report. Price from BPSR 2014, and is an average of the American Central Appalachian, Asian and Northwest Europe marker/spot prices, adjusted to account for the prices given in the 2011-2012 EITI Reports being an average 80.60% of this in 2009-2012.rAduunchuluun, Baganuur, Chinhua MAK Nariin Sukhait, Mongolrostsvetment JV, Sharyn Gol, Shivee Ovoo SC, TavantolgoiLVolume from 2008 EITI Report. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database) - defined as: Copper (LME), grade A, minimum 99.9935% purity, cathodes and wire bar shapes, settlement price - adjusted to account for the prices given in the 2011-2012 EITI Reports being an average 18.16% of this in 2009-2012.Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia Inc Fluorspar,Volume from 2008 EITI Report. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2006, and is the average of the medians of the f.o.b. price ranges for US imports of Mexican and South African acidspar, adjusted to account for the prices given in the 2011-2012 EITI Reports being an average 53.81% of this in 2009-2012.Mongolrostsvetment JV4Volume from 2008 EITI Report. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database) - defined as: Gold (UK), 99.5% fine, London afternoon fixing, average of daily rates - adjusted to account for the prices given in the 2011-2012 EITI Reports being an average 83.00% of this in 2009-2012.AltanDornot Mongol, Boroo Gold, Cold Gold, Datsan Trade, ErdesHolding, Erdenet Mining Corporation, Gatsuurt, Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia Inc, Jump LLC, MGH, Mongol Gazar, Mongolrostsvetment JV, Shizhir Alt LLC, Ulz Gol Cooperative+Volume from 2008 EITI Report. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database) - defined as: Iron ore (any origin) fines, spot price, c.f.r. China, 62% Fe - adjusted to account for the prices given in the 2011-2012 EITI Reports being an average 54.74% of this in 2009-2012.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2010. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2009, and is the price in the US, adjusted to account for the prices given in the 2011-2012 EITI Reports being an average 31.21% of this in 2009-2012./Erdenet Mining Corporation, Shim Technology LLC#Tungsten (W content of mine output)Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2010. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2009, and is the average price on the US and European spot markets for a metric ton unit of tungsten trioxide, which contains 7.93kg of tungsten.Zinc concentrateVolume from 2008 EITI Report. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database) - defined as: Zinc (LME), high grade, minimum 99.95% purity, settlement price beginning April 1990; previously special high grade, minimum 99.995%, cash prices - adjusted to account for the prices given in the 2011-2012 EITI Reports being an average 50.71% of this in 2009-2012."Shin Shin LLC, Tsairt Minerals LLCPetro China Daqing Tamsag (Mongol) LLC, Adamas Mining LLC, AltanDornot Mongol, Baganuur, Bold Tumur Eruu Gol LLC, Boroo Gold, Bud Invest LLC, Buurgent LLC, Chinhua MAK Nariin Sukhait, Cold Gold, Datsan Trade, Eltrana LLC, ErdesHolding, Erdenet Mining Corporation, Erdmin LLC, Gatsuurt, Gobi Coal and Energy LLC, Gurvan Tuhum LLC, Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia Inc, Jump LLC, Mon Dulaan Trade LLC, Mongol-Czech Metal SPIE, Mongolrostsvetment JV, Mongolyn Alt LLC, Monpolimet LLC, Shanlun LLC, Shariin Gol LLC, Shijir Alt SHC, Shim Technology LLC, Shin Shin LLC, Shivee Ovoo SC, Sonor Trade LLC, Tavantolgoi, Tethys Minig LLC, Tsairt Minerals LLC, Tun Shen LLC, Ulz Gol CooperativeMateriality threshold: Companies that made a payment of at least MNT200,000,000 in 2007 should be reconciled. Resolved discrepancies are not included in the final figures, but there is insufficent information to add these retrospectively. Unilateral declarations are included in the figures. Some donations to government entities and 'expenditures on environmental protection' are in-kind payments and have been given a monetary value by companies, but the amount these account for is unclear. Disaggregation by commodity is only indirect through disaggregation by company, and therefore limited. The report provides production volumes for some companies, but this is not comprehensive. The 2008 Report provides historical productions volumes however. Baganuur and Shivee Ovoo SC are 75% and 90% state-owned respectively. Erdenet Mining Corporation (EMC) < and Mongolrostsvetment JV are both 51% owned by the Government of Mongolia and 49% owned by the Government of Russia. EMC accounted for 80% of revenues reported by Government. Appendix C26Adamas Mining LLC, AltanDornot Mongol, Baganuur, Bold Tumur Eruu Gol LLC, Boroo Gold, Bud Invest LLC, Buurgent LLC, Chinhua MAK Nariin Sukhait, Cold Gold, Datsan Trade, Eltrana LLC, ErdesHolding, Erdenet Mining Corporation, Erdmin LLC, Gatsuurt, Gobi Coal and Energy LLC, Gurvan Tuhum LLC, Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia Inc, Jump LLC, Khan Shijir SHC, Mon Dulaan Trade LLC, Mongol-Czech Metal SPIE, Mongolrostsvetment JV, Mongolyn Alt LLC, Monpolimet LLC, Shanlun LLC, Shariin Gol LLC, Shijir Alt SHC, Shim Technology LLC, Shin Shin LLC, Shivee Ovoo SC, Sonor Trade LLC, Tavantolgoi, Tethys Minig LLC, Tsairt Minerals LLC, Tun Shen LLC, Ulz Gol Cooperative8Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia Inc, Erdmin LLC, Mongolyn Alt LLC,Volume from 2008 EITI Report. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2008, and is the average of the medians of the f.o.b. price ranges for US imports of Mexican and South African acidspar, adjusted to account for the prices given in the 2011-2012 EITI Reports being an average 53.81% of this in 2009-2012.>Mongolrostsvetment JV, Bud Invest LLC, Mongol-Czech Metal SPIEAdamas Mining LLC, AltanDornot Mongol, Boroo Gold, Buurgent LLC, Cold Gold, Datsan Trade, Eltrana LLC, ErdesHolding, Erdenet Mining Corporation, Gatsuurt, Gurvan Tuhum LLC, Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia Inc, Jump LLC, Khan Shijir SHC, Mon Dulaan Trade LLC, Mongol-Czech Metal SPIE, Mongolrostsvetment JV, Mongolyn Alt LLC, Monpolimet LLC, Shijir Alt SHC, Sonor Trade LLC, Tethys Minig LLC, Ulz Gol CooperativeAppendix C4 & C37%Bold Tumur Eruu Gol LLC, Tun Shen LLCVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2010. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is defined as: Silver (Handy & Harman), 99.9% grade refined, New York.DBuurgent LLC, Datsan Trade, Eltrana LLC, Jump LLC, Khan Shijir SHC, Tin ConcentrateVolume from 2008 EITI Report. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is defined as: Tin (LME), refined, 99.85% purity, settlement price./Shanlun LLC, Shin Shin LLC, Tsairt Minerals LLCAltanDornot Mongol, Aduunchuluun, Baganuur, Boroo Gold, Chinhua MAK Nariin Sukhait, Cold Gold, Datsan Trade, ErdesHolding, Erdenet Mining Corporation, Gatsuurt, Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia Inc, Jump LLC, Khan Shijir SHC, MAK, MGH, Mongol Gazar, Mongolrostsvetment JV, Petro China Daqing Tamsag (Mongol) LLC, Sharyn Gol, Shim Technology LLC, Shin Shin LLC, Shivee Ovoo SC, Shizhir Alt LLC, Tavantolgoi, Tsairt Minerals LLC, Ulz Gol Cooperative(Hart Nurse & Ulaambaatar Audit Corp.Materiality threshold: Companies that made a payment of at least MNT100,000,000 in 2008 should be reconciled. Unilateral declarations are included in the figures. Some donations to government entities and 'expenditures on environmental protection' are in-kind payments and have been given a monetary value by companies, but the amount these account for is unclear. Disaggregation by commodity is only indirect through disaggregation by company, and therefore limited. Baganuur and Shivee Ovoo SC are 75% and 90% state-owned respectively. Erdenet Mining Corporation (EMC) and Mongolrostsvetment JV are both 51% owned by the Government of Mongolia and 49% owned by the Government of Russia. EMC accounted for 77% of revenues reported by Government.Volume from EITI Report. Price from BPSR 2014, and is an average of the spot prices for Brent, Dubai, Nigerian Forcados and West Texas Intermediate crude oil, adjusted to account for the prices given in the 2011-2012 EITI Reports being an average 92.19% of this in 2009-2012.Adamas Mining LLC, Aduunchuluun JSC, Ankhai International LLC, AUM LLC, Baganuur, Berleg Mining LLC, Bold Tumur Eruu Gol LLC, Boroo Gold, Chinhua MAK Nariin Sukhait, Cold Gold, Datsan Trade, Eltrana LLC, Engui Tal LLC, Erdes Holding LLC, Erdenet Mining Corporation, Erel LLC, Gatsuurt, Gobi Coal and Energy LLC, Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia Inc, Jump LLC, Khan Shijir LLC, Khunanjinlen LLC, Mongolrostsvetment JV, Mongolyn Alt LLC, Mongol Gazar LLC, Mongol Tsamkhag LLC, Monpolimet LLC, Shanlun LLC, Shariin Gol LLC, Shijir Alt SHC, Shijir Taslst LLC, Shin Shin LLC, Shivee Ovoo SC, Sonor Trade LLC, Talbulag Trade LLC, Tavantolgoi, Ten Khun LLC, Tethys Mining LLC, Tsairt Minerals LLC, Tun Shen LLC, Uuls Zaamar LLC, Urmum Uul LLC, Uurt Gold LLC, Zurin Bulan LLC Volume from EITI Report. Price from BPSR 2014, and is an average of the American Central Appalachian, Asian and Northwest Europe marker/spot prices, adjusted to account for the prices given in the 2011-2012 EITI Reports being an average 80.60% of this in 2009-2012.Aduunchuluun JSC, Baganuur, Chinhua MAK Nariin Sukhait, Engui Tal LLC, Gobi Coal and Energy LLC, Mongolyn Alt LLC, Shariin Gol LLC, Shivee Ovoo SC, Tavantolgoi 15, 61-224GVolume from EITI Report. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database) - defined as: Copper (LME), grade A, minimum 99.9935% purity, cathodes and wire bar shapes, settlement price - adjusted to account for the prices given in the 2011-2012 EITI Reports being an average 18.16% of this in 2009-2012.,Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia Inc, Mongolyn Alt LLC'Volume from EITI Report. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2008, and is the average of the medians of the f.o.b. price ranges for US imports of Mexican and South African acidspar, adjusted to account for the prices given in the 2011-2012 EITI Reports being an average 53.81% of this in 2009-2012./Volume from EITI Report. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database) - defined as: Gold (UK), 99.5% fine, London afternoon fixing, average of daily rates - adjusted to account for the prices given in the 2011-2012 EITI Reports being an average 83.00% of this in 2009-2012.Adamas Mining LLC, AUM LLC, Berleg Mining LLC, Boroo Gold, Buurgent LLC, Cold Gold, Datsan Trade, Eltrana LLC, ErdesHolding, Erdenet Mining Corporation, Erel LLC, Gatsuurt, Gurvan Tuhum LLC, Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia Inc, Jump LLC, Khan Shijir SHC, Khunanjinlen LLC, Mongolyn Alt LLC, Mongol Gazar LLC, Mongol Tsamkhag LLC, Monpolimet LLC, Shijir Alt SHC, Shijir Taslst LLC, Sonor Trade LLC, Talbulag Trade LLC, Ten Khun LLC, Tethys Minig LLC, Uuls Zaamar LLC, Urmum Uul LLC, Uurt Gold LLC, Zurin Bulan LLC&Volume from EITI Report. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database) - defined as: Iron ore (any origin) fines, spot price, c.f.r. China, 62% Fe - adjusted to account for the prices given in the 2011-2012 EITI Reports being an average 54.74% of this in 2009-2012.?Bold Tumur Eruu Gol LLC, Ankhai International LLC, Tun Shen LLCMolybdenum Concentrate (47%)Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2010. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the price in the US, adjusted to account for the prices given in the 2011-2012 EITI Reports being an average 31.21% of this in 2009-2012.Erdenet Mining CorporationPolimet Shin Shin LLC61-224BThis commodity is not mentioned in the USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012.Volume from EITI Report. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is defined as: Tin (LME), refined, 99.85% purity, settlement price. Shanlun LLCVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the average price on the US and European spot markets for a metric ton unit of tungsten trioxide, which contains 7.93kg of tungsten.zVolume from EITI Report. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database) - defined as: Zinc (LME), high grade, minimum 99.95% purity, settlement price beginning April 1990; previously special high grade, minimum 99.995%, cash prices - adjusted to account for the prices given in the 2011-2012 EITI Reports being an average 50.71% of this in 2009-2012.tDongsheng petroleum LLC, Petro china dachin tamsag LLC, Zhong Chen Utian, Central Asiam Petroleum, Petro Matad, DWM Petroleum AG, NPI, MCS, Adamas mining LLC, Aduunchuluun LLC, Anian resources LLC, AFC tavt LLC,< Adil och LLC, Almaz group LLC, Altai gold LLC, AUM LLC, Altain khuder LLC, Ankhai international LLC, Areva mongol LLC, Baganuur JSC, Berkh uul LLC, Bayan erch LLC, Bayalag jonsh LLC, Berkh uul LLC, Bayarsgold LLC, Boroo gold LLC, Bud invest LLC, Bulgangangat LLC, Bumbat LLC, Buurgent LLC, Bold tumur yruu gol LLC, Beren group LLC, Bayan airag exploration LLC, Braveheart resources LLC, Chinkhua MAK nariin sukhait LLC, Commod LLC, Centerra gold LLC, Childson LLC, Datsan trade LLC, Dun-Erdene LLC, Energy resources LLC, Erdene mongol LLC, Erdenet mining corporation LLC, Erdes Kholding LLC, Erel LLC, Erven khuder LLC, Emeelt mines LLC, Flink Mongolia LLC, Govi coal and energy LLC, Gatsuurt LLC, Guravt LLC, Gurvan tuhum LLC, Ivanhoe mines /Oyu tolgoi/ LLC, Ikh tokhoirol LLC, Ikh mongol mining LLC, Jump LLC, J and U gold LLC, Kojigovi LLC, Khan shijir LLC, KHOTU LLC, Khurai LLC, Kynar wolfram LLC, Khangad exploration LLC, Mongoliin alt corporation LLC, MonEnCo LLC, Mongolrustsevetmet LLC, Mongolchezmetal LLC, Mongol gazar LLC, Mongol tsamkhag LLC, Mongolbulgar geo LLC, Monpolimet LLC, Megaplast Mongolia LLC, Northwind LLC, Noyon Gary LLC, Odod LLC, Olon ovoot gold LLC, Ochir undraa LLC, Polo resources LLC, Rio LLC, Southgovi sands LLC, Shariin gol JSC, Shivee ovoo JSC, Sonor trade LLC, Suikhent LLC, Shijir alt LLC, MGH LLC, Shanlun LLC, Shin shin LLC, Suchigo LLC, Shijir talst LLC, SBF LLC, Tavan tolgoi JSC, T and Ch LLC, Tavan shuteen trade LLC, Tethys mining LLC, Tsogt onon LLC, Tsevdeg LLC, Tunsin LLC, Tsairt minerals LLC, Uuls zaamar LLC, Uuls noyon LLC, Uyan gan LLC, Uurt gold LLC, Urmun uul LLC, Western prospector LLC, Zaamariin ikh alt LLC, Zubgol LLC, Zuriin bulan LLCMateriality threshold: Companies that made a payment of at least MNT50,000,000 in 2009 should be reconciled. Unilateral declarations are included in the figures, including payments by six oil companies that were not requested to report and are therefore only reported on by government. Production volumes given in this report differ from those in the 2011 report. The latter are set out here. Some donations to government entities and 'expenditures on environmental protection' are in-kind payments and have been given a monetary value by companies, but the amount these account for is unclear. The report disaggregates government receipts by commodity (although aggregates copper and molybdenum), but only with reference to pre-adjustment figures. Post-adjustment figures are only provided indirectly through disaggregation by company. Where possible, post-adjustment figures have been given, but where this isn't, the breakdown of pre-adjustment figures have been used to estimate post-adjustment government receipts. Baganuur and Shivee Ovoo SC are 75% and 90% state-owned respectively. Erdenet Mining Corporation (EMC) and Mongolrostsvetment JV are both 51% owned by the Government of Mongolia and 49% owned by the Government of Russia. EMC accounted for 48% of revenues reported by Government.eVolume and price from 2011 EITI Report. Price is based on the reported value and quantity of exports.Dongsheng petroleum LLC, Petro china dachin tamsag LLC, Zhong Chen Utian, Central Asiam Petroleum, Petro Matad, DWM Petroleum AG, NPI, MCSAdamas mining LLC, Aduunchuluun LLC, Anian resources LLC, AFC tavt LLC, Adil och LLC, Almaz group LLC, Altai gold LLC, AUM LLC, Altain khuder LLC, Ankhai international LLC, Areva mongol LLC, Baganuur JSC, Berkh uul LLC, Bayan erch LLC, Bayalag jonsh LLC, Berkh uul LLC, Bayarsgold LLC, Boroo gold LLC, Bud invest LLC, Bulgangangat LLC, Bumbat LLC, Buurgent LLC, Bold tumur yruu gol LLC, Beren group LLC, Bayan airag exploration LLC, Braveheart resources LLC, Chinkhua MAK nariin sukhait LLC, Commod LLC, Centerra gold LLC, Childson LLC, Datsan trade LLC, Dun-Erdene LLC, Energy resources LLC, Erdene mongol LLC, Erdenet mining corporation LLC, Erdes Kholding LLC, Erel LLC, Erven khuder LLC, Emeelt mines LLC, Flink Mongolia LLC, Govi coal and energy LLC, Gatsuurt LLC, Guravt LLC, Gurvan tuhum LLC, Ivanhoe mines /Oyu tolgoi/ LLC, Ikh tokhoirol LLC, Ikh mongol mining LLC, Jump LLC, J and U gold LLC, Kojigovi LLC, Khan shijir LLC, KHOTU LLC, Khurai LLC, Kynar wolfram LLC, Khangad exploration LLC, Mongoliin alt corporation LLC, MonEnCo LLC, Mongolrustsevetmet LLC, Mongolchezmetal LLC, Mongol gazar LLC, Mongol tsamkhag LLC, Mongolbulgar geo LLC, Monpolimet LLC, Megaplast Mongolia LLC, Northwind LLC, Noyon Gary LLC, Odod LLC, Olon ovoot gold LLC, Ochir undraa LLC, Polo resources LLC, Rio LLC, Southgovi sands LLC, Shariin gol JSC, Shivee ovoo JSC, Sonor trade LLC, Suikhent LLC, Shijir alt LLC, MGH LLC, Shanlun LLC, Shin shin LLC, Suchigo LLC, Shijir talst LLC, SBF LLC, Tavan tolgoi JSC, T and Ch LLC, Tavan shuteen trade LLC, Tethys mining LLC, Tsogt onon LLC, Tsevdeg LLC, Tunsin LLC, Tsairt minerals LLC, Uuls zaamar LLC, Uuls noyon LLC, Uyan gan LLC, Uurt gold LLC, Urmun uul LLC, Western prospector LLC, Zaamariin ikh alt LLC, Zubgol LLC, Zuriin bulan LLCBAdamas mining LLC, Aduunchuluun LLC, Anian resources LLC, Baganuur JSC, Berkh uul LLC, Govi coal and energy LLC, Mongoliin alt corporation LLC, MonEnCo LLC, Polo resources LLC, Southgovi sands LLC, Tavan tolgoi JSC, Chinkhua MAK nariin sukhait LLC, Shariin gol JSC, Shivee ovoo JSC, Energy resources LLC, Erdene mongol LLC69-376Copper Concentrate (35%)\Ivanhoe mines /Oyu tolgoi/ LLC, AFC tavt LLC, Erdenet mining corporation LLC, Bayan erch LLCvAdil och LLC, Bayalag jonsh LLC, Berkh uul LLC, Commod LLC, Mongolrustsevetmet LLC, Mongolchezmetal LLC, Northwind LLC~Ivanhoe mines /Oyu tolgoi/ LLC, Almaz group LLC, Altai gold LLC, AUM LLC, AFC tavt LLC, Bayarsgold LLC, Boroo gold LLC, Bud invest LLC, Bulgangangat LLC, Bumbat LLC, Buurgent LLC, Berkh uul LLC, Gatsuurt LLC, Guravt LLC, Gurvan tuhum LLC, Datsan trade LLC, Dun-Erdene LLC, Jump LLC, J and U gold LLC, Zaamariin ikh alt LLC, Zubgol LLC, Zuriin bulan LLC, Ikh tokhoirol LLC, Kojigovi LLC, Mongol gazar LLC, Mongol tsamkhag LLC, Mongolbulgar geo LLC, Mongolrustsevetmet LLC, Monpolimet LLC, Noyon Gary LLC, Odod LLC, Olon ovoot gold LLC, Urmun uul LLC, Rio LLC, Centerra gold LLC, Sonor trade LLC, Suikhent LLC, T and Ch LLC, Tavan shuteen trade LLC, Tethys mining LLC, Uuls zaamar LLC, Uuls noyon LLC, Uyan gan LLC, Uurt gold LLC, Flink Mongolia LLC, Khan shijir LLC, KHOTU LLC, Khurai LLC, Tsogt onon LLC, Tsevdeg LLC, Childson LLC, Shijir alt LLC, MGH LLC, Erdes Kholding LLC, Erel LLC, SBF LLCAltain khuder LLC, Ankhai international LLC, Bold tumur yruu gol LLC, Beren group LLC, Kynar wolfram LLC, Tunsin LLC, Khangad exploration LLC, Erven khuder LLCAUM LLC, Boroo gold LLC, Buurgent LLC, Gatsuurt LLC, Datsan trade LLC, Jump LLC, J and U gold LLC, Zubgol LLC, Olon ovoot gold LLC, Uuls noyon LLC, Khan shijir LLC, Tsogt onon LLC(Areva mongol LLC, Western prospector LLC Tsairt minerals LLC, Shanlun LLCnDonations and assistance provided to Government organisations (type and volumes are not comprehensively given) Govi Energy partners LLC, Don Seng LLC, Zon heng yu tian LLC, Capcorp LLC, Petro Matad LLC, Petro China Dachin Tamsag LLC, Sansariin geology haiguul LLC, Sheiman LLC, MCS holding LLC, Agit Khangai LLC, AGM mining LLC, Adamas mining LLC, Adamas mountain LLC, Adil-Och LLC, Aduunchuluun JSC, Asia gold Mongolia LLC, Ivonhoe mines Mongolia inc /Oyu tolgoi/ LLC, Altain khuder LLC, Altan dornod Mongol LLC, Amin tsetseg LLC, Andin Ilch LLC, Andiin temuulel LLC, Ankhai International LLC, AUM LLC, AFK TAVT LLC, Baganur JSC Baga Tayan LLC, Bayan airag exploration LLC, Bayan- Erch LLC, Buurgent LLC, Bold tumor eruu gol LLC, Boroo gold LLC, Brave heart resouces LLC, Bud Invest LLC, Bulgan Gangat LLC, Bumbat LLC, Bumbat resources LLC, Berkh resources LLC, Berkh-Uul LLC, Beren-Group LLC, Beren mining LLC, Western Prosector Mongolia LLC, Garryson-Asia LLC, Gatsuurt LLC, Geosan LLC, Geo-Erel LLC, Gun Bileg Trade LLC, Gobi Coal and Energy LLC, GoviEx Mongolia LLC, Gobigeo LLC, Golden cross LLC, Goldan Pogada LLC, Gurvan tuhum LLC, Datsan trade LLC, DQI International Mongolia LLC, Don young LLC, Dun-Erdene LLC, Urmon-Uul LLC, Jump-Alt LLC, Ten Khun LLC, GKMK LLC, G and U gold LLC, Jotoin bajuna L< LC, Zaamariin Ikh Alt LLC, Zaraya holdings LLC, ZBAA LLC, Zuriin bulan LLC, IAM khukh adar LLC, Ilt gold LLC, Ikh mongol mining LLC, Ikh tokhoirol LLC, Uurt gold LLC, Kevin-Invest LLC, Kojigobi LLC, Commod LLC, QGX mongol LLC, Lon Shengda LLC, MGMK LLC, MES LLC, Mogoin gol LLC, Mogul International LLC, Mon Ajnai LLC, Mon poliment LLC, Mongol road prom LLC, Mongol Alt Mak LLC, Mongol bolgar geo LLC, Mongol gazar LLC, Mongol tsamkhag LLC, Mongolczechmetal LLC, Mongol-Alt LLC, Mongolia development resources LLC, Mongolrustsvetmet LLC, Mondulaan trade LLC, Monrosprom LLC, MONENCO LLC, Noyon Garry LLC, North wind LLC, Nuclear energy LLC, Odod LLC, Odod gold LLC, Olon ovoot gold LLC, ONTRE LLC, Ochir tuv LLC, Peabody winsway resources LLC, South gobi sands LLC, Centerra gold Mongolia LLC, Taats muron LLC, Tavantolgoi LLC, Tethys mining LLC, TRAMM LLC, Tumen and LLC, Tunderklap LLC, Tunsini LLC, Urt khoshuu LLC, Uyangan LLC, Khan shijir LLC, Khangad exploration LLC, Khar tarvagatai LLC, Khuder-Erdene LLC, HOTU LLC, Khotiin zam LLC, Khuusgul LLC, Kuady kyon LLC, Khunan jinlen LLC, Khunnu resources LLC, Khurai LLC, Tsairt mineral LLC, Chamin-Alt LLC, Chinhua Mac Nariin Sukhait LLC Shanlun LLC, Shar narst LLC, Shariin gol JSC, Shivee-Ovoo JSC, Shijir talst LLC, Shijir-Alt LLC, Shin shin LLC, MOOICO LLC, Emeelt mines LLC, Engui tal LLC, Energy resources LLC, Erven khuder LLC, Erdene Jas LLC, Erdenes MGL LLC, Erdenet uildver LLC, Erdes holding LLC, Eringovi LLC, Erel LLC, SBF LLC, Universal copper LLCMateriality threshold: Companies that made a payment of at least MNT50,000,000 in 2010 should be reconciled. Some companies have been included that are not directly involved in mining activities, but provide services, such as catering, to companies that are. Unilateral declarations are included in the figures. Production volumes given in this report differ from those in the 2011 report. The latter are set out here. The report disaggregates government receipts by the main commodities (although aggregates copper and molybdenum). Some others are provided indirectly through disaggregation by company. Baganuur and Shivee Ovoo SC are 75% and 90% state-owned respectively. Erdenet Mining Corporation (EMC) and Mongolrostsvetment JV are both 51% owned by the Government of Mongolia and 49% owned by the Government of Russia. EMC accounted for 51% of revenues reported by Government. The report also includes: mineral reserves; FDI in the extractive sector; a detailed reconciliation of flows to some local government entities.Govi Energy partners LLC, Don Seng LLC, Zon heng yu tian LLC, Capcorp LLC, Petro Matad LLC, Petro China Dachin Tamsag LLC, Sansariin geology haiguul LLC, Sheiman LLC, MCS holding LLC Agit Khangai LLC, AGM mining LLC, Adamas mining LLC, Adamas mountain LLC, Adil-Och LLC, Aduunchuluun JSC, Asia gold Mongolia LLC, Ivonhoe mines Mongolia inc /Oyu tolgoi/ LLC, Altain khuder LLC, Altan dornod Mongol LLC, Amin tsetseg LLC, Andin Ilch LLC, Andiin temuulel LLC, Ankhai International LLC, AUM LLC, AFK TAVT LLC, Baganur JSC Baga Tayan LLC, Bayan airag exploration LLC, Bayan- Erch LLC, Buurgent LLC, Bold tumor eruu gol LLC, Boroo gold LLC, Brave heart resouces LLC, Bud Invest LLC, Bulgan Gangat LLC, Bumbat LLC, Bumbat resources LLC, Berkh resources LLC, Berkh-Uul LLC, Beren-Group LLC, Beren mining LLC, Western Prosector Mongolia LLC, Garryson-Asia LLC, Gatsuurt LLC, Geosan LLC, Geo-Erel LLC, Gun Bileg Trade LLC, Gobi Coal and Energy LLC, GoviEx Mongolia LLC, Gobigeo LLC, Golden cross LLC, Goldan Pogada LLC, Gurvan tuhum LLC, Datsan trade LLC, DQI International Mongolia LLC, Don young LLC, Dun-Erdene LLC, Urmon-Uul LLC, Jump-Alt LLC, Ten Khun LLC, GKMK LLC, G and U gold LLC, Jotoin bajuna LLC, Zaamariin Ikh Alt LLC, Zaraya holdings LLC, ZBAA LLC, Zuriin bulan LLC, IAM khukh adar LLC, Ilt gold LLC, Ikh mongol mining LLC, Ikh tokhoirol LLC, Uurt gold LLC, Kevin-Invest LLC, Kojigobi LLC, Commod LLC, QGX mongol LLC, Lon Shengda LLC, MGMK LLC, MES LLC, Mogoin gol LLC, Mogul International LLC, Mon Ajnai LLC, Mon poliment LLC, Mongol road prom LLC, Mongol Alt Mak LLC, Mongol bolgar geo LLC, Mongol gazar LLC, Mongol tsamkhag LLC, Mongolczechmetal LLC, Mongol-Alt LLC, Mongolia development resources LLC, Mongolrustsvetmet LLC, Mondulaan trade LLC, Monrosprom LLC, MONENCO LLC, Noyon Garry LLC, North wind LLC, Nuclear energy LLC, Odod LLC, Odod gold LLC, Olon ovoot gold LLC, ONTRE LLC, Ochir tuv LLC, Peabody winsway resources LLC, South gobi sands LLC, Centerra gold Mongolia LLC, Taats muron LLC, Tavantolgoi LLC, Tethys mining LLC, TRAMM LLC, Tumen and LLC, Tunderklap LLC, Tunsini LLC, Urt khoshuu LLC, Uyangan LLC, Khan shijir LLC, Khangad exploration LLC, Khar tarvagatai LLC, Khuder-Erdene LLC, HOTU LLC, Khotiin zam LLC, Khuusgul LLC, Kuady kyon LLC, Khunan jinlen LLC, Khunnu resources LLC, Khurai LLC, Tsairt mineral LLC, Chamin-Alt LLC, Chinhua Mac Nariin Sukhait LLC Shanlun LLC, Shar narst LLC, Shariin gol JSC, Shivee-Ovoo JSC, Shijir talst LLC, Shijir-Alt LLC, Shin shin LLC, MOOICO LLC, Emeelt mines LLC, Engui tal LLC, Energy resources LLC, Erven khuder LLC, Erdene Jas LLC, Erdenes MGL LLC, Erdenet uildver LLC, Erdes holding LLC, Eringovi LLC, Erel LLC, SBF LLC, Universal copper LLCSulfide113-116Zinc concentrate (wet)2Profits/Taxes, Dividends, Licenses and concessionsPetrochina dachin tamsag LLC, Magnai trade LLC, Dongsheng petroleum LLC, NPI LLC, Petro matad LLC, Golden sea petrolium LLC, Gobi energy partners LLC, Zon Xen U Tian LLC, Cupcorp Mongolia LLC, MCS petro mongolia LLC, Sansariin geologi khaiguul LLC, Shaiman LLC, APEXPRO LLC, Erdenet mining corporation LLC, Oyu tolgoi LLC, Erdenes Tavan tolgoi JSC, Tavantolgoi JSC, Mongol Alt Mak LLC, Energy resource LLC, South Govi Energy LLC, Bold tumur yruu gol LLC, Tsairt Mineral LLC, Boroo gold LLC, Altain khuder LLC, Chinkhua Mak nariin sukhait LLC, Shin Shin LLC, Mongolrustsevetmet LLC, Baganuur JSC, Monpolimet LLC, GEM international LLC, Olon Ovoot gold LLC, Centerra Gold Mongolia LLC, Mo En Ko LLC, Shijir Alt LLC, Ochir Undraa LLC, Mon dulaan trade LLC, Shivee-Ovoo JSC, Ankhai international LLC, Gatsuurt LLC, Marco Polo LLC, Kojegovi LLC, Erel LLC, Shariin gol JSC, AUM LLC, MPHCL LLC, ONTRE LLC, Hera Investment LLC, Lutchuluu LLC, Urmun-Uul LLC, Khangad exploration LLC, Peabody-Winsway resources LLC, Cascade mining LLC, Emeelt Mines LLC, Ikh Khan Uul LLC, Orchlon ord LLC, Beren mining LLC, Zhu Yu E LLC, Gunbileg trade LLC, Buman olz LLC, Erdes kholding LLC, Erdene jas LLC, Mongol metal mining LLC, Mongol gazar LLC, SBF LLC, Agmmining LLC, MRCMGL LLC, Zanadumetals mongolia LLC, Geomin LLC, JKMK LLC, Eermel LLC, Mongolczechmetal LLC, QGX Mongol LLC, Datsan trade LLC, MEC LLC, Ulzgol LLC, Samtan mores LLC, Mongol tsamkhag LLC, Camex LLC, Gobi consolidated LLC, Shine Ellion Neng Yuan LLC, Ejbaley LLC, Mongol altai resources LLC, Khurgatai khairkhan LLC, Adil och LLC, Broad LLC, KHOTU LLC, Tsevdeg LLC, Bayanteeg LLC, Berkh resources LLC, Mongol uranium resources LLC, Taats murun LLC, Gobi coal and Eenergy LLC, Shanlun LLC, Bayan erch LLC, Cazmon contact LLC, Khuadi khuonez LLC, Andiin ilch LLC, Tethys Mining LLC, Altan dorNod mongol LLC, OGCHL LLC, Ten khun LLC, Zaraya holdings LLC, Delger-Orchlon LLC, Jump alt LLC, Alshaakhairkhan LLC, Bulgan gangat LLC, Odod gold LLC, Remet LLC, Beren group LLC, Erdenes MGL LLC, Mon Laa LLC, Bayan airag exploration LLC, Redhill Mongolia LLC, Shine shivee LLC, Mongolbulgargeo LLC, Dun Yuan LLC, Gobi-exploration LLC, Aduunchuluun JSC, Jinghua ord LLC, CCM LLC, Tengre terra resources LLC, Terra-Energy LLC, GBNB LLC, Batu Mining Mongolia LLC, Munkh Noyon suvarga LLC, Tienjinsanjo LLC, Sinchi-Oil LLC, Mongolrudprom LLC, CMKI LLC, Dun erdene LLC, Khan shijir LLC, Asia gold Mongolia LLC, GLDB LLC, Mongoljuanli LLC, ZBAA LLC, Khotgor Shanaga LLC, Khotgor LLC, Belgravia mining LLC, Golden Govi mining LLC, Buurgent LLC, Khartarvagatai JSC, Sod Gazar LLC, Mogoin Gol LLC, Longshenda LLC, Khuree del LLC, CCEM LLC, Jotoin Bajuuna LLC, Dorniin Khuder LLC, GCB mining LLC, Bold Fo Ar Da LLC, Bayantegsh Impex LLC, Temuulel LLC, Mon Ajnai LLC, Gurvan zam LLC, COAL LLC, Bayalag ord LLC, Bumbat resources LLC, < Oyut ulaan LLC, Gurvan tuhum LLC, Olova LLC, Berkh uul LLC, Chingisiin khar alt, Tugrug nuuriin energy LLC, Uurt Gold LLC, Kherlen energo LLC, Ilt gold LLC, KVP LLC, FMI LLC, TBE LLC, Commod LLC, Ikh Mongol mining LLC, Bumbat LLC, Golden cross LLC, Gunbileg gold LLC, Dedizi Yuan LLC, MCTT LLC, Erven khuder LLC, Shar narst LLC, North wind LLC, G and U gold LLC, Khuden LLC, SoNor Trade LLC, Zuun mod uul LLC, Khuslemj LLC, Khurai LLC, Bud invest LLC, Taisheng development LLC, Petro coal LLC, Avdar bayan LLC, Aivuun tes LLC, Bayajmal LLC, Khos khas LLC, Big Mogul Coal and Energy LLC, Peninsulamining LLC, Mongol alt LLC, Altai khangai burd LLC, Western prospector mongolia LLC, Treiga mountain international mining LLC, Khunanjinlen LLC, MGMK LLC+wMateriality threshold: Companies that made a payment of at least MNT40,000,000 in 2011 should be reconciled. Some companies have been included that are not directly involved in mining activities, but provide services, such as catering, to companies that are. Unilateral declarations are included in the figures. The report disaggregates government receipts by the main commodities (although aggregates copper and molybdenum). Some others are provided indirectly through disaggregation by company. Post-adjustment figures are disaggregated by company for government receipts only, not for company payments. Baganuur, Oyu Tolgoi LLC, Shivee Ovoo SC and Tavantolgoi JSC are 75%, 34%, 90% and 51% state-owned respectively. Erdenet Mining Corporation (EMC) and Mongolrostsvetment JV are both 51% owned by the Government of Mongolia and 49% owned by the Government of Russia. EMC accounted for 26% of revenues reported by Government. The report also includes: mineral reserves; FDI in the extractive sector; mining activity and environmental protection reports by some companies; a detailed reconciliation of flows to some local government entities.`Volume and price from EITI Report. Price is based on the reported value and quantity of exports.Petrochina dachin tamsag LLC, Magnai trade LLC, Dongsheng petroleum LLC, NPI LLC, Petro matad LLC, Golden sea petrolium LLC, Gobi energy partners LLC, Zon Xen U Tian LLC, Cupcorp Mongolia LLC, MCS petro mongolia LLC, Sansariin geologi khaiguul LLC, Shaiman LLC, APEXPRO LLC+8-9, 19 Erdenet mining corporation LLC, Oyu tolgoi LLC, Erdenes Tavan tolgoi JSC, Tavantolgoi JSC, Mongol Alt Mak LLC, Energy resource LLC, South Govi Energy LLC, Bold tumur yruu gol LLC, Tsairt Mineral LLC, Boroo gold LLC, Altain khuder LLC, Chinkhua Mak nariin sukhait LLC, Shin Shin LLC, Mongolrustsevetmet LLC, Baganuur JSC, Monpolimet LLC, GEM international LLC, Olon Ovoot gold LLC, Centerra Gold Mongolia LLC, Mo En Ko LLC, Shijir Alt LLC, Ochir Undraa LLC, Mon dulaan trade LLC, Shivee-Ovoo JSC, Ankhai international LLC, Gatsuurt LLC, Marco Polo LLC, Kojegovi LLC, Erel LLC, Shariin gol JSC, AUM LLC, MPHCL LLC, ONTRE LLC, Hera Investment LLC, Lutchuluu LLC, Urmun-Uul LLC, Khangad exploration LLC, Peabody-Winsway resources LLC, Cascade mining LLC, Emeelt Mines LLC, Ikh Khan Uul LLC, Orchlon ord LLC, Beren mining LLC, Zhu Yu E LLC, Gunbileg trade LLC, Buman olz LLC, Erdes kholding LLC, Erdene jas LLC, Mongol metal mining LLC, Mongol gazar LLC, SBF LLC, Agmmining LLC, MRCMGL LLC, Zanadumetals mongolia LLC, Geomin LLC, JKMK LLC, Eermel LLC, Mongolczechmetal LLC, QGX Mongol LLC, Datsan trade LLC, MEC LLC, Ulzgol LLC, Samtan mores LLC, Mongol tsamkhag LLC, Camex LLC, Gobi consolidated LLC, Shine Ellion Neng Yuan LLC, Ejbaley LLC, Mongol altai resources LLC, Khurgatai khairkhan LLC, Adil och LLC, Broad LLC, KHOTU LLC, Tsevdeg LLC, Bayanteeg LLC, Berkh resources LLC, Mongol uranium resources LLC, Taats murun LLC, Gobi coal and Eenergy LLC, Shanlun LLC, Bayan erch LLC, Cazmon contact LLC, Khuadi khuonez LLC, Andiin ilch LLC, Tethys Mining LLC, Altan dorNod mongol LLC, OGCHL LLC, Ten khun LLC, Zaraya holdings LLC, Delger-Orchlon LLC, Jump alt LLC, Alshaakhairkhan LLC, Bulgan gangat LLC, Odod gold LLC, Remet LLC, Beren group LLC, Erdenes MGL LLC, Mon Laa LLC, Bayan airag exploration LLC, Redhill Mongolia LLC, Shine shivee LLC, Mongolbulgargeo LLC, Dun Yuan LLC, Gobi-exploration LLC, Aduunchuluun JSC, Jinghua ord LLC, CCM LLC, Tengre terra resources LLC, Terra-Energy LLC, GBNB LLC, Batu Mining Mongolia LLC, Munkh Noyon suvarga LLC, Tienjinsanjo LLC, Sinchi-Oil LLC, Mongolrudprom LLC, CMKI LLC, Dun erdene LLC, Khan shijir LLC, Asia gold Mongolia LLC, GLDB LLC, Mongoljuanli LLC, ZBAA LLC, Khotgor Shanaga LLC, Khotgor LLC, Belgravia mining LLC, Golden Govi mining LLC, Buurgent LLC, Khartarvagatai JSC, Sod Gazar LLC, Mogoin Gol LLC, Longshenda LLC, Khuree del LLC, CCEM LLC, Jotoin Bajuuna LLC, Dorniin Khuder LLC, GCB mining LLC, Bold Fo Ar Da LLC, Bayantegsh Impex LLC, Temuulel LLC, Mon Ajnai LLC, Gurvan zam LLC, COAL LLC, Bayalag ord LLC, Bumbat resources LLC, Oyut ulaan LLC, Gurvan tuhum LLC, Olova LLC, Berkh uul LLC, Chingisiin khar alt, Tugrug nuuriin energy LLC, Uurt Gold LLC, Kherlen energo LLC, Ilt gold LLC, KVP LLC, FMI LLC, TBE LLC, Commod LLC, Ikh Mongol mining LLC, Bumbat LLC, Golden cross LLC, Gunbileg gold LLC, Dedizi Yuan LLC, MCTT LLC, Erven khuder LLC, Shar narst LLC, North wind LLC, G and U gold LLC, Khuden LLC, SoNor Trade LLC, Zuun mod uul LLC, Khuslemj LLC, Khurai LLC, Bud invest LLC, Taisheng development LLC, Petro coal LLC, Avdar bayan LLC, Aivuun tes LLC, Bayajmal LLC, Khos khas LLC, Big Mogul Coal and Energy LLC, Peninsulamining LLC, Mongol alt LLC, Altai khangai burd LLC, Western prospector mongolia LLC, Treiga mountain international mining LLC, Khunanjinlen LLC, MGMK LLC8-99, 199Gobi Energy Partners LLC, Golden Sea Petroleum LLC, Dongsheng Petroleum LLC, Zon Hen Yun Tian LLC, Catcorp Mongolia LLC, Magnai Trade LLC, Petro Matad LLC, Petro China Dachin Tamsag LLC, Sansaryn Geology Khaiguul LLC, Avdar Bayan LLC, AGM Mining LLC, Adamas Mining LLC, Adil-Och LLC, Aduunchuluun JSC, Asiagold Mongolia LLC, Altain Khuder LLC, Altan Dornod Mongol LLC, Altanrio Mongolia LLC, And Survey LLC, Andiin Ilch LLC, Anian Resources LLC, Ankhai-International LLC, AUM LLC, Baganuur JSC, Badmaarag Khash LLC, Batu Mining Mongolia LLC, Bayalag Ord LLC, Bayan-Erch LLC, Bayan Airag Exploration LLC, Bayantegsh Impex LLC, Bayanteeg JSC, BDBL LLC, BCMM LLC, BHM LLC, Bilguuntrade LLC, Blake Mount Mining LLC, Bold Tumur Eruu Gol LLC, Boroo Gold LLC, Bridge Construction LLC, Broad LLC, Bud Undram LLC, Bulgan Gangat LLC, Bumbat Resources LLC, Bumbat LLC, Berkh-Uul LLC, Berkh Resources LLC, Beren Group LLC, Beren Mining LLC, Vantage LLC, Voyager Gold LLC, Galaxy Mining Mongolia, Gan-Ilch LLC, Gatsuurt LLC,GBNB LLC, Geosan LLC, Gobi Coal and Energy LLC, Gobi Exploration LLC, Golden Cross LLC, Grand Montana Mining LLC, Gurvan Tukhum LLC, Darkhan Bor Khujir LLC, Darkhan Tumurlugiin Uildver JSC, Darkhan Shar Burd LLC, Datsan Trade LLC, Duchin Delgerekh LLC, Dun Yuan LLC, Dun-Erdene LLC, DUN LI LLC, Jado Zambala LLC, Jinghua Ord LLC, Jotoin Bajuuna LLC, Jun Yuan LLC, Zanadu Copper Mongolia LLC, Zaraya Holdings LLC, Zhu Yu E LLC, Zuun Naiman Suvraga LLC, Ing Hu LLC, Ikh Gobi Energy LLC, Ikh Tokhoirol LLC, Casiop Contact LLC, Kojegobi LLC, KVP LLC, Lutchuluu LLC, Max Impex LLC, Mandal-Altai Group LLC, MARCO POLO LLC, Mon En Ko LLC, Mogol International LLC, Monvolfram LLC, Mongol Altai Resources LLC, Mongol Gazar LLC, Mongol Metal Mining LLC, Mongolbulgar Geo LLC, Mongolrustsvetmet LLC, Mongol Czech Metall LLC, Mongolyn Alt Mak LLC, Mondulaan Trade LLC, Monlaa LLC, Monpolimet LLC, Munkh Noyon Suvarga LLC, NABD LLC, Narantuul Trade LLC,NK LLC, Northwind LLC, Odod Gold LLC, Olova LLC, Olon Ovoot Gold LLC, ONTRE LLC, Ord Talst LLC, Orchlon Construction LLC, Ochir Tuv LLC, Ochir-Undraa LLC, Oyu Tolgoi LLC, Urmun-Uul LLC, OGCHL LLC, Poloresources - Peabody Winsway Resources, Reservoir Moly Mongolia LLC, Reo LLC, Redhill Mongolia LLC, Samton Morris LLC, South Gobi Blake Gold LLC, Southgobi Sands LLC, Centerra Gold Mongolia LLC, COAL LLC, CCM LLC, CMKI LLC, Sonor Trade LLC, Suuri LLC, Seruun Selbe LLC, Tavan Tolgoi Trans LLC, Tavantolgoi JSC, Taliin Shigtgee LLC, Terra Energy LLC, TBE LLC, Tegshtplant LLC, Ten Khun LLC, Teso LLC, Tefis Mining LLC, Ulz< gol LLC, Uugan Ilch LLC, Uuls Zaamar LLC, Focus Metal Mining LLC, Freegood Erin LLC, Fenchun International LLC, Khangad Exploration LLC, Khangi Prospecting LLC, Khangi Khuder LLC, Khartarvagatai JSC, Kharanga Khuder LLC, Hera Investment LLC, Khongor Khangain Erdenes LLC, Khotgor Shanaga LLC, Khukh Tur LLC, Huadi Kuonyez LLC, Khurgatai Khairkhan LLC, Khureedel LLC, Khuslemj LLC, Kheltrege LLC, Tsairtmineral LLC, Cement & Lime JSC, Central Asian Cement LLC, Central Asia Mining LLC, Tsevdeg LLC, Tsengeg-Orog LLC, Tsetsens Mining and Energy LLC, Chandmani Tal LLC, Chinkhua MAK Nariin Sukhait LLC, Shanlun LLC, Shanjin Ord LLC, Shar Narst LLC, Shariin Gol JSC, Shengangyuntun LLC, Shivee Ovoo JSC, Shin Shin LLC, Shine Asia Mining Group LLC, Shine Ilion Nen Yuan LLC, Shine Longda LLC, Shine Shivee LLC, Sheiman LLC, Ejbalei LLC, APEXPRO LLC, HMMB LLC, MJB LLC, MPHCL LLC, MCGT LLC, MCTT LLC, MMRI LLC, Emeelt Mines LLC, NPI LLC, Energy Resource LLC, Erdene Mongol LLC, Erdenedalai Coal LLC, Erdenejas LLC, Erdenes MGL LLC, Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi JSC, Erdenet Mining Corporation LLC, Erel Cement LLC, SBF LLC, ESTO LLC, Universal Resources+Moore Stephens LLP & Dalaivan Audit LLC6,13Materiality threshold: Companies that made a payment of at least MNT40,000,000 in 2012 should be reconciled. Some companies have been included that are not directly involved in mining activities, but provide services to companies that are. Unilateral declarations are included in the figures. Company payments include additonal, unreconciled revenue streams of $1,052,182,778 that companies were asked to voluntarily report on. The figure for payments in-kind is that which government reported, companies reported paying $3,226,933. Baganuur, Oyu Tolgoi LLC, Shivee Ovoo SC and Tavantolgoi JSC are 75%, 34%, 90% and 51% state-owned respectively. Erdenet Mining Corporation (EMC) and Mongolrostsvetment JV are both 51% owned by the Government of Mongolia and 49% owned by the Government of Russia. Bayanteeg JSC, Erdenes MGL LLC, Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi JSC, Darkhan Tumurlugiin Uildver JSC and Cement & Lime JSC are also state-owned. EMC accounted for 33% of revenues reported by Government. The report also includes: production volumes and values for some companies; mineral reserves; FDI in the extractive sector; mining activity and environmental protection reports by some companies; a detailed reconciliation of flows to some local government entities.+=W+Gobi Energy Partners LLC, Golden Sea Petroleum LLC, Dongsheng Petroleum LLC, Zon Hen Yun Tian LLC, Catcorp Mongolia LLC, Magnai Trade LLC, Petro Matad LLC, Petro China Dachin Tamsag LLC, Sansaryn Geology Khaiguul LLC Avdar Bayan LLC, AGM Mining LLC, Adamas Mining LLC, Adil-Och LLC, Aduunchuluun JSC, Asiagold Mongolia LLC, Altain Khuder LLC, Altan Dornod Mongol LLC, Altanrio Mongolia LLC, And Survey LLC, Andiin Ilch LLC, Anian Resources LLC, Ankhai-International LLC, AUM LLC, Baganuur JSC, Badmaarag Khash LLC, Batu Mining Mongolia LLC, Bayalag Ord LLC, Bayan-Erch LLC, Bayan Airag Exploration LLC, Bayantegsh Impex LLC, Bayanteeg JSC, BDBL LLC, BCMM LLC, BHM LLC, Bilguuntrade LLC, Blake Mount Mining LLC, Bold Tumur Eruu Gol LLC, Boroo Gold LLC, Bridge Construction LLC, Broad LLC, Bud Undram LLC, Bulgan Gangat LLC, Bumbat Resources LLC, Bumbat LLC, Berkh-Uul LLC, Berkh Resources LLC, Beren Group LLC, Beren Mining LLC, Vantage LLC, Voyager Gold LLC, Galaxy Mining Mongolia, Gan-Ilch LLC, Gatsuurt LLC,GBNB LLC, Geosan LLC, Gobi Coal and Energy LLC, Gobi Exploration LLC, Golden Cross LLC, Grand Montana Mining LLC, Gurvan Tukhum LLC, Darkhan Bor Khujir LLC, Darkhan Tumurlugiin Uildver JSC, Darkhan Shar Burd LLC, Datsan Trade LLC, Duchin Delgerekh LLC, Dun Yuan LLC, Dun-Erdene LLC, DUN LI LLC, Jado Zambala LLC, Jinghua Ord LLC, Jotoin Bajuuna LLC, Jun Yuan LLC, Zanadu Copper Mongolia LLC, Zaraya Holdings LLC, Zhu Yu E LLC, Zuun Naiman Suvraga LLC, Ing Hu LLC, Ikh Gobi Energy LLC, Ikh Tokhoirol LLC, Casiop Contact LLC, Kojegobi LLC, KVP LLC, Lutchuluu LLC, Max Impex LLC, Mandal-Altai Group LLC, MARCO POLO LLC, Mon En Ko LLC, Mogol International LLC, Monvolfram LLC, Mongol Altai Resources LLC, Mongol Gazar LLC, Mongol Metal Mining LLC, Mongolbulgar Geo LLC, Mongolrustsvetmet LLC, Mongol Czech Metall LLC, Mongolyn Alt Mak LLC, Mondulaan Trade LLC, Monlaa LLC, Monpolimet LLC, Munkh Noyon Suvarga LLC, NABD LLC, Narantuul Trade LLC,NK LLC, Northwind LLC, Odod Gold LLC, Olova LLC, Olon Ovoot Gold LLC, ONTRE LLC, Ord Talst LLC, Orchlon Construction LLC, Ochir Tuv LLC, Ochir-Undraa LLC, Oyu Tolgoi LLC, Urmun-Uul LLC, OGCHL LLC, Poloresources - Peabody Winsway Resources, Reservoir Moly Mongolia LLC, Reo LLC, Redhill Mongolia LLC, Samton Morris LLC, South Gobi Blake Gold LLC, Southgobi Sands LLC, Centerra Gold Mongolia LLC, COAL LLC, CCM LLC, CMKI LLC, Sonor Trade LLC, Suuri LLC, Seruun Selbe LLC, Tavan Tolgoi Trans LLC, Tavantolgoi JSC, Taliin Shigtgee LLC, Terra Energy LLC, TBE LLC, Tegshtplant LLC, Ten Khun LLC, Teso LLC, Tefis Mining LLC, Ulzgol LLC, Uugan Ilch LLC, Uuls Zaamar LLC, Focus Metal Mining LLC, Freegood Erin LLC, Fenchun International LLC, Khangad Exploration LLC, Khangi Prospecting LLC, Khangi Khuder LLC, Khartarvagatai JSC, Kharanga Khuder LLC, Hera Investment LLC, Khongor Khangain Erdenes LLC, Khotgor Shanaga LLC, Khukh Tur LLC, Huadi Kuonyez LLC, Khurgatai Khairkhan LLC, Khureedel LLC, Khuslemj LLC, Kheltrege LLC, Tsairtmineral LLC, Cement & Lime JSC, Central Asian Cement LLC, Central Asia Mining LLC, Tsevdeg LLC, Tsengeg-Orog LLC, Tsetsens Mining and Energy LLC, Chandmani Tal LLC, Chinkhua MAK Nariin Sukhait LLC, Shanlun LLC, Shanjin Ord LLC, Shar Narst LLC, Shariin Gol JSC, Shengangyuntun LLC, Shivee Ovoo JSC, Shin Shin LLC, Shine Asia Mining Group LLC, Shine Ilion Nen Yuan LLC, Shine Longda LLC, Shine Shivee LLC, Sheiman LLC, Ejbalei LLC, APEXPRO LLC, HMMB LLC, MJB LLC, MPHCL LLC, MCGT LLC, MCTT LLC, MMRI LLC, Emeelt Mines LLC, NPI LLC, Energy Resource LLC, Erdene Mongol LLC, Erdenedalai Coal LLC, Erdenejas LLC, Erdenes MGL LLC, Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi JSC, Erdenet Mining Corporation LLC, Erel Cement LLC, SBF LLC, ESTO LLC, Universal Resources14,15Mongolian Tughrik4Hart Nurse LTD and Ulaanbaatar Audit Corporation LLCExchange rate not in EITI report. Reporting companies differ from report to website. Value of payments differ from report to EITI website.TungstenTungsten ConcentrateZinc Concentratehttp://www.itie.org.mzgHost government's production entitlement, Profits/Taxes, Royalties, Dividends, Licenses and concessionsMozambique Meticais52,528,854 gigajoules (66,096,657 cubic metres) of gas Vale Mozambique Ltd, Kenmare Moma Mining (Mauritius) Ltd, HAMC (Highland African Mining Co.), Rio Tinto Mining and Exploration MozambiqueCompanhia Moambicana de Hidro-carbonetos Sarl, Sasol Petroleum Temane Ltd,:Materiality threshold: Companies that made a payment of at least 1,500,000MT in 2008 should be reconciled. The report gives the volumes but not values for the payments in kind. The values are calculated using the relevant commodity price from the BPSR 2014 (detailed below). Unilateral declarations are included in the figures. Sasol Petroleum Temane Ltd, a South African Energy Company, currently operates the Pande and Temane Natural Gas Fields with Companhia Moambicana de Hidrocarbonetos SARL (CMH) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC). Sasol Petroleum is the operator and majority shareholder with 70% shares, with CMH having 25% and IFC with 5% share interest. The Pande-Temane gas project includes a gas pipeline, completed in 2004, stretching over 865 km between Temane and a Sasol gas processing petrochemical complex in Secunda, South Africa. CMH's shareholding structure comprises 70% to Empresa Nactional de Hidrocarbonetos Company (ENH), 20% to the Government of Mozambique and 10% owned by corporate bodies and individuals. ENH is the National Oil Company of Mozambique and is 100% owned by the State. Sasol Petroleum accounted for 57% of payments reported by the companies, with CMH accouting for a further 35%. The payment in kind of natural gas is for part of Sasol Petroleum Temane Ltd's royalty obligat< ions.JCompanhia Moambicana de Hidro-carbonetos Sarl, Sasol Petroleum Temane Ltd 26-27, 32?Pande-Temane gas project is currently the only producer of gas.Vale Mozambique Ltd, Kenmare Moma Mining (Mauritius) Ltd, HAMC (Highland African Mining Co.), Rio Tinto Mining and Exploration Mozambique26-27Volume from EIA. Price from BPSR 2014, and is an average of the American Central Appalachian, Asian and Northwest Europe marker/spot prices.Vale Mozambique Ltd"HAMC (Highland African Mining Co.)US$/kgTitanium minerals & zirconPKenmare Moma Mining (Mauritius) Ltd, Rio Tinto Mining and Exploration Mozambique o/w Ilmenite o/w RutileVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the f.o.b. price in Australia for a bulk product with a minimum TiO2 content of 95%. o/w ZirconVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the f.o.b. price for US imports.53,226,666 gigajoules (84,335,369 cubic metres) of gasAnadarko Mocambique Area 1 Ltd, Companhia Moambicana de Hidro-carbonetos Sarl, D N O Asa, Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos-EP, Eni East Africa S.P.A., Petronas Carigali Mozambique E & P Ltd, Sasol Petroleum Sofala Ltd, Sasol Petroleum Temane Ltd, Wentworth Mocambqiue Petroleos Ltd, Buzi Hydrocarbons, Statoil Ltd, Sasol Petroleum Mocambique Ltd, Rovuma Resources Ltd, Capitol Resources Ltd, Africa Drilling Company -Afrodroll, Twigg Exploration and Mining Ltd, Mozambique Minerals Ltd, Manica Minerals (Moz) Ltd, Opti Metal Trading Mocambique Ltd, Afriminas Minerais Ltd, Riversdale Mocambique Ltd, JWS Natural Resources Mozambique Ltd, Essar Minas de Mocambique Ltd, Rio Tinto Mining and Exploration Ltd, JSPL Mozambique Minerais Ltd, Kenmare Moma Mining Ltd, Cimentos de Mozambique Sarl, AP Capital Ltd, Tantalum Mineracao Prospeccao Ltd, Highland African Mining Company Ltd, Omegacorp Minerais Ltd 7, 36, 42An exchange rate is not provided to convert the figures from the local currency, so that of the World Bank is used (http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/PA.NUS.FCRF). Materiality threshold: all oil & gas companies should be reconciled; mining companies that made a payment of at least 500,000MT and were directly involed in mining activities should be reconciled. The report gives the volumes but not values for the payments in kind. The values are calculated using the relevant commodity price from the BPSR 2014 (detailed below). Unilateral declarations are included in the figures, including unreconciled social payments of US$3,705,376 that companies were asked to voluntarily report on. Disaggregation by commodity is only indirect through disaggregation by company, and therefore limited. Sasol Petroleum Temane Ltd, a South African Energy Company, currently operates the Pande and Temane Natural Gas Fields with Companhia Moambicana de Hidrocarbonetos SARL (CMH) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC). Sasol Petroleum Temane Ltd is the operator and majority shareholder with 70% shares, with CMH having 25% and IFC with 5% share interest. CMH's shareholding structure comprises 70% to Empresa Nactional de Hidrocarbonetos Company (ENH), 20% to the Government of Mozambique and 10% owned by corporate bodies and individuals. ENH is the National Oil Company of Mozambique and is 100% owned by the State. The payment in kind of natural gas is for part of Sasol Petroleum Temane Ltd's royalty obligations. Total Gas]Anadarko Mocambique Area 1 Ltd, Companhia Moambicana de Hidro-carbonetos Sarl, D N O Asa, Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos-EP, Eni East Africa S.P.A., Petronas Carigali Mozambique E & P Ltd, Sasol Petroleum Sofala Ltd, Sasol Petroleum Temane Ltd, Wentworth Mocambqiue Petroleos Ltd, Buzi Hydrocarbons, Statoil Ltd, Sasol Petroleum Mocambique LtdRovuma Resources Ltd, Capitol Resources Ltd, Africa Drilling Company -Afrodroll, Twigg Exploration and Mining Ltd, Mozambique Minerals Ltd, Manica Minerals (Moz) Ltd, Opti Metal Trading Mocambique Ltd, Afriminas Minerais Ltd, Rio Doce Mocambique/Vale, Riversdale Mocambique Ltd, JWS Natural Resources Mozambique Ltd, Minas Moatize Ltd, Eta Star Mozambique SA, Essar Minas de Mocambique Ltd, Rio Tinto Mining and Exploration Ltd, JSPL Mozambique Minerais Ltd, Kenmare Moma Mining Ltd, Cimentos de Mozambique Sarl, AP Capital Ltd, Grinaker Mocambique Ltd, Acosterras Mocambique Ltd, Tantalum Mineracao Prospeccao Ltd, Highland African Mining Company Ltd, Omegacorp Minerais Ltd7, 42Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2009, and is the price in the US for crushed limestone.8, 42Stone o/w Granite~Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2009, and is the price in the US for crushed granite.o/w Gravel & crushed rock o/w Marble}Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2009, and is the price in the US for crushed marble.53,249,722 gigajoules (84,937,984 cubic metres) of gasjAnadarko Mocambique Area 1 Ltd, Buzi Hydrocarbons, Companhia Moambicana de Hidro-carbonetos Sarl, Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos-EP, Eni East Africa S.P.A., Petronas Carigali Mozambique E & P Ltd, Sasol Petroleum M-10 Ltd, Sasol Petroleum Mocambique Ltd, Sasol Petroleum Sengala Ltd, Sasol Petroleum Sofala Ltd, Sasol Petroleum Temane Ltd, Statoil, Acosterras Mocambique Ltd, Africa Great Wall Mining Development Company Ltd, Afrifocus Reosuces Ltd, Afriminas Minerais Ltd, Biworld International Ltd, Capitol Resources Ltd, Companhia Carvoeira de Samoa Ltd, Enrc Mozambique Ltd, Essar Minas de Mocambique Ltd, Eta Star Mozambique SA, Global Mineral Resources (Mozambique) Ltd, Highland African Mining Company Ltd, JSPL Mozambique Minerais Ltd, JWS Natural Resources Mozambique Ltd, Kenmare Moma Mining Ltd, Magmas de Mocambique Ltd, Manica Lands Corporation Ltd, Midwest Africa Ltd, Mimoc - Minerais Industrias de Mocambique Ltd, Minas Moatize Ltd, Mozambqiue Gems Ltd, Mozambique Minerals Ltd, Omegacorp Minerais Ltd, Patel Mining Concession Ltd, Rio Tinto Benga Ltd, Rio TInto Changarra Ltd, Rio Tinto Zambeze Ltd, Rio Tinto Mining and Exploration Ltd, Rovuma Resources Ltd, Tantalum Mineracao Prospeccao Ltd, Twigg Exploration and Mining Ltd, Vale Mocambique, Vale Projectos e Desenvolvimento Mocambique Ltd, Zambezi Energy Corporation Ltd/Nconcdezi Coal Company Mozambique Ltd9, 41An exchange rate is not provided to convert the figures from the local currency, so that of the World Bank is used (http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/PA.NUS.FCRF). Materiality threshold: all oil & gas companies should be reconciled; mining companies that made a payment of at least 500,000MT and were directly involed in mining activities should be reconciled. The report gives the volumes but not values for the payments in kind. The values are calculated using the relevant commodity price from the BPSR 2014 (detailed below). Unilateral declarations are not included in the figures. Disaggregation by commodity is only indirect through disaggregation by company, and therefore limited. Sasol Petroleum Temane Ltd, a South African Energy Company, currently operates the Pande and Temane Natural Gas Fields with Companhia Moambicana de Hidrocarbonetos SARL (CMH) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC). Sasol Petroleum Temane Ltd is the operator and majority shareholder with 70% shares, with CMH having 25% and IFC with 5% share interest. CMH's shareholding structure comprises 70% to Empresa Nactional de Hidrocarbonetos Company (ENH), 20% to the Government of Mozambique and 10% owned by corporate bodies and individuals. ENH is the National Oil Company of Mozambique and is 100% owned by the State. The payment in kind of natural gas is part of Sasol Petroleum Temane Ltd's royalty obligations. The payment in kind of natural gas is for part of Sasol Petroleum Temane Ltd's royalty obligations.aAnadarko Mocambique Area 1 Ltd, Buzi Hydrocarbons, Companhia Moambicana de Hidro-carbonetos Sarl, Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos-EP, Eni East Africa S.P.A., Petronas Carigali Mozambique E & P Ltd, Sasol Petroleum M-10 Ltd, Sasol Petroleum Mocambique Ltd, Sa< sol Petroleum Sengala Ltd, Sasol Petroleum Sofala Ltd, Sasol Petroleum Temane Ltd, StatoilAcosterras Mocambique Ltd, Africa Great Wall Mining Development Company Ltd, Afrifocus Reosuces Ltd, Afriminas Minerais Ltd, Biworld International Ltd, Capitol Resources Ltd, Companhia Carvoeira de Samoa Ltd, Enrc Mozambique Ltd, Essar Minas de Mocambique Ltd, Eta Star Mozambique SA, Global Mineral Resources (Mozambique) Ltd, Highland African Mining Company Ltd, JSPL Mozambique Minerais Ltd, JWS Natural Resources Mozambique Ltd, Kenmare Moma Mining Ltd, Magmas de Mocambique Ltd, Manica Lands Corporation Ltd, Midwest Africa Ltd, Mimoc - Minerais Industrias de Mocambique Ltd, Minas Moatize Ltd, Mozambqiue Gems Ltd, Mozambique Minerals Ltd, Omegacorp Minerais Ltd, Patel Mining Concession Ltd, Rio Tinto Benga Ltd, Rio TInto Changarra Ltd, Rio Tinto Zambeze Ltd, Rio Tinto Mining and Exploration Ltd, Rovuma Resources Ltd, Tantalum Mineracao Prospeccao Ltd, Twigg Exploration and Mining Ltd, Vale Mocambique, Vale Projectos e Desenvolvimento Mocambique Ltd, Zambezi Energy Corporation Ltd/Nconcdezi Coal Company Mozambique Ltde+&Gold Rutile concentrateZircon concentrateMozambique2011Host government's production entitlement, Profits/Taxes, Dividends, Licenses and concessions, Other significant benefits to government53,503,780 gigajoules (91,578,298 cubic metres) of gasAnadarko Mocambique Area 1 Ltd, Buzi Hydrocarbons, Companhia Moambicana de Hidro-carbonetos Sarl, Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos-EP, Eni East Africa S.P.A., Petronas Rovuma Basin, Petronas Carigali Mozambique E & P Ltd, Republic of Mozambique Pipeline Company (Rompco), Sasol Gas, Sasol Petroleum M-10 Ltd, Sasol Petroleum Mocambique Ltd, Sasol Petroleum Mozambique Exploration, Sasol Petroleum Sengala Ltd, Sasol Petroleum Sofala Ltd, Sasol Petroleum Temane Ltd, Statoil Oil & Gas Mozambique AS, frica Great Wall Mining Development Company Lda, Afrifocus Resources Lda, Biworld International Limited, Capital Resources Lda, Companhia Carvoeira de Samoa Lda, ENRC Moambique Lda, Eta Star Moambique S.A., Highland African Mining Company Lda, JSPL Mozambique Minerais Lda, JSW Natural Resources Mozambique Lda, Kenmare Moma Mining (Mauritius) Lda, Midwest Africa, Minas Moatize, Mozambique Minerals Ltd, Patel Mining Concession Lda, Rio Tinto Benga Lda, Rio Tinto Zambeze Lda, Rio Tinto Mining and Exploration (Moambique) Lda, Rovuma Resources Lda, Twigg Exploration e Mining Lda, VALE Projectos e Desenvolvimento Lda, Vale Moambique S.A., Ncondezi Coal Company Mozambique Lda Intellica11,22ZMateriality threshold: all oil & gas companies should be reconciled; mining companies that made a payment of at least 500,000MT and were directly involed in mining activities should be reconciled. Reporting companies accounted for 99.93% of revenues reported by government from companies directly involved in the oil, gas and mining sectors in 2011. The report doesn't distinguish between oil and gas producers. The report gives the volumes but not values for the payments in kind. The values are calculated using the relevant commodity price from the BPSR 2014 (detailed below). Unilateral declarations are included in the figures. Disaggregation by commodity is only indirect through disaggregation by company, and therefore limited. Sasol Petroleum Temane Ltd, a South African Energy Company, currently operates the Pande and Temane Natural Gas Fields with Companhia Moambicana de Hidrocarbonetos SARL (CMH) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC). Sasol Petroleum Temane Ltd is the operator and majority shareholder with 70% shares, with CMH having 25% and IFC with 5% share interest. CMH's shareholding structure comprises of 70% to Empresa Nactional de Hidrocarbonetos Company (ENH), 20% to the Government of Mozambique and 10% owned by corporate bodies and individuals. ENH is the National Oil Company of Mozambique and is 100% owned by the State. The Pande-Temane gas project includes a gas pipeline between Temane and a Sasol gas processing petrochemical complex in Secunda, South Africa. This is operated by Republic of Mozambique Pipeline Company (Rompco), which is owned by SASOL (50%), CMH (25%) and iGas, a subsidiary of the South Africa Energy Fund (25%). Sasol Petroleum Mocambique Ltd is also involved in this project. The payment in kind of natural gas is for part of Sasol Petroleum Temane Ltd's royalty obligations. Its value is calculated with a 'weight factor' in use by the National Oil Institute. The report provides production volumes for some companies, but this is not comprehensive. The report also covers: the areas in which the oil & gas companies operate; employment information for some companies.Anadarko Mocambique Area 1 Ltd, Buzi Hydrocarbons, Companhia Moambicana de Hidro-carbonetos Sarl, Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos-EP, Eni East Africa S.P.A., Petronas Rovuma Basin, Petronas Carigali Mozambique E & P Ltd, Republic of Mozambique Pipeline Company (Rompco), Sasol Gas, Sasol Petroleum M-10 Ltd, Sasol Petroleum Mocambique Ltd, Sasol Petroleum Mozambique Exploration, Sasol Petroleum Sengala Ltd, Sasol Petroleum Sofala Ltd, Sasol Petroleum Temane Ltd, Statoil Oil & Gas Mozambique ASfrica Great Wall Mining Development Company Lda, Afrifocus Resources Lda, Biworld International Limited, Capital Resources Lda, Companhia Carvoeira de Samoa Lda, ENRC Moambique Lda, Eta Star Moambique S.A., Highland African Mining Company Lda, JSPL Mozambique Minerais Lda, JSW Natural Resources Mozambique Lda, Kenmare Moma Mining (Mauritius) Lda, Midwest Africa, Minas Moatize, Mozambique Minerals Ltd, Patel Mining Concession Lda, Rio Tinto Benga Lda, Rio Tinto Zambeze Lda, Rio Tinto Mining and Exploration (Moambique) Lda, Rovuma Resources Lda, Twigg Exploration e Mining Lda, VALE Projectos e Desenvolvimento Lda, Vale Moambique S.A., Ncondezi Coal Company Mozambique Lda`+Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, and is the price in the US for crushed limestone.http://www.itieniger.neIbrahim IssoufouVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2009. Price from BPSR 2014, is an average of the American Central Appalachian, Asian and Northwest Europe marker/spot prices.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2009. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2009, and is the average f.o.b. mine and plant price for bulk, pellets and packaged vacuum and open pan salt, solar salt, rock salt and salt in brine.Guilbert & AssociatesVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from BPSR 2014, is an average of the American Central Appalachian, Asian and Northwest Europe marker/spot prices.Production: CNPC INTERNATIONAL NIGER, CNPC INTERNATIONAL TENERE, CNPC NIGER PETROLEUM, COMINAK, IMOURAREN SA, SML, SNC MALBAZA, SOMAIR, SOMINA, SONICHAR SA, SOPAMIN SA, SORAZ. Exploration:AFRICAN URANIUM SARL, AGADEZ LTD, AGMDC, AMI AFRICA EXPLORATION, AREVA NC, CARACAL GOLD BURKINA, CLUFF AFRICA ASSOCIATES, COOPER MINERALS, COOPERATIVE ALHER AGADEZ, DELTA EXPLORATION, DREYFUS JULES, ETS NADIA GOLD SHOP, FARIA ASIA GROUP NIGER, GECKO GOLD NIGER, GLOBAL URANIUM, GOLDEN STAR EXPLORATION, GOVIEX NIGER HOLDING, GRADOUA SA, INDO ENERGY LIMITED, ISLAND ARC EXPLORATION, LIPTAKO INVESTMENT, MOHAN EXPORT INDIA, MOHAN EXPORT PVT LTD, NEW URANIUM NIGER, NIGER MINING SERVICES,NIGER RESOURCES INC (OREZONE), NIGER URANIUM SA, ROCKGATE CAPITAL, SAHEL LAB SA, SAHEL MINING CONS., SAVIGNY MINING NIGER SA, SEMAFO, SEMMOUS LION MINING LTD, SIPEX/SONATRACH, STE DES CIMENTS DU NIGER, TAURIAN RESOURCES, TREND FIELD GOLD MINING, URANIUM EXPLORATION, URANIUM INTERNATIONAL.N+6, 14-18Revenues include receipts from small-scale miners, reported unilaterally by govt. The report notes that the state's production share of oil is commercialized by SOPAMIN; however the report doesn't include data on in-kind receipts.851.80 tonnes of uranium See notes,Cabinet Expertise Comptable Ibrahim Issoufou15, 23Slight differences with eiti.org totals probably due to exchange rate. The report descibes in-kind ("quote-part") uranium receipts by SOPAMIN, the state mining company, of 851.80 tonnes valued at FCFA 68,< 730,445 (see p.15); this value has been added to Total Received by Govt. Declaration of some payments was optional (droits de doane et taxes assimiles, etc, see p.19-21); these payments are included in totals. Company names (including individual miners) are too numerous to input manually; see list of producing companies on p.12-14 and company-by-company data in Annex, which includes company-reported payments for only 20 companies). oProfits/Taxes, Royalties, Dividends, Bonuses, Licenses and concessions Other significant benefits to governmentCCII Ibrahim IssoufouCompanies requested to report / reporting section unclear (and discrepancy with the website). Exchange rate not indicated in the report. In-kind payments not included (as opposed to what is stated on EITI website).http://neiti.org.ng/430,000,000 bbl of oilZAddax Petroleum, Agip Energy & Natural Resources Limited, AMNI International Petroleum Development Company, Atlas Petroleum International, Chevron Nigeria Ltd, Chevron Oil Company Nigeria, Chevron Texaco, Canoil Producing, Continental Oil and gas, Dubri Oil Company, Elf Petroleum, Express Petroleum, Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited, Moni Pulo Petroleum Development Company, Nigerian Agip Exploration, Nigerian Agip Oil Company, Nigerian LNG Ltd, Nigerian Petroleum Development Company, Panocean, Phillips Oil Company (Nigeria), Shell Exploration, Shell Petroleum Development Company, Texaco Overseas Hart groupMateriality threshold: not given. The report does not clearly compare government receipts and company payments for all revenue streams, but implies that those with differences are listed. Unilateral declarations are not included. Government has a majority share in joint ventures through the National Nigerian Petroleum Company's (NPCC) upstream subsidiary, the Nigerian Petroleum Development Company (NPDC), with Chevron, Elf, Mobil, NAOC, Panocean, SPDC, Topcon. It also has a 49% shareholding in Nigerian LNG Ltd. The report also reports on: the calculation of the petroleum profits tax, including company costs; the financing of joint ventures.sVolume from BPSR 2014. Price from EITI Report, and is based on the reported value and quantity of payments in-kind.462,000,000 bbl of oil473,000,000 bbl of oil407,000,000 bbl of oilNigeria 424,000,000 bbl of oil455,000,000 bbl of oil'United States Dollar and Nigerian Naira The report uses US dollars and the local currency, the Nigerian Naira. An exchange rate is not provided to convert the latter, so that of the World Bank is used (http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/PA.NUS.FCRF). Materiality threshold: all companies involved in the production of oil & gas should be reconciled. The report does not clearly compare government receipts and company payments for all revenue streams, but indicates that those with differences are listed. The appendix which contains information such as the names of reporting companies is not available on either the International or National Secretariat websites. Government has a majority share in joint ventures with Chevron, Elf, Mobil, NAOC, Panocean, SPDC, Topcon. It also has a 49% shareholding in Nigerian LNG Ltd. The value or volume of oil transferred to Government as payment made in-kind are not provided in the report. The report also reports on: the calculation of the petroleum profits tax, including company costs; the financing of joint ventures (classified here as a subsidy).KVolume and price from BPSR 2014. Price is spot price for Nigerian Forcados.15-19-The report uses US dollars and the local currency, the Nigerian Naira. Materiality threshold: all companies involved in the production of oil & gas should be reconciled. The report does not clearly compare government receipts and company payments for all revenue streams, but indicates that those with differences are listed. The appendix which contains information such as the names of reporting companies is not available on either the International or National Secretariat websites. Government has a majority share in six joint ventures, through the National Nigerian Petroleum Company, with the composition of these provided in the report. It also has a 49% shareholding in Nigerian LNG Ltd. The value or volume of oil transferred to Government as payment made in-kind are not clearly provided in the report. .The report uses US dollars and the local currency, the Nigerian Naira. Materiality threshold: all companies involved in the production of oil & gas should be reconciled. The report does not clearly compare government receipts and company payments for all revenue streams, but indicates that those with differences are listed. The appendix which contains information such as the names of reporting companies is not available on either the International or National Secretariat websites. Government has a majority share in six joint ventures, through the National Nigerian Petroleum Company, with the composition of these provided in the report. It also has a 49% shareholding in Nigerian LNG Ltd. The value or volume of oil transferred to Government as payment made in-kind are not clearly provided in the report. 336,161,000 bbl of oilSada, Idris & Co43, 51, 53, 62, 70, 74<The report uses US dollars and the local currency, the Nigerian Naira. Materiality threshold: all companies involved in the production of oil & gas should be reconciled. The report does not clearly compare government receipts and company payments for all revenue streams, but implies that those with differences are listed. The appendix which contains information such as the names of reporting companies is not available on either the International or National Secretariat websites. Government has a majority share in eight joint ventures, through the National Nigerian Petroleum Company, with the composition of these provided in the report. It also has a 49% shareholding in Nigerian LNG Ltd. The report also covers: the financing of its joint venture operations and subsidies to the NPCC (both classified as subsidies here)..Volume from BPSR 2014. Price from EITI Report.387,632,000 bbl of oil385,937,000 bbl of oilGSada, Idris & Co (oil & gas report); Haruna Yahaya & Co (mining report)K43, 51, 53, 62, 70, 74 (of the oil & gas report); 10 (of the mining report)The report uses US dollars and the local currency, the Nigerian Naira. Materiality threshold: all companies involved in the production of oil & gas should be reconciled; mining companies that have paid at least N10,000,000 for the relevant revenue streams should be reconciled. Disagreggation by company is given in the mining report, but not in the oil & gas report. The oil & gas report does not clearly compare government receipts and company payments for all revenue streams in the oil & gas sector, but implies that those with differences are listed. The appendix of the oil & gas report which contains information such as the names of reporting companies is not available on either the International or National Secretariat websites. Government has a majority share in eight oil & gas joint ventures, through the National Nigerian Petroleum Company, with the composition of these provided in the report. It also has a 49% shareholding in Nigerian LNG Ltd. The oil & gas report also covers: the financing of its joint venture operations and subsidies to the NPCC (both classified as subsidies here). The mining report also covers: production volumes of reconciled companies; volume and value of exports; amount of royalty outstanding.(43, 51, 53, 74 (of the oil & gas report)5 (of the oil & gas report)@A.G. Vision, ABL Granite Co Ltd, Ahmu International Mining Company, Alren Construction Nigeria Ltd, Arab Construction Nig. Ltd, Ashaka Cement Plc, Associated Granite Ind. Limited, Astro Minerals Ltd, BiwaterNig Ltd, Blackstone Crushing Company Limited, BoriniProno& constr. Nig. Ltd., Bulletine Construction Company Limited, C &.C. Construction Comp. Ltd., Cement Company of Northern Nigeria Plc., CCC Construction Nigeria Ltd, CCECC Nig. Ltd, CGC Nig. Ltd, CIBI Nigeria Limited, CNC Engineering Company, Construction Surport Nig. Ltd, Crushed Rock Nig Ltd, Crush Stones < Industries Ltd, Dangote Cement Plc, Dantata&Sawoe Construction Co., De Crown Quarry Ltd, Ebenezer mining & ceramic Ind. Ltd, Elegant One Nigeria Ltd, EnercoProrox, ENL Construction Ltd, Freedom Development Co. Ltd, FW San He Concepts Ltd, Georgio Rock Ltd, GilmorEng g Ltd, Gitto Construction Company, Glossands Ltd, Gyartagere Stone Crushing Co. Ltd, Habibu Engineering Nig. Ltd., Hajaig Const. Ltd, Harvey Ltd, Hitec Construction Company, Hongyun Mining Ind. Co. Ltd, Inter-Bau Construction Company Ltd, Japaul Mines & Products Limited, JiaBao Quarry Nig Ltd, Julius Berger Nig. Plc, Kopek Nig. Limited, LadliceNig Ltd, Levant Construction Ltd, M.F.W Dredging &Marine, Mac Daniels Quarry Ltd, MAC Engineering Const. Ltd., Madodel Eng. and Construction Com., Magcobar Manufacturing Nig. Ltd, Master Rock Nig Ltd, Moulds Nig. Limited, Milatex Nigeria Limited, Moelink Company Ltd, Mother CAT Ltd., Multiverse Resources Limited, NRC Ltd, P. W. Nigeria Limited, Para Crushing Nig. Ltd, Paul B Nigeria Plc, Perfect Stone Quarry, Piccolo Bruneill Eng. Ltd, Porcelainware Industries Ltd, Purechem Industries Limited, Qumecs Nig. Ltd, R.C.C (Nig) Ltd, Ratcon Construction Company Limited, Roads Nigeria Limited, Rockbridge Const. Co.Ltd, S.CC (Nig) Ltd, Salini Nig. Ltd, Samchase Nig. Limited, Saydoun Ltd, Serena Nigeria Limited, SetracoNig Limited, Soject Nigeria Ltd, Spectrums Minerals Ltd, Star Advantage Co. Ltd, State Quarry, Triacta Nigeria Ltd, Unichem Cement Company, West African Portland Cement Plc, Zeberceed Ltd, Zenith Const. Ltd. 10 (of the mining report)Clay (inc. Kaolin)Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2014, and is the average price for clay in the US.81 (of the mining report)"Columbium and tantalum concentrateQPrice from EITI Report, and is based on the reported volume and value of exports.83 (of the mining report)hThe USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012 indicates that there was insufficent data to estimate production volumes.Dolerite~Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, and is the price in the US for crushed granite.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is defined as: Iron ore (any origin) fines, spot price, c.f.r. China, 62% Fe.Laterite Lead-zinc oreMarble (crushed)Nitrogen (fixed - ammonia)yVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the f.o.b price in the US. Red AlluviumBVolume from EITI Report, but is only that of the covered companies SandstoneShaleTin (cassiterite concentrate)81, 83 (of the mining report)TopazVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from the USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011, and is the median of the price range for cut blue topaz in the US. TourmalineVolume from EITI Report, but is only that of the covered companies. Price from the USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011, and is the average of the medians of the year-end price ranges for cut green and pink tourmaline in the US.ZirconhProfits/Taxes, Royalties, Dividends, Licenses and concessions, Other significant benefits to government Nigerian NairaoDangote Cement Plc., Levant Const. Ltd., West African Portland Cement Plc., Madodel Eng g Nig. Ltd., Julius Berger (Nig.) Plc., Zenith Const. Co. Ltd., United Cement Nig. Ltd., Perfect Stone Quarries, Setraco Nig. Ltd., Asphalt Unity Const Ltd., Crushed Rock Ind. Ltd., Brothers Quarry Nig. Ltd., Rcc (Nig.) Ltd., First Tipper Drivers Mining Entrp., Arab Contractor (Oao) Nig Ltd., Habibu Eng. Nig. Ltd., Gilmor Engineering Nig. Ltd., Kunlun Nig. Ltd., Ashaka Cem Plc., Ratcon Construction Co. Ltd., Dantata & Sawoe Ng Ltd., Japaul Mines & Prd., Tongyi Allied Mining Ltd., Mac Daniel s Quarry & Conc Ltd., P.W. Nig Ltd., Purechem Industries Limited, Ccnn Plc., Saydoun Ltd., C.C.E.C.C. (Nig.) Ltd., Equishare Nig. Ltd., Mother Cat Nig. Ltd., Paras Crushing Company Ltd., Georgio Rock Ltd., Mould Nig. Ltd., Kopek Construction Limited, Ahmu International Mining Ltd., Petra Quarries Ltd., Dantata Land And Sea, F.W. Dredging Co, Salini Nig Ltd., Pzan International Ltd., Elegant One Co. Ltd., Zeberced Nig Ltd., Porcelainware Industries Ltd., Borini Prono & Constr. Co. Ltd., Gitto Quarry Project, Triacta Nig. Ltd., C.G.C Nig. Ltd., Moelinks Company Ltd., Ccc Construction Nig. Ltd., Rockwell Quarry, Hitech Cost. Co. Ltd., Multiverse Resources Limited, Magcobar Manufacturing Nig Ltd., Fw San He Concepts Limited Buying Centres, Astro Minerals, Inter- Bau Const Ltd., Spectrum Minerals Ltd.DoloriteKaolinehttp://www.eiti.no}State-owned company production entitlement, Profits/Taxes, Licenses and concessions, Other significant benefits to governmentNorwegian Kronera4Sea Energy AS, Aker Exploration AS, Altinex Oil Norway AS, A/S Norske Shell, Bayerngas Norge AS, Bayerngas Produksjon Norge AS, BG Norge AS, BP Norge AS, Bridge Energy AS, Centrica Resources (Norge) AS, Concedo AS, ConocoPhilips Skandinavia AS, Dana Petroleum Norway AS, Det norske oljeselskap ASA (incl NOIL Energy), Discover Petroleum AS, DONG E&P Norge AS, Edison International Spa, Eni Norge AS, Enterprise Oil Norge AS, E.ON Ruhrgas Norge AS, ExxonMobil Ex< ploration & Production Norway AS, Faroe Petroleum Norge AS, GDF SUEZ E&P Norge AS, Genesis Petroleum Norway AS, Hess Norge AS, Idemitsu Petroleum Norge AS, Lotos Exploration and Production Norge AS, Lundin Norway AS, Maersk Oil Norway AS, Maersk Oil PL 018C Norway AS, Marathon Petroleum Norge AS, Nexen Exploration Norge AS, Norske AEDC A/S, North Energy AS, Norwegian Energy Company ASA, OMV (Norge) AS, PGNiG Norway AS, Petoro AS, Petro-Canada Norge AS, Premier Oil Norge AS, Repsol Exploracion S.A, Rocksource ASA, RWE Dea Norge AS, Sagex Petroleum Norge AS, Skagen 44 AS, Skeie Energy AS, Spring Energy Exploration AS, Spring Energy Norway AS, StatoilHydro Petroleum AS inkl StatoilHydro ASA, Svenska Petroleum Exploration AS, Talisman Energy Norge AS, Total E&P Norge AS, VNG Norge (Operations) AS inkl Endeavour, VNG Norge AS, Wintershall Norge NUF, Wintershall Norge ASA inkl Revus Energy AS, Skeie Oil & Gas AS, Wintershall Norge AS, Noble Energy Europe Ltd, Norpipe Oil AS, Norsea Gas AS, Petrofac Resources Ltf NUF, Maersk Oil GB Limited, Total Norge AS, Serica Energy UK Ltd, Shell International pipelines Inc, Excel Expro Norge AS, Marathon Petroleum CompanyVThe report uses the local currency, the Norwegian Kroner. Materiality threshold: not given. The report does not distinguish between oil and gas producers. Unilateral declarations are not included in the figures. Petoro AS is 100% state-owned, and is responsible for the management of the state s ownerships in license permits on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. StatoilHydro ASA is 67% state-owned, and markets and sells the oil and gas from these. Revenues raised from state-ownership accounted for 39% of total revenues. The report also covers transfer of revenues to the Government Pension Fund.4Sea Energy AS, Altinex Oil Norway AS, A/S Norske Shell, Bayerngas Norge AS, Bayerngas Produksjon Norge AS, BG Norge AS, BP Norge AS, Bridge Energy AS, Centrica Resources (Norge) AS, Chevron Norge AS, Concedo AS, ConocoPhilips Skandinavia AS, Dana Petroleum Norway AS, Det norske oljeselskap AS, Det norske oljeselskap ASA, DONG E&P Norge AS, Edison International Spa, Eni Norge AS, Enterprise Oil Norge AS, E.ON Ruhrgas Norge AS, Excel Expro Norge AS, ExxonMobil Exploration & Production Norway AS, Faroe Petroleum Norge AS, Front Exploration AS, GDF SUEZ E&P Norge AS, Genesis Petroleum Norway AS, Hess Norge AS, Idemitsu Petroleum Norge AS, Lotos Exploration and Production Norge AS, Lundin Norway AS, Maersk Oil Norway AS, Maersk Oil PL 018C Norway AS, Marathon Petroleum Norge AS, Nexen Exploration Norge AS, Norpipe Oil AS, Norsea Gas AS, Norske AEDC A/S, North Energy AS, Norwegian Energy Company ASA, OMV (Norge) AS, Petoro AS, Petro-Canada Norge AS, Petrofac Norge AS, PGNiG Norway AS, Premier Oil Norge AS, Repsol Exploration Norge AS, Rocksource ASA, RWE Dea Norge AS, Sagex Petroleum Norge AS, Skagen 44 AS, Skele Energy AS, Skele Oil&Gas AS, Spring Energy Exploration AS, Spring Energy Norway AS, StatoilHydro Petroleum AS inkl StatoilHydro ASA, Svenska Petroleum Exploration AS, Talisman Energy Norge AS, Total E&P Norge AS, VNG Norge AS, Wintershall Norge NUF, Wintershall Norge ASA inkl Revus Energy AS, Wintershall Norge AS, Shell International pipelines IncVThe report uses the local currency, the Norwegian Kroner. Materiality threshold: not given. The report does not distinguish between oil and gas producers. Unilateral declarations are not included in the figures. Petoro AS is 100% state-owned, and is responsible for the management of the state s ownerships in license permits on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. StatoilHydro ASA is 67% state-owned, and markets and sells the oil and gas from these. Revenues raised from state-ownership accounted for 36% of total revenues. The report also covers transfer of revenues to the Government Pension Fund.Host government's production entitlement, State-owned company production entitlement, Profits/Taxes, Licenses and concessions, Other significant benefits to government}The income from the "Petroleum tax" accounted for 62.1% of the reported amounts. The Report is not available yet in English. 4Sea Energy AS, Agora Oil & Gas AS, Altinex Oil Norway AS, A/S Norske Shell, Bayerngas Norge AS, Bayerngas Produksjon Norge AS, BG Norge AS, BP Norge AS, Bridge Energy AS, Centrica Resources (Norge) AS, Chevron Norge AS, Concedo AS, ConocoPhilips Skandinavia AS, Dana Petroleum Norway AS, Det norske oljeselskap AS, Det norske oljeselskap ASA, DONG E&P Norge AS, Edison International Spa, Eni Norge AS, Enterprise Oil Norge AS, E.ON Ruhrgas Norge AS, ExxonMobil Exploration & Production Norway AS, Faroe Petroleum Norge AS, Fortis Petroleum Norway AS, Front Exploration AS, GDF SUEZ E&P Norge AS, Genesis Petroleum Norway AS, Hess Norge AS, Idemitsu Petroleum Norge AS, Lotos Exploration and Production Norge AS, Lundin Norway AS, Maersk Oil Norway AS, Maersk Oil PL 018C Norway AS, Marathon Petroleum Norge AS, Nexen Exploration Norge AS, Njord Gas Infrastructure AS, Norpipe Oil AS, Norsea Gas AS, Norske AEDC A/S, North Energy AS, Norwegian Energy Company ASA, OMV (Norge) AS, Petoro AS, PGNiG Norway AS, Premier Oil Norge AS, Repsol Exploration Norge AS, Rocksource ASA, RWE Dea Norge AS, Sagex Petroleum Norge AS, Skagen 44 AS, Skeie Energy AS, Spring Energy Exploration AS, Spring Energy Norway AS, StatoilHydro Petroleum AS inkl StatoilHydro ASA, Suncor Energy Norge AS, Svenska Petroleum Exploration AS, Talisman Energy Norge AS, Total E&P Norge AS, VNG Norge AS, Wintershall Norge NUF, Wintershall Norge ASA inkl Revus Energy AS, Wintershall Norge AS, Shell International pipelines IncVThe report uses the local currency, the Norwegian Kroner. Materiality threshold: not given. The report does not distinguish between oil and gas producers. Unilateral declarations are not included in the figures. Petoro AS is 100% state-owned, and is responsible for the management of the state s ownerships in license permits on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. StatoilHydro ASA is 67% state-owned, and markets and sells the oil and gas from these. Revenues raised from state-ownership accounted for 38% of total revenues. The report also covers transfer of revenues to the Government Pension Fund.4Sea Energy AS, A/S Norske Shell, Bayerngas Norge AS, Bayerngas Produksjon Norge AS, BG Norge AS, BP Norge AS, Bridge Energy AS, Capricorn Norge AS, Centrica Resources (Norge) AS,< Chevron Norge AS, Concedo AS, ConocoPhilips Skandinavia AS, Core Energy AS, Dana Petroleum Norway AS, Det norske oljeselskap ASA, DONG E&P Norge AS, E&P Holding AS, Edison International Spa, Eni Norge AS, EnQuest Norge AS, Enterprise Oil Norge AS, E.ON Ruhrgas Norge AS, Explora Petroleum AS, ExxonMobil Exploration & Production Norway AS, Faroe Petroleum Norge AS, Fortis Petroleum Norway AS, Front Exploration AS, GDF SUEZ E&P Norge AS, Hess Norge AS, Idemitsu Petroleum Norge AS, Infragas Norge AS, Lotos Exploration and Production Norge AS, Lukoil Oil Company, Lundin Norway AS, Maersk Oil Norway AS, Marathon Oil Norge AS, Nexen Exploration Norge AS, Njord Gas Infrastructure AS, Noreco Norway AS, Norpipe Oil AS, Norsea Gas AS, Norske AEDC A/S, North Energy AS, Norwegian Energy Company ASA, OMV (Norge) AS, Petoro AS, Petrolia Norway AS, PGNiG Norway AS, Premier Oil Norge AS, Repsol Exploration SA, Repsol Exploration Norge AS, RN Nordic Oil AS, Rocksource ASA, RWE Dea Norge AS, Silex Gas Norway AS, Skagen 44 AS, Skeie Energy AS, Solveig Gas Norway AS, StatoilHydro Petroleum AS inkl StatoilHydro ASA, Stratum Energy AS, Suncor Energy Norge AS, Svenska Petroleum Exploration AS, Talisman Energy Norge AS, Total E&P Norge AS, Tullow Oil (Bream) Norge AS, Tullow Oil Norge AS, Valiant Petroleum Norge AS, VNG Norge AS, Wintershall Norge AShttp://eitiperu.minem.gob.pe/2Profits/Taxes, Royalties, Licenses and concessions/United States Dollar and the Peruvian neuvo solHunt Oil Company of Per L.L.C., Maple Gas Corporation del Per S.R.L., Olympic Per INC Sucursal del Per, Petrobras Energa Per S.A., Pluspetrol Norte S.A., Pluspetrol Per Corporation S.A., Pluspetrol Camisea S.A., Repsol Exploracin Per Sucursal del Per, Perenco Per Limited Sucursal del Per, Compaa de Minas Buenaventura S.A.A., Compaa Minera Antamina S.A., Compaa Minera Argentum S.A., Compaa Minera Milpo S.A.A., Compaa Minera Raura S.A., Empresa Minera Los Quenuales S.A., Minera Bateas S.A.C., Minera Pampa de Cobre S.A., Minera Yanacocha S.R.L., Minsur S.A., Pan American Silver S.A.C. Mina Quiruvilca, Perubar S.A., Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A, Southern Per Copper Corporation Sucursal del Per, Xstrata Tintaya S.A., Minera Barrick Misquichilca S.A., Sociedad Minera El Brocal S.A.A., Inversiones Mineras del Sur S.A., Cedimin S.A.C., Anglo American Michiquillay S.A., Anglo American Quellaveco S.A., Anglo American Exploration Per S.A., Ro Tinto Minera Per Limitada S.A.C, Ro Tinto Mining and Exploration S.A.C.63-65The report uses US dollars and the local currency, the Peruvian nuevo sol. An exchange rate is not provided to convert the latter, so that of the World Bank is used (http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/PA.NUS.FCRF). Materiality threshold: Companies volunteered to participate in the process. These accounted for the following shares of production in 2004: Oil - 74%, Gas - 27%, Copper - 96%, Gold - 70%, Lead - 37%, Molybendum - 100%, Silver - 51%, Tin - 100%, Zinc - 52%. Only disaggregation by revenue stream is comprehensive as some companies requested that their individual information was not provided. Unilateral declarations do not appear to be included in the figures. The report also covers the distribution of revenues across government.,Hunt Oil Company of Per L.L.C., Maple Gas Corporation del Per S.R.L., Olympic Per INC Sucursal del Per, Petrobras Energa Per S.A., Pluspetrol Norte S.A., Pluspetrol Per Corporation S.A., Pluspetrol Camisea S.A., Repsol Exploracin Per Sucursal del Per, Perenco Per Limited Sucursal del PerHunt Oil Company of Per L.L.C., Olympic Per INC Sucursal del Per, Petrobras Energa Per S.A., Pluspetrol Per Corporation S.A., Pluspetrol Camisea S.A., Repsol Exploracin Per Sucursal del PerHunt Oil Company of Per L.L.C., Maple Gas Corporation del Per S.R.L., Olympic Per INC Sucursal del Per, Petrobras Energa Per S.A., Pluspetrol Norte S.A., Pluspetrol Per Corporation S.A., Pluspetrol Camisea S.A., Repsol Exploracin Per Sucursal del PerCompaa de Minas Buenaventura S.A.A., Compaa Minera Antamina S.A., Compaa Minera Argentum S.A., Compaa Minera Milpo S.A.A., Compaa Minera Raura S.A., Empresa Minera Los Quenuales S.A., Minera Bateas S.A.C., Minera Pampa de Cobre S.A., Minera Yanacocha S.R.L., Minsur S.A., Pan American Silver S.A.C. Mina Quiruvilca, Perubar S.A., Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A, Southern Per Copper Corporation Sucursal del Per, Xstrata Tintaya S.A., Minera Barrick Misquichilca S.A., Sociedad Minera El Brocal S.A.A., Inversiones Mineras del Sur S.A., Cedimin S.A.C., Anglo American Michiquillay S.A., Anglo American Quellaveco S.A., Anglo American Exploration Per S.A., Ro Tinto Minera Per Limitada S.A.C, Ro Tinto Mining and Exploration S.A.C.Bismuth (metal)sVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2008. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2009, and is the price in the US.Southern Per Copper Corporation Sucursal del Per, Compaa Minera Antamina S.A., Xstrata Tintaya S.A., Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A, Empresa Minera Los Quenuales S.A., Compaa Minera Argentum S.A., Sociedad Minera El Brocal S.A.A., Inversiones Mineras del Sur S.A., Compaa de Minas Buenaventura S.A.A., Minera Pampa de Cobre S.A., Minsur S.A., Minera Bateas S.A.C., Cedimin S.A.C. ^Minera Yanacocha S.R.L., Minera Barrick Misquichilca S.A., Compaa de Minas Buenaventura S.A.A., Inversiones Mineras del Sur S.A., Xstrata Tintaya S.A., Cedimin S.A.C., Southern Per Copper Corporation Sucursal del Per, Pan American Silver S.A.C. Mina Quiruvilca, Compaa Minera Milpo S.A.A., Minera Bateas S.A.C., Sociedad Minera El Brocal S.A.A.IndiumVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2008. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2009, and is the price of Indium Corp, a US producer, for 99.97% purity metal.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2008. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is defined as: Iron ore (any origin) fines, spot price, c.f.r. China, 62% Fe.Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is defined as: Lead (LME), refined, 99.97% purity, settlement price3Sociedad Minera El Brocal S.A.A., Empresa Minera Los Quenuales S.A., Compaa Minera Milpo S.A.A., Perubar S.A., Compaa Minera Raura S.A., Compaa de Minas Buenaventura S.A.A., Pan American Silver S.A.C. Mina Quiruvilca, Compaa Minera Antamina S.A., Compaa Minera Argentum S.A., Minera Bateas S.A.C.o/w Lead content of mine outputSelenium (metal, refined)Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2008. Price from the USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2009, and is the price for the refined product in the US.Compaa de Minas Buenaventura S.A.A., Compaa Minera Antamina S.A., Empresa Minera Los Quenuales S.A., Southern Per Copper Corporation Sucursal del Per, Sociedad Minera El Brocal S.A.A., Minera Yanacocha S.R.L., Pan American Silver S.A.C. Mina Quiruvilca, Compaa Minera Milpo S.A.A., Compaa Minera Raura S.A., Minera Barrick Misquichilca S.A., Xstrata Tintaya S.A., Compaa Minera Argentum S.A., Cedimin S.A.C., Inversiones Mineras del Sur S.A., Minera Bateas S.A.C. o/w Nativeo/w Sulfuric acidTellurium (metal)Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2008. Price is from the USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2009, and is the price for a lump and powder product of minimum 99.95% quality in the US. Minsur S.A.o/w Tin content of mine outputPrice from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is defined as: Zinc (LME), high grade, minimum 99.95% purity, settlement price beginning April 1990; previously special high grade, minimum 99.995%, cash pricesCCompaa Minera Antamina S.A., Empresa Minera Los Quenuales S.A., Compaa Minera Milpo S.A.A., Sociedad Minera El Brocal S.A.A., Compaa Minera Raura S.A., Perubar S.A., Pan American Silver S.A.C. Mina Quiruvilca, Compaa de Minas Buenaventura S.A.A., Compaa Minera Argentum S.A., Minera Bateas S.A.C., Perubar S.A., o/w Zinc content of mine output^The report uses US dollars and the local currency, the Peruvian nuevo sol. Materiality threshold: Companies volunteered to < participate in the process. These accounted for the following shares of production in 2005: Oil - 71%, Gas - 41%, Copper - 95%, Gold - 74%, Lead - 30%, Molybendum - 100%, Silver - 55%, Tin - 100%, Zinc - 52%. Only disaggregation by revenue stream is comprehensive as some companies requested that their individual information was not provided. Unilateral declarations do not appear to be included in the figures. The report also covers the distribution of revenues across government.^The report uses US dollars and the local currency, the Peruvian nuevo sol. Materiality threshold: Companies volunteered to participate in the process. These accounted for the following shares of production in 2006: Oil - 70%, Gas - 44%, Copper - 95%, Gold - 73%, Lead - 44%, Molybendum - 100%, Silver - 58%, Tin -       !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~100%, Zinc - 52%. Only disaggregation by revenue stream is comprehensive as some companies requested that their individual information was not provided. Unilateral declarations do not appear to be included in the figures. The report also covers the distribution of revenues across government.^The report uses US dollars and the local currency, the Peruvian nuevo sol. Materiality threshold: Companies volunteered to participate in the process. These accounted for the following shares of production in 2007: Oil - 71%, Gas - 50%, Copper - 95%, Gold - 66%, Lead - 43%, Molybendum - 100%, Silver - 53%, Tin - 100%, Zinc - 56%. Only disaggregation by revenue stream is comprehensive as some companies requested that their individual information was not provided. Unilateral declarations do not appear to be included in the figures. The report also covers the distribution of revenues across government.sVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2009, and is the price in the US.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2009, and is the price of Indium Corp, a US producer, for 99.97% purity metal.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from the USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2009, and is the price for the refined product in the US.Shell|Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2008. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2007, and is the price in the US for crushed shell.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price is from the USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2009, and is the price for a lump and powder product of minimum 99.95% quality in the US.VHunt Oil Company of Per L.L.C., Maple Gas Corporation del Per S.R.L., Olympic Per INC Sucursal del Per, Petrobras Energa Per S.A., Pluspetrol Norte S.A., Pluspetrol Per Corporation S.A., Pluspetrol Camisea S.A., Repsol Exploracin Per Sucursal del Per, Perenco Per Limited Sucursal del Per, Ecopetrol del Per S.A., Graa y Montero Petrolera S.A., Talisman Per B.V. PeruDivision, SK Innovation Peruvian Division, Pacific Stratus Energy S.A. PeruDivision, Savia Per S.A., Pluspetrol Lote 56 S.A, Interoil Per S.A., Sonatrach Per Corporation S.A.C, Compaa de Minas Buenaventura S.A.A., Compaa Minera Antamina S.A., Compaa Minera Argentum S.A., Compaa Minera Milpo S.A.A., Compaa Minera Raura S.A., Empresa Minera Los Quenuales S.A., Minera Bateas S.A.C., Minera Pampa de Cobre S.A., Minera Yanacocha S.R.L., Minsur S.A., Pan American Silver S.A.C. Mina Quiruvilca, Perubar S.A., Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A, Southern Per Copper Corporation Sucursal del Per, Xstrata Tintaya S.A., Minera Barrick Misquichilca S.A., Sociedad Minera El Brocal S.A.A., Anglo American Michiquillay S.A., Anglo American Quellaveco S.A., Anglo American Exploration Per S.A., Ro Tinto Minera Per Limitada S.A.C, Castrovirreyna Compaa Minera S.A., Catalina Huanca Sociedad Minera S.A.C., Compaa Minera Ares S.A.C, Compaa Minera Condestable S.A, Gold Fields La Cima S.A.A., Lumina Copper S.A.C., Minera Suyamarca S.A.C, Anglo American Per S.A., Compaa Minera Atacocha S.A.A, Compaa Minera Poderosa S.A., Compaa Minera San Juan (Per) S.A., Consorcio Minero Horizonte S.A., Volcan Compaa Minera S.A.A.76-78The report uses US dollars and the local currency, the Peruvian nuevo sol. Materiality threshold: oil & gas companies representing a share of no less than 85% of the net annual total for national hydrocarbon production, including all oil companies with production exceeding 2% and all gas companies with production exceeding 1% of national production volumes, should be reconciled; mining companies representing a share of no less than 75% of the net annual total for national mining production, including all mining companies with production exceeding 2% of national production volumes, should be reconciled. The report actually accounts for 88% of national oil & gas production and 87% of national mining production in 2008, which is given in the report as US$5,469,782,913 and US$21,360,787,879. The report doesn't distinguish between oil and gas companies, or between mining companies producing different commodities. Only disaggregation by revenue stream is comprehensive as some companies requested that their individual information was not provided. Unilateral declarations do not appear to be included in the figures. The report also covers the distribution of revenues across government, and their use.WHunt Oil Company of Per L.L.C., Maple Gas Corporation del Per S.R.L., Olympic Per INC Sucursal del Per, Petrobras Energa Per S.A., Pluspetrol Norte S.A., Pluspetrol Per Corporation S.A., Pluspetrol Camisea S.A., Repsol Exploracin Per Sucursal del Per, Perenco Per Limited Sucursal del Per, Ecopetrol del Per S.A., Graa y Montero Petrolera S.A., Talisman Per B.V. PeruDivision, SK Innovation Peruvian Division, Compaa de Minas Buenaventura S.A.A., Pacific Stratus Energy S.A. PeruDivision, Savia Per S.A., Pluspetrol Lote 56 S.A, Interoil Per S.A., Sonatrach Per Corporation S.A.C$Compaa de Minas Buenaventura S.A.A., Compaa Minera Antamina S.A., Compaa Minera Argentum S.A., Compaa Minera Milpo S.A.A., Compaa Minera Raura S.A., Empresa Minera Los Quenuales S.A., Minera Bateas S.A.C., Minera Pampa de Cobre S.A., Minera Yanacocha S.R.L., Minsur S.A., Pan American Silver S.A.C. Mina Quiruvilca, Perubar S.A., Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A, Southern Per Copper Corporation Sucursal del Per, Xstrata Tintaya S.A., Minera Barrick Misquichilca S.A., Sociedad Minera El Brocal S.A.A., Anglo American Michiquillay S.A., Anglo American Quellaveco S.A., Anglo American Exploration Per S.A., Ro Tinto Minera Per Limitada S.A.C, Castrovirreyna Compaa Minera S.A., Catalina Huanca Sociedad Minera S.A.C., Compaa Minera Ares S.A.C, Compaa Minera Condestable S.A, Gold Fields La Cima S.A.A., Lumina Copper S.A.C., Minera Suyamarca S.A.C, Anglo American Per S.A., Compaa Minera Atacocha S.A.A, Compaa Minera Poderosa S.A., Compaa Minera San Juan (Per) S.A., Consorcio Minero Horizonte S.A., Volcan Compaa Minera S.A.A.Antimony (metal)Arsenic (white)Boron materials (crude)Cadmium (metal)Chalk Common clay Diatomite Dolomite Fire clay FlagstoneLimeOnyxPhosphate rockQuartz and quartzite (crushed)SteelStone (construction)Sulfur (elemental) TravertineTungsten (metal)The report uses US dollars and the local currency, the Peruvian nuevo sol. Materiality threshold: oil & gas companies representing a share of no less than 85% of the net annual total for national hydrocarbon production, including all oil companies with production exceeding 2% and all gas companies with production exceeding 1% of national production volumes, should be reconciled; mining companies representing a share of no less than 75% of the net annual total for national mining production, including all mining companies with production exceeding 2% of national production volumes, should be reconciled. The report actually accounts for 90% of national oil & gas production and 84% of national mining production in 2009, which is given in the report as US$3,764,019,399 and US$18,161,827,319. The report doesn't distinguish between oil and gas companies, or between mining companies producing different commodities. Only disaggregation by revenue stream is co< mprehensive as some companies requested that their individual information was not provided. Unilateral declarations do not appear to be included in the figures. The report also covers the distribution of revenues across government, and their use.o/w P2O5 contentThe report uses US dollars and the local currency, the Peruvian nuevo sol. Materiality threshold: oil & gas companies representing a share of no less than 85% of the net annual total for national hydrocarbon production, including all oil companies with production exceeding 2% and all gas companies with production exceeding 1% of national production volumes, should be reconciled; mining companies representing a share of no less than 75% of the net annual total for national mining production, including all mining companies with production exceeding 2% of national production volumes, should be reconciled. The report actually accounts for 90% of national oil & gas production and 83% of national mining production in 2010, which is given in the report as US$5,687,106,188 and US$23,412,898,360. The report doesn't distinguish between oil and gas companies, or between mining companies producing different commodities. Only disaggregation by revenue stream is comprehensive as some companies requested that their individual information was not provided. Unilateral declarations do not appear to be included in the figures. The report also covers the distribution of revenues across government, and their use.3The Report is partially disaggregated by company. Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2014, and is the estimated f.o.b. mine price in the US.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2014, and is price for bentonite clay in the US.jVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, and is the price in the US.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price is from BPSR 2014, and is an average of the American Central Appalachian, Asian and Northwest Europe marker/spot prices.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2014, and is price for common clay in the US.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the f.o.b. plant price in the US.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, and is the price in the US for crushed dolomite.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2014, and is the price for marketable production in the US.}Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2014, and is price for fire clay in the US.~Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, and is the price in the US for crushed granite.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the average f.o.b. price for crude and calcined products.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2014, and is price for kaolin clay in the US.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2014, and is the average plant price for quicklime and hydrate products in the US.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, and is the price in the US for crushed limestone.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the c.i.f. price at US ports for metallurgical ore with 46-48% manganese content. sVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the price in the US.yVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the f.o.b price in the US.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, and is the price in the US for crushed quartzite.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, and is the price in the US for construction sand and gravel.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from the USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2014, and is the price for the refined product in the US.Shell |Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, and is the price in the US for crushed shell.|Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, and is the price in the US for crushed slate.Steel (various)Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is an average of the prices for steel coilsheets, wirerods and rebars.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, and is the price in the US for crushed miscellaneous stone.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is f.o.b. mine and/or plant price for elemental sulfur in the US.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the price for processed talc in the US.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the average price on the US and European spot markets for a metric ton unit of tungsten trioxide, which contains 7.93kg of tungsten.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2014, and is the estimated f.o.b. mine price in the US.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2014, and is price for bentonite clay in the US.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the average f.a.s. price of US imports.jVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, and is the price in the US.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price is from BPSR 2014, and is an average of the American Central Appalachian, Asian and Northwest Europe marker/spot prices.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2014, and is price for common clay in the US.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the f.o.b. plant price in the US.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2014, and is the price of Indium Corp, a US producer, for 99.97% purity metal.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2014, and is price for kaolin clay in the US.sVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the price in the US.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is defined as: Phosphate rock (Morocco), 70% BPL, contract, f.a.s. Casablanca.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, and is the price in the US for crushed quartzite.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from the USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2014, and is the price for the refined product in the US.|Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, and is the price in the US for crushed slate.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is an average of the prices for steel coilsheets, wirerods and rebars in 2011 (steel prices in 2012 are not given by the World Bank or USGS).EThe price for this year is not available from the World Bank or USGS.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, and is the price in the US for crushed miscellaneous stone.Ghelber & Gourdon61, 1344EITI Report for 2004-2006 does not include revenue/payment totals or company/govt reconciliated figures, and eiti.org does not give data on payments or revenues. Four fields were selected for reconciliation and in-kind receipts from these fields were reported (see p.58-59), but it is not clear whether the< se are government or company reported amounts, or both, and what these in-kind payments include. Project-by-project production data is given on p.134; production figures are taken from the totals given here. Total production value in FCFA is given on p.61; value was determined by "prix fiscale", which is defined in Article 8 of the CPP (contrat de partage de production). The "prix fiscale" is given for each quarter on p.69; prices here are annual averages of these prices. (Note slight differences between EITI production volume x price and the producton values given). Total Received by Govt is "Recettes constates du Trsor" from p.61; however, this appears to be revenues from the government's production share only. Total In-kind Payment Value is production share ("droits") from p.61. Note that the value of the state's share of production (column AB) is greater than the total received by the Treasury (column R); the report states that fees and debts are deducted from production share (p.61). The value of oil delivered to CORAF, the state refinery, for domestic consumption is equivalent to US$11,792,881 (p.65-66). Also, information on how in-kind receipts (profit oil, cost oil, etc) are calculated is on p.18, p.33; project-by-project profit oil and royalties are given on p.132-133. 17 upstream petroleum companies were covered by the report (p.99); company names are not given, and it's not clear how many actually participated (according to eiti.org, 25 companies reported; it's unclear where this number comes from). EITI Report for 2004-2006 does not include revenue/payment totals or company/govt reconciliated figures. Four fields were selected for reconciliation and in-kind receipts from these fields were reported (see p.58-59), but it is not clear whether these are government or company reported amounts, or both, and what these in-kind payments include. Project-by-project production data is given on p.134; production figures are taken from the totals given here. Total production value in FCFA is given on p.61; value was determined by "prix fiscale", which is defined in Article 8 of the CPP (contrat de partage de production). The "prix fiscale" is given for each quarter on p.69; prices here are annual averages of these prices. (Note slight differences between EITI production volume x price and the producton values given). Total Received by Govt is "Recettes constates du Trsor" from p.61; however, this appears to be revenues from the government's production share only. Total In-kind Payment Value is production share ("droits") from p.61. Note that the value of the state's share of production (column W) is greater than the total received by the treasury (column Q); the report states that fees and debts are deducted from production share (p.61). The value of oil delivered to CORAF, the state refinery, for domestic consumption is given on p.65-66; these values are included in the Subsidy column. Also, information on how in-kind receipts (profit oil, cost oil, etc) are caluclated is on p.18, p.33; project-by-project profit oil and royalties are given on p.132-133. 17 upstream petroleum companies were covered by the report (p.99); company names are not given, and it's not clear how many actually participated (according to eiti.org, 25 companies reported; it's unclear where this number comes from). http://www.itie-congo.org/#Volume and price from BPSR 2014. Price is an average of the spot prices for Brent, Dubai, Nigerian Forcados and West Texas Intermediate crude oil, adjusted to account for the prices given in the 2004-2006 and 2010-2012 EITI Reports being an average 87.94% of this in 2004-2006 and 2010-2012.56,430,394 bbl of oilSNPC, TOTAL, ENI CONGO, CONGOREP, PERENCO EP CONGO, PERENCO EP CONGO, CMS NOMECO, NUEVO CONGO COMPANY, NUEVO CONGO LIMITED, MURPHY, PRESTOIL, AOGC, CHEVRON, MAUREL & PROM CONGO, SOCO, ENGEN, BUREN, TULLOW, PREMIER, PILATUS, CLIVEDEN, CNOOC, SVENSKA, WING WAH, OPHIR CONGO6, 7, 8, 24-27Voluntary social payments were reported unilaterally by companies are and included here under Total Payments by Company. Revenue/payment totals given in FCFA in the report include the earnings of the state from the commercialization of in-kind oil receipts (commercialized on behalf of the state by SNPC). To avoid double counting, in-kind flows received by SNPC on behalf of the state have not been added to revenue/payment totals. The exchange rate used in the EITI Report is 495 FCFA/$, which is different from the WB rate used here. In-kind receipts include state (51,334,916 bbl) and SNPC (5,095,478 bbl) production share, as reported by the government (p.26). Note, however, that Total In-kind Payment Value reflects only the amount SNPC paid to the state after commercializing the state's share of production, as reported by govt (ie, for 51.3 mill bbl the state received $2.86 bill). CORAF, the state refinery, also received a portion of the state's production share (for provision of subsidized fuel to the domestic market), but these volumes were not included in the report. Note that some revenue streams were not reported by govt and couldn't be reconciled (see p.4).lVolume from BPSR 2014. Price from EITI Report, and is basd on the value and volume of payments made in-kind.58,610,387 bbl of oili5,038,537,547 (commercialized value of the portion of Govt in-kind receipts that go to the Treasury only)Total (TEP Congo), ENI Congo, SNPC, Congorep, Societe Chevron, Burren, Murphy West Africa, PA Ressources, CMS Nomeco, Tullow, Nuevo Congo Company, Nuevo Congo Limited, Presoil, Maurel & Prom Congo, AOGC, Petroci, Prevail.5, 6, 29-31, 35, 36Total Payments by Companies includes unilaterally reported "taxe maritime" and voluntary social payments. Reported amounts cover the earnings of the state from the commercialization of the oil; SNPC commercializes the state's production share on the international market (p.12), so all in-kind receipts are received by SNPC and converted to cash before being remitted to the state. To avoid double counting, in-kind flows received by SNPC on behalf of the state have not been added to revenue/payment totals. The state receives a total of 55,600,658 bbl, of which 4,350,547 bbl (see p.41) goes to CORAF for the domestic market. The remainder (51,035,686 bbl) is commercialized by SNPC on behalf of the state, for which the state received FCFA 2,386,755,236,000. In addition, SNPC received 3,009,729 bbl for its own account. Here, Total In-kind Payment Volume includes State and SNPC in-kind receipts (55,600,658 bbl+3,009,729 bbl, as reported by the government).But note that the Total In-Kind Payment Value is for commercialized barrels only (ie, 51 million bbl sold for 2.39 trillion FCFA, or about $99/bbl). The repor also includes mining revenues reported unilaterally by the state but these are not included in Total Revenues Reported by Government2Central African CFA Franc and United States DollarN54,922,000 bbl of oil (includes total govt in-kind receipts and SNPC receipts)i2,748,286,000 (commercialized value of the portion of Govt in-kind receipts that go to the Treasury only)sPETROLEUM SOC: Societe Nationale des Petroles du Congo (SNPC). PETROLEUM PRODUCTION: Africa Oil and Gas Corporation (AOGC), Chevron Overseas Congo, CMS Nomeco, Congorep, ENI Congo, Murphy West Africa, Prestoil, Nuevo Congo Company, Nuevo Congo Ltd, PA Resources Congo, Petro Kouilou, Total E&P Congo, Maurel & Prom Congo. PETROLEUM EXPLORATION: China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), Ophir Congo, Perenco Exploration & Production Congo, Pilatus, Premier Oil, SOCO Exploration and Production Congo, Wing Wah. MINING PRODUCTION: Lulu, Magminerals Potasses Congo, Societe de Recherche et d'Exploitation Miniere (SOREMI). 4-7, 30-34Total Received by Govt includes revenues from mining companies in the exploratory phase reported unilaterally by the state. Total Payments by Companies includes unilaterally reported "taxe maritime" and voluntary social payments. SNPC, the state oil company, is included as both a paying company (in-kind royalties and tax oil paid to state and some financial flows) and a receiving entity (production share rec< eived for SNPC's own account and SNPC dividends are included in govt totals). Reported dollar amounts include the earnings of the state from the commercialization of the oil; SNPC commercializes the state's production share on the international market (p.15), so all in-kind receipts are received by SNPC and converted to cash before being remitted to the state. To avoid double counting, in-kind flows received by SNPC on behalf of the state have not been added to revenue/payment totals. The state received a total of 53,078,000 bbl of oil (before "prelevements" were deducted), valued at $5,573,156,000. Of this production share, 5,959,000 bbl went to CORAF for refining and sale at subsidized prices to the domestic market (this transfer was valued at $600 million, see p.6). The in-kind receipts to the treasury (26,681,000 bbl) were commercialized by SNPC on behalf of the state, for which the state received $2,748,286,000. In addition, SNPC received 1,694,000 bbl for its own account. Here, Total In-kind Payment Volume includes all State and SNPC in-kind receipts, before deductions (ie, 53,228,000 bbl+1,694,000 bbl, as reported by the government).But note that the Total In-Kind Payment Value is for commercialized barrels only (ie, 26.7 million bbl sold for $2.75 bill, or about $103/bbl). Export value reported as $10 billion, but this does not reflect total production value as some oil is refined and used domesticallyYVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from kimberley Process Annual Summary 2012.Total 5Congo Iron*, Magminerals Potasses Congo*, Core Mining Congo, Sintoukola Potash*, Dmc, Iron Congo*, Societe De Recherche Et D'exploitation Miniere (Soremi)*, Lulu B, African Iron, Macpela Mining, Afrimines, Managem, Agil Congo, Maud Congo, Alassane Geomines, Million Well Holding, Alector Congo, Mpd Congo*, Allante Resources Congo, Natural Resources Exploration, Alpha Minerals, Newco Mining, Amd, Niel Congo, Avima Gold, Nyanga Congo, China Development Resources, Nyive Congo, Cominco*, Oky Services International, Comisa, Sadem, Congo Gold, Potasses Du Congo, Congo Mining*, Sai Congo, Coredem, Saison Zhong, Corem, Sanu Resources, Distribution Internationale, Sino Congo Development, Eni Congo, Sino Congo Gold, Equamineral, Sino Congo Resources, Gan Congo, Societe Des Potasses Du Congo, Golden Lion, Societe Des Potasses Et Des Mines, Guided By Grace Ministries, Soneco, Kimin Congo, Srem, La Congolaise Des Mines, Yuan Wang, Luyan Des Mines, Zhong Jin Hui Da Beijing, Mac Congo C, African Minerals Compagny (Amc), Niall Mellon, Bikonga Mining, Oyabi Gold Mine, Dimension Finances, Panex, Equateur Mining Congo, Qatar Mining, First Republic Resources, Renaissance Copper, Gbgm, Societe Congolaise Des Mines Et Des Potasses (Socomip), Hind Metal Corp, Societe D'exploitation Miniere Du Congo (Emc), La Congolaise De Graphite, Transfrontiergroup Compagny Mayombe Gold Societe Nationale Des Petroles Du Congo (Snpc) B, Africa Oil And Gas Corporation (Aogc), Nuevo Congo Company, Cms Nomeco, Nuevo Congo Limited, Congorep, Pa Resources Congo, Eni Congo, Petro Kouilou (Ex Prestoil), Murphy West Africa, Total E&P Congo C, China National Offshore Oil Corporation (Cnooc), Perenco Exploration & Production Congo, Chevron Overseas Congo, Philia*, Dig Oil*, Pilatus, Maurel & Prom Congo, Soco Exploration And Production Congo, Ophir Congo, Wing WahMissing a Great Deal of Information and Clarification (Information on EITI website is innacurate). Payments from companies and government revenues unclear.SierraLeone2006http://www.sleiti.gov.sl/United States Dollar and the Sierra Leone LeoneAfrican Minerals, Andre Hope, Cluff Gold, Hisham Mackie (H.M. Diamonds), Kassim Basma, Koidu Holdings SA, London Mining Co, Sierra Minerals, Sierra RutileVerdi ConsultingThe report uses both US dollars and the local currency, the Sierra Leone Leone. Materiality threshold: not given. Unilateral declarations are included in the figures. Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2010. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2007, and is the average f.a.s. price of US imports of crude and dried bauxite.Sierra MineralsJAndre Hope, Hisham Mackie (H.M. Diamonds), Kassim Basma, Koidu Holdings SA Cluff Gold&Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2010"African Minerals, London Mining CoTitanium minerals & Zircon Sierra Rutileo/w Ilmenite concentrateVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2010. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2009, and is the f.o.b. price in Australia for a bulk product with a minimum TiO2 content of 54%.o/w Rutile concentrateVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2010. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2009, and is the f.o.b. price in Australia for a bulk product with a minimum TiO2 content of 95%.o/w Zirconconium concentrateiThe USGS Mineral Yearbook 2010 indicates that there was insufficent data to estimate production volumes. SierraLeone2007XVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2010. Price from Kimberly Process Annual Summary 2007.SierraLeone2008African Minerals Ltd, Cluff Gold Resources, Koidu Holdings SA, London Mining Co Ltd, Nimini Mining Ltd, Sierra Minerals Ltd, Sierra Rutile Ltd, HM Diamonds, Kassim Basma, Anardako Petroleum, Prontinal Ltd, Oranto Ltd23-29 The report uses both US dollars and the local currency, the Sierra Leone Leone. Materiality threshold: all active oil & gas companies should be reconciled; all mining entities that have made a payment of at least $4,000 in 2008 should be reconciled. The report doesn't distinguish between oil and gas producers. Resolved discrepancies do not appear to be included in the final figures, but there is insufficent information to add these retrospectively. Unilateral declarations do not appear to be included in the figures. -Anardako Petroleum, Prontinal Ltd, Oranto LtdcbfVolume from EIAAfrican Minerals Ltd, Cluff Gold Resources, Koidu Holdings SA, London Mining Co Ltd, Nimini Mining Ltd, Sierra Minerals Ltd, Sierra Rutile Ltd, HM Diamonds, Kassim BasmaVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2008, and is the average f.a.s. price of US imports of crude and dried bauxite.Sierra Minerals LtdXVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from Kimberly Process Annual Summary 2008.,Koidu Holdings SA, HM Diamonds, Kassim Basma'Cluff Gold Resources, Nimini Mining Ltd*African Minerals Ltd, London Mining Co LtdSierra Rutile LtdSierraLeone2009African Minerals Ltd, Cluff Gold Resources, Koidu Holdings SA, London Mining Co Ltd, Nimini Mining Ltd Sierra Minerals Ltd, Sierra Rutile Ltd, Chang Feng, HM Diamonds, Kassim Basma, Anardako Petroleum, Prontinal Ltd, Oranto Ltd30-37The report uses both US dollars and the local currency, the Sierra Leone Leone. Materiality threshold: all active oil & gas companies should be reconciled; all mining entities that have made a payment of at least $4,000 in 2009 should be reconciled. The report doesn't distinguish between oil and gas producers. Resolved discrepancies do not appear to be included in the final figures, but there is insufficent information to add these retrospectively. Unilateral declarations are included in the figures. African Minerals Ltd, Cluff Gold Resources, Koidu Holdings SA, London Mining Co Ltd, Nimini Mining Ltd, Sierra Minerals Ltd, Sierra Rutile Ltd, Chang Feng, HM Diamonds, Kassim BasmaXVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from Kimberly Process Annual Summary 2009.3Cluff Gold Resources, Nimini Mining Ltd, Chang FengSierraLeone2010African Minerals Ltd, Cluff Gold Resources, Kingho Investment Co Ltd, Koidu Holdings SA, London Mining Co Ltd, Nimini Mining Ltd Sierra Minerals Ltd, Sierra Rutile Ltd, West African Zircon Ltd, Chang Feng, HM Diamonds, Kassim Basma, Anardako Petroleum, Prontinal Ltd, Oranto Ltd38-44The report uses both US dollars and the local currency, the Sierra Leone Leone. Materiality threshold: all active oil & gas companies should be reconciled; all mining entities that made a payment of at least $4,000 in 2010 should be reconciled. The report doesn't distinguish between oil and gas producers. Resolved discrepancies do not appear to b< e included in the final figures, but there is insufficent information to add these retrospectively. Unilateral declarations are included in the figures. !Anardako Petroleum, Prontinal LtdAfrican Minerals Ltd, Cluff Gold Resources, Kingho Investment Co Ltd, Koidu Holdings SA, London Mining Co Ltd, Nimini Mining Ltd, Sierra Minerals Ltd, Sierra Rutile Ltd, West African Zircon Ltd, Chang Feng, HM Diamonds, Kassim BasmaXVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from Kimberly Process Annual Summary 2010.DAfrican Minerals Ltd, Kingho Investment Co Ltd, London Mining Co Ltd&Sierra Rutile Ltd, West African ZirconSierraLeone2011kAfrican Minerals Ltd, AMR Gold (SL) Ltd, Cluff Gold (SL) Ltd, Danasha Gem (SL) Ltd, Diam Investment (SL) Ltd, Hasanein Ibrahim Akar, Kingho Investment Co Ltd, Koidu Holdings SA, Lion Stones (SL) Ltd, London Mining Co Ltd, Marampa Iron Ore (SL) Ltd, Metal Exploration (SL) Ltd, Murray Investment Company Ltd, Shanti Sierra Ltd, Shawke B Shour, Sierra Minerals Holdings Ltd, Sierra Rutile Ltd, West Africa Group for Mining Gold and Diamonds (SL) Ltd, West African Zircon Ltd, HM Diamonds, Kassim Basma, Anardako Petroleum, European Hydrocarbon Ltd. UK, Lukoil Overseas Sierra Leone, Talisman Sierra Leone BV/Prontinal LtdzMateriality threshold: all active oil & gas companies should be reconciled; all mining entities that made a payment of at least $99,360 in 2011 should be reconciled. This means over 85% of payments for the revenue streams covered in the report are accounted for. The report doesn't distinguish between oil and gas producers. Unilateral declarations are included in the figures. vAnardako Petroleum, European Hydrocarbon Ltd. UK, Lukoil Overseas Sierra Leone, Talisman Sierra Leone BV/Prontinal LtdAfrican Minerals Ltd, AMR Gold (SL) Ltd, Cluff Gold (SL) Ltd, Danasha Gem (SL) Ltd, Diam Investment (SL) Ltd, Hasanein Ibrahim Akar, Kingho Investment Co Ltd, Koidu Holdings SA, Lion Stones (SL) Ltd, London Mining Co Ltd, Marampa Iron Ore (SL) Ltd, Metal Exploration (SL) Ltd, Murray Investment Company Ltd, Shanti Sierra Ltd, Shawke B Shour, Sierra Minerals Holdings Ltd, Sierra Rutile Ltd, West Africa Group for Mining Gold and Diamonds (SL) Ltd, West African Zircon Ltd, HM Diamonds, Kassim BasmaXVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from Kimberly Process Annual Summary 2011.Danasha Gem (SL) Ltd, Diam Investment (SL) Ltd, Hasanein Ibrahim Akar, Koidu Holdings SA, HM Diamonds, Kassim Basma, Lion Stones (SL) Ltd, Murray Investment Company, Shanti Sierra Ltd, Shawke B Shour Ltd, West Africa Group for Mining Gold and Diamonds (SL) Ltd'AMR Gold (SL) Ltd, Cluff Gold Resources{African Minerals Ltd, Kingho Investment Co Ltd, London Mining Co Ltd, Marampa Iron Ore (SL) Ltd, Metal Exploration (SL) Ltdhttp://www.teiti.or.tz/*United States Dollar and Tanzania ShillingWBulyanhulu Gold Mine Limited, Pangea Minerals Limited, North Mara Gold Mine Limited, Geita Gold Mine Limited, Resolute (Tanzania) Limited, Williamson Diamonds Limited, El-Hillal Minerals Limited, Tanzaniteone Mining Limited, Pan African Energy Tanzania Ltd, Artumas Group & Partners (Gas) Ltd, Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC) Hart Group & BDO East Africa23-24The report covers the financial year of 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009. The report uses both US dollars and the local currency, the Tanzania shilling. Materiality threshold: the three largest gas producers should be reconciled; the nine largest mining companies (which classifies one company operating in two geographical areas as two companies) should be reconciled. Unilateral declarations are included in the figures. The figures for company payments provided in the company disaggregation do not total to the same amount as the figures for company payments provided in the revenue stream disaggregation. The gas sector in Tanzania is currently managed by PSAs, where the Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC) is granted licences by the Ministry of Energy and Minerals, mandating TPDC to enter into PSAs with oil and gas companies.The production of gas sector in Tanzania is currently managed by Production Sharing Agreement (PSA), whereas the Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC) is granted licences under the Act by the Ministry of Energy and Minerals, mandating TPDC to enter into PSAs with private companies. The report also covers the majority shareowner of the companies.vPan African Energy Tanzania Ltd, Artumas Group & Partners (Gas) Ltd, Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC)59-61Bulyanhulu Gold Mine Limited, Pangea Minerals Limited, North Mara Gold Mine Limited, Geita Gold Mine Limited, Resolute (Tanzania) Limited, Williamson Diamonds Limited, El-Hillal Minerals Limited, Tanzanite One Mining Limited44-58Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from Kimberley Process Annual Summary 2008 and 2009, adjusted to account for the fiscal year.7Williamson Diamonds Limited, El-Hillal Minerals Limited54-56Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database) - defined as: Gold (UK), 99.5% fine, London afternoon fixing, average of daily rates - adjusted to account for the fiscal year and for the price given in the 2011 EITI Report being 109.53% of this in the fiscal year of 2010-11.Bulyanhulu Gold Mine Limited, Pangea Minerals Limited, North Mara Gold Mine Limited, Geita Gold Mine Limited, Resolute (Tanzania) Limited44-53 TanzaniteZVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from the USGS Mineral Yearbook 2008 and 2009, and is the median of the year-end price range for cut tanzanite in the US, adjusted to account for the fiscal year and for the price given in the 2011 EITI Report being 3.21% of this in the fiscal year of 2010-11.Tanzaniteone Mining Limited57-58Etablissement Maurel et Prom, Orphir Tanzania Limited, Pan African Energy Tanzania Limited, Petrobras Tanzania Limited, Songas Limited, Statoil Tanzania AS, Tullow Tanzania, B.V, Wentworth Gas Limited, Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC), Barrick Exploration Africa Limited, Bulyanhulu Gold Mine Limited, Geita Gold Mining Limited, Mbeya Cement Company Limited, Mineral Extraction Technologies Limited, North Mara Gold Mine Limited, Pangea Minerals Limited, Resolute Tanzania Limited, Seasalt Limited, Shanta Mining Company Limited, Tancan Mining Company Limited, Tanga Cement Company Limited, Tanzania Portland Cement Company Limited, Tanzaniteone Mining Limited, Williamson Diamonds Limited1BDO East Africa & Paulsam Geo-Engineering Ltd39-40Etablissement Maurel et Prom, Orphir Tanzania Limited, Pan African Energy Tanzania Limited, Petrobras Tanzania Limited, Songas Limited, Statoil Tanzania AS, Tullow Tanzania B.V, Wentworth Gas Limited, Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC)Barrick Exploration Africa Limited, Bulyanhulu Gold Mine Limited, Geita Gold Mining Limited, Mbeya Cement Company Limited, Mineral Extraction Technologies Limited, North Mara Gold Mine Limited, Pangea Minerals Limited, Resolute Tanzania Limited, Seasalt Limited, Shanta Mining Company Limited, Tancan Mining Company Limited, Tanga Cement Company Limited, Tanzania Portland Cement Company Limited, Tanzaniteone Mining Limited, Williamson Diamonds LimitedVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from BPSR 2014, and is an average of the American Central Appalachian, Asian and Northwest Europe marker/spot prices, adjusted to account for the fiscal year.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from Kimberley Process Annual Summary 2009 and 2010, adjusted to account for the fiscal year.Williamson Diamonds LimitedBulyanhulu Gold Mine Limited, Pangea Minerals Limited, North Mara Gold Mine Limited, Geita Gold Mine Limited, Resolute (Tanzania) Limited, Shanta Mining Company LimiteddMbeya Cement Company Limited, Tanga Cement Company Limited, Tanzania Portland Cement Company Limited< :Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2013, and is the average f.o.b. mine and plant price for bulk, pellets and packaged vacuum and open pan salt, solar salt, rock salt and salt in brine, adjusted to account for the fiscal year.Seasalt LimitedZVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from the USGS Mineral Yearbook 2009 and 2010, and is the median of the year-end price range for cut tanzanite in the US, adjusted to account for the fiscal year and for the price given in the 2011 EITI Report being 3.21% of this in the fiscal year of 2010-11.Tanzanite One Mining Limited3Others (inc. exploration of an unspecified mineral)jBarrick Exploration Africa Limited, Mineral Extraction Technologies Limited, Tancan Mining Company LimitedgEtablissement Maurel et Prom, Orphir Tanzania Limited, Pan African Energy Tanzania Limited, Petrobras Tanzania Limited, Songas Limited, Statoil Tanzania AS, Tullow Tanzania B.V, Wentworth Gas Limited, Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC), BG International Limited, Beach Petroleum Tanzania Limited, Dominion Oil & Gas Limited, Barrick Exploration Africa Limited, Bulyanhulu Gold Mine Limited, Geita Gold Mining Limited, Mbeya Cement Company Limited, North Mara Gold Mine Limited, Pangea Minerals Limited, Resolute Tanzania Limited, Shanta Mining Company Limited, Tancan Mining Company Limited, Tanga Cement Company Limited, Tanzania Portland Cement Company Limited, Tanzaniteone Mining Limited, , Tanzanite One Trading Limited, Williamson Diamonds Limited, Mantra Tanzania Limited, Bafex Tanzania Ltd, Tanzania American International, Canaco Tanzania Limited55-56REtablissement Maurel et Prom, Orphir Tanzania Limited, Pan African Energy Tanzania Limited, Petrobras Tanzania Limited, Songas Limited, Statoil Tanzania AS, Tullow Tanzania B.V, Wentworth Gas Limited, Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC), BG International Limited, Beach Petroleum Tanzania Limited, Dominion Oil & Gas LimitedgThe price inferred from the reported volume and value of sales in the EITI Report (p21) is US$135.5/m.Barrick Exploration Africa Limited, Bulyanhulu Gold Mine Limited, Geita Gold Mining Limited, Mbeya Cement Company Limited, North Mara Gold Mine Limited, Pangea Minerals Limited, Resolute Tanzania Limited, Shanta Mining Company Limited, Tancan Mining Company Limited, Tanga Cement Company Limited, Tanzania Portland Cement Company Limited, Tanzaniteone Mining Limited, Williamson Diamonds Limited, Mantra Tanzania Limited, Bafex Tanzania Ltd, Tanzania American International, Canaco Tanzania Limited US$/caratsVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from EITI Report, and is based on the reported volume and value of exports. 21, 55-56;Tanzanite One Mining Limited, Tanzanite One Trading LimitedMantra Tanzania LimitedLBafex Tanzania Ltd, Tanzania American International, Canaco Tanzania LimitedjEtablissement Maurel et Prom, Orphir Tanzania Limited, Pan African Energy Tanzania Limited, Petrobras Tanzania Limited, Songas Limited, Statoil Tanzania AS, Tullow Tanzania B.V, Wentworth Gas Limited, Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC), BG International Limited, Dominion Oil & Gas Limited, Dominion TZ, BG Tanzania Ltd, Ndovu Resources Ltd, National Oil (Tanzania) Ltd, Ras Al Khaimah Gas Tanzania Ltd, Heritage Rukwa, Afren Gabon Ltd, Heritage Oil, Swala Energy, Bulyanhulu Gold Mine Limited, Geita Gold Mining Limited, Mbeya Cement Company Limited, North Mara Gold Mine Limited, Pangea Minerals Limited, Resolute Tanzania Limited, Shanta Mining Company Limited, Tancan Mining Company Limited, Tanga Cement Company Limited, Tanzania Portland Cement Company Limited, Tanzaniteone Mining Limited, Williamson Diamonds Limited, Mantra Tanzania Limited, Bafex Tanzania Ltd, Tanzania American International, Willy Enterprises, Mdn Tanzania Ltd, Geo Can Resources Co Ltd, State Mining Corporation, TOL Gases Ltd, Dhahabu Resources Tanzania Ltd, Minesite Tanzania Ltd, Maweni Limestone Ltd, Midwest Minerals Processor Ltd35-36Etablissement Maurel et Prom, Orphir Tanzania Limited, Pan African Energy Tanzania Limited, Petrobras Tanzania Limited, Songas Limited, Statoil Tanzania AS, Tullow Tanzania B.V, Wentworth Gas Limited, Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC), BG International Limited, Dominion Oil & Gas Limited, Dominion TZ, BG Tanzania Ltd, Ndovu Resources Ltd, National Oil (Tanzania) Ltd, Ras Al Khaimah Gas Tanzania Ltd, Heritage Rukwa, Afren Gabon Ltd, Heritage Oil, Swala EnergyBulyanhulu Gold Mine Limited, Geita Gold Mining Limited, Mbeya Cement Company Limited, North Mara Gold Mine Limited, Pangea Minerals Limited, Resolute Tanzania Limited, Shanta Mining Company Limited, Tancan Mining Company Limited, Tanga Cement Company Limited, Tanzania Portland Cement Company Limited, Tanzaniteone Mining Limited, Williamson Diamonds Limited, Mantra Tanzania Limited, Bafex Tanzania Ltd, Tanzania American International, Willy Enterprises, Mdn Tanzania Ltd, Geo Can Resources Co Ltd, State Mining Corporation, TOL Gases Ltd, Dhahabu Resources Tanzania Ltd, Minesite Tanzania Ltd, Maweni Limestone Ltd, Midwest Minerals Processor Ltd+Copper (contained in concentrates and dore)3Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database) - defined as: Copper (LME), grade A, minimum 99.9935% purity, cathodes and wire bar shapes, settlement price - adjusted to account for the fiscal year.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from Kimberley Process Annual Summary 2011 and 2012, adjusted to account for the fiscal year.GarnetVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from the USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011 and 2012, and is the median of the year-end price range for cut rhodolite garnet in the US, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. 10, 35-36ZVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from the USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011 and 2012, and is the median of the year-end price range for cut tanzanite in the US, adjusted to account for the fiscal year and for the price given in the 2011 EITI Report being 3.21% of this in the fiscal year of 2010-11.http://www.eiti.tl/ConocoPhillips (Emet) Pty Ltd, ConocoPhilips JPDA Pty Ltd, ConocoPhillps (03-13) Pty Ltd, ConocoPhillps (03-12) Pty Ltd, ConocoPhillips (Timor Sea) Pty Ltd, Conoco Phillips (03-19) Pty Ltd, PC (Timor Sea 06-102) Ltd, Santos JPDA (91-12) Pty Ltd, ENI JPDA 03-13 Limited, ENI Timor-Leste S.P.A (PSC 1-5), ENI JPDA 06-105 PTY LTD, Oilex (JPDA 06-103) Ltd, Tokyo Timor Sea Resource Pty Ltd, Inpex Sahul Co. Ltd, Woodside Petroleum (Timor Sea 19) Pty Ltd, Woodside Petroleum (Timor Sea 20) Pty Ltd, Reliance Exploration & Production DMCCMateriality threshold: not given. The report does not distinguish between oil and gas producers. Unilateral declarations are not included in the figures. Company subsidiaries are reported separately based on which license they are operating under. Timor-Leste petroleum sector consists of two different jurisdictions with relevant legal and fiscal regimes: the Joint Petroleum Development Area (JPDA), which is jointly managed by Australia and Timor-Leste, and the Timor-Leste Exclusive Area (TLEA) and onshore prospects. There was only one field in operation in 2008, Bayu Undan. This is operated by ConocoPhilips and is located in the JPDA. The state's share of revenue from this field is transferred to Timor-Leste and Australia in accordance with the Timor Sea Treaty (90% toTimor-Leste and 10% to Australia). The Government of Timor-Leste's entitlement to revenues derived from oil & gas activities through production-sharing agreements accounted for 65% of its revenues from the sector in 2008.JMateriality threshold: not given. The report does not distinguish between oil and gas producers. Unilateral declarations are not included in the figures. < Company subsidiaries are reported separately based on which license they are operating under. Timor-Leste petroleum sector consists of two different jurisdictions with relevant legal and fiscal regimes: the Joint Petroleum Development Area (JPDA), which is jointly managed by Australia and Timor-Leste, and the Timor-Leste Exclusive Area (TLEA) and onshore prospects. There were two fields in operation in 2009, Bayu Undan and Kitan. There was only one field in operation in 2008, Bayu Undan. These are operated by ConocoPhilips and Eni respectively and are both located in the JPDA. The state's share of revenue from these fields are transferred to Timor-Leste and Australia in accordance with the Timor Sea Treaty (90% toTimor-Leste and 10% to Australia). The Government of Timor-Leste's entitlement to revenues derived from oil & gas activities through production-sharing agreements accounted for 63% of its revenues from the sector in 2009.{Host government's production entitlement, Profits/Taxes, Licenses and concessions, Other significant benefits to governmentConocoPhillips (03-12) Pty Ltd, ConocoPhillips JPDA Pty Ltd, ConocoPhillips (Timor Sea) Pty Ltd, ConocoPhillips (03-13) Pty Ltd, ConocoPhillips (Emet) Pty Ltd, ConocoPhillips (03-19) Pty Ltd, Eni JPDA 03-103 Limited, Eni JPDA 06-105 Pty Ltd, Eni Timor Leste SpA, Santos, Inpex Sahul, Tokyo Timor Sea Resources, Woodside Petroleum, Minza Oil & Gas, Petronas, Oilex, Reliance Exploration & Production, Talisman, Japan Energy E and P, AusAidMateriality threshold: not given. The report does not comprehensively distinguish between oil and gas producers. Unilateral declarations are not included in the figures. Company subsidiaries are reported separately based on which license they are operating under. Timor-Leste petroleum sector consists of two different jurisdictions with relevant legal and fiscal regimes: the Joint Petroleum Development Area (JPDA), which is jointly managed by Australia and Timor-Leste, and the Timor-Leste Exclusive Area (TLEA) and onshore prospects. The state's share of revenue from fields in the JPDA are transferred to Timor-Leste and Australia in accordance with the Timor Sea Treaty (90% to Timor-Leste and 10% to Australia). The state's entitlement to revenues derived from oil & gas activities through production-sharing agreements accounted for 58% of government revenues from the sector in 2010. ConocoPhilips (as a whole) accounted for 61% of government revenues in 2010. The Timor-Leste Government set up a special Petroleum Fund in 2005 to facilitate the sustainable use of its revenues over the long term. Petroleum Fund assets reached $6.9 billion in 2010.Materiality threshold: not given. The report does not comprehensively distinguish between oil and gas producers. Unilateral declarations are not included in the figures. Company subsidiaries are reported separately based on which license they are operating under. Timor-Leste petroleum sector consists of two different jurisdictions with relevant legal and fiscal regimes: the Joint Petroleum Development Area (JPDA), which is jointly managed by Australia and Timor-Leste, and the Timor-Leste Exclusive Area (TLEA) and onshore prospects. The state's share of revenue from fields in the JPDA are transferred to Timor-Leste and Australia in accordance with the Timor Sea Treaty (90% to Timor-Leste and 10% to Australia). The state's entitlement to revenues derived from oil & gas activities through production-sharing agreements accounted for 61% of government revenues from the sector in 2011. ConocoPhilips (as a whole) accounted for 58% of government revenues in 2011.http://www.itietogo.org/MINING PRODUCTION: SNPT (state-owned), WACEM, MM Mining, Scantogo Mines. MINING EXPLORATION: G&B African Resources, RRCC, Silverhill Enterprises Ltd, Global Merchants, Future Investment, Togo Minerals SA. PETROLEUM EXPLORATION: ENI Togo. QUARRY PRODUCTION ("EXPLOITATION DE ROCHE"): Togo Rail, Togo Carriere, Colas, ENCOTRA, CEMAT Industrie, EBOMAF. WATER SECTOR ("NAPPE SOUTERRAINE"): Voltic, BB/Eau Vitale, Horizon Oxygene Clever SARL, Societe Togolaise des Eaux (state-owned). 27-30, 42, 66This report also included the water sector. Note that some companies included in the report are involved in non-extractive sectors as well and the figures given in the report do not distinguish between extractive and non-extractive payments/receipts (see p.16, 21). The state receives no in-kind revenues (p.17). Voluntary social payments were reported unilaterally by companies and have been included in Total Payments by Companies.Mining totals include mineral production companies, mineral exploration companies and quarrying ("exploitation de roche") companies. YVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from Kimberley Process Annual Summary 2010.Gravel|Volume from EITI Report. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2010, and is the price in the US for construction sand and gravel.AThis commodity is not mentioned in the USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012Phosphate rock (beneficiated)WaterePETROLEUM: ENI Togo. NON-PETROLEUM PRODUCTION: WACEM, SNPT (state-owned), POMAR, SCANTOGO Mines, MM Mining, BB/Eau Vitale, TdE (state-owned), Voltic Togo, Horizon Oxygene Clever, Colas, Etoile de Golfe, EBOMAF, Togo Carriere, ENCOTRA, Togo Rail, Les Aigles, SATEM Sarlu, CEMAT, TGC SA. PRECIOUS METALS: WAFEX, Soltrans. EXPLORATION: Granutogo, RRCC, G&B AR. 27-29, 42This report also included the water sector. Some companies included in the report are involved in non-extractive sectors as well; unlike in the 2010 EITI Report, 2011 totals only include extractive revenues, except in the case of Les Aigles (see p.18). The state receives no in-kind revenues (p.19). Most voluntary social payments were reported unilaterally by companies and have been included in Total Payments by Companies for a total of FCFA 66,749,775 (social payments by ENI Togo and SNPT were included in reconciliation and are not included in this total, see p.6). Subnational paid by companies to local governments (via central govt) were reported unilaterally by the central government and have been added to Total Received by Govt (FCFA 66,669,843); the governments unilaterally-reported revenues from companies not covered by the report (FCFA 9,105,360) were also included in Total Received by Govt. Unlike the 2010 report, reconciled figures were not presented in disaggregated form by sector, so total mining/oil/water figures are not given.Cement (hydraulic & clinker)YVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from Kimberley Process Annual Summary 2011.|Volume from EITI Report. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, and is the price in the US for construction sand and gravel.5SNPT, WACEM, SCANTOGO Mines, MM Mining, POMAR, BB/Eau Vitale, Voltic Togo Sarl, ACI Togo, TdE, WAFEX, SOLTRANS, Granutogo, RRCC, SGM, G&B African Resources, Global Merchants, GTOA Sarl, Les Aigles, Togo Rail, Etoile Du Golfe, COLAS, Togo Carrire, TGC SA, ADEOTI, MIDNIGHT SUN, SHEHU DAN FODIO, SILME-BTP Sarl5Divergent production data between companies and state PhosphateSand and Gravelhttp://www.tteiti.org.ttTrinidad and Tobago Dollar Amoco Trinidad Gas BV, Anadarko, Bayfield Energy (Galeota) Limited, Bayfield Energy Trinidad Ltd, BG International Ltd, BG Manatee Limited, BG Trinidad 5A Limited, BG Trinidad and Tobago Ltd, BG Trinidad Central Block Ltd, BG Trinidad EC Limited, BHP Billiton (Trinidad 3A) Limited, BHP Billiton Trinidad 2AB, BHP Billiton Trinidad 2C Ltd, BP EOC Trinidad Branch, BP Trinidad and Tobago LLC Trinidad Branch, Centrica (Horne & Wren) Ltd , Centrica North Sea Gas Limited, Centrica North Sea Oil Limited, Trinidad and Tobago Centrica Group, Centrica Resources (Amada) Limited, Centrica Resources Ltd, Centrica Trinidad and Tobago Limited, Centrica Upstream Limited, Chaoyang Petroleum 2C Ltd, Chevron Texaco Trinidad & Tobago Resources, Chevron Trinidad and Tobago Resources SRL, Elf Exploration Trinidad BV, ENI Trinidad & Tobago Exploration, ENI Trinidad Limited, EOG Resources Trinidad Blk 4A Unlimited, EOG Resources Trinidad U(A) Block Limited, EOG Resources Trinidad Ltd, EOG Resources U(B) Block Ltd, L< ease Operators Ltd, Mora Oil Ventures, The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago, Niko Resources (Block 4B Caribbean) Limited, Niko Resources (Block 5C Caribbean)Limited, Niko Resources (Caribbean) limited, Niko Resources (NCMA2 Caribbean) Limited, Niko Resources (NCMA3 Caribbean) Limited, Niko Resources (Trinidad and Tobago Ltd), NSGP (Ensign) Ltd, Petroleum Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (Petrotin), Primera Block 3(B) limited, Primera Block 4(A) Limited, Primera East Brighton Limited, Primera Modified U(B) Limited, Primera Oil & Gas Ltd, Primera Rock Dome Limited, Repsol E&P T&T Limited, Sonde Resources Corp, Ten Degrees North Operations Company Ltd, Total E&P Trinidad Block 3A, Total E&P Trinidad BV, Trintomar, Venture North Sea Gas Ltd, Voyager Energy (Trinidad) Ltd BDO Trinity Ltd/Hart-Nurse GroupThe report covers the fiscal year of 1 October 2010 to 30 September 2011. Materiality threshold: not given. The report doesn't comprehensively distinguish between oil and gas producers. Unilateral declarations do not appear to be included in the report. The report provides production volumes for some companies, but this is not comprehensive. It also provides production volumes for the country as a whole on a chart, but not actual amounts. The Petroleum Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (Petrotin) is a SOC involved in upstream activities, while The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago is a SOC involved in midstream activities, purchasing, compressing, selling, transmitting and distributing natural gas to a crosssection of consumers including petrochemical, steel and power generation plants. The report also covers: downstream activites in the oil & gas industry; export destinations; royalties received from quarries; expenditure of oil & gas revenues, including the Heritage and Stabilisation Fund; extractive industries pricing mechanisms; which companies operate in each block (though there isn't comprehensive disaggregation of revenue to this level).Volume and price from BPSR 2014, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price is an average of the UK, US and Canada Indices for natural gas.Volume and price from BPSR 2014, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price is an average of the spot prices for Brent, Dubai, Nigerian Forcados and West Texas Intermediate crude oil.!http://www.yemeneiti.org/english/mVolume from BPSR 2014. Price from EITI Report, and is based on the volume and value of payments made in-kind.Host government's production entitlement, State-owned company production entitlement, Bonuses, Other significant benefits to government89,700,742 bbl of oil]Dove Energy Yemen Limited, DNO Yemen, Calvalley Petroleum (Cyprus) Ltd, Occidental Of Yemen (Block S-1) Inc., Canadian Nexen Petroleum Yemen, Canadian Nexen East Al Hajr Ltd, Total E&P Yemen, OMV (Yemen Block S2) Exploration GmbH, Jannah Hunt Oil Company, Safer E&P Operation Company, Yemen Company For Investment In Oil And Minerals, KNOC Yemen LtdMateriality threshold: Not given. Unilateral declarations are not included. The report doesn't indicate how the value of payments in-kind are calculated, though does include a reconciliation of the volumes of crude oil received by the Government which are then exported or transferred to government refineries. Safer E&P Operation Company and Yemen Company For Investment In Oil And Minerals are both SOCs. 89,425,150 bbl of oil72,952,303 bbl of oil73,251,000 bbl of oil24, 35Materiality threshold: companies that are in production should be reconciled. Unilateral declarations are not included, but some revenue streams which companies weren't requested to provide information for are reported on. Both Government and the companies report on the volume of oil received by Government as payment in-kind, but only Government reports the value of this. The report doesn't indicate how the value of payments in-kind is calculated, though does include a reconciliation of the volumes of crude oil received by the Government which are then exported or transferred to government refineries. Safer E&P Operation Company and Yemen Company For Investment In Oil And Minerals (YCOM) are both SOCs. Although the report disagggregates financial flows by company, it does not do this for payments in-kind. The report also provides: information on the mining sector; a list of companies operating in each oil block.59,845,000 bbl of oil25, 374Materiality threshold: companies that are in production should be reconciled. Unilateral declarations are not included, but some revenue streams which companies weren't requested to provide information for are reported on. Both Government and the companies report on the volume of oil received by Government as payment in-kind, but only Government reports the value of this. The report doesn't indicate how the value of payments in-kind is calculated, though does include a reconciliation of the volumes of crude oil received by the Government which are then exported or transferred to government refineries. Safer E&P Operation Company and Yemen Company For Investment In Oil And Minerals (YCOM) are both SOCs. The report also provides: information on the mining sector; a list of companies operating in each oil block.61,690,000 bbl of oilDove Energy Yemen Limited, DNO Yemen, Calvalley Petroleum (Cyprus) Ltd, Occidental Of Yemen (Block S-1) Inc., Canadian Nexen Petroleum Yemen, Canadian Nexen East Al Hajr Ltd, Total E&P Yemen, OMV (Yemen Block S2) Exploration GmbH, Jannah Hunt Oil Company, Safer E&P Operation Company, Yemen Company For Investment In Oil And Minerals, KNOC Yemen Ltd, Yemen Liquefied Natural Gas (YLNG)/Yemen Gas Company 26, 28, 39Materiality threshold: companies that are in production should be reconciled. Unilateral declarations are not included, but some revenue streams which companies weren't requested to provide information for are reported on. Both Government and the companies report on the volume of oil received by Government as payment in-kind, but only Government reports the value of this. The report doesn't indicate how the value of payments in-kind are calculated, though does include a reconciliation of the volumes of crude oil received by the Government which are then exported or transferred to government refineries. Although the Government is entitled to a share of the gas produced, this is settled in cash. YLNG is a joint venture between Yemen Gas Company, a SOC, and international companies, including Total, Hunt, SK Innovation, Koreas Gas Corporation, Hyundai Corporation and The General Authority for Social Security and Pensions. Exports of Liquefied Natural Gas by YLNG in 2010, its first year of production, were 186.8 billion cubic feet. Safer E&P Operation Company and Yemen Company For Investment In Oil And Minerals (YCOM) are also SOCs. The report also provides: information on the mining sector; a list of companies operating in each oil block.Volume from BPSR 20144Yemen Liquefied Natural Gas (YLNG)/Yemen Gas Company26, 3946,961,000 bbl of oilYLNG, Safer (Block 18), Petro Masila (Block 14), YICOM (Block 4), KNOC (Block 4), Total (Block 10), DNO Yemen (Block 32), DNO Yemen (Block 43), DNO Yemen (Block 47), Dove Energy Yemen Limited (Block 53), Jannah Hunt (Block 5), Canadian Nexen Petroleum Yemen (Block 14), Canadian Nexen Petroleum East Al Hajr Ltd (block 51), Occidental of Yemen (Block S-1 Inc), Calvalley Petroleum (Cyprus) Ltd (Block 9), OMV (Yemen Block S2) Exploration GMBH, Sincopec (Block 1), Sincopec (Block 69), Sincopec (Block 71), OMV (Block 2), OMV (Block 29), Oil Search (Block 3), Oil Search (Block 71), Gallo Oil (Block 13), Gallo Oil (Block R2), GSPC (Block 19), GSPC (Block 28), GSPC (Block 57), CCC (Block 33), CCC (Block 45), Reliance (Block 34), Reliance (Block 37), Kuwait Energy (Block 49), Midas (Block 68), Total (Block 70), DNO (Block 72), Occidental (Block 75), Medco (Block 82), Medco (Block 83), Total (Block 72) 39, 40, 47Materiality threshold: companies that are in production should be reconciled. Unilateral declarations are included. Some revenue streams which companies weren't requested to provide information for are rep< orted on, but this is in an appendix which is not available on either the International or National website. Both Government and the companies report on the volume of oil received by Government as payment in-kind, but only Government reports the value of this. The report doesn't indicate how the value of payments in-kind are calculated, though does include a reconciliation of the volumes of crude oil received by the Government which are then exported or transferred to government refineries. Although the Government is entitled to a share of the gas produced, this is settled in cash. YLNG is a joint venture between Yemen Gas Company, a SOC, and international companies, including Total, Hunt, SK Innovation, Koreas Gas Corporation, Hyundai Corporation and The General Authority for Social Security and Pensions. Exports of Liquefied Natural Gas by YLNG in 2011 were 309.4 billion cubic feet. Safer E&P Operation Company and Yemen Company For Investment In Oil And Minerals (YCOM) are also SOCs. Total Government income from the oil, gas and mining sectors in 2011 was US$5,683,499,532. Income from the mining sector accounts for, at most, 0.4% of this. Though it is not included in the reconciliation, the report provides information on the mining sector. Although the main report provides a disagggregation financial flows by company and project, it does not do this for payments in-kind. It appears this is provided in the appendix. The appendix also includes production by project.YLNGSafer (Block 18), Petro Masila (Block 14), YICOM (Block 4), KNOC (Block 4), Total (Block 10), DNO Yemen (Block 32), DNO Yemen (Block 43), DNO Yemen (Block 47), Dove Energy Yemen Limited (Block 53), Jannah Hunt (Block 5), Canadian Nexen Petroleum Yemen (Block 14), Canadian Nexen Petroleum East Al Hajr Ltd (block 51), Occidental of Yemen (Block S-1 Inc), Calvalley Petroleum (Cyprus) Ltd (Block 9), OMV (Yemen Block S2) Exploration GMBH, Sincopec (Block 1), Sincopec (Block 69), Sincopec (Block 71), OMV (Block 2), OMV (Block 29), Oil Search (Block 3), Oil Search (Block 71), Gallo Oil (Block 13), Gallo Oil (Block R2), GSPC (Block 19), GSPC (Block 28), GSPC (Block 57), CCC (Block 33), CCC (Block 45), Reliance (Block 34), Reliance (Block 37), Kuwait Energy (Block 49), Midas (Block 68), Total (Block 70), DNO (Block 72), Occidental (Block 75), Medco (Block 82), Medco (Block 83), Total (Block 72)39, 47http://www.zambiaeiti.orgZambian KwachaAlbidon Zambia Limited, Chambeshi Metals Plc, Chibuluma Mines Plc, CNMC - Luanshya Copper Mines, Kagem Mining Limited, Kansanshi Mining Plc, Konkola Copper Mines Plc, Lafarge Cement Zambia Plc, Lumwana Mining Limited, Maamba Colleries Limited, Mopani Copper Mines Plc, Ndola Lime Limited, NFC Africa Mining Plc, Sino Leach Metals Limited, Grizzly Mining Limited, Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines  Investment Holdings PlcPriceWaterhouseCoopersMateriality threshold: all companies with large scale mining licences operational in 2008 that paid over K200 million in mineral royalties in 2008 should be reconciled. Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines  Investment Holdings Plc (ZCCM-IH) is also included even though it does not meet this criteria as the state owns 87.6% of it. ZCCM-IH receives dividends from companies it holds equity in, and 'price participation fees' (when commodity prices go above an agreed price) from companies which bought the mines ZCCM-IH previously operated. The companies ZCCM-IH holds equity in include Chambishi Metals Plc, Equinox Minerals (owner of Lumwana Mining Limited), Ndola Lime Limited, Chibuluma Mines Plc, Kansanshi Mining Plc, Konkola Copper Mines Plc, Luanshya Copper Mines Plc, Mopani Copper Mines Plc and NFC Africa Mining Plc. Disaggregation by commodity is only indirect through disaggregation by company, and therefore limited. Resolved discrepancies are not included in the final figures, but there is insufficent information to add these retrospectively. Unilateral declarations are included in these pre-adjustment figures, as are the two revenue streams paid to ZCCM-IH (these are not included in the post-adjustment figures as they are not necessarily then remitted in full to the Government with Government only receiving dividends from ZCCM-IH and any remittance of profits being equitable to all shareholders). Production volumes for the major mines are given in the 2010 report. Maamba Colleries Limited Appendix 4'Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, and is the average U.S. spot price for minimum 99.8% cobalt cathode reported by Platts Metals Week, adjusted to account for the prices given in the 2010-2011 EITI Reports being an average 79.24% of this in 2010-2011.-Chambeshi Metals Plc, Mopani Copper Mines Plc!o/w Cobalt content in mine outputChambeshi Metals Plc, Chibuluma Mines Plc, CNMC - Luanshya Copper Mines, Kansanshi Mining Plc, Konkola Copper Mines Plc, Lumwana Mining Limited, Mopani Copper Mines Plc, NFC Africa Mining Plc, Sino Leach Metals Limited Gemstones,Kagem Mining Limited, Grizzly Mining Limited o/w AmethystVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from the USGS Mineral Yearbook 2008, and is the median of the price range for cut amethyst in the US. o/w Beryl o/w EmeraldVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from the USGS Mineral Yearbook 2008, and is the median of the price range for cut emerald in the US.o/w TourmalineVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from the USGS Mineral Yearbook 2008, and is the average of the medians of the year-end price ranges for cut green and pink tourmaline in the US.Kansanshi Mining PlcLead (metal, secondary)Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from World Bank (Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities database), and is defined as: Lead (LME), refined, 99.97% purity, settlement price.-Lafarge Cement Zambia Plc, Ndola Lime Limited'Nickel (nickel content of concentrates)Albidon Zambia LimitedAggregates Ltd, Albidon Zambia Limited, BHP Billiton World Exploration Inc, Chambishi Metals Plc, Chambishi Copper Smelter Ltd, Chibuluma Mines Plc, CNMC - Luanshya Copper Mines, Denison Mines Zambia Ltd, First Quantum Mining And Operations Ltd, Gemfields Holdings Zambia Ltd, Grizzly Mining Limited, Kagem Minin< g Limited, Kansanshi Mining Plc, Kariba Minerals Ltd, Konkola Copper Mines Plc, Lafarge Cement Zambia Plc, Lumwana Mining Limited, Maamba Colleries Limited, Mopani Copper Mines Plc, Ndola Lime Limited, NFC Africa Mining Plc, Scirocco Enterprises Ltd, San He Zambia Ltd, Sino-Metals Leach Limited, Teal Zambia Ltd, Universal Mining & Chemical Industries Ltd, Zambian Goldcommon Resources Holdings Ltd, Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines  Investment Holdings Plc5, 39Materiality threshold: Companies that made a payment of at least 500,000,000ZMK in 2009 should be reconciled. These companies accounted for 99.8% of total mining revenues collected by the Zambia Revenue Authority. Four of these companies are excluded however as they are contractors and do not mining licenses. Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines  Investment Holdings Plc (ZCCM-IH) is included as the state owns 87.6% of it. The companies ZCCM-IH holds equity in include Chambishi Metals Plc, Equinox Minerals (owner of Lumwana Mining Limited), Ndola Lime Limited, Chibuluma Mines Plc, Kansanshi Mining Plc, Konkola Copper Mines Plc, Luanshya Copper Mines Plc, Mopani Copper Mines Plc and NFC Africa Mining Plc. Unilateral declarations are included in the figures, including unreconciled social payments and transfers of $34,593,277 that companies were asked to voluntarily report on. The report doesn't provide comprehensive information on which commodities are produced by individual mining companies. The report provides production volumes for some companies, but this is not comprehensive. Production volumes for the major mines are given in the 2010 report. The report also includes company payments to ZCCM-IH, though these are not fully remitted to Government.AmethystVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from the USGS Mineral Yearbook 2009, and is the median of the price range for cut amethyst in the US.?Production volumes declared by extractive companies p.37 and 38BerylEmeraldVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from the USGS Mineral Yearbook 2009, and is the median of the price range for cut emerald in the US. Manganese OrezAlbidon Zambia Limited, BHP Billiton World Exploration Inc, Chambishi Metals Plc, Chambishi Copper Smelter Ltd, Chibuluma Mines Plc, CNMC - Luanshya Copper Mines, First Quantum Mining And Operations Ltd, Kagem Mining Limited, Kansanshi Mining Plc, Konkola Copper Mines Plc, Lafarge Cement Zambia Plc, Lumwana Mining Limited, Maamba Colleries Limited, Mopani Copper Mines Plc, Ndola Lime Limited, NFC Africa Mining Plc, Scirocco Enterprises Ltd, San He Zambia Ltd, Sino-Metals Leach Limited, Zambezi Portland Cement Limited, Zambian Nonferrous Metals Exploration & Con Co Ltd, Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines  Investment Holdings Plc%Hart Nurse Ltd & Baker Tilly Meralis {Materiality threshold: Companies that made a payment of at least 2,500,000,000ZMK in 2010 should be reconciled. Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines  Investment Holdings Plc (ZCCM-IH) is also included as the state owns 87.6% of it. These companies accounted for 99.6% of total mining revenues collected by the Zambia Revenue Authority. The report doesn't provide comprehensive information on which commodities are produced by individual mining companies. Unilateral declarations do not appear to be included in the figures. The report also includes: production volumes of some companies; the value of exports of some commodities; information on ZCCM-IH's shareholdings; company payments to ZCCM-IH (these are not fully remitted to Government); information on the Environmental Protection Fund; a listing of licenses for each company (though there isn't disaggregation of revenue to this level).Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from the USGS Mineral Yearbook 2010, and is the median of the price range for cut amethyst in the US.Price from 2011 EITI ReportVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from the USGS Mineral Yearbook 2010, and is the median of the price range for cut emerald in the US. Manganese oreAlbidon Zambia Limited, BHP Billiton World Exploration Inc, Chambishi Metals Plc, Chambishi Copper Smelter Ltd, Chibuluma Mines Plc, CNMC - Luanshya Copper Mines, First Quantum Mining And Operations Ltd, Grizzly Mining Limited, Kagem Mining Limited, Kalumbila Minerals Limited, Kansanshi Mining Plc, Konkola Copper Mines Plc, Lafarge Cement Zambia Plc, Lubambe Copper Mines Limited, Lumwana Mining Limited, Maamba Colleries Limited, Mopani Copper Mines Pl< c, Ndola Lime Limited, NFC Africa Mining Plc, Sable Zinc Kabwe Limited, Scirocco Enterprises Ltd, San He Zambia Ltd, Sino-Metals Leach Limited, Universal Mining and Chemical INdustries Ltd, Zambian Nonferrous Metals Exploration & Con Co Ltd, Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines  Investment Holdings PlcMateriality threshold: Companies that made a payment of at least 2,000,000,000ZMK in 2011 should be reconciled. These companies accounted for 99.8% of total mining revenues collected by the Zambia Revenue Authority. Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines  Investment Holdings Plc (ZCCM-IH) is also included as the state owns 87.6% of it. ZCCM-IH is now also classified as a government entity, unlike previous reports. Unilateral declarations are included in the figures, mainly company payments including unreconciled social payments and transfers of $22,018,519 that companies were asked to voluntarily report on ($15,165,226 of this were payments in-kind). The report doesn't provide comprehensive information on which commodities are produced by individual mining companies. The report also includes: the production volume of some companies; the value of exports of some commodities; information on ZCCM-IH's shareholdings; company shareholdings; a listing of licenses for each company (though there isn't disaggregation of revenue to this level); a list of oil and gas companies. 5 companies contributed approximately 88% of total Government mining revenues in 2011, while Kansanchi Mining Plc on its own accounts for almost 56%.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from the USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011, and is the median of the price range for cut amethyst in the US.Price from EITI Report18, 27Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012. Price from the USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011, and is the median of the price range for cut emerald in the US.Sand & gravel (construction)lKansanshi Mining Plc, Konkola Copper Mines Plc, First Quantum Mining And Operations Ltd-Bm M S, Mopani Copper Mines Plc, Lumwana Mining Company Limited, Chibuluma Mines Plc, Lafarge Cement Zambia Plc, Nfc Africa Mining Plc, Kagem Mining Limited ,Cnmc Luanshya Copper Mines Plc, Zambezi Portland Cement Limited (*), Lions Group Quarries Limited (*), Scirocco Enterprises Limited, Lubambe Copper Mine Limited, Chambishi Metals Plc, Sino-Metals Leach Zambia Ltd, Ndola Lime Company Limited, Maamba Collieries Limited, San He (Zambia) Limited, Sable Zinc Kabwe Limited, Albidon Zambia Limited, Kalumbila Minerals Limited, Grizzly Mining Limited, Dolomite Aggregates Limited(*), Universal Mining & Chemical Industries Limited, Chambishi Copper Smelter Limited, Denison Mines Zambia Limited (*), Bhp Billiton World Exploration Inc, Zambian Nonferrous Metals Exploration & Con Co Ltd@Company payments differ from website. Missing production values.Troy ozPyritePhylite Shale/PhyliteEmerald/PremiumEmerald/Rough stonesBeryl-lBeryl-llSpecimenFines Hydrated Lime Quicklime8Kansanshi Mining PLC., Konkola Copper Mines PLC., First Quantum Mining And Operations LTD., Mopani Copper Mines PLC., Lumwana Mining Company LTD., Chibuluma Mines PLC., Lafarge Cement Zambia PLC., NFC Africa Mining PLC., Kagem Mining LTD., CNMC Luanshya Copper Mines PLC., Zambezi Portland Cement LTD., Lions Group Quarries LTD., Scirocco Enterprises LTD., Lubambe Copper Mine LTD., Chambishi Metals PLC., Sino-Metals Leach Zambia LTD., Ndola Lime Company LTD., Maamba Collieries LTD., San He (Zambia) LTD., Sable Zinc Kabwe LTD., Albidon Zambia LTD., Kalumbila Minerals LTD., Grizzly Mining LTD., Dolomite Aggregates LTD., Universal Mining & Chemical Industries LTD., Chambishi Copper Smelter LTD., Denison Mines Zambia LTD., BHP Billiton World Exploration Inc., Zambian Nonferrous Metals Exploration & Con Co LTD., ZCCM-IHMExchange rate differs from EITI website. Company payments differ from website PhyliliteEmerald/Rough StonesBeryl-IBeryl-II AggregateYearUnit Jubilee Fieldbbls<Tullow Ghana Limited (Operator and holder of 34.7% interest)Kosmos Energy (23.5%)Anadarko Petroleum (23.5%)(Ghana National Petroleum Company (13.8%)Sabre Oil & Gas (2.8%)E.O. Group (1.7%)<Tullow Ghana Limited (Operator and holder of 35.5% interest)19, 21Kosmos Energy (24%)Anadarko Petroleum (24%)(Ghana National Petroleum Company (13.6%)Sabre Oil & Gas (2.7%)RokanOil/GasPT Chevron Pacific Indonesia6.4/1East KalimantanChevron Indonesia Company6.4/2Makassar StraitChevron Makassar Ltd.6.4/3SiakChevron Siak Inc.6.4/4MFK#Chevron Mountain Front Kuantan Inc.6.4/5MahakamTotal E&P Indonesie6.4/6Inpex Corporation6.4/7South Natuna Sea B"ConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd.6.4/8CorridorConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd.6.4/9 South Jambi B!ConocoPhillips (South Jambi) Ltd.6.4/10Indonesia (Nation-wide)PT Pertamina EP6.4/11 Sanga-SangaVirginia Indonesia Co.6.4/12North Sumatra OffshoreMobil Expl. Indo (NSO) Inc.6.4/13B BlockExxonMobil Oil Indonesia Inc.6.4/14CepuMobil Cepu Ltd.6.4/15PaseMobil Pase Inc.6.4/16South East SumateraCNOOC SES Ltd.6.4/17Coastal Plains PekanbaruPT Bumi Siak Pusako6.4/18 West Madura$PT Pertamina Hulu Energi West Madura6.4/19Kodeco Energy Co., Ltd.6.4/44Tuban"PT Pertamina Hulu Energi East Java6.4/20PetroChina East Java6.4/26 Ogan Komering&PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Ogan Komering6.4/21Talisman (Ogan Komering) Ltd.6.4/46 Kepala Burung!PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Salawati6.4/22%PetroChina International Salawati Ltd6.4/27Senoro - Toili, Sulawesi(PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Tomori Sulawesi6.4/23PT Medco E&P Tomori Sulawesi6.4/37Raja&PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Raja Tempirai6.4/24Golden Spike Ltd.6.4/51Jabung$PetroChina International Jabung Ltd.6.4/25Salawati Basin'PetroChina International (Bermuda) Ltd.6.4/28Bangko$PetroChina International Bangko Ltd.6.4/29Offshore Northwest JavaPertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ Ltd.6.4/30Berau BP Berau Ltd.6.4/31MuturiBP Muturi Ltd.6.4/32WiriagarBP Wiriagar Ltd.6.4/33 Barisan RimauPT Medco E&P Rimau6.4/34South & Central SumatraPT Medco E&P Indonesia6.4/35TarakanPT Medco E&P Tarakan6.4/36LematangPT Medco E&P Lematang6.4/38Natuna Sea - APremier Oil Natuna SEA BV6.4/39Malacca StraitKondur Petroleum S.A6.4/40KangeanKangean Energy Indonesia Ltd.6.4/41KorinciKalila (Korinci) Ltd.6.4/42BrantasLapindo Brantas Inc.6.4/43Kakap< Star Energy Kakap Ltd.6.4/45Pangkah, East JavaHess (Indonesia-Pangkah) Ltd.6.4/47Sampang, East Java SeaSantos (Sampang) Pty. Ltd6.4/48Madura Offshore"Santos (Madura Offshore) Pty. Ltd.6.4/49Sengkang, South Sulawesi'Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang) Pty. Ltd.6.4/50Seram Non BulaCITIC Seram Energy Ltd.6.4/52 Bula - SeramKalrez Petroleum (Seram) Ltd.6.4/53TungkalPearl Oil (Tungkal) Ltd.6.4/54 Selat PanjangPetroselat Ltd.6.4/55WailawiPerusda Benuo Taka6.4/56GebangCosta International Group Ltd.6.4/57barrelsGAppendix C11-12 (of oil & gas report), Appendix D (of oil & gas report)MSCF Inpex Offshore North Mahakam LtdPT PHE Makassar Strait PT PHE MFK Appendix D (of oil & gas report)Indonesia Petroleum LtdChevron South Natuna B IncInpex Natuna LtdTalisman Energi Pertamina EPPT PHE South Jambi Petrochina PertaminaKoperasi Energi Indonesia%Appendix C11-12 (of oil & gas report)BP East KalimantanLasmo Sanga-sanga LtdOpicoil Houston IncVirginia International CompanyUniverse Gas&Oil CompanyAmpolex (Cepu) PTE. LtdPT Pertamina EP CepuPT Sarana Patra Hulu CepuPT Blora Patragas HuluPT Asri Dharma SejahteraPT Petrogas Jatim Utama CendanaInpex Sumatra Ltd/PHE SumatraKNOC Sumatra LtdSalamander Energy (Sumatra) BVOrchard Energy Sumatra BVFortuna Resources (Sunda) Ltd$Talisman UK (South East Sumatra) Ltd Talisman Resources (Bahamas) LtdBP Muturi Holdings BVCNOOC Muturia Ltd*Indonesia Natural Gas Resources Muturi Inc&JOB PT Bumi Siak Pusako-Pertamina Hulu PT PHE CPPCNOOC ONWJ LtdItochu Oil Exploration Co. LtdPT PHE Jawa LtdSalamander Energy (Java) BVTalisman Energy*Pertamina Hulu Energi West Madura Offshore(JOB Pertamina - PetroChina East Java LtdPT PHE Tuban East Java PT PHE TubanSalawati Island JOB'JOB Pertamina - PetroChina Salawati LtdPT PHE Salawati *Lundin Indonesia BV/RHP Salawati Island BV,Pearl Oil (Island) Ltd/Petrogas (Island) Ltd(PT Pertamina - Medco E&P Tomori Sulawesi PT PHE TomoriPendopo-Raja JOB/JOB Pertamina-Golden Spike Energy Indonesia LtdPT PHE Raja Tempirai!PP Oil&Gas (Jabung-Indonesia) LtdPetronas Carigali Jabung Ltd PT PHE Jabung$Petrochina International Bermuda Ltd*Pearl Oil (Basin) Ltd/Petrogas (Basin) Ltd-Lundin International BV/RHP Salawati Basin BVPatrogas (Basin) tdRHP Salawati BasinPT PHE Salawati Basin Ml Berau BV"Nippon Oil Exploration (Berau) LtdKG Berau Petroleum LtdTalisman Wiriagar Overseas LtdKG Wiriagar Petroleum LtdRimauPerusda Pertambangan & EnergiLematang E&P LimitedLundin Lematang BVBlock APT Medco E&P MalakaPremier Oil Sumatra (North) BVJapex Block A LtdNatuna Sea Block AKupfec Indonesia (Natuna) BV Natuna 2 BV Natuna 1 BVEMP Malacca Strait S.A OOGC MalaccaMalacca Petroleum LimitedPT Imbang Tata AlamEMP Exploration (Kangean)PT Prakarsa BrantasMinarak Labuan CoBentuEMP Bentu LimitedTonga PT EMP TongaPT Kencana Surya Perkasa!PT Petross Exploration ProductionStar Energy (Kakap) Ltd.Premier Oil Kakap BVSPC Kakap LimitedNovus UK (Kakap) Ltd PT PHE Kakap"Novus Petroleum Canada (Kakap) LtdNatuna UK (Kakap 2) LtdNovus Nominees Pty Ltd,JOB Pertamina - Talisman (Ogan Konering) LtdPT PHE Ogan Komering!BUT Talisman (Ogan Komering) Ltd.PangkahKupfec Indonesia Pangkah BVHess (Indonesia-Pangkah) LLCSampangSingapore Petroleum Company LtdCue Sampang Pty LtdMaduraPetronas Carigali Madura lrdPetrogas Pantai MaduraSengkangKufpec (Indonesia) LimitedGulf petroleum Investment Co!Lion International Investment LtdBulaMont D'Or Oil Tungkai LtdFuel-X*Petrochina International Selat Panjang ltd$International Mineral Resources Inc.BUMD Benuo Taka+JOB Pertamina-Costa International Group Ltd PT PHE GebangEMP Genbang LtdLanggak SPR LanggakKingswood Capital Ltd Merangin IIPT Sele Raya Merangin Dua Merangin BVSinochem Merangin LtdBaweanCamar Resources Canada IncCamar Bawean Petroleum Ltd Triangle PaseJambi Merang Block, Ons. Jambi%JOB Pertamina - Talisman Jambi MerangPT PHE Jambi MerangTalisman (Jambi Merang) Limited'Pacific Oil & Gas (Jami Merang) LimitedWest Madura, Off. East JavaJOA Pertamina Kodeco PT PHE MaduraCNOOC Madura LtdTengah Block, Off. East Kal.JOA Total E&P IndonesiPT PHE Tengah Area Inpex TengahPertamina JOA TengahIndonesia ParticipantWest Kampar BlockPT Sumatera Persada EnergyGAppendix E11-12 (of oil & gas report), Appendix F (of oil & gas report)Tiptop Makassar Ltd Appendix F (of oil & gas report)Belida International Ltd%Appendix E11-12 (of oil & gas report) Pt PHE OSES EMP ONWJ LtdRisco Energy ONWJ BV,Lundin Indonesia BV / RHP Salawati Island BVPetrogas (Island) LtdBUT Tomori E&P LimitedSK CorporationEMP Korinci Baru LtdPande-Temane gas project Condensed Gasbbj@Sasol Petroleum Temane Ltd (Operator and holder of 70% interest)13,770,300 and 2,528,854 gigajoules of natural gas14,811,781 and 2,528,854 gigajoules of natural gas Natural Gas gigajoules3Companhia Moambicana de Hidrocarbonetos SARL (25%)&International Finance Corporation (5%))9,344,396 and 3,503,780 gigajoules of gas)9,344,407 and 3,503,780 gigajoules of gas 14, 22, 36Sasol Petroleum Mocambique LtdBRepublic of Mozambique Pipeline Company (Operator of the pipeline)East Asia & Pacific JPDA 03-12/Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Liquefied Petroleum Gas)ConocoPhillips (03-12) Pty Ltd (Operator)Santos Not available Inpex SahulEniTokyo Timor Sea Resources JPDA 03-13)ConocoPhillips (03-13) Pty Ltd (Operator) JPDA 03-19Woodside Petroleum (Operator)Shell DevelopmentOsaka Gas SunriseConoco Philips JPDA 03-20 JPDA 06-101 AMinza Oil & Gas JPDA 06-102Petronas (Operator) Korean GasSamsung Oil & GasLG JPDA 06-103Oilex (Operator)Japan Energy CorporationVidoeconBharat PetroResourcesGSPCPan Pacific Petroleum JPDA 06-105 Crude Oil"Eni JPDA 06-105 Pty Ltd (Operator)InpexTalismanS-06-01 (Block A)Eni (Operator)GALP Exploracao Producao PetroliferaKorea Gas CorporationS-06-02 (Block B)S-06-03 (Block C)S-06-04 (Block E)S-06-05 (Block H)S-06-06 (Block K),Reliance Exploration & Production (Operator)Oil India LimitedIndia Oil Corporation Limited*Balata East Shallow Horizons (Petrotrin F)Petrotin Central Block,BG Trinidad Central Block Limited (Operator)45, 48 cubic feetColumbus BasinBP Trinidad and Tobago LLC+Columbus Basin Shallow (Teak, Samaan, Poui)<Repsol E&P T&T Limited (Operator and holder of 70% interest)46, 489National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (15%)Petrotin (15%)Cory Moruga BlockDParex Resources (Trinidad) Ltd (Operator and holder of 50% interest)#Primera Oil and Gas Limited (33.8%)(Primera Energy Resources Limited (16.2%)Cruse Horizons (Petrotrin A)East Brighton Area, Offshore,SOOGL Antilles (Trinidad) Limited (Operator)Primera East Brighton Limited Fyzabad BlockPrimera Oil and Gas Limited Galeota Area,Bayfield Energy (Galeota) Limited (Operator)<Guapo Bay/Brighton Marine Block Trinidad, Offshore (Block B)%Venture Production (Trinidad) Limited/Guapo-Oropouche-Brighton Horizons (Petrotrin D)Herrera Horizons (Petrotrin C)IcacosMayaro-Guayaguayare Block Sonde Resources Corp. (Operator)+Mayaro- Guayaguayare Horizons (Petrotrin B)Mora Field (Block 44/57)Mora Oil Ventures Limited Moruga North%Advance Oil Company (Trindad) Limited Moruga WestKNeal & Massy Energy Resources Limited (Operator and holder of 60% interest)Petrotin (40%)Palo Seco Block ParrylandsRNew Horizon Exploration Trinidad and Tobago Limited (Operator and 75% of interest)Pt. Ligoure BlockPetrotin (Operator),Trinidad Exploration and Development Limited0Southeast Coast Consortium (SECC) Blocks 1, 2, 3DEOG Resources Trinidad Limited (Operator and holder< of 80% interest)Petrotin (16%)8National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (4%)/Southeast Coast Consortium (SECC) Pelican Field:Trinidad and Tobago Marine Petroleum Company Limited (20%)#Southwest Peninsula Block- Erin BayATrinidad Exploration and Development Company Unlimited (Operator)%Southwest Peninsula Block- Islote Bay"Southwest Peninsula Block- Onshore$Southwest Peninsula Onshore TrinidadTabaquite (Petrotrin E) Block 1(a)ECentrica (Horne & Wren) Limited (Operator and holder of 80% interest)Petrotin (20%) Block 1(b)CVenture North Sea Gas Limited (Operator and holder of 80% interest) Block 2(ab)3Niko Resources (Trinidad and Tobago) Ltd (Operator)Voyager Energy (Trinidad) Ltd#Centrica Resources (Armada) Limited Block 2(c)DBHP Billiton (Trinidad-2C) Ltd (Operator and holder of 45% interest)Total E&P (Trinidad) B.V. (30%)'Chaoyang Petroleum (Trinidad) Ltd (25%) Block 3(a)FBHP Billiton (Trinidad-3A) Ltd (Operator and holder of 25.5% interest),Kerr-McGee TT Offshore Petroleum Ltd (25.5%)6Chaoyang Petroleum (Trinidad) Block 3A Limited (25.5%) Total E&P (Trinidad) B.V. (8.5%) Block 3(b),Kerr-McGee TT Offshore Petroleum Ltd (35.5%) Primera Block 3(b) Limited (25%)BHP Billiton (25.5%)Diamond Energy T&T Ltd (15%) Block 4(a)+EOG Resources Trinidad Block 4(a) Unlimited Block 4(b)+Niko Resources (Block 4b Caribbean) LimitedBlock 5(a), Offshore#BG Trinidad 5(a) Limited (Operator)Texaco Trinidad Inc.Block 5(b), Offshore%BP Trinidad and Tobago LLC (Operator)Repsol Exploracion Tobago S.A.Block 5(c), Offshore>BG International Limited (Operator and holder of 30% interest)#Canadian Superior Energy Inc. (70%)Block 6 (East Coast, Trinidad)BG Trinidad Inc (Operator)Block 22@Centrica Resources Limited (Operator and holder of 90% interest)Petrotin (10%)Block E)BG Trinidad and Tobago Limited (Operator)Block Modified U(a)*EOG Resources Trinidad  U(a) Block LimitedBlock Modified U(b)+EOG Resources Trinidad U(b) Block Unlimited"Central Range Block- Deep Horizons*Parex Resources (Trinidad) Ltd. (Operator)!Petro Andina (Trinidad) Ltd (50%)#Voyager Energy (Trinidad) Ltd (30%)$Central Range Block-Shallow HorizonsPetrotin (35%)#Voyager Energy (Trinidad) Ltd (15%)!Guayaguayare Block- Deep Horizons#Guayaguayare Block-Shallow Horizons"North Coast Marine Area 1 (NCMA 1)DBG Trinidad and Tobago Limited (Operator and holder of 57% interest)NSGP (Ensign) Limited (21.5%)'ENI Trinidad and Tobago Limited (21.5%)"North Coast Marine Area 2 (NCMA 2)3Niko Resources (NCMA2 Caribbean) Limited (Operator) RWE Dea Trinidad and Tobago GmbH"North Coast Marine Area 3 (NCMA 3)3Niko Resources (NCMA3 Caribbean) Limited (Operator)"North Coast Marine Area 4 (NCMA 4)%Centrica North Sea Oil Ltd (Operator)Venture North Sea Oil LimitedLNGYemen Gas Company17 (of the 2011 report), 28Hunt SK InnovationHyundai Corporation6The General Authority for Social Security and Pensions17, 40 Conversions71 British thermal unit (Btu) = 0.0357 cubic metres (m)1 carat = 0.0002 kilograms (kg)01 cubic foot (cbf) = 0.0283168 cubic metres (m)]1 cubic metre (m) = metric tons (t) from http://www.aqua-calc.com/calculate/volume-to-weight1 flask = 0.035 metric tons (t)+1 gigajoule (GJ) = 26.173 cubic metres (m)31 kilogram (kg) = 32.150743126506 troy ounces (toz)21 metric ton (t) = 7.33 barrels (bbl) of crude oil01 metric ton (t) = 32,150.7466 troy ounces (toz),1 ounce (oz) = 0.911458333 troy ounces (toz)&1 pound (lb) = 0.453592 kilograms (kg)*1 pound (lb) = 0.000453592 metric tons (t)(1 short ton = 0.90718474 metric tons (t)+1 short ton = 29,166.6667 troy ounces (toz)Extractive revenues (% GDP)..Guinea Timor-LesteTrinidad and Tobago Yemen, Rep.0Data from database: World Development IndicatorsLast Updated: 03/12/2015TimeLookup"GDP (current US$) [NY.GDP.MKTP.CD]Population, total [SP.POP.TOTL]8Revenue, excluding grants (% of GDP) [GC.REV.XGRT.GD.ZS]\Net official development assistance and official aid received (current US$) [DT.ODA.ALLD.CD]KNet official development assistance received (current US$) [DT.ODA.ODAT.CD]BPublic spending on education, total (% of GDP) [SE.XPD.TOTL.GD.ZS]6Health expenditure, public (% of GDP) [SH.XPD.PUBL.ZS]QPoverty headcount ratio at national poverty lines (% of population) [SI.POV.NAHC]8Life expectancy at birth, total (years) [SP.DYN.LE00.IN]?Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births) [SP.DYN.IMRT.IN]MEASURECUS Dollars at current prices and current exchange rates in millions/Percentage of total trade in goods and servicesFLOWExportsImportsBalanceSERIESTotal trade in services !Total trade in goods and servicesTotal trade in goodsYEARECONOMY1999_20002001200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013 Cameroon Chad Equatorial Guinea Gabon Guinea KyrgyzstancountryBrazilRussiaMexicoChileColombiaEcuador United States Venezuela South AfricaBoliviaPapua New GuineaMalaysiaBotswanaChinaSudanIranAngola Saudi ArabiaKuwaitAlgeriaDRC Turkmenistanaverage(Control of Corruption: Estimate [CC.EST]+Government Effectiveness: Estimate [GE.EST]HPolitical Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism: Estimate [PV.EST]%Regulatory Quality: Estimate [RQ.EST]Rule of Law: Estimate [RL.EST]+Voice and Accountability: Estimate [VA.EST]3Control of Corruption: Percentile Rank [CC.PER.RNK]6Government Effectiveness: Percentile Rank [GE.PER.RNK]SPolitical Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism: Percentile Rank [PV.PER.RNK]0Regulatory Quality: Percentile Rank [RQ.PER.RNK])Rule of Law: Percentile Rank [RL.PER.RNK]6Voice and Accountability: Percentile Rank [VA.PER.RNK]3Data from database: Worldwide Governance IndicatorsLast Updated: 03/02/2015 EstimatesRankSomalia Korea (North) South Sudan UzbekistanLibyaEritreaHaiti Guinea-BissauSyriaBurundiZimbabweMyanmarCambodia Democratic Republic of the Congo TajikistanCongo RepublicParaguayLaosKenya BangladeshUkraineUgandaComorosLebanon NicaraguaPakistanNepalHondurasGambiaGuyanaVietnamBelarusDominican Republic Cte dIvoireMalawiKosovoEthiopiaDjibouti ArgentinaMoldovaSurinamePanamaEgyptArmeniaThailand Sri Lanka PhilippinesJamaicaIndiaMorocco El SalvadorBosnia and HerzegovinaBeninTunisiaSerbiaSao Tome and Principe Montenegro SwazilandSenegalRomaniaItalyGreeceBulgariaTurkeyThe FYR of MacedoniaOmanCubaCroatiaRwandaNamibiaLesothoJordanBahrainSlovakiaCzech RepublicSamoaGeorgia MauritiusHungary Costa Rica SeychellesMaltaLatvia Korea (South) Cape VerdeSlovenia LithuaniaDominicaSpainIsraelTaiwanPoland Puerto RicoPortugalCyprusBhutan Saint Vincent and the GrenadinesQatarFranceEstoniaUnited Arab EmiratesBahamasAustriaUruguayIreland Hong KongBarbadosJapanBelgiumUnited KingdomIcelandGermany AustraliaCanada Luxembourg Netherlands Singapore SwitzerlandSwedenFinland New ZealandDenmarkUpperLower90% Confidence intervalStandard Error Surveys UsedCPI 2014 ScoreCountry / Territory Country Rank1998_Afghanistan 1998_Albania1998_Azerbaijan1998_Burkina Faso1998_Central African Republic 1998_Chad!1998_Democratic Republic of Congo1998_Republic of the Congo 1998_Cameroon1998_Equatorial Guinea 1998_Gabon 1998_Ghana1998_Guatemala 1998_Guinea1998_Indonesia 1998_Iraq1998_Kazakhstan1998_Kyrgyz Republic 1998_Liberia1998_Madagascar 1998_Mali1998_Mauritania1998_Mozambique 1998_Niger 1998_Nigeria 1998_Peru1998_Sierra Leone 1998_Tanzania 1998_Togo1998_Timor-Leste1998_Trinidad and Tobago1998_Yemen< , Rep. 1998_Zambia 1998_Mongolia2000_Afghanistan 2000_Albania2000_Azerbaijan2000_Burkina Faso2000_Central African Republic 2000_Chad!2000_Democratic Republic of Congo2000_Republic of the Congo 2000_Cameroon2000_Equatorial Guinea 2000_Gabon 2000_Ghana2000_Guatemala 2000_Guinea2000_Indonesia 2000_Iraq2000_Kazakhstan2000_Kyrgyz Republic 2000_Liberia2000_Madagascar 2000_Mali2000_Mauritania2000_Mozambique 2000_Niger 2000_Nigeria 2000_Peru2000_Sierra Leone 2000_Tanzania 2000_Togo2000_Timor-Leste2000_Trinidad and Tobago2000_Yemen, Rep. 2000_Zambia 2000_Mongolia2002_Afghanistan 2002_Albania2002_Azerbaijan2002_Burkina Faso2002_Central African Republic 2002_Chad!2002_Democratic Republic of Congo2002_Republic of the Congo 2002_Cameroon2002_Equatorial Guinea 2002_Gabon 2002_Ghana2002_Guatemala 2002_Guinea2002_Indonesia 2002_Iraq2002_Kazakhstan2002_Kyrgyz Republic 2002_Liberia2002_Madagascar 2002_Mali2002_Mauritania2002_Mozambique 2002_Niger 2002_Nigeria 2002_Peru2002_Sierra Leone 2002_Tanzania 2002_Togo2002_Timor-Leste2002_Trinidad and Tobago2002_Yemen, Rep. 2002_Zambia 2002_Mongolia2003_Afghanistan 2003_Albania2003_Azerbaijan2003_Burkina Faso2003_Central African Republic 2003_Chad!2003_Democratic Republic of Congo2003_Republic of the Congo 2003_Cameroon2003_Equatorial Guinea 2003_Gabon 2003_Ghana2003_Guatemala 2003_Guinea2003_Indonesia 2003_Iraq2003_Kazakhstan2003_Kyrgyz Republic 2003_Liberia2003_Madagascar 2003_Mali2003_Mauritania2003_Mozambique 2003_Niger 2003_Nigeria 2003_Peru2003_Sierra Leone 2003_Tanzania 2003_Togo2003_Timor-Leste2003_Trinidad and Tobago2003_Yemen, Rep. 2003_Zambia 2003_Mongolia2004_Afghanistan 2004_Albania2004_Azerbaijan2004_Burkina Faso2004_Central African Republic 2004_Chad!2004_Democratic Republic of Congo2004_Republic of the Congo 2004_Cameroon2004_Equatorial Guinea 2004_Gabon 2004_Ghana2004_Guatemala 2004_Guinea2004_Indonesia 2004_Iraq2004_Kazakhstan2004_Kyrgyz Republic 2004_Liberia2004_Madagascar 2004_Mali2004_Mauritania2004_Mozambique 2004_Niger 2004_Nigeria 2004_Peru2004_Sierra Leone 2004_Tanzania 2004_Togo2004_Timor-Leste2004_Trinidad and Tobago2004_Yemen, Rep. 2004_Zambia 2004_Mongolia2005_Afghanistan 2005_Albania2005_Azerbaijan2005_Burkina Faso2005_Central African Republic 2005_Chad!2005_Democratic Republic of Congo2005_Republic of the Congo 2005_Cameroon2005_Equatorial Guinea 2005_Gabon 2005_Ghana2005_Guatemala 2005_Guinea2005_Indonesia 2005_Iraq2005_Kazakhstan2005_Kyrgyz Republic 2005_Liberia2005_Madagascar 2005_Mali2005_Mauritania2005_Mozambique 2005_Niger 2005_Nigeria 2005_Peru2005_Sierra Leone 2005_Tanzania 2005_Togo2005_Timor-Leste2005_Trinidad and Tobago2005_Yemen, Rep. 2005_Zambia 2005_Mongolia2006_Afghanistan 2006_Albania2006_Azerbaijan2006_Burkina Faso2006_Central African Republic 2006_Chad!2006_Democratic Republic of Congo2006_Republic of the Congo 2006_Cameroon2006_Equatorial Guinea 2006_Gabon 2006_Ghana2006_Guatemala 2006_Guinea2006_Indonesia 2006_Iraq2006_Kazakhstan2006_Kyrgyz Republic 2006_Liberia2006_Madagascar 2006_Mali2006_Mauritania2006_Mozambique 2006_Niger 2006_Nigeria 2006_Peru2006_Sierra Leone 2006_Tanzania 2006_Togo2006_Timor-Leste2006_Trinidad and Tobago2006_Yemen, Rep. 2006_Zambia 2006_Mongolia2007_Afghanistan 2007_Albania2007_Azerbaijan2007_Burkina Faso2007_Central African Republic 2007_Chad!2007_Democratic Republic of Congo2007_Republic of the Congo 2007_Cameroon2007_Equatorial Guinea 2007_Gabon 2007_Ghana2007_Guatemala 2007_Guinea2007_Indonesia 2007_Iraq2007_Kazakhstan2007_Kyrgyz Republic 2007_Liberia2007_Madagascar 2007_Mali2007_Mauritania2007_Mozambique 2007_Niger 2007_Nigeria 2007_Peru2007_Sierra Leone 2007_Tanzania 2007_Togo2007_Timor-Leste2007_Trinidad and Tobago2007_Yemen, Rep. 2007_Zambia 2007_Mongolia2008_Afghanistan 2008_Albania2008_Azerbaijan2008_Burkina Faso2008_Central African Republic 2008_Chad!2008_Democratic Republic of Congo2008_Republic of the Congo 2008_Cameroon2008_Equatorial Guinea 2008_Gabon 2008_Ghana2008_Guatemala 2008_Guinea2008_Indonesia 2008_Iraq2008_Kazakhstan2008_Kyrgyz Republic 2008_Liberia2008_Madagascar 2008_Mali2008_Mauritania2008_Mozambique 2008_Niger 2008_Nigeria 2008_Peru2008_Sierra Leone 2008_Tanzania 2008_Togo2008_Timor-Leste2008_Trinidad and Tobago2008_Yemen, Rep. 2008_Zambia 2008_Mongolia2009_Afghanistan 2009_Albania2009_Azerbaijan2009_Burkina Faso2009_Central African Republic 2009_Chad!2009_Democratic Republic of Congo2009_Republic of the Congo 2009_Cameroon2009_Equatorial Guinea 2009_Gabon 2009_Ghana2009_Guatemala 2009_Guinea2009_Indonesia 2009_Iraq2009_Kazakhstan2009_Kyrgyz Republic 2009_Liberia2009_Madagascar 2009_Mali2009_Mauritania2009_Mozambique 2009_Niger 2009_Nigeria 2009_Peru2009_Sierra Leone 2009_Tanzania 2009_Togo2009_Timor-Leste2009_Trinidad and Tobago2009_Yemen, Rep. 2009_Zambia 2009_Mongolia2010_Afghanistan 2010_Albania2010_Azerbaijan2010_Burkina Faso2010_Central African Republic 2010_Chad!2010_Democratic Republic of Congo2010_Republic of the Congo 2010_Cameroon2010_Equatorial Guinea 2010_Gabon 2010_Ghana2010_Guatemala 2010_Guinea2010_Indonesia 2010_Iraq2010_Kazakhstan2010_Kyrgyz Republic 2010_Liberia2010_Madagascar 2010_Mali2010_Mauritania2010_Mozambique 2010_Niger 2010_Nigeria 2010_Peru2010_Sierra Leone 2010_Tanzania 2010_Togo2010_Timor-Leste2010_Trinidad and Tobago2010_Yemen, Rep. 2010_Zambia 2010_Mongolia2011_Afghanistan 2011_Albania2011_Azerbaijan2011_Burkina Faso2011_Central African Republic 2011_Chad!2011_Democratic Republic of Congo2011_Republic of the Congo 2011_Cameroon2011_Equatorial Guinea 2011_Gabon 2011_Ghana2011_Guatemala 2011_Guinea2011_Indonesia 2011_Iraq2011_Kazakhstan2011_Kyrgyz Republic 2011_Liberia2011_Madagascar 2011_Mali2011_Mauritania2011_Mozambique 2011_Niger 2011_Nigeria 2011_Peru2011_Sierra Leone 2011_Tanzania 2011_Togo2011_Timor-Leste2011_Trinidad and Tobago2011_Yemen, Rep. 2011_Zambia 2011_Mongolia2012_Afghanistan 2012_Albania2012_Azerbaijan2012_Burkina Faso2012_Central African Republic 2012_Chad!2012_Democratic Republic of Congo2012_Republic of the Congo 2012_Cameroon2012_Equatorial Guinea 2012_Gabon 2012_Ghana2012_Guatemala 2012_Guinea2012_Indonesia 2012_Iraq2012_Kazakhstan2012_Kyrgyz Republic 2012_Liberia2012_Madagascar 2012_Mali2012_Mauritania2012_Mozambique 2012_Niger 2012_Nigeria 2012_Peru2012_Sierra Leone 2012_Tanzania 2012_Togo2012_Timor-Leste2012_Trinidad and Tobago2012_Yemen, Rep. 2012_Zambia 2012_Mongolia2013_Afghanistan 2013_Albania2013_Azerbaijan2013_Burkina Faso2013_Central African Republic 2013_Chad!2013_Democratic Republic of Congo2013_Republic of the Congo 2013_Cameroon2013_Equatorial Guinea 2013_Gabon 2013_Ghana2013_Guatemala 2013_Guinea2013_Indonesia 2013_Iraq2013_Kazakhstan2013_Kyrgyz Republic 2013_Liberia2013_Madagascar 2013_Mali2013_Mauritania2013_Mozambique 2013_Niger 2013_Nigeria 2013_Peru2013_Sierra Leone 2013_Tanzania 2013_Togo2013_Timor-Leste2013_Trinidad and Tobago2013_Yemen, Rep. 2013_Zambia 2013_Mongolia Cte d'Ivoire Congo, Rep.Congo, Dem. Rep.VAdjusted net enrollment rate, primary (% of primary school age children) [SE.PRM.TENR]2School enrollment, primary (% gross) [SE.PRM.ENRR]0School enrollment, prima< ry (% net) [SE.PRM.NENR]FOres and metals exports (% of merchandise exports) [TX.VAL.MMTL.ZS.UN]5Merchandise exports (current US$) [TX.VAL.MRCH.CD.WT];Fuel exports (% of merchandise exports) [TX.VAL.FUEL.ZS.UN])Extractive Exports(% Merchandise Exports) Extractive Exports (current US$)'Total trade in goods and services (US$)Volume from EITI report. Price from BPRS 2014. Price is an average of the spot prices for Brent, Dubai, Nigerian Forcados and West Texas Intermediate crude oil.Volume from EITI Report. Price is an average of the spot prices for Brent, Dubai, Nigerian Forcados and West Texas Intermediate crude oil.NotesCountry-level dataProject-level dataProduction volumesIs there a state-owned company?In-kind payments Relevant page of the EITI reportCurrency used in EITI reportName of reconcilerCountry webpageEITI Report does not provide sufficient information to calculate total figures with any confidence. As a result, www.eiti.org does not provide these.No exchange rate was given in the report or on www.eiti.org so this was taken from the World Bank after conversion from old to new local currency. Also government figure includes payments in-kind, which www.eiti.org does not. Resolved discrepancies were not included in the report's figures so these were adjusted retrospectively. Also, government figure includes payments in-kind, which www.eiti.org does not. The sum of the values of payments in-kind is incorrect on www.eiti.org, and the figures for the cash payments are also slightly different.Difference that is less than 1%. Unilateral declarations are not included in the figures. Resolved discerpancies are not included in the final figures, but there is insufficent information to add these retrospectively.MComments on the discrepancies between NRGI's collected data and eiti.org data!Difference that is less than 1%. $Difference that is greater than 1%. Payment/revenue totals from eiti.org do not include social payments (made in both cash and kind, with cash values for the latter reported unilaterally by company (p.50)) or subnational transfers (made in cash to local governments, reported unilaterally by the Government (p.51)). The value of social payments has been added to Total Payments by Companies; subnational transfers has been added to Total Received by Government.7Includes payments in-kind, which www.eiti.org does not.The oil subsidy is netted on www.eiti.org, but it is not here. Also, the government figure includes payments in-kind, which www.eiti.org does not.}The oil subsidy is netted on www.eiti.org, but it is not here. But, irrespective of this, there is still a small difference.MThe government figure includes payments in-kind, which www.eiti.org does not.In addition to the reconciled figures, the government reported to have received US$34,304 from the mining cooperatives and US$701,248 from small-scale miners.fTotals include SOC receipts (counted as govt revenues) and SOC payments (counted as company payments).?Figures are the wrong way round in the EITI summary on eiti.orgEUnilateral declarations do not appear to be included in the figures. Resolved discrepancies were not included in the report's figures so these were adjusted retrospectively. But, irrespective of this, there is still a difference.`Company total payments include voluntary social payments made by companies to local communities Peiti.org figures only included the reconciled revenue flows detailed on p.35-37.7DMO fees are netted on www.eiti.org, but are not here. qDMO fees are netted on www.eiti.org, but are not here. Although irespective of this, there is still a difference.;Possibly just slightly inaccurate rounding on www.eiti.org.gSignature bonuses from international oil companies are not included on www.eiti.org, but they are here.Cost recovery and remuneration fees may have been included on www.eiti.org, whilst they are not here. Although, even accounting for this, there is still a difference.Assumes that US$ payments have been accounted for in the total reported in local currency but this should be confirmed. This does not appear to be assumed on www.eiti.org.Company figure includes unrecocniled revenue streams that companies were asked to voluntarily report on, which www.eiti.org does not. Irrespecitve of this, the two totals are different. Company figure includes unrecocniled revenue streams that companies were asked to voluntarily report on, which www.eiti.org does not. Irrespecitve of this, the two totals are different.2Possibly just inaccurate rounding on www.eiti.org.xIncludes unreconciled payments in-kind that companies were asked to voluntarily report on, which www.eiti.org does not. 0Figures are the wrong way round on www.eiti.org.wIncludes unrecocniled revenue streams that companies were asked to voluntarily report on, which www.eiti.org does not. 8Includes payments in-kind, which www.eiti.org does not. No usable exchange rate was given in the report or on www.eiti.org so this was taken from the WB. Also, government figure includes payments in-kind, which www.eiti.org does not. >No usable exchange rate was given in the report or on www.eiti.org so this was taken from the WB. Also, government figure includes payments in-kind, which www.eiti.org does not. Company figure includes unreconciled social contributions that companies were asked to voluntarily report on, which www.eiti.org does not. rwww.eiti.org does not account for difference between company and government payments, which is accounted for here.Financing of joint ventures is netted on www.eiti.org, but it is not here. Also, these figures include payments to the NDDC, which www.eiti.org does not. But the largest difference results from www.eiti.org not accounting for local currency payments.?Possibly just a typo on www.eiti.org - 2,956 rather than 2,965.0Figures are the worng way round on www.eiti.org.|The sum across companies (reported here) is different to the sum reported across revenue streams (reported on www.eiti.org).www.eiti.org includes payments in-kind in the company figure, but they are not here as they are not reported on by the companies.Company figure includes unreconciled revenue streams that companies were asked to voluntarily report on, which www.eiti.org does not. Although irrespecitve of this, the figures are different.Includes unreconciled social payments and transfers that companies were asked to voluntarily report on, which www.eiti.org does not. Publication date of the reportCommodity prices IndicatorSourceDetailsLink4Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI)https://eiti.org/ GDP (US$ nominal), WBWorld Bank (WB)#GDP (current US$) [NY.GDP.MKTP.CD].3http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.MKTP.CD World Bank (WB), EITIcOwn calculations: Extractive Government Revenue (US$),EITI * GDP (current US$) [NY.GDP.MKTP.CD],WB.Own calculations: GGR_NGDP, (Revenue consists of taxes, social contributions, grants receivable, and other revenue),IMF * GDP (current US$) [NY.GDP.MKTP.CD],WB.Dhttps://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2014/02/weodata/index.aspx (International Monetary Fund (IMF), EITI.[Own calculations: Extractive Government Revenue (US$),EITI * Total Government Revenue, IMF.World Bank (WB), EITI.LUnited Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), World Bank (WB)hOwn calculations: Extractive Exports (current US$), WB * Total trade in goods and services (US$),UNCTAD.)Official Development Assistance (US$), WB3http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/DT.ODA.ALLD.CD 0http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.POP.TOTL /http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SI.POV.NAHC2http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.DYN.LE00.IN2http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.DYN.IMRT.IN/http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SE.PRM.NENRETransparency International Corruption Perception Index (range: 0-100)Transparency International #0: highly corrupt, 100: very clean.2http://www.transparency.org/research/cpi/overview ;Resource Governance Index score (2013), NRGI (range: 0-100)< Resource Governance Index (RGI)tRange: Satisfactory (71-100, marked in green), partial (51-70, yellow), weak (41-50, orange) and failing (0-40, red)Ghttp://www.revenuewatch.org/rwindex2010/pdf/RevenueWatchIndex_2010.pdf 4Voice and Accountability, WGI (range: -2,5 to 2,5).!World Governance Indicators (WGI)"Voice and Accountability"9http://info.worldbank.org/governance/wgi/index.aspx#home /Political Stability, WGI (range: -2,5 to 2,5)."Political Stability"4Government Effectiveness, WGI (range: -2,5 to 2,5)."Government Effectiveness".Regulatory Quality, WGI (range: -2,5 to 2,5)."Regulatory Quality"1Control of Corruption, WGI (range: -2,5 to 2,5)."Control of Corruption"#Mineral production volume and price&United States Geological Survey (USGS)/http://minerals.usgs.gov/minerals/pubs/country/6USGS International Minerals Statistics and Informationhttp://www.bp.com/en/global/corporate/about-bp/energy-economics/statistical-review-of-world-energy/review-by-energy-type/oil/oil-prices.html9World Bank s Global Economic Monitor commodities database;http://data.worldbank.org/data-catalog/commodity-price-data/Oil and natural gas production volume and pricehttp://www.eia.gov/*US Energy information Administration (EIA)PAccording to the EITI report, EITI oil revenues represent 100% of oil revenues. Production volumes of chromite, copper, limestone and nickel given p. 8. According to the EITI report, EITI mining revenues represent 97% of mining revenues. VAccording to the EITI report, EITI mining revenues represent 100% of mining revenues. MGold production volume given in kg in the EITI report, converted here in toz. The production value is given directly in the report. Exchange rate calculated for each transaction, at the value of the day when the transaction occurred. According to the EITI report, EITI extractive revenues represent 98% of total extractive revenues. Materiality threshold: The largest companies which make up over 80% of total mining revenues in 2004-8, and paid over 99% of mineral royalties in 2004, should be reconciled. There is some disaggregation by company, and therefore also by commodity, but this is not comprehensive. Unilateral declarations do not appear to be included in the figures. According to the EITI report, EITI extractive revenues represented 80% of total extractive revenues.WMateriality threshold: The largest companies which make up over 80% of total mining revenues in 2004-8, and paid over 99% of mineral royalties in 2005, should be reconciled. Unilateral declarations do not appear to be included in the figures. According to the EITI report, EITI extractive revenues represented 80% of total extractive revenues.WMateriality threshold: The largest companies which make up over 80% of total mining revenues in 2004-8, and paid over 99% of mineral royalties in 2006, should be reconciled. Unilateral declarations do not appear to be included in the figures. According to the EITI report, EITI extractive revenues represented 80% of total extractive revenues.WMateriality threshold: The largest companies which make up over 80% of total mining revenues in 2004-8, and paid over 99% of mineral royalties in 2007, should be reconciled. Unilateral declarations do not appear to be included in the figures. According to the EITI report, EITI extractive revenues represented 80% of total extractive revenues.WMateriality threshold: The largest companies which make up over 80% of total mining revenues in 2004-8, and paid over 99% of mineral royalties in 2008, should be reconciled. Unilateral declarations do not appear to be included in the figures. According to the EITI report, EITI extractive revenues represented 80% of total extractive revenues.All oil exports are sold through the state-owned Iraq Oil Marketing Company (SOMO). The report reconciles the payments made by buyers and the revenues received from these sales by the SOMO. No other revenue streams are considered. Resolved discrepancies are not included in the final figures, but there is insufficent information to add these retrospectively. Unilateral declarations are not included in the figures. The report also covers the destination of the shipments, as well as having a separate section on the mining sector (though no actual figures are provided). The report indicates that 82% of oil extracted in 2009 was exported. According to the EITI report, EITI extractive revenues represented 82% of total extractive revenues.bAll oil exports are sold through the state-owned Iraq Oil Marketing Company (SOMO). The report reconciles the payments made by buyers and the revenues received from these sales by the SOMO, and the signature bonuses paid by IOCs which are involved in oil field development. Resolved discrepancies are not included in the final figures, but there is insufficent information to add these retrospectively. Unilateral declarations are not included in the figures. The report also covers internal service payments made by Government to SOCs, the destination of the shipments, as well as having separate sections on Kurdistan and the mining sector (though no actual figures are provided). 690,010,000 bbl of oil were exported in 2010, the remainder were consumed locally. According to the EITI report, EITI extractive revenues represented 80% of total extractive revenues.MAll oil exports are sold through the state-owned Iraq Oil Marketing Company (SOMO). The report reconciles the payments made by buyers and the revenues received from these sales by the SOMO, and the signature bonuses paid by IOCs which are involved in oil field development (though there weren't actually any in 2011). Resolved discrepancies are not included in the final figures, but there is insufficent information to add these retrospectively. Unilateral declarations are not included in the figures. The report also covers internal service payments made by Government to SOCs, cost recovery and remuneration fees paid by Government to the IOCs (included here under subsidies), the destination of the shipments, the local consumption of oil and gas, as well as having a separate section on the mining sector (though no actual figures are provided). No information was provided by the Kurdistan Regional Government. 790,590,000 bbl of oil were exported in 2011, the remainder were consumed locally. According to the EITI report, EITI extractive revenues represented 85% of total extractive revenues.Materiality threshold: Companies that had an income of US$1,000,000 in 2011, or have indicated that they will when fully operational, should be reconciled. These companies accounted for 96.5% of the value of production in 2011. Unilateral declarations are included in the figures. Voluntary social payments are not included in the figures as they are not disaggregated by company. Government reported voluntary social payments of US$1,291,649 while companies reported payments of US$14,787,462. Some of these were payments in-kind, but the report does not specify the type or value of these. One of the revenue streams is dividends from state shares, but the report does not specify whether the state is the majority shareholder in any of the companies. Total exports were worth US$1,045m in 2011. According to the EITI report, EITI extractive revenues represented 96.5% of total extractive revenues.}The report covers the financial year of 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010. The report uses both US dollars and the local currency, the Tanzania shilling. Materiality threshold: all companies that paid more than TzS 200 million in the financial year should be reconciled. Reporting companies accounted for 92.4% of total mining and petroleum revenues collected by Government. Unilateral declarations are included in the figures. The gas sector in Tanzania is currently managed by PSAs, where the Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC) is granted licences by the Ministry of Energy and Minerals, mandating TPDC to enter into PSAs with oil and gas companies.The production of gas sector in Tanzania is currently managed by Production Sharing Agreement < (PSA), whereas the Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC) is granted licences under the Act by the Ministry of Energy and Minerals, mandating TPDC to enter into PSAs with private companies. The report provides production volumes for som      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~e companies in 2010 but not the fiscal year. According to the EITI report, EITI extractive revenues represented 92.4% of total extractive revenues.The report covers the financial year of 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011. The report uses both US dollars and the local currency, the Tanzania shilling. Materiality threshold: all companies that paid more than TzS 150 million in the financial year should be reconciled. These companies accounted for 99.3% of total mining and petroleum revenues collected by Government. Unilateral declarations are included in the figures. The gas sector in Tanzania is currently managed by PSAs, where the Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC) is granted licences by the Ministry of Energy and Minerals, mandating TPDC to enter into PSAs with oil and gas companies.The production of gas sector in Tanzania is currently managed by Production Sharing Agreement (PSA), whereas the Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC) is granted licences under the Act by the Ministry of Energy and Minerals, mandating TPDC to enter into PSAs with private companies. The report also covers shareowners of companies, potential reserves, the values of companies' exports and gold export destinations. According to the EITI report, EITI extractive revenues represented 99.3% of total extractive revenues.The report covers the financial year of 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012. The report uses both US dollars and the local currency, the Tanzania shilling. Materiality threshold: all companies that paid more than TzS 150 million in the financial year should be reconciled. These companies accounted for 99.79% of total mining and petroleum revenues collected by Government. The report doesn't distinguish between oil and gas producers, or provide comprehensive information on which commodities are produced by individual mining companies. Unilateral declarations are included in the figures. The gas sector in Tanzania is currently managed by PSAs, where the Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC) is granted licences by the Ministry of Energy and Minerals, mandating TPDC to enter into PSAs with oil and gas companies. Production in the gas sector in Tanzania is currently managed by Production Sharing Agreement (PSA), whereas the Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC) is granted licences under the Act by the Ministry of Energy and Minerals, mandating TPDC to enter into PSAs with private companies. The report provides production volumes for some companies, but this is not comprehensive. The report also covers shareowners of companies, potential reserves, the values of some companies' exports, gold export destinations and social payments (on p55, but these do not appear to be included in the totals). According to the EITI report, EITI extractive revenues represented 99.79% of total extractive revenues. Exchange rate/http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/PA.NUS.FCRF+British Petroleum Statistical Review (BPSR) 2014 BPSR#World Bank's official exchange rateGDP (US$ nominal), WB.Life expectancy at birth, WB.Infant mortality, WB.Primary school enrolment, WB.3Voice and Accountability, WGI (range: -2,5 to 2,5).Yes, added by EITI7For the production volume, the export volume is given. vThe report covers the financial year of 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009. Materiality threshold: All known companies were requested to participate. The report doesn't specify what minerals are mined. Unilateral declarations are included in the report. The National Oil COmpany of Liberia (NOCAL) was establised by Liberia's National Legislature to undertake and/or facilitate the exploration and establishment of the country's liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons deposits. Its actual role is not apparent is not clear from the report however. The total production value figure does not include the production value of the forestry sector.The report covers the financial year of 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010. Materiality threshold: All known companies were requested to participate. The report doesn't specify what minerals are mined. Unilateral declarations are included in the report. Although the report states that 71 companies returned their templates, only 67 are named as doing so. The National Oil COmpany of Liberia (NOCAL) was establised by Liberia's National Legislature to undertake and/or facilitate the exploration and establishment of the country's liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons deposits. Its actual role is not apparent is not clear from the report however. The total production value figure does not include the production value of the forestry sector.XThe report covers the financial year of 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012. Materiality threshold: oil, mining, forestry and agriculture companies that made a payment of at least US$350,000, US$50,000, US$5,000, US$50,000 respectively in the financial year should be reconciled. The report doesn't distinguish between mining companies producing different commodities. Unilateral declarations are included in the report, including the unilateral reporting by government agencies of US$912,242 from the small scale miners, pit sawyers and companies below the threshold. The National Oil Company of Liberia (NOCAL) was establised by Liberia's National Legislature to undertake and/or facilitate the exploration and establishment of the country's liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons deposits. Its actual role is not apparent is not clear from the report however. The report also covers: the value of exports; employment levels for the mining, forestry and agriculture sectors and some companies; the revenue of some agricultural companies; the tracking of revenues particulary to social development entities; an 'amounts due' reconciliation for some fixed amount revenue streams in the oil, mining and forestry sectors; in-kind contributions (though values for these are not reported). The total production value figure does not include the production value of the forestry sector.The report covers the financial year of 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011. Materiality threshold: oil, mining, forestry and agriculture companies that made a payment of at least US$200,000, US$15,000, US$10,000, US$30,000 respectively in the financial year should be reconciled. The report doesn't specify what minerals are mined. Unilateral declarations are included in the report, including the unilateral reporting by government agencies of US$632,541 from the small scale miners and pit sawyers. The originally reported total revenue was US$117m but a US$15m double count in the Oranto/Chevron signing fees was adjusted for in the2012 EITI Report. The National Oil COmpany of Liberia (NOCAL) was establised by Liberia's National Legislature to undertake and/or facilitate the exploration and establishment of the country's liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons deposits. Its actual role is not apparent is not clear from the report however. The report also covers: payments between the national port authority, its contractor and companies; the tracking of revenues particulary to social development entities; an 'amounts due' reconciliation for some revenue streams in the forestry sector; in-kind contributions. Companies reported on their in-kind payments and its value, but did not explain how this was estimated. The total production value figure does not include the production value of the forestry sector.Yes, added by NRGIYes, added by NRGI (the value of national oil company's in-kind receipts has been added to totals, the value of govt in-kind receipts commercialized by the NOC is already included)uGovt revenues include the value of in-kind receipts, and company payments made to local govts ("Les paiements infranationaux," unilaterally reported by central govt) and payments from companies below the materiality threshold. Company payments include unilaterally reported "other significant payments" and social payments. The government repo< rted to have received FCFA 9,242,044,569 from mining companies that were not included in the scope; subnational transfers of FCFA 44,491,757. Companies reported to have contributed FCFA 774,034,334 for social and other payments. Volume of in-kind payments greater than total production.Govt revenues include the value of in-kind receipts, and company payments made to local govts ("Les paiements infranationaux," unilaterally reported by central govt) and payments from companies below the materiality threshold. Company payments include unilaterally reported "other significant payments" and social payments. In-kind value is govt-reported total. The government reported to have received FCFA 10,654,141,826 from mining companies that were not included in the scope; subnational transfers of FCFA 65,337,042 in subnational payments (p.25). Companies reported to have contributed FCFA,512 532,379 for social and "other significant" payments. Volume of in-kind payments greater than total production.0Government revenues from covered companies (US$)Government revenues (US$)The report only names the PSC participants that have to submit quarterly financial reports. The government revenues figures are net of DMO fees.RDoesn't provide project-level info itself, but could be deduced from other reports3Indicates insufficient disaggregation in the reportThe production volume is the volume exported rather than produced. It appears that Safer provides the gas in this project, but it is not mentioned as part of the joint venture.4Oil companies are reported by project, but the appendix, which is unavailable, provides the information on production and payments. The production volume is the volume exported rather than produced. It appears that Safer provides the gas in this project, but it is not mentioned as part of the joint venture.6Provides lists of licenses by company but nothing elseDDiamond price (for countries that have joined the Kimberley process)Kimberley Process8https://kimberleyprocessstatistics.org/public_statistics Kimberley Process Annual SummaryFor each country, commodity-specific information on production volumes, prices, production values, revenues received by governments and payments issued by companies, taken from EITI reports and other sources. Also includes macroeconomic and social indicators per country and year. Sources used for production volumes, commodity prices and macroeconomic and social indicators. Also includes conversions and calculations. JDiscrepancies with the EITI International Secretariat data on www.eiti.orgcOther explanations are included in the comments under the Summary of EITI reports tab, in column T. Data sources)Extractive government revenue (US$), EITI)Extractive revenues (% GDP), WB and EITI.4Extractive exports (% total exports), WB and UNCTAD.EExtractive revenues (% Official Development Assistance), WB and EITI. Education expenditure (US$), WB.;Extractive revenues (% education expenditure), WB and EITI.Population, WB.Poverty headcount (%pop), WB.Own calculations: Extractive Government Revenue (current US$), EITI / Net official development assistance and official aid received (current US$) [DT.ODA.ALLD.CD],WB.mOwn calculations: GDP (current US$) [NY.GDP.MKTP.CD] * Health expenditure, public (% of GDP) [SH.XPD.PUBL.ZS]POwn calculations: Extractive Revenues (US$), EITI / Health expenditure (US$),WB.yOwn calculations: GDP (current US$) [NY.GDP.MKTP.CD] * Public spending on education, total (% of GDP) [SE.XPD.TOTL.GD.ZS]SOwn calculations: Extractive Revenues (US$), EITI / Education expenditure (US$),WB.@Extractive revenues (% Total Government revenues), IMF and EITI.Health expenditure (US$), WB.8Extractive revenues (% Health expenditure), WB and EITI.;Extractive revenues (% Education expenditure), WB and EITI.Poverty Headcount (%pop), WB.Primary school enrolment - WB.Summary of EITI reportMethodology notes and caveatsWe attempted, whenever possible, to add the value of payments made in-kind (when the government receives physical volumes of oil, gas, or minerals instead of cash) to the total extractive government revenues. For 56 reports, the EITI reports included in-kind revenues in the calculations of total government receipts (e.g. Azerbaijan 2011-2012; Cameroon 2011-2012), and we use these figures in these instances. For 29 reports (e.g. Azerbaijan 2003-2010; Cameroon 2001-2010), these revenues had not been included so NRGI calculated the value of in-kind revenues and added them to the total government receipts. Explanations about the monetization of in-kind payments are given in column AB (Comments). NRGI collected information directly from individual EITI reports. We noted that some government receipt and companies payment figures differed from those reported on www.eiti.org by the International Secretariat:- For 32 reports, the difference is explained by inclusion of different information (e.g. additional revenue streams such as signature bonuses or in-kind payments). (E.g. Cameroon 2001-2004; Guinea 2006-2011; Iraq 2010).c |- For 42 reports, the difference is not explained by inclusion of different information and is greater than 1%. Explanations in some cases may include the use of different exchange rates (e.g. NRGI used the World Bank s exchange rates figures when EITI reports did not provide any, which might have been different from the source used by eiti.org (e.g. Azerbaijan 2004)).4Yes, added by NRGI to government revenues (column P)3Yes, added by NRGI to companies payments (column Q)ETotal extractive government revenue (US$), EITI (taken from column P)Total government revenue, IMF.@Extractive revenues (% Total government revenues), IMF and EITI.8Extractive revenues (% health expenditure), WB and EITI.!International Monetary Fund (IMF)Name of projectEITI production volumesPrice from EITI report'Name of companies operating the project Payments made by companies (US$)Page of the report(Production volume (from external source)$Production volume (from EITI Report)7Production volume (from EITI Report, government source)6Production volume (from EITI Report, companies source) Volume metricPer unit0Source for production volume & price information(Payments made by covered companies (US$)Includes in-kind paymentsIn-kind payment volumesIn-kind payment value (US$)ERevenue streams covered (as referenced on EITI website www.eiti.org) Exchange rate utilized, US$1:LC'Number of companies requested to report&Names of companies requested to reportNumber of reporting companiesTotal government revenue, IMFTable of contentsMost EITI countries publish reports in PDF formats, making it difficult to extract the data and conduct analysis. Open data formats like Excel or CSV can benefit all stakeholders by reducing suspicion, building trust, and facilitating analysis that can improve sector policies. In order to make data contained within EITI reports more accessible, NRGI has collected information from 223 existing EITI reports published by 37 countries before February 2015. ++Summary of the total extractive revenues received by governments and the payments issued by companies for each EITI country report, and some information about the report itself.TopicCommodity prices are from EITI reports, if available. If not available, we used global prices drawn from external sources - British Petroleum Statistical Review 2014, World Bank and United States Geological Survey (see "data sources" tab for full references and links) - with the exception of diamond prices which are available by country if they participate in the Kimberley Process. The sources used are det< ailed in column N. P0]Using global commodity prices introduces inaccuracies in the calculation of the value of production as the actual value of commodities varies significantly from country to country. Grades of crude oil, for example, can vary as much as $20 per barrel. This variation is especially stark for natural gas prices. NRGI used the British Petroleum Statistical Review as a source for natural gas prices by calculating an average of the UK, US and Canada indices, adjusted to account for the relevant fiscal year. Gas prices in various countries would, however, vary widely from this estimate. This caveat highlights the need for EITI reports to include information on commodity prices in order to facilitate accurate analysis. To improve confidence in the calculated production values, efforts have been made to find country-specific prices for commodities that have an annual production value of more than US$1bn and make up more than 50 percent of the country's annual total mining production value. Where available, these have been used to adjust the global prices (e.g. Mongolia 2006-2008). This has not been possible for precious stone prices.- For 47 reports, the difference is not explained by inclusion of different information but is less than 1 percent (e.g., rounding differences, such as for Ghana 2006; Mongolia 2011) c Where available, revenues received by governments and payments issued by companies disaggregated by project (by mine or oil field).2Dataset: Unlocking EITI Data for Meaningful Reform June 2015The difference between the production volumes reported by EITI and by USGS is explained by the fact that EITI only covers some salt companies (not all). gThe revenues and payments (column P and Q) include USD 66233584.54 of subsidies (as reported in EITI). VSome gold companies were not taken into account in the EITI gold production volumes. dThe difference between the EITI and external sources of production volumes are probably due to the PThe EITI report does not artisanal diamonds in the diamonds production volumes. TNot all companies are taken into account in the EITI production volume of tanzanite.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2010, and is the price in the US for crushed limestone.wVolume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012.Volume from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2012, adjusted to account for the fiscal year. Price from USGS Mineral Yearbook 2011, and is the price in the US for crushed limestone.We noticed that the production value of limestone seems very high compared to the government revenue for that commodity but would need to investigate further. ESTIMATED production value (US$)j +Estimated value of productionVProduction values are taken directly from EITI reports, without calculation, if available (e.g. Democratic Republic of Congo 2012). If not available, production values are calculated based on the volumes and prices of the individual commodities (volume x price). If EITI production volumes are available for every year, NRGI used these figures to calculate the production value. If not available for every year, and to ensure consistency across years, NRGI used production volume data from external sources (as referenced in column N) for all years. For instance, to calculate the production value of salt in Afghanistan between 2008 and 2011, NRGI used production volume figures from USGS as EITI production volume figures for salt were not available in 2011. It is important to note that these calculations are ESTIMATES of the value of the production.(Production volumes are taken from EITI reports if available and referenced as coming from either company or government sources, depending on which entity reported the data (columns H, I and J). If not available, production volumes are drawn from external sources  British Petroleum Statistical Review 2014, US Energy Information Administration and United States Geological Survey (USGS) (see "data sources" tab for full references and links). The list of commodities produced by each country is either identified in the EITI reports or by USGS. Production volumes reported in EITI are sometimes different from those reported by external sources (by USGS for instance) - we flag these differences by highlighting the production volumes cells in light orange and provided potential explanations in column AB. u "x=8{S~ *׊&Aݑ cd/gG ^/:49KMvZpz^v (!=B ^SgFuT@* N  IL#1 Q:FRNGs?BI`}w.+p41+(|;UTumSl 40->bSi Cp7   Ev 7   d! $ ' 3 W* +- 0 3 B>6 8 ^< A E J (N Q oS V W g=Y Z [ k^ 7` Xb d f h j  l (n Qq v9s au w y { } i d  M  &  ccB  $ $ ( , D0 0  dMbP?_*+%&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?MBKyocera TASKalfa 250cidC 4dXXA4DDINU"(dتb(SMTJKyocera TASKalfa 250ciInputBinAutoRESDLLUniresDLLEcoPrintOFFGraphicsModeRASTERMODEColorReproductionPrnSetOutputBinDestTopTrayOffsetOFFRotate180OFFBookletNonePunchNoneStaplingNoneStapleMethodOFFJobRetentionOffJobRetentionUserIDOption1JobAccountIDOFFOrientationPORTRAITDuplexNONEMediaTypeUnspecifiedColorMode24bppPaperSizeLETTERHalftoneHT_PATSIZE_AUTOResolutionResolution600"dXX333333?333333?&<3U}  } @ } @Q }  }  }  +@99999@9F @ V@ +    @ @ @ I }+ T    2 @  XXXI        >   @   @ ?   @ ? > A >                  ?B  C  B D  B   B F  B E D.l 0&&& !9"F #F $F %F &F 'F (F )F *F +F ,F -F .F /F 0F 1F 2F 3F 4F 5F 6F 7F 8F 9F :F ;F <F =F >F ?F  > !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?Dl @F AF BF CF DF EF FF GF HF IF JF KF LF MF NF OF PF QF RF SF TF UF VF WF XF YF ZF [F \F ]F ^F _F @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_Dl `F aF bF cF dF eF fF gF hF iF jF kF lF mF n9 o9 p9 q+`r`s`t`u`v`w`x`y`z`{`|`}`~```abcdefghijklmnoD l ```` P<@\(  \ \ RA??Picture 4)Co]&` Dj>@d D"D*no  yK Summary of EITI report'Summary of EITI report'!A1~yK Country-level data'Country-level data'!A1~yK Project-level data'Project-level data'!A1fyK  Data sources'Data Sources'!A1b(b(Lf&3?ggD  05 \Y y d & '  dMbP?_*+%&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?" dXX333333?333333?&<3U} #G}  C} #C} #V} #C} #} `C} #C} C} } B} B} G} BIA!;GGG ;G ;G G XG XGXGXGXGGGJJGXGGGGGGGGG ; < < < = < Vx V, < > > > < < < < < < < ? @~ #`@ # # t #jMbVYt#@  $  .  4  # # ## %# % AGD B~ #d@ # # t # gVT#@  $  .  4  # # ## %# % AGD B~ #h@ # # t #WLvAp=wA~ #@  $  .  4  # # ## %# % C GD B~ #l@ # # t YJC@#,@  $  .  4  % # %# %# % AGD B ~ #d@ %! %" t# %$*:sA1A~ #D@  $%  h  o  #% % #%# %AD B&~ #h@ %! %" t' %4B#O@  $(  h  o  #% % #%# % A D B)~ #l@ %! %" t* %FZAֳMA~ #O@  $+  h    % % %# %# %AD D,~ p@ ! 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~ Rl@ T]R(J2011_Burkina Faso RQ Z TU/eɓ.A~ p@ ]RPJ2012_Burkina Faso Q - E,[յA~ RD@ T`R 2001_Cameroon RQ a TbUlA~ RH@ T`R 2002_Cameroon RQ a TbUǏSg*A~ RL@ T`R8 2003_Cameroon RQ a TbU%vA~ RP@ T`RT 2004_Cameroon RQ a TbUUtA~ RT@ T`R 2005_Cameroon RQ h TbUA~ RX@ T`R 2006_Cameroon RQ k T$UgA~ R\@ T`R 2007_Cameroon RQ k T$UNA~ R`@ T`R  2008_Cameroon RQ k T$U2gmADl^ ;!;";#;$X%X&X'X(X);*;+;,;-;.;/;0;1;2;3;4;5;6X7X8X9X:X;X<;=;>?;~ Rd@ T` R8f! 2009_Cameroon RQ p T$ UA~ !Rh@ !T`!RTf" 2010_Cameroon !RQ !p !T$!UXicA~ "Rl@ "T`"Rf# 2011_Cameroon "RQ "u "T"UA~ #p@ #`#Rf$ 2012_Cameroon #Q #- ##OVA~ $RX@ $Tz$R* % 2006_Central African Republic $RQ ${ $T$UoeXAdA~ %R\@ %Tz%R* & 2007_Central African Republic %RQ %~ %T%UAJA~ &R`@ &Tz&R@* ' 2008_Central African Republic &RQ &~ &T&UI$INA~ 'Rd@ 'Tz'R* ( 2009_Central African Republic 'RQ '~ 'T'UyWA~ (Rh@ (Tz(R* ) 2010_Central African Republic (RQ (' (T~ (U_~ )R\@ )T)RD* 2007_Chad )RQ ) )T)UA~ *R`@ *T*RD+ 2008_Chad *RQ * *T*UqA~ +Rd@ +T+RE, 2009_Chad +RQ + +T+U".SA~ ,Rh@ ,T,RE- 2010_Chad ,RQ , ,T,U@<A~ -Rl@ -T-R(E. 2011_Chad -RQ - -T-U{A~ .Rp@ .T.R@E/ 2012_Chad .RQ . .T.UƹoA~ /RX@ /_ /RJ02006_Cte d'Ivoire /RQ /T /T2~ /Ui$~ 0R\@ 0_ 0RK12007_Cte d'Ivoire 0RQ 0T 0T20U@A~ 1R`@ 1_ 1RK22008_Cte d'Ivoire 1RQ 1T 1T1UA~ 2Rd@ 2_ 2RL32009_Cte d'Ivoire 2RQ 2T 2T2UA~ 3Rh@ 3_ 3RL42010_Cte d'Ivoire 3RQ 3T 3T3UpX;A~ 4Rl@ 4_ 4RM52011_Cte d'Ivoire 4RQ 4T 4T4UL5A~ 5p@ 5_ 5RM62012_Cte d'Ivoire 5Q 5- 55OITA~ 6R\@ 6T6R~% 7$!2007_Democratic Republic of Congo 6RQ 6T 6T~ 6U@c~ 7R`@ 7T7R`~% 8$!2008_Democratic Republic of Congo 7RQ 7T 7T7U^SþA~ 8Rd@ 8T8R~% 9$!2009_Democratic Republic of Congo 8RQ 8T 8T8U.>A~ 9Rh@ 9T9RP% :$!2010_Democratic Republic of Congo 9RQ 9T 9T9UA~ :Rl@ :T:R}% ;$!2011_Democratic Republic of Congo :RQ :Z :T:U@*A~ ;p@ ;T;R|% <$!2012_Democratic Republic of Congo ;Q ;- ;$;O@mA~ <R\@ <T<RЈ=2007_Equatorial Guinea <RQ< <T2<Ue+\A~ =R`@ =T=R@>2008_Equatorial Guinea =RQ= =T2=UsyUB~ >RP@ >T>RV? 2004_Gabon >RQ>T >Tb>UxU A~ ?RT@ ?T?RȜV@ 2005_Gabon ?RQ?T ?T$?UTZ噓ADl@;ABCDEFG;H;I;J;K;L;MN;O;P;Q;R;S;T;U;V;W;XYZ[;\]^_~ @RX@ @T@RVA 2006_Gabon @RQ@T @T$@U.˫|A~ ARP@ AQARVB 2004_Ghana AQQ AS AQAUQ yA~ BRT@ BQBRVCBB@L_L 2005_Ghana BQQ BS BQ~ BU΀ ~ CRX@ CQCR0VDB 2006_Ghana CQQ CS CQ~ CUB~ DR\@ DQDRHVEB 2007_Ghana DQQ DS DQ~ DU~ ER`@ EQER`VFB 2008_Ghana EQQ ES EQ~ EU*~ FRd@ FQFRVGB 2009_Ghana FQQ FS FQFUUUUe?A~ GRh@ GQGRVHB 2010_Ghana GQQ GS GT~ GU2~ HRl@ HQHRVIB 2011_Ghana HQQ HS HTHUz47A~ Ip@ IIRȝVJB 2012_Ghana IQ I- I$Iq=.A~ Jt@ JJRVKB 2013_Ghana JQ J- J$J;KA~ KRh@ KRKRLB2010_Guatemala KQ KTp KT~ KUP%%~ LRl@ LRLR!VMB2011_Guatemala LQ LT LT~ LU^ 5~ MRT@ MR MRVNB 2005_Guinea MQQ MS; MR~ MU6 ~ NRX@ NR NR0VOB 2006_Guinea NQQ NT NR~ NU~ OR\@ OR ORHVPB 2007_Guinea OQQ OT OROO\T)zA~ PR`@ PR PRVQB 2008_Guinea PQQ PT PRPO/NC-A~ QRd@ QR QRVRB 2009_Guinea QQQ QT QRQUEHq\A~ RRh@ RR RRVSB 2010_Guinea RQQ RT RRRUK A~ SRl@ SR SRȞVTB 2011_Guinea SQQ STZ SRSODy?A~ TRp@ TR TRVUB 2012_Guinea TQQ TTZ TRTjԥ $A~ URd@ URUR`)VVB2009_Indonesia UQ US UTUU詘6B~ VRh@ VRVR(VWB2010_Indonesia VQ VS VTVU@ׯB~ WRl@ WRWRXB2011_Indonesia WQ WS WTWU*N%$B~ XRd@ XRXRTEYB 2009_Iraq XQ XS XRbXU1hX5#B~ YRh@ YRYRhEZB 2010_Iraq YQ YS' YRbYU3M)B~ ZRl@ ZRZRE[B 2011_Iraq ZQ ZSZ ZRbZUYR3B~ [p@ [[RE\B 2012_Iraq [ [- [b[Om5B~ \RT@ \R\R@"V]B2005_Kazakhstan \Q" \S \Rb\U?A~ ]RX@ ]R]R%V^B2006_Kazakhstan ]Q" ]S ]R2]UzB~ ^R\@ ^R^RRj_B2007_Kazakhstan ^Q" ^SD ^R2^UB~ _R`@ _R_R&V`B2008_Kazakhstan _Q" _SD _R2_USҎBDl`abcvdvefghijklmnopqrstuv;w;x;yz{;|;};~;;~ `Rd@ `R`RaB2009_Kazakhstan `Q" `SG `R`U0B~ aRh@ aRaR bB2010_Kazakhstan aQ" aS' aRaU0TB~ bRl@ bRbR@cB2011_Kazakhstan bQ" bS' bRbUB~ cp@ cRcR`dB2012_Kazakhstan c" c- ccOaސB~ dt@ dRdReB2013_Kazakhstan d" d- ddOPB~ eRP@ eReR* fB2004_Kyrgyz Republic eQ" eS eR~ eUzC~ fRT@ fRfR@* gB2005_Kyrgyz Republic fQ" fS fR~ fU~~ gRX@ gRgR`* hB2006_Kyrgyz Republic gQ" gS gR~ gUA:~ hR\@ hRhR* iB2007_Kyrgyz Republic hQ" hS hR~ hU2й~ iR`@ iRiR * jB2008_Kyrgyz Republic iQ" iS iR~ iU^~ jRd@ jRjR* kB2009_Kyrgyz Republic jQ" jS jR~ jUm~ kRh@ kRkR* lB2010_Kyrgyz Republic kQ" kS' kR~ kU^S"~ lRl@ lRlR@* mB2011_Kyrgyz Republic lQ" lS' lR~ lU6:~ mRp@ mRmR* nB2012_Kyrgyz Republic mQ" mS# mR~ mU\3~ nR`@ nR&nRfoB 2008_Liberia nQQ nS' nR(nU^'|A~ oRd@ oR&oRԀfpB 2009_Liberia oQQ oS oR+~ oU:/r~ pRh@ pR&pRfqB 2010_Liberia pQQ pS. pR+~ pU0$~ qRl@ qR&qRfrB 2011_Liberia qQQ qS qR+qU ףA~ rRp@ rR&rRfsB 2012_Liberia rQQ rS* rR+~ rUB~ sR\@ sR5sR8tB2007_Madagascar sQQ sTG sR~ sU ~ tR`@ tR5tR8uB2008_Madagascar tQQ tTG tR~ tU>/ ~ uRd@ uR5uR8vB2009_Madagascar uQQ uTG uR~ uU~ vRh@ vR5vR8wB2010_Madagascar vQQ vT< vRvU.U(A~ wRl@ wR5wR8xB2011_Madagascar wQQ wT? wRwU&4cӔA~ xRX@ xRBxREyB 2006_Mali xQQ xT xTxUPݎbA~ yR\@ yRByREzB 2007_Mali yQQ yTG yTyU-6A~ zR`@ zRBzRE{B 2008_Mali zQQ zTG zTzU8fAWðA~ {Rd@ {RB{RI|B 2009_Mali {QQ {T {TI{UNA~ |Rh@ |RB|RI}B 2010_Mali |QQ |T' |T|Ude姴A~ }Rl@ }RB}RI~B 2011_Mali }QQ }TZ }T}U,WA~ ~p@ ~B~RIB 2012_Mali ~Q ~- ~~ ~O~(r~ RT@ RRR 8B2005_Mauritania QQ Th TU qC|ADl;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ RX@ RRR`B2006_Mauritania QQ TU TUȥA~ R\@ RRR@8B2007_Mauritania QQ TX T$UrA~ R`@ RRR8@L_L2008_Mauritania QQ TX T$U,'A~ Rd@ RRR82009_Mauritania QQ T\ T$U; &ɦA~ Rh@ RRR82010_Mauritania QQ TM TUȼ4(A~ Rl@ RRR82011_Mauritania QQ TM TUlÌ7A~ p@ RR`82012_Mauritania Q - $OzԳ$A~ RX@ ReRTf 2006_Mongolia Q Sf T$OemA~ R\@ ReRf 2007_Mongolia Q Si T$OA~ R`@ ReRf 2008_Mongolia Q Sl T$OvA~ Rd@ ReRf 2009_Mongolia Q SG T$OVmA~ Rh@ ReRԁf 2010_Mongolia Q S T$OA~ Rl@ ReRf 2011_Mongolia Q Ss T$O@A~ Rp@ ReRf 2012_Mongolia Q S T$OA~ t@ eR8f 2013_Mongolia  - $Oq=*6pA~ R`@ RzR82008_Mozambique QQ S. T{O~cxA~ Rd@ RzR82009_Mozambique QQ S TO`wqWA~ Rl@ RzR82011_Mozambique QQ S TORA#rA~ Rh@ RzR82010_Mozambique QQ S' TOXlA~ RT@ RRV 2005_Niger QQ T T$O zylA~ RX@ RR`V 2006_Niger QQ T T$O?/wA~ R\@ RRV 2007_Niger QQ T TO\SqA~ R`@ RRV 2008_Niger QQ T TOGxA~ Rd@ RR0V 2009_Niger QQ T TOA~ Rh@ RRHV 2010_Niger QQ TJ TO,A~ Rl@ RR`V 2011_Niger QQ TZ TO]7pA~ p@ RV 2012_Niger Q - $~ Om2R~ R<@ RR8f 1999_Nigeria QQ Sa T2ODA~ R@@ RRTf 2000_Nigeria QQ Sa T2On]q B~ RD@ RRf 2001_Nigeria QQ Sa T2O B~ RH@ RRf 2002_Nigeria QQ Sa T2OpB~ RL@ RRf 2003_Nigeria QQ Sa T2OBDl;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ RP@ RRԂf 2004_Nigeria QQ Sa T2OB~ RT@ RRf 2005_Nigeria QQ S T2Oiu!B~ RX@ RRf 2006_Nigeria QQ S. T2Oa+%B~ R\@ RR8f 2007_Nigeria QQ S. T2O@ V$B~ R`@ RRTf 2008_Nigeria QQ S. T2O5Ѩ+B~ Rd@ RRf 2009_Nigeria QQ S T2OmB~ Rh@ RRf 2010_Nigeria QQ S T2Ope$B~ Rl@ RRf 2011_Nigeria QQ S TO]Z/B~ p@ Rԃf 2012_Nigeria Q - OR5(A~ R`@ RRV 2008_Norway Q" T R2OڨA~ Rd@ RRȟV 2009_Norway Q" S R2Oj ͆#B~ Rh@ RRV 2010_Norway Q" T T2O@c~$B~ Rl@ RR0f 2011_Norway Q" S R2O8n",B~ Rp@ RRHf 2012_Norway Q" S R2O$_.B~ RP@ RRI 2004_Peru Q Si TO?-eZA~ RT@ RRI 2005_Peru Q Si TOX{u-A~ RX@ RRJ 2006_Peru Q Si TU}wA~ R\@ RRJ 2007_Peru Q Si TOoe4IA~ R`@ RR(J 2008_Peru Q S TOiIA~ Rd@ RR@J 2009_Peru Q S' TO8 tA~ Rh@ RRTJ 2010_Peru Q SZ TO \D@A~ RT@ R Rf 2005_Yemen Q S  T2UEcA~ RX@ R R`f 2006_Yemen Q S  T2UP A~ R\@ R Rf 2007_Yemen Q S  T2UG1A~ R`@ R Rf 2008_Yemen Q SM T2UGA~ Rd@ R Rf 2009_Yemen Q SM T2U` A~ Rh@ R RȠf 2010_Yemen Q SM T2UvHA~ Rl@ R Rf 2011_Yemen Q S# T2UPA~ R`@ RRf 2008_Zambia QQ S. T~ U(%p~ Rd@ RR0f 2009_Zambia QQ S T~ UC~ Rh@ RRHf 2010_Zambia QQ S TUA~ Rl@ RR`f 2011_Zambia QQ S TUJA~ p@ Rf 2012_Zambia Q  $\¤A~ t@ Rf 2013_Zambia Q - $GqσTADl G  * -,T(  Tx T 6PfX? ]4@Pf% }`8H@PU <TScurfield2: No exchange rate was given in the report or on www.eiti.org so this was taken from the WB after conversion from old to new local currency. Also government figure includes payments in-kind, which www.eiti.org does not. < xx T 6fX? b]4@f`% ZrMxv5a <TScurfield2: No exchange rate was given in the report or on www.eiti.org so this was taken from the WB after conversion from old to new local currency. Also government figure includes payments in-kind, which www.eiti.org does not. < rr T 0fX? nZb]4@f% YWbfpN|Fv V<WTScurfield2: Clearly something significantly wrong with this but can't work out what??< Vxx T 6PfX? n]4@Pf % r엡CQ\( <TScurfield2: Resolved discrepancies were not included in the report's figures so these were adjusted retrospectively. Also, government figure includes payments in-kind, which www.eiti.org does not. < xx T 6fX?nt]4@f% "fBQnb( <TScurfield2: Resolved discrepancies were not included in the report's figures so these were adjusted retrospectively. Also, government figure includes payments in-kind, which www.eiti.org does not. < xx T 6fX?A]4@f% xE\E.4k <TScurfield2: Resolved discrepancies were not included in the report's figures so these were adjusted retrospectively. Also, government figure includes payments in-kind, which www.eiti.org does not. < xx T 6(fX?n]4@(f@% NNI] <TScurfield2: Resolved discrepancies were not included in the report's figures so these were adjusted retrospectively. Also, government figure includes payments in-kind, which www.eiti.org does not.< xx T 6OX?/z]4@O% u8HRCy* <TScurfield2: Resolved discrepancies were not included in the report's figures so these were adjusted retrospectively. Also, government figure includes payments in-kind, which www.eiti.org does not.< xx  T 6POX?b]4 @PO% RuJL <TScurfield2: The sum of the values of payments in-kind is incorrect on www.eiti.org, and the figures for the cash payments are also slightly different.< rr  T 0OX?L]4 @O`% 6&M.n% D<ETScurfield2: Includes payments in-kind, which www.eiti.org does not.< Drr  T 0NX?L]4 @N%  >TGZxF D<ETScurfield2: Includes payments in-kind, which www.eiti.org does not.< Drr  T 0PNX?L]4 @PN % @e"rK JzU D<ETScurfield2: Includes payments in-kind, which www.eiti.org does not.< Drr  T 0NX?L]4 @N% XP/JNܪ=o D<ETScurfield2: Includes payments in-kind, which www.eiti.org does not.< Drr T 0MX?L]4@M% gZ'`J*4 D<ETScurfield2: Includes payments in-kind, which www.eiti.org does not.< Dxx T 6PMX?i!]4@PM@% y6&EM1- <TScurfield2: The oil subsidy is netted on www.eiti.org, but it is not here. Also, the government figure includes payments in-kind, which www.eiti.org does not.< xx T 6LX?Z$]4@L% ֗Jg7 <TScurfield2: The oil subsidy is netted on www.eiti.org, but it is not here. Also, the government figure includes payments in-kind, which www.eiti.org does not.< xx T 6PLX? Z$Q]4@PL% t,7Nb< <TScurfield2: The oil subsidy is netted on www.eiti.org, but it is not here. Also, the government figure includes payments in-kind, which www.eiti.org does not.< xx T 6KX?$Q=%]4@K`% FHMQg <TScurfield2: The oil subsidy is netted on www.eiti.org, but it is not here. But, irrespective of this, there is still a small difference.< xx T 6PKX?FLG]4@PK* M葱E @<ATScurfield2: Figures are the wrong way round in the EITI summary< @extexx T 6JX?GLJz]4@J`* K.MaҸ <TScurfield2: Resolved discrepancies were not included in the report's figures so these were adjusted retrospectively. But, irrespective of this, there is still a difference.< 0"/>xx T 6IX?ULY]4@I* ǥX)OFj׸ D<ETScurfield2: DMO fees are netted on www.eiti.org, but are not here. < Dnt><~~ T <PfX!sF?WL[b]4@Pf* pj:G@ dD ~<TScurfield2: DMO fees are netted on www.eiti.org, but are not here. Although irespective of this, there is still a difference.< ~densxx T 6fX?YL\]4@f* _3:Ib@laM ~<TScurfield2: DMO fees are netted on www.eiti.org, but are not here. Although irespective of this, there is still a difference.< ~ayxx T 6fX?ZzL\]4@f@* K 'k H<ITScurfield2: Possibly just slightly inaccurate rounding on www.eiti.org.< Hxx T 6PfX?c=c]4@Pf* ݧEC b <TScurfield2: Assumes that US$ payments have been accounted for in the total reported in local currency but this should be confirmed. This does not appear to be assumed on www.eiti.org.< 0"/>xx T 6fX?c f]4@f * ^7aF+(H? <TScurfield2: Assumes that US$ payments have been accounted for in the total reported in local currency but this should be confirmed. This does not appear to be assumed on www.eiti.org.< densxx T 6fX?=]4@f* Q?)(xICL<' =<>TScurfield2: Figures are the wrong way round on www.eiti.org.< =f><xx  T 6fX?==]4 @f@* RJ$d <TScurfield2: No usable exchange rate was given in the report or on www.eiti.org so this was taken from the WB. Also, government figure includes payments in-kind, which www.eiti.org does not. < maxx !T 6fX?=Z]4!@f* T/D# ^3 D<ETScurfield2: Includes payments in-kind, which www.eiti.org does not.< D xxx "T 6PfX?==]4"@Pf* l5RYI cZ <TScurfield2: No usable exchange rate was given in the report or on www.eiti.org so this was taken from the WB. Also, government figure includes payments in-kind, which www.eiti.org does not. < ofxx #T 6fX?zz]4#@f`* v]#kL/K <TScurfield2: Financing of joint ventures is netted on www.eiti.org, but it is not here. Also, these figures include payments to the NDDC, which www.eiti.org does not. But the largest difference results from www.eiti.org not accounting for local currency payments.<  xxx $T 6fX?==n]4$@f* l6fIGY66  <TScurfield2: EITI Report does not provide sufficient information to calculate total figures with any confidence. As a result, www.eiti.org does not provide these< crxx %T 6PfX?==O]4%@Pf * GeEꔹ& <TScurfield2: EITI Report does not provide sufficient information to calculate total figures with any confidence. As a result, www.eiti.org does not provide these<  <xx &T 6fX?===]4&@f* N?Jj^ <TScurfield2: EITI Report does not provide sufficient information to calculate total figures with any confidence. As a result, www.eiti.org does not provide these.< dixx 'T 6fX?=L]4'@f* g|xU`Nu bh =<>TScurfield2: Figures are the worng way round on www.eiti.org.< =t"xx (T 6PfX?=L]4(@Pf@* Ҥu*IGu =<>TScurfield2: Figures are the worng way round on www.eiti.org.< =elxx )T 6fX?=L]4)@f* $eM lzG3. =<>TScurfield2: Figures are the worng way round on www.eiti.org.< ="_xx *T 6fX?=L]4*@f* ne @in G H<ITScurfield2: Possibly just slightly inaccurate rounding on www.eiti.org.< H00xx +T 6PfX?=]4+@Pf`* !f36EmBe  <TScurfield2: The sum across companies (reported here) is different to the sum reported across revenue streams (reported on www.eiti.org).<  pxx ,T 6fX?zL]4,@f* _\BRZ =<>TScurfield2: Figures are the wrong way round on www.eiti.org.< =0,  TScurfield2,  TScurfield2,  TScurfield2,  TScurfield2,  TScurfield2, TScurfield2, TScurfield2, TScurfield2, TScurfield2, TScurfield2, TScurfield2, TScurfield2, TScurfield2, TScurfield2, TScurfield2, TScurfield2, TScurfield2," TScurfield2,C TScurfield2,F TScurfield2,U TScurfield2,V TScurfield2,W TScurfield2,X TScurfield2,Y TScurfield2,Z TScurfield2,^ TScurfield2,_ TScurfield2,b TScurfield2, TScurfield2, TScurfield2, TScurfield2,! 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U  U }^QM@~ U ^@~ VD@ VVfWC 2001_GhanaVX[8A~ VBVf:*2@VAVAVQj@V '1 T @ V  V :aL@~ V ĸ@~ WD@ W WVXC 2001_GuineaWg\A~ W W WBDBDWn@W &xǮ? W  W ]I@~ W `@~ XD@ XX8YC2001_GuatemalaXkB~ X"X'@X77 X X  %D@ X  X xQ@~ X (@~ YD@ YY8ZC2001_IndonesiaY (BB~ Y2Y=A2@YAYAYYni5$@Y OG? Y  Y נ|P@~ Y Ȯ@~ ZD@ ZZ?[C 2001_Iraq Z ~ Zc Z ZAA Z Z Q? 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